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Literaturliste von Dr. habil. Steffen Landgraf

letzte Aktualisierung: 22.11.2023

Landgraf, S., Rose, A., Poppek, S., Mösler, T., Kemper, J. & Dorrmann, W. (Hrsg.). (2023). Psychotherapie in Anstellung. Tübingen: Psychotherapie-Verlag.

Landgraf, S. (2021). Klimagerechtigkeit und Psychotherapie in Anstellung. Psychotherapie Aktuell, 13(3), 32-35.

Landgraf, S. & Rabe-Menssen, C. (2021). Psychotherapie in Anstellung. Psychotherapie Aktuell, 21(1), 25-29.

Tripp, J. & Landgraf, S. (2020). Was bringt die PPP-Richtlinie für die Psychotherapie im Angestellten-Bereich? Psychotherapie Aktuell, 12(2), 16-20.

Landgraf, S. & Hartl, C. (2019). Angestellt in der Forensik. Psychotherapie Aktuell, 11(1), 41-43.

Landgraf, S., von Treskow, I. & Osterheider, M. (2018). "Sex in a relationship" versus "sex during a one-night stand": The link between mental representations of consensual sexuality, mating strategies, and sexual experience in heterosexual women and men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(3), 725-736.

Bezzel, A., Mache, W. & Landgraf, S. (2017). Arbeitsbedingungen Psychologischer Psychotherapeuten des Maßregelvollzugs. Eine vergleichende Beschreibung. Psychotherapeutenjournal, 16(2), 110-115.

Bogon, J., Dreisbach, G., Eisenbarth, H. & Landgraf, S. (2017). Shielding voices: The modulation of binding processes between voice features and response features by task representations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(9), 1856-1866.

Landgraf, S. & von Treskow, I. (2017). The seduction script: Psychological and cultural norms of interpersonal approaches as markers for sexual aggression and abuse. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, No. 2070.

Landgraf, S., Blumenauer, K., Osterheider, M. & Eisenbarth, H. (2013). A clinical and demographic comparison between a forensic and a general sample of female patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 210(3), 1176-1183.

Landgraf, S. & Osterheider, M. (2013). "To see or not to see: That is the question." The "Protection-Against-Schizophrenia" (PaSZ) model: Evidence from congenital blindness and visuo-cognitive aberrations. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, No. 352.

Landgraf, S., Amado, I., Berthoz, A., Krebs, M.-O. & van der Meer, E. (2012). Cognitive identity in schizophrenia: Vision, space, and body perception from prodrome to syndrome. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 8(2), 119-139.

Landgraf, S., Raisig, S. & van der Meer, E. (2012). Discerning temporal expectancy effects in script processing: Evidence from pupillary and eye movement recordings. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18(2), 351-360.

Amado, I., Lupianez, J., Chirio, M., Landgraf, S., Willard, D., Olie, J.- P.- J.- P. & Krebs, M. O. (2011). Alertness can be improved by an interaction between orienting attention and alerting attention in schizophrenia. Behavioral and Brain Functions (Online Journal), 7(24), 1-9.

Krueger, F., Landgraf, S., van der Meer, E., Deshpande, G. & Hu, X. (2011). Effective connectivity of the multiplication network: A functional MRI and multivariate Granger causality mapping study. Human Brain Mapping, 32(9), 1419-1431.

Landgraf, S., Amado, I., Purkhart, R., Ries, J., Olie, J.- .- P. & van der Meer, E. (2011). Visuo-spatial cognition in schizophrenia: Confirmation of a preference for local information processing. Schizophrenia Research, 127(1-3), 163-170.

Landgraf, S., Amado, I., Brucks, M., Krueger, F., Krebs, M.-O. & Van der Meer, E. (2011). Inflexible information acquisition strategies mediate visuo-spatial reasoning in stabilized schizophrenia patients. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 12(8), 608-619.

Landgraf, S., Beyer, R., Pannekamp, A., Schaadt, G., Koch, D., Foth, M. & van der Meer, E. (2011). Dissociating improvement of attention and intelligence during written language acquisition in adults. International Journal of Intelligence Science, 1(2), 17-24.

Landgraf, S., Steingen, J., Eppert, Y., Niedermeyer, U., van der Meer, E. & Krueger, F. (2011). Temporal information processing in short- and long-term memory of patients with schizophrenia. PLoS ONE, 6(10), No. e26140.

Landgraf, S., Krebs, M.-O., Olie, J.-P., Committeri, G., van der Meer, E., Berthoz, A. & Amado, I. (2010). Real world referencing and schizophrenia: Are we experiencing the same reality? Neuropsychologia, 48(10), 2922-2930.

Picard, H. J., Amado, I., Bourdel, M.-C., Landgraf, S., Olie, J.-P. & Krebs, M.-O. (2009). Correlates between neurological soft signs and saccadic parameters in schizophrenia. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 33(4), 676-681.

Amado, I., Landgraf, S., Bourdel, M.-C., Leonardi, S. & Krebs, M.-O. (2008). Predictive saccades are impaired in biological nonpsychotic siblings of schizophrenia patients. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 33(1), 17-22.

Grafman, J., Krueger, F., Spampinato, M. V., Pardini, M., Pajevic, S., Wood, J. N., Weiss, G. H. & Landgraf, S. (2008). Integral calculus problem solving: An fMRI investigation. NeuroReport, 19(11), 1095-1099.

Landgraf, S., Amado, I., Bourdel, M.-C., Leonardi, S. & Krebs, M.-O. (2008). Memory-guided saccade abnormalities in schizophrenic patients and their healthy, full biological siblings. Psychological Medicine, 38(6), 861-870.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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