letzte Aktualisierung: 04.10.2024
Mushtaq, F., Welke, D., Gallagher, A., Pavlov, Y. G., Kouara, L., Bosch-Bayard, J., van den Bosch, J. J. F., Arvaneh, M., Bland, A. R., Chaumon, M., Borck, C., He, X., Luck, S. J., Machizawa, M. G., Pernet, C., Puce, A., Segalowitz, S. J., Rogers, C., Awais, M., Babiloni, C., Bailey, N. W., Baillet, S., Bendall, R. C. A., Brady, D., Bringas-Vega, M. L., Busch, N. A., Calzada-Reyes, A., Chatard, A., Clayson, P. E., Cohen, M. X., Cole, J., Constant, M., Corneyllie, A., Coyle, D., Cruse, D., Delis, I., Delorme, A., Fair, D., Falk, T. H., Gamer, M., Ganis, G., Gloy, K., Gregory, S., Hassall, C. D., Hiley, K. E., Ivry, R. B., Jerbi, K., Jenkins, M., Kaiser, J., Keil, A., Knight, R. T., Kochen, S., Kotchoubey, B., Krigolson, O. E., Langer, N., Liesefeld, H. R., Lippé, S., London, R. E., MacNamara, A., Makeig, S., Marinovic, W., Martínez-Montes, E., Marzuki, A. A., Mathew, R. K., Michel, C., Millán, J. d. R., Mon-Williams, M., Morales-Chacón, L., Naar, R., Nilsonne, G., Niso, G., Nyhus, E., Oostenveld, R., Paul, K., Paulus, W., Pfabigan, D. M., Pourtois, G., Rampp, S., Rausch, M., Robbins, K., Rossini, P. M., Ruzzoli, M., Schmidt, B., Senderecka, M., Srinivasan, N., Stegmann, Y., Thompson, P. M., Valdes-Sosa, M., van der Molen, M. J. W., Veniero, D., Verona, E., Voytek, B., Yao, D., Evans, A. C. & Valdes-Sosa, P. (2024). One hundred years of EEG for brain and behaviour research. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 1437-1443.
Pavlov, Y. G., Spiegelsberger, F. & Kotchoubey, B. (2024). Predicting outcome in disorders of consciousness: A mega-analysis. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 1-13.
Zhozhikashvili, N., Protopova, M., Shkurenko, T., Arsalidou, M., Zakharov, I., Kotchoubey, B., Malykh, S. & Pavlov, Y. G. (2024). Working memory processes and intrinsic motivation: An EEG study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 201, No. 112355.
Pavlov, Y. G., Gashkova, A. S., Kasanov, D., Kosachenko, A. I., Kotyusov, A. I. & Kotchoubey, B. (2023). Task-evoked pulse wave amplitude tracks cognitive load. Scientific Reports, 13, No. 22592.
Pavlov, Y. G., Pavlova, N. V., Diekelmann, S. & Kotchoubey, B. (2023). Fear memory in humans is consolidated over time independently of sleep. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 23(1), 100-113.
Chadasch, C. & Kotchoubey, B. (2021). Life satisfaction in families with a child in an Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome. BMC Pediatrics, 21, No. 116.
Farshad, M., Pavlov, Y. G. & Kotchoubey, B. (2021). Event-related potentials in an associative word pair learning paradigm. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 59, No. 101001.
Pavlov, Y. G. & Kotchoubey, B. (2021). Temporally distinct oscillatory codes of retention and manipulation of verbal working memory. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54(7), 6497-6511.
Kotchoubey, B. (2020). Neurofeedback bei schweren Hirnschädigungen. In U. Strehl (Hrsg.), Neurofeedback. Theoretische Grundlagen - Praktisches Vorgehen - Wissenschaftliche Evidenz (S. 220-245). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Mertel, I., Pavlov, Y. G., Barner, C., Müller, F., Diekelmann, S. & Kotchoubey, B. (2020). Sleep in disorders of consciousness: Behavioral and polysomnographic recording. BMC Medicine, 18, No. 350.
Pavlov, Y. G. & Kotchoubey, B. (2020). Oscillatory brain activity and maintenance of verbal and visual working memory: A systematic review. Psychophysiology, No. e13735.
Pavlov, Y. G. & Kotchoubey, B. (2020). The electrophysiological underpinnings of variation in verbal working memory capacity. Scientific Reports, 10(1), No. 16090.
Kotchoubey, B. & Pavlov, Y. G. (2019). A signature of passivity? An explorative study of the N3 event-related potential component in passive oddball tasks. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, No. 365.
Pavlov, Y. G. & Kotchoubey, B. (2019). Classical conditioning in oddball paradigm: A comparison between aversive and name conditioning. Psychophysiology, 56(7), No. e13370.
Sitaram, R., Yu, T., Halsband, U., Vogel, D., Müller, F., Lang, S., Birbaumer, N. & Kotchoubey, B. (2019). Spatial characteristics of spontaneous and stimulus-induced individual functional connectivity networks in severe disorders of consciousness. Brain and Cognition, 131, 10-21.
Bostanov, V., Ohlrogge, L., Britz, R., Hautzinger, M. & Kotchoubey, B. (2018). Measuring mindfulness: A psychophysiological approach. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, No. 249.
Kotchoubey, B. (2018). A grammar for the mind. Time embodied and disembodied. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 25(7-8), 66-88.
Kotchoubey, B. (2018). Human consciousness: Where is it from and what is it for. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 567.
Kotchoubey, B. & Pavlov, Y. G. (2018). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between brain data and the outcome in disorders of consciousness. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, No. 315.
Erlbeck, H., Real, R. G. L., Kuebler, A., Kotchoubey, B., Mattia, D. & Bargak, J. (2017). Basic discriminative and semantic processing in patients in the vegetative and minimally conscious state. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 8-16.
Kotchoubey, B. (2017). Evoked and event-related potentials in disorders of consciousness: A quantitative review. Consciousness and Cognition, 155-167.
Kotchoubey, B. & Pavlov, Y. G. (2017). Name conditioning in event-related brain potentials. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 145, 129-134.
Pavlov, Y. G., Gais, S., Schoeauer, M., Born, J., Kotchoubey, B., Mueller, F. & Schaepers, B. (2017). Night sleep in patients with vegetative state. Journal of Sleep Research, 26(5), 629-640.
Pavlov, Y. G. & Kotchoubey, B. (2017). EEG correlates of working memory performance in females. BMC Neuroscience (Online Journal), 18, No. 26.
Daltrozzo, J., Kotchoubey, B., Gueler, F. & Karim, A. A. (2016). Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on body perception: No evidence for specificity of the right temporo-parietal junction. Brain Topography, 29(5), 704-715.
Falquez, R., Lang, S., Dinu-Biringer, R., Nees, F., Arens, E., Kotchoubey, B., Berger, M. & Barnow, S. (2016). On the relationship between negative affective priming and prefrontal cognitive control mechanisms. Cognition and Emotion, 30(2), 225-244.
Lugo, Z. R., Quitadamo, L. R., Bianchi, L., Pellas, F., Veser, S., Lesenfants, D., Real, R. G. L., Herbert, C., Guger, C., Kotchoubey, B., Mattia, D., Kübler, A., Laureys, S. & Noirhomme, Q. (2016). Cognitive processing in non-communicative patients: What can event-related potentials tell us? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10.
Real, R. G. L., Veser, S., Erlbeck, H., Risetti, M., Vogel, D., Müller, F., Kotchoubey, B., Mattia, D. & Kübler, A. (2016). Information processing in patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states. Clinical Neurophysiology, 127(2), 1395-1402.
Kotchoubey, B., Buetof, S. & Sitaram, R. (2015). Flagrant Misconduct of Reviewers and Editor: A Case Study. Science and Engineering Ethics, 21(4), 829-835.
Kotchoubey, B., Pavlov, Y. G. & Kleber, B. (2015). Music in research and rehabilitation of disorders of consciousness: psychological and neurophysiological foundations. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 1753.
Bensch, M., Gharabaghi, A., Bogdan, M., Rosenstiel, W., Martens, S., Hill, J., Schoelkopf, B., Halder, S., Nijboer, F., Ramos, A., Birbaumer, N. & Kotchoubey, B. (2014). Assessing attention and cognitive function in completely locked-in state with event-related brain potentials and epidural electrocorticography. Journal of Neural Engineering, 11(2), No. 026006.
Erlbeck, H., Kübler, A., Kotchoubey, B. & Veser, S. (2014). Task instructions modulate the attentional mode affecting the auditory MMN and the semantic N400. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, No. 654.
Kotchoubey, B. (2014). First love does not die: A sustaining primacy effect on ERP components in an oddball paradigm. Brain Research, 1556, 38-45.
Kotchoubey, B. & El-Khoury, S. (2014). Event-related potentials indicate context effect in reading ambiguous words. Brain and Cognition, 92, 48-60.
Kotchoubey, B., Vogel, D., Lang, S. & Müller, F. (2014). What kind of consciousness is minimal? Brain Injury, 28(9), 1156-1163.
Real, R. G. L., Herbert, C., Kotchoubey, B., Wessig, C., Volkmann, J. & Kübler, A. (2014). Psychophysiological correlates of coping and quality of life in patients with ALS. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(5), 955-961.
Real, R. G. L., Kotchoubey, B. & Kübler, A. (2014). Studentized continuous wavelet transform (t-CWT) in the analysis of individual ERPs: Real and simulated EEG data. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, No. 279.
Strehl, U., Birkle, S. M., Wörz, S. & Kotchoubey, B. (2014). Sustained reduction of seizures in patients with intractable epilepsy after self-regulation training of slow cortical potentials - 10 years after. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, No. 604.
Yu, T., Birbaumer, N., Kotchoubey, B. & Lang, S. (2014). Neural Correlates of Sensory Preconditioning: A Preliminary fMRI Investigation. Human Brain Mapping, 35(4), 1297-1304.
Keune, P. M., Hautzinger, M., Bostanov, V. & Kotchoubey, B. (2013). Approaching dysphoric mood: State-effects of mindfulness meditation on frontal brain asymmetry. Biological Psychology, 93(1), 105-113.
Kotchoubey, B., Veser, S., Real, R., Herbert, C., Lang, S. & Kübler, A. (2013). Towards a more precise neurophysiological assessment of cognitive functions in patients with disorders of consciousness. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 31(4), 473-485.
Kotchoubey, B. (2013). Neurofeedback bei schweren Hirnschädigungen. In U. Strehl (Hrsg.), Neurofeedback. Theoretische Grundlagen. Praktisches Vorgehen. Wissenschaftliche Evidenz (S. 204-220). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Kotchoubey, B. & Lotze, M. (2013). Instrumental methods in the diagnostics of locked-in syndrome. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 31(1), 25-40.
Vogel, D., Markl, A., Yu, T., Kotchoubey, B., Lang, S. & Müller, F. (2013). Can mental imagery functional magnetic resonance imaging predict recovery in patients with disorders of consciousness? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 94(10), 1891-1898.
Yu, T., Lang, S., Vogel, D., Markl, A., Müller, F. & Kotchoubey, B. (2013). Patients with unresponsive wakefulness syndrome respond to the pain cries of other people. Neurology, 80(4), 345-352.
Bostanov, V., Keune, P. M., Kotchoubey, B. & Hautzinger, M. (2012). Event-related brain potentials reflect increased concentration ability after mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression: A randomized clinical trial. Psychiatry Research, 199(3), 174-180.
Frick, C., Lang, S., Kotchoubey, B., Sieswerda, S., Dinu-Biringer, R., Berger, M., Veser, S., Essig, M. & Barnow, S. (2012). Hypersensitivity in borderline personality disorder during mindreading. PLoS ONE, 7(8), No. e41650.
Keune, P. M., Bostanov, V., Kotchoubey, B. & Hautzinger, M. (2012). Mindfulness versus rumination and behavioral inhibition: A perspective from research on frontal brain asymmetry. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(3), 323-328.
Kotchoubey, B. (2012). Why are you free? Neurobiology and psychology of voluntary action. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Kotchoubey, B. & Birbaumer, N. (2012). Lernen von Freiheit - In welchem neurobiologischen Sinne können Handlungen frei und verantwortlich sein? In H. Fink & R. Rosenzweig (Hrsg.), Verantwortung als Illusion?. Moral, Schuld, Strafe und das Menschenbild der Hirnforschung (S. 115-126). Paderborn: mentis.
Lang, S., Kotchoubey, B., Frick, C., Spitzer, C., Grabe, H. J. & Barnow, S. (2012). Cognitive reappraisal in trauma-exposed women with borderline personality disorder. NeuroImage, 59(2), 1727-1734.
Naci, L., Monti, M., Cruse, D., Kübler, A., Sorger, B., Goebel, R., Kotchoubey, B. & Owen, A. M. (2012). Brain-computer interfaces for communication with nonresponsive patients. Annals of Neurology, 72(3), 312-323.
Keune, P. M., Bostanov, V., Hautzinger, M. & Kotchoubey, B. (2011). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), cognitive style, and the temporal dynamics of frontal EEG alpha asymmetry in recurrently depressed patients. Biological Psychology, 88(2-3), 243-252.
Lang, S., Stopsack, M., Kotchoubey, B., Frick, C., Grabe, H. J., Spitzer, C. & Barnow, S. (2011). Cortical inhibition in alexithymic patients with borderline personality disorder. Biological Psychology, 88(2-3), 227-232.
Lang, S., Yu, T., Markl, A., Müller, F. & Kotchoubey, B. (2011). Hearing others' pain: Neural activity related to empathy. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 11(3), 386-395.
Lotze, M., Schertel, K., Birbaumer, N. & Kotchoubey, B. (2011). A long-term intensive behavioural treatment study in patients with persistent vegetative state or minimally conscious state. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 43(3), 230-236.
Yu, T., Lang, S., Birbaumer, N. & Kotchoubey, B. (2011). Listening to factually incorrect sentences activates classical language areas and thalamus. NeuroReport, 22(17), 865-869.
Daltrozzo, J., Wioland, N., Mutschler, V., Lutun, P., Calon, B., Meyer, A., Jaeger, A., Pottecher, T. & Kotchoubey, B. (2010). Emotional electrodermal response in coma and other low-responsive patients. Neuroscience Letters, 475(1), 44-47.
Kotchoubey, B. (2010). Zur Freiheit verurteilt. In T. Fuchs & G. Schwarzkopf (Hrsg.), Verantwortlichkeit - nur eine Illusion? (S. 173-200). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
Daltrozzo, J., Wioland, N., Mutschler, V., Lutun, P., Calon, B., Meyer, A., Pottecher, T., Lang, S., Jaeger, A. & Kotchoubey, B. (2009). Cortical information processing in coma. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 22(1), 53-62.
Kotchoubey, B. (2008). Vegetative state. In L. Squire (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. North-Holland: Elsevier.
Kotchoubey, B. (2008). Pilate's error: The varieties of perception-action coupling. E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie, k.A..
Lakerveld, J., Kotchoubey, B. & Kübler, A. (2008). Cognitive function in patients with late stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 79(1), 25-29.
Zank, R., Strehl, U., Larbig, W. & Kotchoubey, B. (2008). Effects of rizatriptan on the contingent negative variation in healthy women. Cephalalgia, 28(9), 922-932.
Daltrozzo, J., Wioland, N., Mutschler, V. & Kotchoubey, B. (2007). Predicting coma and other low responsive patients' outcome using event-related brain potentials: A meta-analysis. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(3), 606-614.
Daltrozzo, J., Wioland, N. & Kotchoubey, B. (2007). Sex differences in two event-related potentials components related to semantic priming. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 555-568.
Kotchoubey, B. (2007). Event-related potentials predict the outcome of the vegetative state. Editorial. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(3), 477-479.
Kotchoubey, B. (2007). Neurobiological reductionism: The paradigm of free will. In A. Columbus (Ed.), New Research on Consciousness. Advances in Psychology Research (pp. 163-187). Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Kübler, A. & Kotchoubey, B. (2007). Brain-computer interfaces in the continuum of consciousness. Current Opinion in Neurology, 20(6), 643-649.
Bostanov, V. & Kotchoubey, B. (2006). The t-CWT: A new ERP detection and quantification method based on the continuous wavelet transform and Student's t-statistics. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117(12), 2627-2644.
Faran, S., Vatine, J.J., Lazary, A., Ohry, A., Birbaumer, N. & Kotchoubey, B. (2006). Late recovery from permanent traumatic vegetative state heralded by event-related brain potentials. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 77(8), 998-1000.
Kotchoubey, B., Jetter, U., Lang, S., Semmler, A., Mezger, G., Schmalohr, D., Schneck, M. & Birbaumer, N. (2006). Evidence of cortical learning in vegetative state. Journal of Neurology, 253(10), 1374-1376.
Kotchoubey, B. (2006). Event-related potentials, cognition, and behavior: A biological approach. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 30(1), 42-65.
Kotchoubey, B. (2006). Signifying nothing? Myth and science of cruelty. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29(3), 232-233.
Strehl, U., Trevorrow, T., Veit, R., Hinterberger, T., Kotchoubey, B., Erb, M. & Birbaumer, N. (2006). Deactivation of brain areas during self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in seizure patients. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 31(1), 85-94.
Hinterberger, T., Wilhelm, B., Mellinger, J., Kotchoubey, B. & Birbaumer, N. (2005). A tool for detection of cognitive brain functions in severely brain injured patients integrated in the thought-translation-device. IEEE Transactions of Biomed Eng, 52, 211-220.
Hinterberger, T., Wilhelm, B., Mellinger, J., Kotchoubey, B. & Birbaumer, N. (2005). A device for the detection of cognitive brain functions in completely paralyzed or unresponsive patients. IEEE Transactions of Biomed Eng, 52(2), 211-220.
Kotchoubey, B. (2005). Neuroscience through the looking glass. Review on M. R. Bennett & P. M. S. Hacker, Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience. Journal of Psychophysiology, 19(3), 234-237.
Kotchoubey, B., Lang, S., Mezger, G., Schmalohr, D., Schneck, M., Semmler, A., Bostanov, V. & Birbaumer, N. (2005). Information processing in severe disorders of consciousness: Vegetative state and minimally conscious state. Clinical Neurophysiology, 116(10), 2441-2453.
Kotchoubey, B. (2005). Apallic syndrome is not apallic: Is vegetative state vegetative? Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 15(3-4), 333-356.
Kotchoubey, B. (2005). Event-related potential markers of consciousness: Two equations with three unknowns. Progress in Brain Research, 150, 427-444.
Kotchoubey, B. (2005). Pragmatics, prosody, and evolution: Language is more than a symbolic system. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(2), 136-137.
Kotchoubey, B. (2005). Seeing and talking: Whorf wouldn't be satisfied. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28(4), 502-503.
Kotchoubey, B., Daltrozzo, J., Wioland, N., Mutschler, V., Lutun, P., Birbaumer, N. & Jaeger, A. (2005). Semantic processing in a coma patient. Grand Rounds, 5, 37-41.
Strehl, U., Kotchoubey, B., Trevorrow, T. & Birbaumer, N. (2005). Predictors of seizure reduction after self-regulation of slow cortical potentials as a treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 6, 156-166.
Vaitl, D., Gruzelier, J., Jamieson, G. A., Lehmann, D., Ott, U., Sammer, G., Strehl, U., Birbaumer, N., Kotchoubey, B., Kübler, A., Miltner, W. H. R., Pütz, P., Strauch, I., Wackermann, J. & Weiss, T. (2005). Psychobiology of altered states of consciousness. Psychological Bulletin, 131(1), 98-127.
Bostanov, V. & Kotchoubey, B. (2004). Recognition of affective prosody: continuous wavelet measures of event-related brain potentials to emotional exclamations. Psychophysiology, 41, 259-268.
Kotchoubey B. (2004). Persistent vegetative state: Should we generalize? (letter to the Editor). Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 21, 21.
Kotchoubey, B., Lang, S., Herb, E., Maurer, P. & Birbaumer, N. (2004). Reliability of brain responses to a person's own name in healthy subjects and patients with brain damage. In N. C. Moore & M. K. Arikan (Hrsg.), Brainwaves and mind: Recent advances. A report from Istanbul (S. 75-80). New York: Kjellberg, Inc.
Kotchoubey, B. (2004). Funktionelle Bildgebung: Der königliche Weg? Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, 13(4), 185-191.
Neumann, N. & Kotchoubey, B. (2004). Assessment of cognitive functions in severely paralysed and severely brain damaged patients: Neuropsychological and electrophysiological methods. Brain Research Protocols, 14(1), 25-36.
Hinterberger, T., Veit, R., Strehl, U., Trevorrow, T., Erb, M., Kotchoubey, B., Flor, H. & Birbaumer, N. (2003). Brain areas activated in fMRI during self-regulation of slow cortical potentials (SCPs). Experimental Brain Research, 152(1), 113-122.
Kotchoubey, B., Lang, S., Herb, E., Maurer, P., Schmalohr, D., Bostanov, V. & Birbaumer, N. (2003). Stimulus complexity enhances auditory discrimination in patients with extremely severe brain injuries. Neuroscience Letters, 352, 129-132.
Kotchoubey, B., Lang, S., Winter, S. & Birbaumer, N. (2003). Cognitive processing in completely paralyzed patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology, 10(5), 551-558.
Kotchoubey, B., Dubischar, A., Mack, H., Kaiser, J. & Birbaumer, N. (2003). Electrocortical and behavioral effects of chronic immobility on word processing. Cognitive Brain Research, 17(1), 188-199.
Kotchoubey, B. & Lang, S. (2003). Parallel processing of physical and lexical auditory information in humans. Neuroscience Research, 45, 369-374.
Kotchoubey, B., Lang, S., Bostanov, V. & Birbaumer, N. (2003). Cortical processing in Guillain-Barré syndrome after years of total immobility. Journal of Neurology, 250(9), 1121-1123.
Kotchoubey, B., Schneck, M., Lang, S. & Birbaumer, N. (2003). Event-related brain potentials in a patient with akinetic mutism. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 33, 23-30.
Kotchoubey, B. (2002). Do event-related brain potentials reflect mental (cognitive) operations? Journal of Psychophysiology, 16(3), 129-149.
Kotchoubey, B., Kübler, A., Strehl, U., Flor, H. & Birbaumer, N. (2002). Can humans perceive their brain states? Consciousness and Cognition, 11, 98-113.
Lang, S. & Kotchoubey, B. (2002). Brain responses to number sequences with and without active task requirement. Clinical Neurophysiology, 113, 1734-1741.
Müller, V., Kotchoubey, B. & Birbaumer, N. (2002). Visual-motor coordination of younger and older subjects in a time-to-passage task. Cognitive Processes, 3, 61-76.
Birbaumer, N., Strehl, U., Kübler, A., Kotchoubey, B. & Flor, H. (2001). Verhaltensmedizin neurologischer Erkrankungen. In H. Flor, K. Hahlweg & N. Birbaumer (Hrsg.), Anwendungen der Verhaltensmedizin (S. 45-96). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Kaiser, J., Perelmouter, J., Iversen, I. H., Neumann, N., Ghanayim, N., Hinterberger, T., Kübler, A., Kotchoubey, B. & Birbaumer, N. (2001). Self-initiation of EEG-based communication in paralyzed patients. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112(3), 551-545.
Kotchoubey, B., Lang, S., Baales, R., Herb, E., Maurer, P., Mezger, G., Schmalohr, D., Bostanov, V. & Birbaumer, N. (2001). Brain potentials in human patients with extremely severe diffuse brain damage. Neuroscience Letters, 301, 37-40.
Kotchoubey, B., Strehl, U., Uhlmann, C., Holzapfel, S., König, M., Fröscher, W., Blankenhorn, V. & Birbaumer, N. (2001). Modification of slow cortical potentials in patients with refractory epilepsy: A controlled outcome study. Epilepsia, 42(3), 406-416.
Kotchoubey, B., Strehl, U., Uhlmann, C., Holzapfel, S., König, M., Fröscher, W., Blankenhorn, V. & Birbaumer, N. (2001). Modulation of slow cortical potentials in patients with intractable epilepsy. Epilepsia, 42(3), 406-416.
Kotchoubey, B. (2001). About hens and eggs - Perception and action, ecology and neuroscience: A reply to Michaels (2000). Ecological Psychology, 13(2), 123-133.
Kotchoubey, B. & Lang, S. (2001). Event-related potentials in an auditory semantic oddball task in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 310, 93-96.
Kübler, A., Kotchoubey, B., Kaiser, J., Wolpaw, J. R. & Birbaumer, N. (2001). Brain-computer communication: Unlocking the locked in. Psychological Bulletin, 127(3), 358-375.
Kübler, A., Neumann, N., Kaiser, J., Kotchoubey, B., Hinterberger, T. & Birbaumer, N. P. (2001). Brain-computer communication: Self-regulation of Slow Cortical Potentials (SCP) for verbal communication. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 82, 1533-1539.
Müller, V., Kotchoubey, B., Perelmouter, J., Lutzenberger, W. & Birbaumer, N. (2001). Effects of disturbing auditory noise on the complexity of electrocortical activity. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 11(4), 1159-1167.
Birbaumer, N., Kübler, A., Ghanayim, N., Hinterberger, T., Perelmouter, J., Kaiser, J., Iversen, I., Kotchoubey, B., Neumann, N. & Flor, H. (2000). The thought translation device (TTD) for completely paralyzed patients. IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 8(2), 190-193.
Hinterberger, T., Kotchoubey, B., Kaiser, J., Kübler, A., Neumann, N., Perelmouter, J., Strehl, U. & Birbaumer, N. (2000). Anwendungen der Selbstkontrolle langsamer kortikaler Potentiale. Verhaltenstherapie, 10(4), 219-227.
Kotchoubey, B., Haisst, S., Daum, I., Schugens, M. & Birbaumer, N. (2000). Learning and self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in older adults. Experimental Aging Research, 26, 15-35.
Lang, S. & Kotchoubey, B. (2000). Learning effects on event-related brain potentials. NeuroReport, 11(15), 3327-3331.
Müller, V., Schick, A., Kotchoubey, B., Perelmouter, J., Reckhardt, C., Lutzenberger, W. & Birbaumer, N. (2000). Disturbing noise effects and dimensional complexity of cortical processes. In A. Schick, M. Meis & C. Reckhardt (Eds.), Contributions to psychological acoustics. Results of the Eighth Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Acoustics. Oldenburg: BIS Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.
Strehl, U., Kotchoubey, B. & Birbaumer, N. (2000). Biofeedback von Hirnaktivität bei epileptischen Anfällen: ein verhaltensmedizinisches Behandlungsprogramm. In W. Rief & N. Birbaumer (Hrsg.), Biofeedback-Therapie. Grundlagen, Indikation und praktisches Vorgehen (S. 190-208). Stuttgart: Schattauer.
Birbaumer, N., Ghanayim, N., Hinterberger, T., Iversen, I., Kotchoubey, B., Kübler, A., Perelmouter, J., Taub, E. & Flor, H. (1999). A spelling device for the paralysed. Nature, 398(25 March), 297-298.
Kotchoubey, B., Strehl, U., Holzapfel, S., Blankenhorn, V., Fröscher, W. & Birbaumer, N. (1999). Negative potential shifts and the prediction of the outcome of neurofeedback therapy in epilepsy. Clinical Neurophysiology, 110(4), 683-686.
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Kotchoubey, B. (1999). Direct versus representational theory of perception: Evidence from psychophysiological data. In I. Wachsmuth & B. Jung (Eds.), KogWis99. Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Bielefeld, 28. September - 1. Oktober 1999. St. Augustin: infix.
Kotchoubey, B., Busch, S., Strehl, U. & Birbaumer, N. (1999). Changes in EEG power spectra during biofeedback of slow cortical potentials in epilepsy. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 24(4), 213-233.
Kübler, A., Kotchoubey, B., Hinterberger, T., Ghanayim, N., Perelmouter, J., Schauer, M., Fritsch, C., Taub, E. & Birbaumer, N. (1999). The thought translation device: a neurophysiological approach to communication in total motor paralysis. Experimental Brain Research, 223-232.
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Kotchoubey, B. (1998). What do event related brain potentials tell us about the organization of action? In J. S. Jordan (Ed.), Systems Theories and A Priori Aspects of Perception (Advances in Psychology Vol. 126) (pp. 209-256). North-Holland: Elsevier.
Kotchoubey, B. (1998). What do event-related brain potentials tell us about the organization of action. In J. S. Jordan (Ed.), Systems theories and a priori aspects of perception (pp. 209-256). North-Holland: Elsevier.
Kübler, A., Kotchoubey, B., Ghanayim, N., Hinterberger, T., Perelmouter, J., Schauer, M., Fritsch, C. & Birbaumer, N. (1998). A thought translation device for brain computer communication. Studia Psychologica, 17-31.
Kuebler, A., Kotchoubey, B., Salzmann, H.-P., Ghanayim, N., Perelmouter, J., Hömberg, V. & Birbaumer, N. (1998). Self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in completely paralyzed human patients. Neuroscience Letters, 171-174.
Westphal, K.P., Heinemann, H.A., Grözinger, B., Kotchoubey, B., Diekmann, V., Becker, W. & Kornhuber, H.H. (1998). Bereitschaftspotential in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): Lower amplitudes in patients with hyperreflexia (spasticity). Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 98(1), 15-21.
Kochubey, B. (1997). The rise and fall of Social Man. In E. Grigorenko, P. Ruzgis & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.), Russian Psychology: Past, Present and Future. (Horizons in Psychology, Series Editor J. Wertsch). Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Kotchoubey, B., Grözinger, B., Kornhuber, A. W. & Kornhuber, H.H. (1997). Electrophysiological analysis of expectancy: P3 in informed guessing. International Journal of Neuroscience, 91(1-2), 105-122.
Kotchoubey, B., Schleichert, H., Lutzenberger, W. & Birbaumer, N. (1997). A new method for self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in a timed paradigm. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 22(2), 77-93.
Kotchoubey, B., Schneider, D., Uhlmann, C., Schleichert, H. & Birbaumer, N. (1997). Beyond habituation: Long-term repetition effects on visual event-related potentials in epileptic patients. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 103(4), 450-456.
Kotchoubey, B., Wascher, E. & Verleger, R. (1997). Shifting attention between global features and small details: an event-related potential study. Biological Psychology, 46(1), 25-50.
Kotchoubey, B., Blankenhorn, V., Fröscher, W., Strehl, U. & Birbaumer, N. (1997). Stability of cortical self-regulation in epilepsy patients. NeuroReport, 8(8), 1867-1870.
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Kotchoubey, B. I., Jordan, J. S., Grözinger, B., Westphal, K. P. & Kornhuber, H.H. (1996). Event-related brain potentials in a varied-set memory search task: A reconsideration. Psychophysiology, 530-540.
Kotchoubey, B., Schleichert, H., Lutzenberger, W., Anokhin, A. P. & Birbaumer, N. (1996). Self-regulation of interhemispheric asymmetry in humans. Neuroscience Letters, 215, 91-94.
Kotchoubey, B., Schneider, D., Schleichert, H., Strehl, U., Uhlmann, C., Blankenhorn, V., Fröscher, W. & Birbaumer, N. (1996). Self-regulation of slow cortical potentials in epilepsy: A retrial with analysis of influencing factors. Epilepsy Research, 25(3), 269-276.
Jordan, J. S., Kotchoubey, B., Grözinger, B. & Westphal, K. P. (1995). Evoked brain potentials and memory: more positivity in response to forgotten items. Neuroreport, 1913-1916.
Kotchoubey, B. I., Grözinger, B., End, H., Kornhuber, A. & Kornhuber, H.H. (1995). Individual differences in slow brain potentials in a guessing task. Archives Italiennes de Biologie, 99-115.
Kotchoubey, B., End, H., Grözinger, B., Jordan, J.S., Kornhuber, A. & Kornhuber, H.H. (1994). Pre- and post-movement potentials in an informed guessing task. Journal of Psychophysiology, 8, 142-156.
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