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Literaturliste von Dr. Christina Matschke

letzte Aktualisierung: 11.08.2023

Orellana-Corrales, G., Matschke, C., Schäfer, S. & Wesslein, A.-K. (2023). Does an experimentally induced self-association elicit affective self-prioritisation? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(6), 1379-1390.

Matschke, C. (2022). The impact of social support on social identity development and well-being in international exchange students. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(10), 1307-1334.

Matschke, C., de Vreeze, J. & Cress, U. (2022). Social identities and the achievement gap: Incompatibility between social class background and student identity increases student disidentification, which decreases performance and leads to higher dropout rates. British Journal of Social Psychology, 1-20.

Orellana-Corrales, G., Matschke, C. & Wesslein, A.-K. (2021). The impact of newly self-associated pictorial and letter-based stimuli in attention holding. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(7), 2729-2743.

Oeberst, A., von der Beck, I., Matschke, C., Ihme, T. A. & Cress, U. (2020). Collectively biased representations of the past: Ingroup bias in Wikipedia articles about intergroup conflicts. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59(4), 791-818.

Orellana-Corrales, G., Matschke, C. & Wesslein, A.-K. (2020). Does self-associating a geometric shape immediately cause attentional prioritization? Comparing familiar versus recently self-associated stimuli in the dot-probe task. Experimental Psychology, 67(6), 335-348.

Otten, S. & Matschke, C. (2020). Dekategorisierung, Rekategorisierung und das Modell wechselseitiger Differenzierung. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Hrsg.), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung. Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (S. 339-348). Weinheim: Beltz.

de Vreeze, J. & Matschke, C. (2019). Don't put me in this group. Assignment to non-preferred groups increases disidentification and a preference for negative ingroup information. Social Psychology, 50(2), 80-93.

de Vreeze, J., Matschke, C. & Cress, U. (2018). Neither fish nor fowl: A perceived mismatch in norms and values between oneself, other students, and people back home undermines adaptation to university. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57(3), 684-702.

Matschke, C. & Fehr, J. (2017). Does identity incompatibility lead to disidentification? Internal motivation to be a group member acts as buffer for sojourners from independent cultures, whereas external motivation acts as buffer for sojourners from interdependent cultures. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 8, No. 335.

Oeberst, A. & Matschke, C. (2017). Word order and world order: Titles of intergroup conflicts may increase ethnocentrism by mentioning the inroup first. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 146(5), 672-690.

Matschke, C. & Fehr, J. (2015). Internal motivation buffers the negative effect of identity incompatibility on newcomers' social identification and well-being. Social Psychology, 46(6), 335-344.

Bertram, J., Hauser, A., Hentschel, T., Knipfer, K., Kump, B., Matschke, C., Sassenberg, K., Scholl, A., Schwind, C., Wessel, D. & Wodzicki, K. (2014). Arbeitsbedingungen für Organisationales Lernen und Wissensmanagement optimieren. In U. Cress, F. W. Hesse & K. Sassenberg (Hrsg.), Wissenskollektion. 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in Organisationen (S. 55-121). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Matschke, C., Moskaliuk, J., Bokhorst, F., Schümmer, T. & Cress, U. (2014). Motivational factors of information exchange in social information spaces. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 549-558.

Matschke, C., Moskaliuk, J. & Kimmerle, J. (2013). The impact of group membership on collaborative learning with wikis. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 16(2), 127-131.

Matschke, C., Fehr, J. & Sassenberg, K. (2012). When does goal discrepancy induce compensatory effort? An application of self-completion theory to social issues. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 6(7), 536-550.

Matschke, C., Moskaliuk, J. & Cress, U. (2012). Knowledge exchange using Web 2.0 technologies in NGOs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(1), 159-176.

Matschke, C. & Sassenberg, K. (2012). I want to be like you. Self-regulation in the development of the social self. Social Psychology, 43(3), 115-126.

Ray, D. G. & Matschke, C. (2012). Croos-group recognition bias generalizes to diverse non-face representations of digital identity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 387-390.

Matschke, C., Moskaliuk, J. & Cress, U. (2011). Wissensaustausch mit Web 2.0 in NGOs. In A. Trost & T. Jenewein (Hrsg.), Personalentwicklung 2.0. Lernen, Wissensaustausch und Talentförderung der nächsten Generation (S. 213-226). Köln: Luchterhand.

Sassenberg, K., Matschke, C. & Scholl, A. (2011). The impact of discrepancies from ingroup norms on group members' well-being and motivation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(7), 886-897.

Matschke, C. & Sassenberg, K. (2010). Does rejection lead to disidentification? The role of internal motivation and avoidance strategies. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(6), 891-900.

Matschke, C. & Sassenberg, K. (2010). The supporting and impeding effects of group-related approach and avoidance strategies on newcomers' psychological adaptation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34(5), 465-474.

Sassenberg, K. & Matschke, C. (2010). The impact of exchange programs on the integration of the hostgroup into the self-concept. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(1), 148-159.

Matschke, C. (2009). The inclusion of a new group into the self-concept. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Informations- und Kognitionswissenschaften, Tübingen.

Otten, S. & Matschke, C. (2008). Dekategorisierung, Rekategorisierung und das Modell wechselseitiger Differenzierung. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Hrsg.), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung. Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (S. 292-300). Weinheim: Beltz Psychologie Verlags Union.

Sassenberg, K., Fehr, J., Hansen, N., Matschke, C. & Woltin, K.-A. (2007). Eine sozialpsychologische Analyse zur Reduzierung sozialer Diskriminierung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 38(4), 239-249.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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