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Literaturliste von Ph.D. Martin Bruder

letzte Aktualisierung: 31.05.2022

Bruder, M. & Kunert, L. (2021). The conspiracy hoax? Testing key hypotheses about the correlates of generic beliefs in conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Psychology, 1-6.

van Tilburg, W. A. P., Bruder, M., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C. & Göritz, A. S. (2019). An appraisal profile of nostalgia. Emotion, 19(1), 21-36.

Zimmermann, J., Schubert, K., Bruder, M. & Hagemeyer, B. (2017). Why go the extra mile? A longitudinal study on sojourn goals and their impact on sojourners' adaptation. International Journal of Psychology, 52(6), 425-435.

van der Schalk, J., Kuppens, T., Bruder, M. & Manstead, A. S. R. (2015). The social power of regret: The effect of social appraisal and anticipated emotions on fair and unfair allocations in resource dilemmas. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 144(1), 151-157.

Bruder, M., Fischer, A. & Manstead, A. S. R. (2014). Social appraisal as a cause of collective emotions. In C. von Schewe & M. Salmela (Eds.), Collective emotions (pp. 141-155). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bruder, M., Göritz, A. S., Reips, U.-D. & Gebhard, R. K. (2014). Aufbruch zum Onlinelabor. Begrüßung der Kommentare. Replik der Autoren Martin Bruder, Anja S. Göritz, Ulf-Dietrich Reips und Ramon K. Gebhard zu dem Artikel "Ein national gefördertes Onlinelabor als Infrastruktur für die psychologische Forschung" 2014, 65(2), 75-85. Psychologische Rundschau, 65(2), 92-94.

Bruder, M., Göritz, A. S., Reips, U.-D. & Gebhard, R. K. (2014). Ein national gefördertes Onlinelabor als Infrastruktur für die psychologische Forschung. Psychologische Rundschau, 65(2), 75-85.

Imhoff, R. & Bruder, M. (2014). CMS - Conspiracy Mentality Scale. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Imhoff, R. & Bruder, M. (2014). Speaking (Un-)Truth to Power: Conspiracy Mentality as a Generalised Political Attitude. European Journal of Personality, 28(1), 25-43.

Lenton, A. P., Slabu, L., Bruder, M. & Sedikides, C. (2014). Identifying differences in the experience of (in)authenticity: a latent class analysis approach. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 770.

Slabu, L., Lenton, A. P., Sedikides, C. & Bruder, M. (2014). Trait and state authenticity across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(9), 1347-1373.

Wildschut, T., van Tilburg, W. A. P., Sedikides, C., Bruder, M. & Robertson, S. (2014). Collective Nostalgia: A Group-Level Emotion That Confers Unique Benefits on the Group. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(5), 844-863.

Bruder, M., Haffke, P., Neave, N., Nouripanah, N. & Imhoff, R. (2013). CMQ - Conspiracy Mentality Questionnaire. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Bruder, M., Haffke, P., Neave, N., Nouripanah, N. & Imhoff, R. (2013). Measuring individual differences in generic beliefs in conspiracy theories across cultures: Conspiracy Mentality Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 4, No. 225.

Lenton, A. P., Slabu, L., Bruder, M. & Sedikides, C. (2013). How Does "Being Real" Feel? The Experience of State Authenticity. Journal of Personality, 81(3), 276-289.

Bruder, M., Dosmukhambetova, D., Nerb, J. & Manstead, A. S. R. (2012). Emotional signals in nonverbal interaction: Dyadic facilitation and convergence in expressions, appraisals, and feelings. Cognition and Emotion, 26(3), 480-502.

Van Der Schalk, J., Bruder, M. & Manstead, A. S. R. (2012). Regulating emotion in the context of interpersonal decisions: The role of anticipated pride and regret. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 1-9.

Livingstone, A. G., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R. & Bruder, M. (2011). The more, the merrier? Numerical strength versus subgroup distinctiveness in minority groups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(4), 786-793.

Livingstone, A. G., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R., Bruder, M. & Shepherd, L. (2011). We feel, therefore we are: Emotion as a basis for self-categorization and social action. Emotion, 11(4), 754-767.

Lenton, A. P., Bruder, M. & Sedikides, C. (2009). A meta-analysis on the malleability of automatic gender stereotypes. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33(2), 183-196.

Lenton, A. P., Sedikides, C. & Bruder, M. (2009). A latent semantic analysis of gender stereotype-consistency and narrowness in American English. Sex Roles, 60(3-4), 269-278.

Livingstone, A. G., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R. & Bruder, M. (2009). Defining common goals without speaking the same language: Social identity and social action in Wales. In M. Wetherell (Ed.), Theorizing identities and social action (pp. 238-255). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Livingstone, A. G., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R. & Bruder, M. (2009). Illegitimacy and identity threat in (inter)action: Predicting intergroup orientations among minority group members. British Journal of Social Psychology, 48(4), 755-775.

Colden, A., Bruder, M. & Manstead, A. S. R. (2008). Human content in affect-inducing stimuli: A secondary analysis of the International Affective Picture System. Motivation and Emotion, 32(4), 260-269.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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54296 Trier

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