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Literaturliste von Dr. Julia Kozlik

letzte Aktualisierung: 04.12.2023

Huber, R., Fischer, R. & Kozlik, J. (2023). When a smile is still a conflict: Affective conflicts from emotional facial expressions of ingroup or outgroup members occur irrespective of the social interaction context. Acta Psychologica, 239, No. 104008.

Neumann, R. & Kozlik, J. (2021). Embodied power: Specific facial muscles automatically respond to power-related information processing. Biological Psychology, 163, No. 108115.

Kozlik, J. & Fischer, R. (2020). When a smile is a conflict: Affective mismatch between facial displays and group membership induces conflict and triggers cognitive control. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 46(6), 551-568.

Neumann, R., Schneider, L. J. & Kozlik, J. (2020). Goal-dependent automatic processing of potency: A potency-priming paradigm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 89, No. 103975.

Kozlik, J. & Neumann, R. (2017). Training the Face: Strategic Practice as a Means to Regulate Affect-Induced Facial Muscle Contractions. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 43(5), 1013-1024.

Neumann, R. & Kozlik, J. (2017). Emotionsausdruck und emotionale Ansteckung. In H.-W. Bierhoff & D. Frey (Hrsg.), Kommunikation, Interaktion und soziale Gruppenprozesse (S. 163-188). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Neumann, R. & Kozlik, J. (2017). Manual and facial approach and avoidance behavior: Flexible and inflexible links to affect. In R. Deutsch, B. Gawronski & W. Hofmann (Eds.), Reflective and impulsive determinants of human behavior (pp. 35-50). Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge.

Kozlik, J., Neumann, R. & Lozo, L. (2015). Contrasting motivational orientation and evaluative coding accounts: On the need to differentiate the effectors of approach/avoidance responses. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 563.

Kozlik, J. (2014). Preferring alphabet-keyboard compatibility: Congruency between spatial codes shapes the affective connotation of letters. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 26(5), 520-529.

Kozlik, J. (2013). On the influence of alphabet-keyboard compatibility on performance and evaluative judgments. Dissertation, Universität, Fachbereich I - Psychologie, Trier.

Kozlik, J. & Frings, C. (2013). Affektive Reize in der lexikalischen Entscheidungsaufgabe. In C. Bermeitinger (Hrsg.), Affektive Reize II (S. 83-105). Berlin: uni-edition.

Kozlik, J., Neumann, R. & Kunde, W. (2013). ABC Versus QWERTZ: Interference From Mismatching Sequences of Letters in the Alphabet and on the Keyboard. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 39(4), 1085-1099.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
Universitätsring 15,
54296 Trier

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