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Literaturliste von Judith Volmer

letzte Aktualisierung: 03.04.2024

London, M., Volmer, J. & Zyberaj, J. (2023). Beyond LMX: Toward a theory-based, differentiated view of leader-member relationships. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 38(4), 273-288.

London, M., Volmer, J., Zyberaj, J. & Kluger, A. N. (2023). Attachment style and quality listening: Keys to meaningful feedback and stronger leader-member connections. Organizational Dynamics, 52(2), No. 100977.

London, M., Volmer, J., Zyberaj, J. & Kluger, A. N. (2023). Gaining feedback acceptance: Leader-member attachment style and psychological safety. Human Resource Management Review (HRMR), 33(2), No. 100953.

Poetz, L. & Volmer, J. (2023). Exploring the Dynamic Relationship of Transformational Leadership Behavior and Leader Well-Being: A Three-Wave Cross-Lagged Panel Study. Occupational Health Science, 8(1), 71-101.

Schowalter, A. F. & Volmer, J. (2023). Are the effects of servant leadership only spurious? The state of research on the causal effects of servant leadership, recommendations, and an illustrative experiment. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(6), No. 101722.

Volmer, J., Schulte, E.-M. & Fritz, C. (2023). Facilitating employee recovery from work: The role of leader-member-exchange. Occupational Health Science, 7(2), 297-319.

Poetz, L. & Volmer, J. (2022). A diary study on the moderating role of leader-member exchange on the relationship between job characteristics, job satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 812103.

Richter-Killenberg, S. & Volmer, J. (2022). How leaders benefit from engaging in high-quality leader-member exchanges: A daily diary study. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 1-19.

Seibel, S., Volmer, J. & Schmitt, A. (2022). Pleasant anticipation of an after-work free-time activity and work engagement: Findings from two studies. Leisure Sciences, 1-23.

Volmer, J., Spurk, D., Orth, M. & Göritz, A. (2022). Reciprocal effects of career adaptability and occupational self-efficacy: A three-wave longitudinal study with varying time lags. Journal of Career Assessment, 1-21.

Zyberaj, J., Seibel, S., Schowalter, A. F., Pötz, L., Richter-Killenberg, S. & Volmer, J. (2022). Developing sustainable careers during a pandemic: The role of psychological capital and career adaptability. Sustainability, 14(5), No. 3105.

Seibel, S. & Volmer, J. (2021). A diary study on anticipated leisure time, morning recovery, and employees' work engagement. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(18), No. 9436.

Volmer, J., Schulte, E.-M., Handke, L., Rodenbücher, L. & Tröger, L. (2021). Do all employees benefit from daily networking? The moderating effect of the affiliation motive. Journal of Career Development, 48(5), 555-68.

Seibel, S., Volmer, J. & Syrek, C. J. (2020). Get a taste of your leisure time: The relationship between leisure thoughts, pleasant anticipation, and work engagement. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(6), 889-906.

Spurk, D., Volmer, J., Orth, M. & Göritz, A. S. (2020). How do career adaptability and proactive career behaviours interrelate over time? An inter- and intraindividual investigation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(1), 158-186.

Seibel, S. & Volmer, J. (2019). Conflict Poker. Das spielerische Training für den konstruktiven Umgang mit Konfliktsituationen aus der Arbeitswelt. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 63(1), 48-50.

Spurk, D., Hofer, A., Burmeister, A., Muehlhausen, J. & Volmer, J. (2019). Occupational commitment from a life span perspective. An integrative review and a research outlook. Career Development International, 24(3), 190-221.

Volmer, J., Koch, I. K. & Wolff, C. (2019). Illuminating the 'dark core': Mapping global versus specific sources of variance across multiple measures of the dark triad. Personality and Individual Differences, 145, 97-102.

Volmer, J. & Köppe, C. (2019). Prognose von Laufbahnerfolg. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement (S. 361-390). Berlin: Springer.

Schuesslbauer, A. F., Volmer, J. & Göritz, A. S. (2018). The goal paves the way: Inspirational motivation as a predictor of career adaptability. Journal of Career Development, 45(5), 489-503.

Sonnentag, S. & Volmer, J. (2018). Der Stellenwert der Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt. Personal quarterly, 70(2), 6-8.

Syrek, C., Röltgen, A. T. & Volmer, J. (2018). Nach der Arbeit erreichbar sein? Zum Einfluss des Führungsverhaltens. Personal quarterly, 70(2), 10-15.

Volmer, J. & Köppe, C. (2018). Prognose von Laufbahnerfolg. In S. Kauffeld & D. Spurk (Hrsg.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement (S. 30). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Volmer, J., Orth, M. & Wolff, H.-G. (2018). Multidimensional networking behavior in Germany and China: Measurement invariance and associations with objective career success. Journal of Career Assessment, 26(4), 678-696.

Volmer, J. & Wolff, H.-G. (2018). A Daily Diary Study on the Consequences of Networking on Employees' Career-Related Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Positive Affect. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2179.

Volmer, J. & Wolff, H.-G. (2018). A daily diary study on the consequences of networking on employees' career-related outcomes: The mediating role of positive affect. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 2179.

Gatzka, T. & Volmer, J. (2017). Situational Judgment Test für Teamarbeit (SJT-TA). In gesis (Hrsg.), Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen.

Gatzka, T. & Volmer, J. (2017). SJT-TA - Situational Judgment Test für Teamarbeit. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Orth, M. & Volmer, J. (2017). Daily within-person effects of job autonomy and work engagement on innovative behaviour: The cross-level moderating role of creative self-efficacy. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(4), 601-612.

Meinzer, S., Eskofier, B. M., Prenninger, J., Vesel, P., Kornhuber, J., Volmer, J. & Hornegger, J. (2016). Translating satisfaction determination from health care to the automotive industry. Service Business, 10(4), 651-685.

Volmer, J. & Kauffeld, S. (2016). Menschenbilder und Beruf. In J.-P. Pahl (Hrsg.), Lexikon Berufsbildung. Ein Nachschlagewerk für die akademischen und nicht-akademischen Bereiche (S. 664-665). Bertelsmann: Bielefeld:

Volmer, J. & Fritsche, A. (2016). Daily negative work events and employees' physiological and psychological reactions. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 7, No. 1711.

Volmer, J., Koch, I. K. & Göritz, A. S. (2016). The bright and dark sides of leaders' dark triad traits: Effects on subordinates' career success and well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 413-418.

Ebner, K. & Volmer, J. (2015). Karrierecoaching. In J.-P. Pahl (Hrsg.), ookt Lexikon der Berufsbildung. Begriffe A-Z (S. 476-478). Bertelsmann: Bielefeld:

Schulte, E.-M. & Volmer, J. (2015). Belastungen im Beruf. In J.-P. Pahl (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Berufsbildung. Begriffe A-Z (S. 110-111). Bertelsmann: Bielefeld:

Spurk, D. & Volmer, J. (2015). Berufseignungstests. In J.-P. Pahl (Hrsg.), ookt Lexikon der Berufsbildung. Begriffe A-Z (S. 194-196). Bertelsmann: Bielefeld:

Spurk, D., Abele, A. E. & Volmer, J. (2015). The career satisfaction scale in context: A test for measurement invariance across four occupational groups. Journal of Career Assessment, 23(2), 191-209.

Spurk, D., Meinecke, A. L., Kauffeld, S. & Volmer, J. (2015). Gender, professional networks, and subjective career success within early academic science careers. The role of gender composition in inside and outside departmental support networks. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 14(3), 121-130.

Volmer, J. & Maurus, M. (2015). Berufliche Mobilität. In J.-P. Pahl (Hrsg.), Lexikon der Berufsbildung. Begriffe A-Z (S. 142-143). Bertelsmann: Bielefeld:

Volmer, J. & Spurk, D. (2015). Wiedereinstieg in den Beruf. In J.-P. Pahl (Hrsg.), ookt Lexikon der Berufsbildung. Begriffe A-Z (S. 814-816). Bertelsmann: Bielefeld:

Volmer, J. (2015). Followers' daily reactions to social conflicts with supervisors: The moderating role of core self-evaluations and procedural justice perceptions. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(5), 719-731.

Volmer, J. & Spurk, D. (2015). Organisationspsychologie. In A. Schütz, M. Brand, H. Selg & S. Lautenbacher (Hrsg.), Psychologie: Eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder (S. 423-433). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Plückhahn, I., Spurk, D. & Volmer, J. (2014). Tägliches Glück im Berufsleben. Über psychologische Mikroprozessanalysen im Arbeitskontext. Uni.vers, 26-29.

Hagmaier, T., Volmer, J. & Spurk, D. (2013). Calling and burnout: Integrating career research with occupational health psychology. In B. Doolittle (Ed.), Psychology of Burnout: New Research (pp. 19-32). New York: Nova Science.

Spurk, D. & Volmer, J. (2013). CFI - Career Futures Inventory - deutsche Fassung. Tests Info.

Spurk, D. & Volmer, J. (2013). Validierung einer deutschsprachigen Version des Career Futures Inventory (CFI). Berufliche Anpassungsfähigkeit, beruflicher Optimismus, Arbeitsmarktwissen und Berufserfolg. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 57(2), 77-95.

Spurk, D., Volmer, J. & Abele, A. E. (2013). Prognose von Berufserfolg: Überblick und neue Trends. In J.-P. Pahl & V. Herkner (Hrsg.), Handbuch Berufsforschung (S. 434-441). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann.

Spurk, D., Volmer, J., Hagmaier, T. & Kauffeld, S. (2013). Why are proactive people more successful in their careers? The role of career adaptability in explaining multiple career success criteria. In E. E. Grossman & M. A. Weiler (Eds.), Personality traits. Causes, conceptions and consequences (pp. 27-48). New York: Novinka.

Volmer, J. (2013). Führung und Kreativität in Organisationen. In D. E. Krause (Hrsg.), Kreativität, Innovation und Entrepreneurship (S. 59-75). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Volmer, J. & Abele, A. E. (2013). Berufliche Laufbahnentwicklung. In W. Sarges (Hrsg.), Management-Diagnostik (S. 508-513). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Volmer, J. & Spurk, D. (2013). Belastungen und Stress im Berufsleben: Aktuelle Befunde, Interventionen und Forschungsperspektiven. In J.-P. Pahl & V. Herkner (Hrsg.), Handbuch Berufsforschung (S. 527-534). Bielefeld: wbv.

Volmer, J., Spurk, D. & Abele, A. E. (2013). Ansätze der Berufslaufbahnforschung in dynamischen Arbeitsumwelten. In J.-P. Pahl & V. Herkner (Hrsg.), Handbuch Berufsforschung (S. 418-424). Bielefeld: W. Bertelsmann.

Abele, A. E., Volmer, J. & Spurk, D. (2012). Career stagnation: Underlying dilemmas and solutions in contemporary work environments. In N. P. Reilly, M. J. Sirgy & C. A. Gorman (Eds.), Work and quality of life. Ethical practices in organizations (pp. 107-132). Dordrecht: Springer.

Volmer, J. (2012). Catching leaders' mood: Contagion effects in teams. Administrative Sciences, 2(3), 203-220.

Volmer, J., Binnewies, C., Sonnentag, S. & Niessen, C. (2012). Do social conflicts with customers at work encroach upon our private lives? A diary study. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17(3), 304-315.

Volmer, J., Spurk, D. & Niessen, C. (2012). Leader-member exchange (LMX), job autonomy, and creative work involvement. Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), 456-465.

Abele, A. E., Spurk, D. & Volmer, J. (2011). The construct of career success: Measurement issues and an empirical example. Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, 43(3), 195-206.

Abele, A. E. & Volmer, J. (2011). Dual-career couples: Specific challenges for work-life integration. In S. Kaiser, M. Ringlstetter, D. R. Eikhof & M. Pina e Cunha (Eds.), Creating balance? International perspectives on the work-life integration of professionals (pp. 173-189). Berlin: Springer.

Spurk, D., Abele, A. E. & Volmer, J. (2011). The Career Satisfaction Scale: Longitudinal measurement invariance and latent growth analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84(2), 315-326.

Volmer, J. (2011). Happy, healthy, and productive: Contextual and personal determinants of well-being and success at work. Kumulative Habilitation: Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Volmer, J., Niessen, C., Spurk, D., Linz, A. & Abele, A. E. (2011). Reciprocal relationships between leader-member exchange (LMX) and job satisfaction: A cross-lagged analysis. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 60(4), 522-545.

Volmer, J. & Sonnentag, S. (2011). The role of star performers in software design teams. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 26(3), 219-234.

Volmer, J. & Spurk, D. (2011). Protean and boundaryless career attitudes: Relationships with subjective and objective career success. Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, 43(3), 207-218.

Niessen, C. & Volmer, J. (2010). Adaptation to increased work autonomy: The role of task reflection. European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, 19(4), 442-460.

Sonnentag, S. & Volmer, J. (2010). What you do for your team comes back to you: A cross-level investigation of individual goal specification, team-goal clarity, and individual performance. Human Performance, 23(2), 116-130.

Sonnentag, S. & Volmer, J. (2009). Individual-level predictors of task-related teamwork processes. The role of expertise and self-efficacy in team meetings. Group & Organization Management, 34(1), 37-66.

Sonnentag, S., Volmer, J. & Spychala, A. (2008). Job performance. In J. Barling & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The Sage handbook of Organizational Behavior. Volume 1: Micro approaches (pp. 427-447). Los Angeles: Sage.

Sonnentag, S., Niessen, C. & Volmer, J. (2006). Expertise in software design. In K. A. Ericsson, N. Charness, P. J. Feltovich & R. R. Hoffman (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance (pp. 373-387). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Volmer, J. (2006). Individual expertise and team performance: Results of three empirical studies. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften, Braunschweig.

Volmer, J. & Staufenbiel, T. (2006). Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Interviews zur internationalen Personalauswahl. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 50(1), 17-22.

Volmer, J. (2002). Determinanten einer erfolgreichen Auslandsentsendung: Validierung eines strukturierten Auswahlinterviews. Diplomarbeit: Universität Bielefeld.

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