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Literaturliste von Dr. Efsun Annac

letzte Aktualisierung: 10.08.2021

Gokce, A., Zinchenko, A., Annac, E., Conci, M. & Geyer, T. (2021). Affective modulation of working memory maintenance: The role of positive and negative emotions. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 17(2), 107-116.

Niklas, F., Annac, E. & Wirth, A. (2020). App-based learning for kindergarten children at home (Learning4Kids): Study protocol for cohort 1 and the kindergarten assessments. BMC Pediatrics, 20(1), No. 554.

Annac, E., Pointner, M., Khader, P. H., Müller, H. J., Zang, X. & Geyer, T. (2019). Recognition of incidentally learned visual search arrays is supported by fixational eye movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(12), 2147-2164.

Annac, E., Zang, X., Müller, H. J. & Geyer, T. (2019). A secondary task is not always costly: Context-based guidance of visual search survives interference from a demanding working memory task. British Journal of Psychology, 110(2), 381-399.

Kurcyus, K., Annac, E., Hanning, N. M., Harris, A. D., Oeltzschner, G., Edden, R. & Riedl, V. (2018). Opposite dynamics of GABA and glutamate levels in the occipital cortex during visual processing. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(46), 9967-9976.

Annac, E. (2017). Bi-directional relationship between attention and long-term context memory, Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences. München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.

Annac, E., Conci, M., Müller, H. J. & Geyer, T. (2017). Local item density modulates adaptation of learned contextual cues. Visual Cognition, 25(1-3), 262-277.

Annac, E., Manginelli, A. A., Pollmann, S., Shi, Z., Müller, H. J. & Geyer, T. (2013). Memory under pressure: Secondary-task effects on contextual cueing of visual search. Journal of Vision, 13(13), No. 6.

Annac, E. & Bahcekapili, H.G. (2012). Understanding and Acceptance of Evolutionary Theory among Turkish University Students. Dogus University Journal, 13(1), 1-11.

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Katja Trillitzsch
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