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Literaturliste von Dr. Thorsten Pachur

letzte Aktualisierung: 30.01.2025

Clarmann von Clarenau, V., Appelhoff, S., Pachur, T. & Spitzer, B. (2024). Over- and Underweighting of Extreme Values in Decisions From Sequential Samples. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 153(3), 814-826.

Fulawka, K., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (2024). COVID-19 vaccine refusal is driven by deliberate ignorance and cognitive distortions. npj Vaccines, 9(1), No. 167.

Pachur, T. (2024). The perception of dramatic risks: Biased media, but unbiased minds. Cognition, 246, No. 105736.

Tiede, K. E., Gaissmaier, W. & Pachur, T. (2024). Is There a Description-Experience Gap in Choices Between a Described and an Experienced Option? Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1-23.

Groß, J., Kreis, B. K., Blank, H. & Pachur, T. (2023). Knowledge updating in real-world estimation: Connecting hindsight bias and seeding effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 152(11), 3167-3188.

Waters, E. A., Pachur, T., Pogge, G., Hunleth, J., Webster, G. D., Fedele, D. A. & Shepperd, J. A. (2023). How are mental representations of asthma triggers and symptoms related to interpersonal risk perceptions? A psychometric investigation of caregivers of children with asthma. Psychology and Health, No. 2244522.

Waters, E. A., Pachur, T., Pogge, G., Hunleth, J., Webster, G. D. & Shepperd, J. A. (2023). Linking cognitive and affective heuristic cues to interpersonal risk perceptions and behavior. Risk Analysis, 1-21.

Zilker, V. & Pachur, T. (2023). Attribute attention and option attention in risky choice. Cognition, 236, No. 105441.

Pachur, T. (2022). Strategy selection in decisions from givens: Deciding at a glance? Cognitive Psychology, 136, No. 101483.

Perkovic, S., Otterbring, T., Schärli, C. & Pachur, T. (2022). The perception of food products in adolescents, lay adults, and experts: A psychometric approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied, 1-21.

Rolison, J. J., Pachur, T., McCormack, T. & Feeney, A. (2022). Developmental differences in description-based versus experience-based decision making under risk in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 219, No. 105401.

Zilker, V. & Pachur, T. (2022). Toward an attentional turn in research on risky choice. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 953008.

Hertwig, R., Leuker, C., Pachur, T., Spiliopoulos, L. & Pleskac, T. J. (2021). Studies in ecological rationality. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-25.

Jones, A., Markant, D. B., Pachur, T., Gopnik, A. & Ruggeri, A. (2021). How is the hypothesis space represented? Evidence from young children's active search and predictions in a multiple-cue inference task. Developmental Psychology, 57(7), 1080-1093.

Konovalova, E. & Pachur, T. (2021). The intuitive conceptualization and perception of variance. Cognition, 217, No. 104906.

Krefeld-Schwalb, A., Pachur, T. & Scheibehenne, B. (2021). Structural parameter interdependencies in computational models of cognition. Psychological Review, 1-28.

Schulze, C., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (2021). Who you know is what you know: Modeling boundedly rational social sampling. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 150(2), 221-241.

Zilker, V. & Pachur, T. (2021). Nonlinear probability weighting can reflect attentional biases in sequential sampling. Psychological Review, 1-28.

Dimov, C., Khader, P. H., Marewski, J. N. & Pachur, T. (2020). How to model the neurocognitive dynamics of decision making: A methodological primer with ACT-R. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 857 -880.

Groß, J. & Pachur, T. (2020). Parameter estimation approaches for multinomial processing tree models: A comparison for models of memory and judgment. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 98, No. 102402.

Horn, S. S., Mata, R. & Pachur, T. (2020). Good + bad = ? Developmental differences in balancing gains and losses in value-based decisions from memory. Child Development, 91(2), 417-438.

McDowell, M. & Pachur, T. (2020). Availability, affect, and decisions to seek information about cancer risks. Medical Decision Making, 40(8), 941-945.

Zilker, V., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (2020). Age differences in risk attitude are shaped by option complexity. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 149(9), 1644-1683.

Zilker, V. & Pachur, T. (2020). Does option complexity contribute to the framing effect, loss aversion, and delay discounting in younger and older adults? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33, 1-16.

Dai, J., Pachur, T., Pleskac, T. J. & Hertwig, R. (2019). What the future holds and when: A description-experience gap in intertemporal choice. Psychological Science, 30(8), 1218-1233 .

Fechner, H. B., Pachur, T. & Schooler, L. J. (2019). How does aging impact decision making? The contribution of cognitive decline and strategic compensation revealed in a cognitive architecture. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(9), 1634-1663.

Groß, J. & Pachur, T. (2019). Age differences in hindsight bias: A meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging, 34(2), 294-310.

Lejarraga, T., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2019). The attention-aversion gap: How allocation of attention relates to loss aversion. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(5), 457-469.

Leuker, C., Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Pleskac, T. J. (2019). Too good to be true? Psychological responses to uncommon options in risk-reward environments. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(3), 346-358.

Popovic, N. F., Pachur, T. & Gaissmaier, W. (2019). The gap between medical and monetary choices under risk persists in decisions for others. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(4), 388-402.

Trippas, D. & Pachur, T. (2019). Nothing compares: Unraveling learning task effects in judgment and categorization. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(12), 2239-2266.

Dai, J., Pleskac, T. J. & Pachur, T. (2018). Dynamic cognitive models of intertemporal choice. Cognitive Psychology, 104, 29-56.

Fechner, H. B., Schooler, L. J. & Pachur, T. (2018). Cognitive costs of decision-making strategies: A resource demand decomposition analysis with a cognitive architecture. Cognition, 170, 102-122.

Leuker, C., Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Pleskac, T. J. (2018). Exploiting risk-reward structures in decision making under uncertainty. Cognition, 175, 186-200.

Pachur, T., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Murphy, R. O. & Hertwig, R. (2018). Prospect theory reflects selective allocation of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 147(2), 147-169.

Steingroever, H., Pachur, T., Smíra, M. & Lee, M. D. (2018). Bayesian techniques for analyzing group differences in the Iowa Gambling Task: A case study of intuitive and deliberate decision-makers. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(3), 951-970.

Stevens, J. R., Woike, J. K., Schooler, L. J., Lindner, S. & Pachur, T. (2018). Social contact patterns can buffer costs of forgetting in the evolution of cooperation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - B, 285(1880), No. 20180407.

Izadi, S., Pachur, T., Wheeler, C., McGuire, J. & Waters, E. A. (2017). Spontaneous mental associations with the words "side effect": Implications for informed and shared decision making. Patient Education and Counseling, 100(10), 1928-1933.

Pachur, T., Mata, R. & Hertsvigl, R. (2017). Who dares, who errs? Disentangling cognitive and motivational roots of age differences in decisions under risk. Psychological Science, 28(4), 504-518.

Pachur, T. & Scheibehenne, B. (2017). Unpacking buyer-seller differences in valuation from experience: A cognitive modeling approach. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(6), 1742-1773.

Rolison, J. J. & Pachur, T. (2017). How well do we know our inner daredevil? Probing the relationship between self-report and behavioral measures of risk taking. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30(2), 647-657.

Yechiam, E., Abofol, T. & Pachur, T. (2017). The seller's sense: Buying-selling perspective affects the sensitivity to expected value differences. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 30(2), 197-208.

Yechiam, E., Ashby, N. J. S. & Pachur, T. (2017). Who's biased? A meta-analysis of buyer-seller differences in the pricing of lotteries. Psychological Bulletin, 143(5), 543-563.

Fechner, H. B., Pachur, T., Schooler, L. J., Mehlhorn, K., Battal, C., Volz, K. G. & Borst, J. P. (2016). Strategies for memory-based decision making: Modeling behavioral and neural signatures within a cognitive architecture. Cognition, 157, 77-99.

Horn, S. S., Ruggeri, A. & Pachur, T. (2016). The development of adaptive decision making: Recognition-based inference in children and adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 52(9), 1470-1485.

Kellen, D., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2016). How (in)variant are subjective representations of described and experienced risk and rewards? Cognition, 157, 126-138.

Khader, P. H., Pachur, T., Weber, L. A. E. & Jost, K. (2016). Neural Signatures of Controlled and Automatic Retrieval Processes in Memory-based Decision-making. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28(1), 69-83.

Lejarraga, T., Pachur, T., Frey, R. & Hertwig, R. (2016). Decisions from Experience: From Monetary to Medical Gambles. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29(1), 67-77.

Suter, R. S., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2016). How affect shapes risky choice: Distorted probability weighting versus probability neglect. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29(4), 437-449.

Horn, S. S., Pachur, T. & Mata, R. (2015). How does aging affect recognition-based inference? A hierarchical Bayesian modeling approach. Acta Psychologica, 154, 77-85.

Pachur, T. & Spaar, M. (2015). Domain-specific preferences for intuition and deliberation in decision making. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4(3), 303-311.

Scheibehenne, B. & Pachur, T. (2015). Using Bayesian hierarchical parameter estimation to assess the generalizability of cognitive models of choice. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(2), 391-407.

Wichary, S., Li, M. & Pachur, T. (2015). Risk-taking tendencies in prisoners and nonprisoners: Does gender matter? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28(5), 504-514.

Canic, E. & Pachur, T. (2014). Serial-position effects in preference construction: A sensitivity analysis of the pairwise-competition model. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 902.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Wolkewitz, R. (2014). The affect gap in risky choice: Affect-rich outcomes attenuate attention to probability information. Decision, 1(1), 64-78.

Pachur, T., Schooler, L. J. & Stevens, J. R. (2014). We'll Meet Again: Revealing Distributional and Temporal Patterns of Social Contact. PLoS ONE, 9(1).

Jenny, M. A., Pachur, T., Williams, S. L., Becker, E. & Margraf, J. (2013). Simple rules for detecting depression. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2(3), 149-157.

Khader, P. H., Pachur, T. & Jost, K. (2013). Automatic activation of attribute knowledge in heuristic inference from memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20(2), 372-377.

Pachur, T. & Kellen, D. (2013). Modeling gain-loss asymmetries in risky choice: The critical role of probability weighting. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 3205-3210). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Pachur, T. & Broeder, A. (2013). Judgment: a cognitive processing perspective. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 4(6), 665-681.

Pachur, T. & Forrer, E. A. (2013). Selection of decision strategies after conscious and unconscious thought. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26(5), 477-488.

Pachur, T. & Galesic, M. (2013). Strategy selection in risky choice: The impact of numeracy, affect, and cross-cultural differences. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26(3), 260-271.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R., Gigerenzer, G. & Brandstaetter, E. (2013). Testing process predictions of models of risky choice: a quantitative model comparison approach. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 4, No. 646.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Rieskamp, J. (2013). Intuitive judgments of social statistics: How exhaustive does sampling need to be? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(6), 1059-1077.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Rieskamp, J. (2013). The mind as an intuitive pollster: Frugal search in social spaces. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),R. Hertwig & U. Hoffrage (Eds.), Simple heuristics in a social world (pp. 261-291). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pachur, T. & Marinello, G. (2013). Expert intuitions: How to model the decision strategies of airport customs officers? Acta Psychologica, 144(1), 97-103.

Pachur, T., Schooler, L. J. & Stevens, J. R. (2013). When will we meet again? Regularities of social connectivity and their reflections in memory and decision making. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),R. Hertwig & U. Hoffrage (Eds.), Simple heuristics in a social world (pp. 199-224). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scheibehenne, B. & Pachur, T. (2013). Hierarchical Bayesian modeling: Does it improve parameter stability? In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1277-1282). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Stevens, J. R., Pachur, T. & Schooler, L. J. (2013). Rational analysis of the adaptive and predictive nature of memory. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2(4), 251-253.

Suter, R., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2013). How does prospect theory reflect heuristics' probability sensitivity in risky choice? In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1408-1413). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Glöckner, A. & Pachur, T. (2012). Cognitive models of risky choice: Parameter stability and predictive accuracy of prospect theory. Cognition, 123(1), 21-32.

Hills, T. T. & Pachur, T. (2012). Dynamic search and working Memory in social recall. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(1), 218-228.

Mata, R., Pachur, T., von Helversen, B., Hertwig, R., Rieskamp, J. & Schooler, L. (2012). Ecological rationality: A framework for understanding and aiding the aging decision maker. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6:19.

Pachur, T. & Galesic, M. (2012). Strategy selection in risky choice: The impact of numeracy, affect, and cross-cultural differences (published online). Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.

Pachur, T., Todd, P. M., Gigerenzer, G., Schooler, L. J. & Goldstein, D. G. (2012). When is the recognition heuristic an adaptive tool? In P. Todd & G. Gigerenzer (Eds.), Ecological rationality: Intelligence in the world (pp. 113-143). New York: Oxford University Press.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Steinmann, F. (2012). How Do People Judge Risks: Availability Heuristic, Affect Heuristic, or Both? Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied, 18(3), 314-330.

Pachur, T. & Olsson, H. (2012). Type of learning task impacts performance and strategy selection in decision making. Cognitive Psychology, 65(2), 207-240.

Pachur, T., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Davelaar, E. J., Daw, N. D., Dougherty, M. R., Hommel, B., Lee, M. D., Polyn, S. M., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Todd, P. M. & Wolfe, J. M. (2012). Umpacking cognitive search. Mechanisms and processes. In P. M. Todd, T. T. Hills & T. W. Robbins (Eds.), Cognitive search. Evolution, algorithms, and the brain (pp. 237-253). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Pachur, T. & Scheibehenne, B. (2012). Constructing preference from experience: The endowment effect reflected in external information search. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(4), 1108-1116.

Pachur, T., Todd, P. M., Gigerenzer, G., Schooler, L. J. & Goldstein, D. G. (2012). When is recognition heuristic an adaptive tool? In ABC Research Group (Ed.),P. M. Todd & G. Gigerenzer (Eds.), Ecological rationality. Intelligence in the world (pp. 113-143). New York: Oxford University Press.

Bennis, W. M. & Pachur, T. (2011). Simple heuristics that help us win. In G. Gigerenzer, R. Hertwig & T. Pachur (Eds.), Heuristics. The foundations of adaptive behavior (pp. 625-632). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gigerenzer, G., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (Eds.). (2011). Heuristics. The foundations of adaptive behavior. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gigerenzer, G., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (2011). Introduction. In G. Gigerenzer, R. Hertwig & T. Pachur (Eds.), Heuristics: The foundations of adaptive behavior (pp. 17-25). New York: Oxford University Press.

Hills, T. & Pachur, T. (2011). Searching our cognitive social networks: How we remember who we know. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher & T. F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1310-1311). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Khader, P. H., Pachur, T., Meier, S., Bien, S., Jost, K. & Rösler, F. (2011). Memory-based decision-making with heuristics: Evidence for a controlled activation of memory representations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(11), 3540-3554.

Pachur, T., Bröder, A. & Marewski, J. N. (2011). The recognition heuristic in memory-based inference: Is recognition a non-compensatory cue? In G. Gigerenzer, R. Hertwig & T. Pachur (Eds.), Heuristics: The foundations of adaptive behavior (pp. 503-522). New York: Oxford University Press.

Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2011). On the psychology of the recognition heuristic: Retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use. In G. Gigerenzer, R. Hertwig & T. Pachur (Eds.), Heuristics: The foundations of adaptive behavior (pp. 475-501). New York: Oxford University Press.

Pachur, T. (2011). The limited value of precise tests of the recognition heuristic. Judgment and Decision Making (Online Journal), 6(5), 413-422.

Pachur, T., Todd, P. M., Gigerenzer, G., Schooler, L. J. & Goldstein, D. G. (2011). The recognition heuristic: A review of theory and tests. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 2.

Pachur, T. (2010). Recognition-based inference: When is less more in the real world? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17(4), 589-598.

Pachur, T., Hanoch, Y. & Gummerum, M. (2010). Prospects behind bars: Analyzing decisions under risk in a prison population. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 17(5), 630-636.

Pachur, T., Mata, R. & Schooler, L. J. (2009). Cognitive aging and the adaptive use of recognition in decision making. Psychology and Aging, 24(4), 901-915.

Katsikopoulos, K. V., Pachur, T., Machery, E. & Wallin, A. (2008). From Meehl to fast and frugal heuristics (and back). New insights into how to bridge the clinical-actuarial divide. Theory and Psychology, 18(4), 443-464.

Pachur, T., Bröder, A. & Marewski, J. N. (2008). The recognition heuristic in memory-based inference: Is recognition a non-compensatory cue? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 21(2), 183-210.

Pachur, T. & Biele, G. (2007). Forecasting from ignorance: The use and usefulness of recognition in lay predictions of sports events. Acta Psychologica, 125(1), 99-116.

Bennis, W. M. & Pachur, T. (2006). Fast and frugal heuristics in sports. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 7(6), 611-629.

Pachur, T. (2006). Ecological rationality: Do samples in memory reflect the world? Dissertation, Freie Universität, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie, Berlin.

Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2006). On the psychology of the recognition heuristic: Retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32(5), 983-1002.

Hertwig, R., Pachur, T. & Kurzenhäuser, S. (2005). Judgments of risk frequencies: Tests of possible cognitive mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 31(4), 621-642.

Pachur, T., Rieskamp, J. & Hertwig, R. (2005). The social circle heuristic: Fast and frugal decisions based on small samples. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner & T. Regier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2004, August 4-7, Chicago, Illinois (pp. 1077-1082). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Hanoch, Y. & Pachur, T. (2004). Nurses as information providers: Facilitating understanding and communication of statistical information. Nurse Education Today, 24, 236-243.

Katsikopoulos, K., Pachur, T., Machery, E. & Wallin, A. (1954). From Meehl (1954) to fast and frugal heuristics (and back): New insights into how to bridge the clinical-actuarial divide. In H.J. Stam (Ed.), Theoretical psychology - Contemporary readings (pp. 475-501). London, UK: Sage.

weitere Schriften:

Pachur, T., Raaijmakers, J. G. W., Davelaar, E. J., Daw, N. D., Dougherty, M. R., Hommel, B., Lee, M. D., Polyn, S. M., Ridderinkhof, K. R., Todd, P. M. & Wolfe, J. M. (2012). Unpacking cognitive search: Mechanisms and processes (in press). In P. M. Todd, T.T. Hills & T. W. Robbins (Eds.), Cognitive search: Evolution, algorithms, and the brain. Strüngmann Forum Reports. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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