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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Lena Fleig

letzte Aktualisierung: 15.07.2024

Jekauc, D., Gürdere, C., Englert, C., Strobach, T., Bottesi, G., Bray, S., Brown, D., Fleig, L., Ghisi, M., Graham, J., Martinasek, M., Tamulevicius, N. & Pfeffer, I. (2024). The contribution and interplay of implicit and explicit processes on physical activity behavior: Empirical testing of the physical activity adoption and maintenance (PAAM) model. BMC Public Health, 24(1), No. 1239.

Levy, E., Warner, L. M., Fleig, L., Kaufman, M. R. & Gidron, Y. (2023). Associations between implicit and explicit condom use measures with condom use barriers: Relationships make a difference. Psychological Reports, 1-21.

Steckhan, G. M., Fleig, L., Wurm, S., Wolff, J. K., Schwarzer, R. & Warner, L. M. (2023). Fear of falling carries over into overprotection in old age: A cross-lagged panel analysis. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1-16.

Ashe, M. C., Azim, F. T., Ariza-Vega, P., Burns, J., Clemson, L., Grover, S., Hoppmann, C. A., Langford, D., Fleig, L. & Burton, E. (2022). Determinants of implementing reablement into research or practice: A concept mapping study. Physiotherapy Research International, 27(3), No. e1949.

Azim, F. T., Burton, E., Ariza-Vega, P., Asadian, M., Bellwood, P., Burns, J., Clemson, L., Grover, S., Hoppmann, C. A., Langford, D., Madden, K. M., Price, M., Fleig, L. & Ashe, M. C. (2022). Exploring behavior change techniques for reablement: A scoping review. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (BJPT), 26(2), No. 100401.

de Visser, R. O., Beccaria, F., Demant, J., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Fleig, L., Scholz, U. & Cooke, R. (2022). The influence of individual and cultural factors on perceptions of alcohol control strategies among university students in Europe. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 1-7.

Di Maio, S., Keller, J., Kwasnicka, D., Knoll, N., Sichert, L. & Fleig, L. (2022). What helps to form a healthy nutrition habit? Daily associations of intrinsic reward, anticipated regret and self-efficacy with automaticity. Appetite, 175, No. 106083.

Keller, J., Kwasnicka, D., Wilhelm, L. O., Lorbeer, N., Pauly, T., Domke, A., Knoll, N. & Fleig, L. (2022). Hand washing and related cognitions following a brief behavior change intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pre-post analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 29(5), 575-586.

Labudek, S., Fleig, L., Jansen, C.-P., Kramer-Gmeiner, F., Nerz, C., Clemson, L., Klenk, J., Becker, C. & Schwenk, M. (2022). Changes in psychological determinants of behavior change after individual versus group-based lifestyle-integrated fall prevention: Results from the LiFE-is-LiFE Trial. Gerontology, 1-15.

Lippke, S., Keller, F., Derksen, C., Kötting, L., Ratz, T. & Fleig, L. (2022). Einsam(er) seit der Coronapandemie: Wer ist besonders betroffen? - Psychologische Befunde aus Deutschland. Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, 17, 84-95.

Steckhan, G. M. A., Fleig, L., Schwarzer, R. & Warner, L. M. (2022). Perceived physical functioning and gait speed as mediators in the association between fear of falling and quality of life in old age. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(2), 421-429.

Steckhan, G. M. A., Warner, L. M. & Fleig, L. (2022). Preventing falls together: Social identification matters for engaging older adults in a group-based exercise program. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 46(1), 31-45.

Vogelsang, A., Hinrichs, C., Fleig, L. & Pfeffer, I. (2022). Study protocol for the description and evaluation of the "Habit Coach" - A longitudinal multicenter mHealth intervention for healthy habit formation in health care professionals. BMC Public Health, 22, No. 1672.

Ashe, M. C., dos Santos, I. K., Edward, N. Y., Burnett, L. A., Barnes, R., Fleig, L., Puyat, J. H., Sale, J. E. M., McKay, H. A. & Giangregorio, L. M. (2021). Physical activity and bone health in men: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Bone Metabolism, 28(1), 27-39.

Einav, L., Warner, L. M., Fleig, L., Kaufman, M. R., Deschepper, R. & Yori, G. (2021). The effects of psychological inoculation on condom use tendencies and barriers; A randomized controlled trial. Psychology and Health, 36(5), 575-592.

Keller, J., Kwasnicka, D., Klaiber, P., Sichert, L., Lally, P. & Fleig, L. (2021). Habit formation following routine-based versus time-based cue planning: A randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Health Psychology, 26(3), 807-824.

Labudek, S., Fleig, L., Jansen, C.-P., Kramer-Gmeiner, F., Nerz, C., Becker, C., Klenk, J. & Schwenk, M. (2021). Applying social cognition models to explain walking duration in older adults: The role of intrinsic motivation. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 29(5), 744-752.

Laiou, E., Rapti, I., Schwarzer, R., Fleig, L., Cianferotti, L., Ngo, J., Rizos, E. C., Wetle, T. F., Kahlmeier, S., Vigilanza, A., Tsilidis, K. K., Trichopoulou, A., Serra-Majem, L., Brandi, M. L. & Ntzani, E. E. (2021). Review: Nudge interventions to promote healthy diets and physical activity. Food Policy, 102, No. 102103.

Warner, L. M., Fleig, L., Wolff, J. K., Keller, J., Schwarzer, R., Nyman, S. & Wurm, S. (2021). What makes implementation intentions (in)effective for physical activity among older adults? British Journal of Health Psychology, 1-16.

Kramer, F., Labudek, S., Jansen, C.-P., Nerz, C., Fleig, L., Clemson, L., Becker, C. & Schwenk, M. (2020). Development of a conceptual framework for a group-based format of the Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise (gLiFE) programme and its initial feasibility testing. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6, No. 6.

Kramer, F., Labudek, S., Jansen, C.-P., Nerz, C., Fleig, L., Clemson, L., Becker, C. & Schwenk, M. (2020). Entwicklung, Design, und Pilotierung eines Gruppenkonzepts zum "Lifestyle-integrated Functional Excercise" (Life) Programm. In B. Wollesen, C. Meixner, J. Gräf, I. Pahmeier, L. Vogt & A. Woll (Hrsg.), Interdisziplinäre Forschung und Gesundheitsförderung in Lebenswelten - Bewegung fördern, vernetzen, nachhaltig gestalten. Jahrestagung der dvs-Kommission Gesundheit vom 4.-6. April 2019 in Hamburg (S. 129-136). Hamburg: Feldhaus, Edition Czwalina.

Laiou, E., Rapti, I., Markozannes, G., Cianferotti, L., Fleig, L., Warner, L. M., Ribas, L., Ngo, J., Salvatore, S., Trichopoulou, A., Vigilanza, A., Tsiara, S., Martimianaki, G., Pampaloni, B., Majem, L. S., Schwarzer, R., Brandi, M. L. & Ntzani, E. E. (2020). Social support, adherence to Mediterranean diet and physical activity in adults: Results from a community-based cross-sectional study. Journal of Nutritional Science, 9, No. e53.

Arnautovska, U., Fleig, L., O'Callaghan, F. & Hamilton, K. (2019). Older adults' physical activity: The integration of autonomous motivation and theory of planned behaviour constructs. Australian Psychologist, 54(1), 46-54.

Ashe, M. C., Edwards, N. Y., Taylor, A., Burnett, L., Giangregorio, L., Milne, K., Clemson, L. & Fleig, L. (2019). Return to everyday activity in the community and home: A feasibility study for a lifestyle intervention to sit less, move more, and be strong. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5, No. 84.

Cooke, R., Beccaria, F., Demant, J., Fernandes-Jesus, M., Fleig, L., Negreiros, J., Scholz, U. & de Visser, R. (2019). Patterns of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm among European university students. European Journal of Public Health, 29(6), 1125-1129.

Domke, A., Keller, J., Fleig, L., Knoll, N. & Schwarzer, R. (2019). What makes a good action plan? Characteristics and enactment of fruit and vegetable plans. Appetite, 142, No. 104351.

Fleig, L., Ashe, M. C., Keller, J., Lippke, S. & Schwarzer, R. (2019). Putting psychology into telerehabilitation: Coping planning as an example for how to integrate behavior change techniques into clinical practice. AIMS Medical Science, 6(1), 13-32.

Hamilton, K., Fleig, L., Henderson, J. & Hagger, M. S. (2019). Being active in pregnancy: Theory-based factors associated with physical activity among pregnant women. Women & Health, 59(2), 213-228.

Zusman, E. Z., Dawes, M., Fleig, L., McAllister, M. M., Cook, W. L., Guy, P., Brasher, P. M. A., McKay, H. A., Khan, K. M. & Ashe, M. C. (2019). Older adults' sedentary behavior and physical activity after hip fracture: Results from an outpatient rehabilitation randomized controlled trial. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 42(2), No. E32-E38.

Ashe, M. C., Ekegren, C. L., Chudyk, A. M., Fleig, L., Gill, T., Langford, D., Martin-Martin, L. & Ariza-Vega, P. (2018). Telerehabilitation for community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults after musculoskeletal trauma: A systematic review. AIMS Medical Science, 5(4), 316-336.

Ashe, M. C., Merali, K., Edwards, N., Schiller, C., Hanson, H. M., Fleig, L., Khan, K. M., Cook, W. L. & McKay, H. A. (2018). Integrating research into clinical practice for hip fracture rehabilitation: Implementation of a pragmatic RCT. AIMS Medical Science, 5(2), 102-121.

Gray, S. M., Chen, P., Fleig, L., Gardiner, P. A., McAllister, M. M., Puyat, J. H., Sims-Gould, J., McKay, H. A., Winters, M. & Ashe, M. C. (2018). Can a lifestyle intervention increase active transportation in women aged 55-70 years? Secondary outcomes from a pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 15(6), 411-416.

Lange, M., Göranzon, H., Fleig, L. & Marklinder, I. (2018). Adolescents' sources for food safety knowledge and trust. British Food Journal, 120(3), 549-562.

Lippke, S., Pomp, S. & Fleig, L. (2018). Rehabilitants' conscientiousness as a moderator of the intention-planning-behavior chain. Rehabilitation Psychology, 63(3), 460-467.

Schwarzer, R., Warner, L. M., Fleig, L., Gholami, M., Serra-Majem, L., Ngo, J., Cianferotti, L., Kritikou, M., Mossi, P., Ntzani, E. & Brandi, M. L. (2018). Dietary planning, self-efficacy, and outcome expectancies play a role in an online intervention on fruit and vegetable consumption. Psychology and Health, 33(5), 652-668.

Schwarzer, R., Warner, L., Fleig, L., Gholami, M., Salvatore, S., Cianferotti, L., Ntzani, E., Roman-Vinas, B., Trichopoulou, A. & Brandi, M. L. (2018). Psychological mechanisms in a digital intervention to improve physical activity: A multicentre randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Health Psychology, 23(2), 296-310.

Arnautovska, U., Fleig, L., O'Callaghan, F. & Hamilton, K. (2017). A longitudinal investigation of older adults' physical activity: Testing an integrated dual-process model. Psychology and Health, 32(2), 166-185.

Fleig, L., Gardner, B., Keller, J., Lippke, S., Pomp, S. & Wiedemann, A. U. (2017). What contributes to action plan enactment? Examining characteristics of physical activity plans. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22(4), 940-957.

Keller, J., Fleig, L., Hohl, D. H., Wiedemann, A. U., Burkert, S., Luszczynska, A. & Knoll, N. (2017). Which characteristics of planning matter? Individual and dyadic physical activity plans and their effects on plan enactment. Social Science & Medicine, 189, 53-62.

Schwarzer, R., Fleig, L., Warner, L. M., Gholami, M., Serra-Majem, L., Ngo, J., Roman-Vinas, B., Ribas-Barba, L., Distante, A., Ntzani, E., Giannakis, G. & Brandi, M. L. (2017). Who benefits from a dietary online intervention? Evidence from Italy, Spain and Greece. Public Health Nutrition, 20(5), 938-947.

Fernandes-Jesus, M., Beccaria, F., Demant, J., Fleig, L., Menezes, I., Scholz, U., de Visser, R. & Cooke, R. (2016). Validation of the drinking motives questionnaire - Revised in six European countries. Addictive Behaviors, 62, 91-98.

Fleig, L., Ashe, M. C., Christine Voss, Therrien, S., Sims-Gould, J., McKay, H. A. & Winters, M. (2016). Environmental and psychosocial correlates of objectively measured physical activity among older adults. Health Psychology, 35(12), 1364-1372.

Fleig, L., McAllister, M. M., Chen, P., Iverson, J., Milne, K., McKay, H. A., Clemson, L. & Ashe, M. C. (2016). Health behaviour change theory meets falls prevention: Feasibility of a habit-based balance and strength exercise intervention for older adults. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 22, 114-122.

Wesche, J. S. & Fleig, L. (2016). Authentic Leadership: Authentische Führung praktizieren und trainieren. In J. Felfe & R. van Dick (Hrsg.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterführung. Wirtschaftspsychologisches Praxiswissen für Fach- und Führungskräfte (S. 3-14). Berlin: Springer.

Fleig, L., Küper, C., Lippke, S., Schwarzer, R. & Wiedemann, A. U. (2015). Cross-behavior associations and multiple health behavior change: A longitudinal study on physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake. Journal of Health Psychology, 20(5), 525-534.

Fleig, L., Ngo, J., Roman, B., Ntzani, E., Satta, P., Warner, L. M., Schwarzer, R. & Brandi, M. L. (2015). Beyond single behaviour theory: Adding cross-behaviour cognitions to the health action process approach. British Journal of Health Psychology, 20(4), 824-841.

Lippke, S., Fleig, L., Wiedemann, A. U. & Schwarzer, R. (2015). A computerized lifestyle application to promote multiple health behaviors at the workplace: Testing its behavioral and psychological effects. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(10), No. e225.

Reyes Fernández, B., Fleig, L., Godinho, C. A., Montenegro Montenegro, E., Knoll, N. & Schwarzer, R. (2015). Action control bridges the planning-behaviour gap: A longitudinal study on physical exercise in young adults. Psychology and Health, 30(8), 911-923.

Barz, M., Parschau, L., Warner, L. M., Lange, D., Fleig, L., Knoll, N. & Schwarzer, R. (2014). Planning and preparatory actions facilitate physical activity maintenance. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(5), 516-520.

Fleig, L., Kerschreiter, R., Schwarzer, R., Pomp, S. & Lippke, S. (2014). "Sticking to a healthy diet is easier for me when I exercise regularly": Cognitive transfer between physical exercise and healthy nutrition. Psychology and Health, 29(12), 1361-1372.

Paech, J., Fleig, L., Pomp, S. & Lippke, S. (2014). Soziale Unterstützung als Wegbereiter für Planungsprozesse. Körperliche Aktivität nach der medizinischen Rehabilitation. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 22(2), 39-49.

Parschau, L., Fleig, L., Warner, L. M., Pomp, S., Barz, M., Knoll, N., Schwarzer, R. & Lippke, S. (2014). Positive exercise experience facilitates behavior change via self-efficacy. Health Education & Behavior, 41(4), 414-422.

Fleig, L. (2013). Von der Kunst, Gesundheit zu lernen. In B. d. Betriebskrankenkassen (Hrsg.), Die BKK (S. S. 270-273). Essen: BKK.

Fleig, L., Pomp, S., Parschau, L., Barz, M., Lange, D., Schwarzer, R. & Lippke, S. (2013). From intentions via planning and behavior to physical exercise habits. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14(5), 632-639.

Fleig, L., Pomp, S., Schwarzer, R. & Lippke, S. (2013). Promoting exercise maintenance: How interventions with booster sessions improve long-term rehabilitation outcomes. Rehabilitation Psychology, 58(4), 323-333.

Koring, M., Parschau, L., Lange, D., Fleig, L., Knoll, N. & Schwarzer, R. (2013). Preparing for Physical Activity: Pedometer Acquisition as a Self-regulatory Strategy. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 5(1), 136-147.

Parschau, L., Fleig, L., Koring, M., Lange, D., Knoll, N., Schwarzer, R. & Lippke, S. (2013). Positive experience, self-efficacy, and action control predict physical activity changes: A moderated mediation analysis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 395-406.

Pomp, S., Fleig, L., Schwarzer, R. & Lippke, S. (2013). Effects of a self-regulation intervention on exercise are moderated by depressive symptoms: A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 13, 1-8.

Fleig, L. (2012). How to predict and promote the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. From behaviour initiation to habituation. Dissertation, Freie Universität, Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie, Berlin.

Pomp, S., Fleig, L., Schwarzer, R. & Lippke, S. (2012). Depressive symptoms interfere with post-rehabilitation exercise: Outcome expectancies and experience as mediators. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 17(6), 698-708.

Fleig, L., Lippke, S., Pomp, S. & Schwarzer, R. (2011). Exercise maintenance after rehabilitation: How experience can make a difference. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12(3), 293-299.

Fleig, L., Lippke, S., Pomp, S. & Schwarzer, R. (2011). Intervention effects of exercise self-regulation on physical exercise and eating fruits and vegetables: A longitudinal study in orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation. Preventive Medicine, 53(3), 182-187.

Fleig, L., Lippke, S., Wiedemann, A. U., Ziegelmann, J. P., Reuter, T. & Gravert, C. (2010). Förderung von körperlicher Aktivität im betrieblichen Kontext. Ein randomisiertes Kontrollgruppen-Design zur Untersuchung von stadienspezifischen Interventionseffekten. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 18(2), 69-78.

Lippke, S., Fleig, L., Pomp, S. & Schwarzer, R. (2010). Soziale Unterstützung und die Aufrechterhaltung von Reha-Erfolgen. In Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V.; Arbeitskreis Klinische Psychologie in der Rehabilitation (Hrsg.),D. Küch, B. Mai, V. Pimmer, D. Schmucker & J. Theissing (Hrsg.), Trends in der medizinischen Rehabilitation. Beiträge zur 29. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Klinische Psychologie in der Rehabilitation. 29.10.-31.10.2010 im Bildungszentrum Erkner (S. 27-40). Bonn: Deutscher Psychologen Verlag.

Lippke, S., Fleig, L., Pomp, S. & Schwarzer, R. (2010). Validity of a stage algorithm for physical activity in participants recruited from orthopedic and cardiac rehabilitation clinics. Rehabilitation Psychology, 55(4), 398-408.

Pomp, S., Lippke, S., Fleig, L. & Schwarzer, R. (2010). Synergistic effects of intention and depression on action control: Longitudinal predictors of exercise after rehabilitation. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 3, 78-84.

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