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Literaturliste von Prof. Ph.D. Chris Steyaert

letzte Aktualisierung: 19.02.2024

Steyaert, C. & Janssens, M. (2023). The atmospheric attunement of diversity interventions: Learnings from a dance performance. Culture and Organization, 1-21.

Beyes, T. & Steyaert, C. (2021). Unsettling bodies of knowledge: Walking as a pedagogy of affect. Management Learning, 52(2), 224-242.

Resch, B., Hoyer, P. & Steyaert, C. (2021). Affective control in new collaborative work: Communal fantasies of purpose, growth and belonging. Organization Studies, 42(5), 787-809.

Molterer, K., Hoyer, P. & Steyaert, C. (2020). A practical ethics of care: Tinkering with different "goods" in residential nursing homes. Journal of Business Ethics, 165, 95-111.

Janssens, M. & Steyaert, C. (2019). A practice-based theory of diversity: Re-specifying (in)equality in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 44(3), 518-537.

Lüthy, C. & Steyaert, C. (2019). The onto-politics of entrepreneurial experimentation: Re-reading Hans-Jorg Rheinberger's understanding of 'experimental systems'. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 31(7-8), 652-668.

Poldner, K., Branzei, O. & Steyaert, C. (2019). Fashioning ethical subjectivity: The embodied ethics of entrepreneurial self-formation. Organization, 26(2), 151-174.

Sklaveniti, C. & Steyaert, C. (2019). Reflecting with Pierre Bourdieu: Towards a reflexive outlook for practice-based studies of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.

Michels, C. & Steyaert, C. (2017). By accident and by design: Composing affective atmospheres in an urban art intervention. Organization, 24(1), 79-104.

Dey, P. & Steyaert, C. (2016). Rethinking the space of ethics in social entrepreneurship: Power, subjectivity, and practices of freedom. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(4), 627-641.

Hoyer, P. & Steyaert, C. (2015). Narrative identity construction in times of career change: Taking note of unconscious desires. Human Relations, 68(12), 1837-1863.

Steyaert, C. (2015). Three women. A kiss. A life. On the queer writing of time in organization. Gender, Work & Organization, 22(2), 163-178.

Janssens, M. & Steyaert, C. (2014). Re-considering language within a cosmopolitan understanding: Toward a multilingual franca approach in international business studies. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(5), 623-639.

Eberle, T. S. & Steyaert, C. (2013). OE lehren an der Universität. Ein erfahrungszentrierter Ansatz mit Organisationssimulation. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 32(2), 54-63.

Jacobs, C. D., Steyaert, C. & Überbacher, F. (2013). Anticipating intended users: Prospective sensemaking in technology development. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 25(9), 1027-1043.

Küpers, W. M., Romhardt, K., Eppler, M. J., Bischof, N., Franz, M., Bischof, F., Streit, H.-U., Eberle, T. S., Steyaert, C., Ruschmeier, R., Maurer, M., Glotzbach, S., Görgen, M., Aeschimann, M., Trebesch, K., Doppler, K., Ebentheuer, M., Krafft, A., Benker, P., Kasperski, F., Diemers, D., Häusler, J., Fischer, A. & Thoma, C. (2013). Themenschwerpunkt: Müheloser Wandel. Wege zu einer gelasseneren Führungspraxis. (Mit 13 Einzelbeiträgen). OrganisationsEntwicklung, 32(2), 4-95.

Steyaert, C. & Janssens, M. (2013). Multilingual scholarship and the paradox of translation and language in management and organization studies. Organization, 20(1), 131-142.

Janssens, M. & Steyaert, C. (2012). Towards an ethical research agenda for international HRM: The possibilities of a plural cosmopolitan framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 111(1), 61-72.

Steyaert, C. (2011). Entrepreneurship as in(ter)vention: Reconsidering the conceptual politics of method in entrepreneurship studies. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 23(1-2), 77-88.

Steyaert, C., Hjorth, D. & Gartner, W. B. (2011). Six memos for a curious and imaginative future scholarship in entrepreneurship studies. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 23(1-2), 1-7.

Steyaert, C., Ostendorp, A. & Gaibrois, C. (2011). Multilingual organizations as 'linguascapes': Negotiating the position of English through discursive practices. Journal of World Business, 46(3), 270-278.

Nentwich, J., Liebig, B. & Steyaert, C. (2010). Vielfältige Schweiz? Diskurse zu Diversität zwischen globaler Idee und lokalem Verständnis. Diversitas - Zeitschrift für Managing Diversity und Diversity Studies, 1, 7-15.

Nentwich, J., Steyaert, C. & Liebig, B. (2010). Diversity made in Switzerland: Traditional and new plurality meets the business case. In A. Klarsfeld (Ed.), International handbook on diversity management at work. Country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment (pp. 263-282). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Ostendorp, A. & Steyaert, C. (2009). How different can differences be(come)?: Interpretative repertoires of diversity concepts in Swiss-based organizations. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 25(4), 374-384.

Steyaert, C. (2007). Of course that is not the whole (toy) story: Entrepreneurship and the cat's cradle. Journal of Business Venturing, 22(5), 733-751.

Resch, D., Dey, P., Kluge, A. & Steyaert, C. (Hrsg.). (2005). Organisationspsychologie als Dialog. Inquiring social constructionist possibilities in organizational life. Lengerich: Pabst.

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Katja Trillitzsch
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