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Literaturliste von Dr. Kathleen Otto

letzte Aktualisierung: 10.02.2025

Baluku, M. M., Kawooya, K., Bwambale, J. M. & Otto, K. (2024). Exploring the Associations of Facets of Locus of Control and Moral Potency with Job Satisfaction and Counterproductive Work Behaviors. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 9, 1703-1720.

Brohmer, H., Hofer, G., Bauch, S. A., Beitner, J., Berkessel, J. B., Corcoran, K., Garcia, D., Gruber, F. m., Giuliani, F., Jauk, E., Krammer, G., Malkoc, S., Metzler, H., Mües, H. M., Otto, K., Rahal, R.-M., Salwender, M., Sczesny, S., Stahlberg, D., Wehrt, W. & Athenstaedt, U. (2024). Effects of the Generic Masculine and Its Alternatives in Germanophone Countries: A Multi-Lab Replication and Extension of Stahlberg, Sczesny, and Braun (2001). International Review of Social Psychology, 37(1), No. 17.

Cheng, Y., Otto, K. & Nudelman, G. (2024). Understanding the Relationship Between Just World Belief and Career Success: The Role of Work Engagement. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, No. 2374407.

Kinzenbach, L., Praum, K., Stracke, M., Schwenck, C., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L. & Christiansen, H. (2024). "When one has no REAL illness" - analysis of the knowledge component of mental health literacy in children and adolescents of parents with a mental illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, No. 1423326.

Luczejko, A. A., Hagelweide, K., Stark, R., Weigelt, S., Christiansen, H., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L. & Schwenck, C. (2024). Empathy and psychopathology in children and adolescents: the role of parental mental illness and emotion regulation. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, No. 1366366.

Luczejko, A. A., Werkmann, N. L., Hagelweide, K., Stark, R., Weigelt, S., Christiansen, H., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L. & Schwenck, C. (2024). Transgenerational transmission of psychopathology: when are adaptive emotion regulation strategies protective in children? Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 18, No. 96.

Otto, K., Baluku, M., Schaible, A., Oflu, C. & Kleszewski, E. (2024). The Only way is up? How Different Facets of Employee and Supervisor Perfectionism Help or Hinder Career Development. Psychological Reports, 1-35.

Schlegel, L., Kleszewski, E. & Otto, K. (2024). The Butterfly Effect of Appreciation at Work: An Impulse for Daily Perfectionistic Cognitions and Well-Being Beyond the Workday. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 29(6), 431-444.

Schummer, S. E., Woelk, J., Trupp, L. & Otto, K. (2024). How Vertical Leadership Affects Shared Leadership Through Team Identification. Small Group Research, 1-29.

Vahle-Hinz, T., Otto, K. & Rigotti, T. (2024). Effects of Demands and Resources in the Team Context. Small Group Research, 55(6), 884-918.

Werkmann, N. L., Luczejko, A. A., Hagelweide, K., Stark, R., Weigelt, S., Christiansen, H., Kieser, M., Otto, K., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Zietlow, A.-L. & Schwenck, C. (2024). Facial emotion recognition in children of parents with a mental illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, No. 1366005.

Cheng, Y., Nudelman, G., Otto, K. & Ma, J. (2023). E-BJW/V-BJW - Effort-Based and Valence-Based Belief in a Just World - deutsche Fassung (Effort-Based Belief in a Just World (E-BJW); Valence-Based Belief in a Just World (V-BJW)). (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Cheng, Y., Nudelman, G., Ma, J. & Otto, K. (2023). Belief in a just world and organisational loyalty: Trust as an underlying mechanism. International Journal of Psychology, 1-12.

Correia, I., Carvalho, H., Otto, K. & Nudelman, G. (2023). Justice perceptions and well-being: Belief in a just world is a personal resource and a coping resource. British Journal of Psychology, 1-21.

Kleszewski, E. & Otto, K. (2023). A matter of needs: Basic need satisfaction as an underlying mechanism between perfectionism and employee well-being. Motivation and Emotion, 47(5), 761-780.

Matick, E., Kleszewski, E. & Otto, K. (2023). Far From Perfect Sleep: A Diary Study on Multidimensional Perfectionism in the Context of the Stressor-Detachment Model. International Journal of Stress Management, 30(4), 354-365.

Matousian, N. & Otto, K. (2023). How to measure mental illness stigma at work: Development and validation of the Workplace Mental Illness Stigma Scale. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, No. 1225838.

Montero Barra, R., Garrido-Vasquez, P., Otto, K. & Garrido Vasquez, M. E. (2023). Uncertainty against Industry 4.0 and job insecurity: The moderated role of perceived employability, age, and educational level. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-23.

Baluku, M. M., Bantu, E., Namale, B. & Otto, K. (2022). Maintaining high eudaimonic wellbeing despite ambiguity intolerance among three employment status groups: Examining the buffering effects of positive psychological attributes. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 7, 1-30.

Cheng, Y., Nudelman, G., Otto, K. & Ma, J. (2022). Conceptualization, measurement, and validation of effort- and valence-based just world beliefs. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 38, 1-17.

Frank, B. P., Theil, C. M., Brill, N., Christiansen, H., Schwenck, C., Kieser, M., Reck, C., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L. & Otto, K. (2022). Leave me alone with your symptoms! Social exclusion at the workplace mediates the relationship of employee's mental illness and sick leave. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, No. 892174.

Geibel, Hannah, V. & Otto, K. (2022). Commitment is the key: A moderated mediation model linking leaders' resources, work engagement, and transformational leadership behavior. Psychological Reports, 1-52.

Geibel, Hannah, V., Rigotti, T. & Otto, K. (2022). It all comes back to health: A three-wave cross-lagged study of leaders' well-being, team performance, and transformational leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(7), 532-546.

Kiel, A., Hof zum Berge, A., Schwarzenbrunner, K., Otto, K., Loch, F., Kellmann, M. & Jakowski, S. (2022). Sleep in German female youth national ice hockey athletes. Subjective sleep quality and daytime sleepiness of the German women's junior national ice hockey team during preparation for the World Championship Division IA. Somnologie, 26(4), 232-238.

Matick, E., Kottwitz, M. U., Rigotti, T. & Otto, K. (2022). I can't get no sleep: The role of leaders' health and leadership behavior on employees' sleep quality. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1-11.

Nudelman, G., Kamble, S. V. & Otto, K. (2022). Using Protection Motivation Theory to predict adherence to COVID-19 behavioral guidelines. Behavioral Medicine, 1-10.

Oflu, C., Baluku, M. M. & Otto, K. (2022). Career success in the University setting: Examining the role of narcissism facets. Current Psychology, 41(2), 877-887.

Krug, H., Haslam, S. A., Otto, K., Safi, G. & Steffens, N. K. (2021). Doing it for the team: Soccer coaches' identity leadership predicts players' effort, turnover intentions, and performance. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 55, No. 101947.

Krug, H., Haslam, S. A., Otto, K. & Steffens, N. K. (2021). Identity Leadership, social identity continuity, and well-being at work during COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 684475.

Matick, E., Kottwitz, M. U., Lemmer, G. & Otto, K. (2021). How to sleep well in times of high job demands: The supportive role of detachment and perceived social support. Work & Stress, 1-16.

Nudelman, G., Kamble, S. V. & Otto, K. (2021). Can personality traits predict depression during the COVID-19 pandemic? Social Justice Research, 34(2), 218-234.

op 't Roodt, H., Krug, H. & Otto, K. (2021). Subgroup formation in diverse virtual teams: The moderating role of identity leadership. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 722650.

Otto, K., Geibel, Hannah, V. & Kleszewski, E. (2021). "Perfect leader, perfect leadership?" Linking leaders' perfectionism to monitoring, transformational, and servant leadership behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 657394.

Baluku, M. M., Kikooma, J. F., Otto, K., König, C. J. & Bajwa, N. u. H. (2020). Positive psychological attributes and entrepreneurial intention and action: The moderating role of perceived family support. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 546745.

Baluku, M. M., Matagi, L. & Otto, K. (2020). Exploring the link between mentoring and intangible outcomes of entrepreneurship: The mediating role of self-efficacy and moderating effects of gender. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 1556.

Baluku, M. M., Mugabi, E. N., Nansamba, J., Matagi, L., Onderi, P. & Otto, K. (2020). Psychological capital and career outcomes among final year university students: The mediating role of career engagement and perceived employability. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 6(1), 55-80.

Cheng, Y., Nudelman, G., Otto, K. & Ma, J. (2020). Belief in a just world and employee voice behavior: The mediating roles of perceived efficacy and risk. The Journal of Psychology, 154(2), 129-143.

Dietz, C., Zacher, H., Scheel, T., Otto, K. & Rigotti, T. (2020). Leaders as role models: Effects of leader presenteeism on employee presenteeism and sick leave. Work & Stress, 34(3), 300-322.

Garrido Vásquez, M. E., Garrido-Vásquez, P. & Otto, K. (2020). Two sides of workplace interactions: How appreciation and social stressors shape the relationship between job insecurity and well-being. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 16(3), 458-478.

Kleszewski, E. & Otto, K. (2020). The perfect colleague? Multidimensional perfectionism and indicators of social disconnection in the workplace. Personality and Individual Differences, 162, No. 110016.

Otto, K., Mabunda Baluku, M., Hünefeld, L. & Kottwitz, M. U. (2020). Caught between autonomy and insecurity: A work-psychological view on resources and strain of small business owners in Germany. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 525613.

Rigotti, T., Korek, S. & Otto, K. (2020). Career-related self-efficacy, its antecedents and relationship to subjective career success in a cross-lagged panel study. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(20), 2645-2672.

Baluku, M. M., Leonsio, M., Bantu, E. & Otto, K. (2019). The impact of autonomy on the relationship between mentoring and entrepreneurial intentions among youth in Germany, Kenya, and Uganda. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 25(2), 170-192.

Baluku, M. M., Schummer, S. E., Löser, D. & Otto, K. (2019). The role of selection and socialization processes in career mobility: Explaining expatriation and entrepreneurial intentions. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 19(2), 313-333.

Christiansen, H., Reck, C., Zietlow, A.-L., Otto, K., Steinmayr, R., Wirthwein, L., Weigelt, S., Stark, R., Ebert, D. D., Buntrock, C., Krisam, J., Klose, C., Kieser, M. & Schwenck, C. (2019). Children of Mentally III Parents at Risk Evaluation (COMPARE): Design and methods of a randomized controlled multicenter study - Part I. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, No. 128.

Garrido Vásquez, M. E., Kälin, W., Otto, K., Sadlowski, J. & Kottwitz, M. U. (2019). Do co-worker conflicts enhance daily worries about job insecurity: A diary study. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68(1), 26-52.

Kottwitz, M. U., Pfister, I. B., Elfring, A., Schummer, S. E., Igic, I. & Otto, K. (2019). SOS - Appreciation overboard! Illegitimacy and psychologists' job satisfaction. Industrial Health, 57(5), 637-652.

Nudelman, G. & Otto, K. (2019). Personal belief in a just world and conscientiousness: A meta-analysis, facet-level examination, and mediation model. British Journal of Psychology.

Otto, K. (2019). Better Together: A Model for Women and LGBTQ Equality in the Workplace. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, No. 272.

Otto, K., Sobiraj, S., Schladitz, S., Garrido Vásquez, M. E., Roe, R. & Baluku Mabunda, M. (2019). Do social skills shape career success in the psychology profession? A mixed-method approach. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 63(2), 88-99.

Scheel, T. E., Otto, K., Vahle-Hinz, T., Holstad, T. & Rigotti, T. (2019). A fair share of work: Is fairness of task distribution a mediator between transformational leadership and follower emotional exhaustion? Frontiers in Psychology, 10, No. 2690, 1-8.

Otto, K. & Schladitz, S. (2018). Personalauswahl und Personalentwicklung. In J. Strohmer (Hrsg.), Psychologische Grundlagen für Fachkräfte in Kindergarten, Krippe und Hort (S. 447-453). Bern: Hogrefe.

Selenko, E., Berkers, H., Carter, A., Woods, S. A., Otto, K., Urbach, T. & De Witte, H. (2018). On the dynamics of work identity in atypical employment: Setting out a research agenda. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(3), 324-334.

Kampa, J., Rigotti, T. & Otto, K. (2017). Mechanisms linking authentic leadership to emotional exhaustion: The role of procedural justice and emotional demands in a moderated mediation approach. Industrial Health, 55(2), 95-107.

Kottwitz, M. U., Huenefeld, L., Frank, B. P. & Otto, K. (2017). The more, the better?! Multiple vs. single jobholders' job satisfaction as a matter of lacked information. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, No. 1274.

Otto, K., Roe, R., Sobiraj, S., Baluku, M. M. & Vásquez, M. E. G. (2017). The impact of career ambition on psychologists' extrinsic and intrinsic career success. The less they want, the more they get. Career Development International, 22(1), 23-36.

Sobiraj, S., Schladitz, S., Küchler, R. & Otto, K. (2017). Die Bedeutung von Motiven für die Studienfachwahl Psychologie für den Berufserfolg von Frauen und Männern. Psychologie des Alltagshandelns, 10(2), 60-73.

Wirtz, N., Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Loeb, C. (2017). What about the leader? Crossover of emotional exhaustion and work engagement from followers to leaders. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(1), 86-97.

Faupel, S., Otto, K., Krug, H. & Kottwitz, M. U. (2016). Stress at school? A qualitative study on illegitimate tasks during teacher training. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 7, No. 1410.

Otto, K., Mohr, G., Kottwitz, M. U. & Korek, S. (2016). The joint impact of microeconomic parameters and job insecurity perceptions on commitment towards one's job, occupation and career: A multilevel approach. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 37(1), 43-71.

Tanner, G. & Otto, K. (2016). Superior-subordinate communication during organizational change: Under which conditions does high-quality communication become important? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(19), 2183-2201.

Otto, K., Dette-Hagenmeyer, D. E. & Dalbert, C. (2014). Occupational change readiness at career transition points in those at the beginning of their working life. Psychologie des Alltagshandelns, 7(1), 19-29.

Otto, K. & Scheel, T. (2014). Psychische Gesundheit und Erwerbslosigkeit: Zusammenhänge und Interventionen. In J. Klein-Heßling & D. Krause (Hrsg.), Psychische Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt (S. 65-76). Heidelberg: medhochzwei Verlag.

Rigotti, T., Korek, S. & Otto, K. (2014). Gains and losses related to career transitions within organisations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(2), 177-187.

Holstad, T. J., Rigotti, T. & Otto, K. (2013). Prozedurale Fairness als Mediator zwischen transformationaler Führung und psychischer Beanspruchung am Arbeitsplatz. Eine Mehrebenenstudie. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 57(4), 163-176.

Otto, K., Rigotti, T. & Mohr, G. (2013). The psychological effects of restructuring. In A.- S.- G. Antoniou & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The psychology of the recession on the workplace (pp. 261-275). Cheltenham: Elgar.

Abas, N. A. H., Surdick, R., Otto, K., Wood, S. & Budd, D. (2012). Emotional intelligence and conflict management styles. In C. Dan (Ed.), Knowledge, Culture and Society (pp. 18-22). Singapore: IACSIT Press.

Bamberg, E., Mohr, G., Busch, C., Dettmers, J., Duresso, R., Hoppe, A., Janneck, M., Otto, K., Rigotti, T., Staar, H., Steinmetz, B., Vahle-Hinz, T. & Vincent, S. (Hrsg.). (2012). Arbeitspsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Baumert, A., Otto, K., Thomas, N., Bobocel, D. R. & Schmitt, M. (2012). Processing of unjust and just information: Interpretation and memory performance related to dispositional victim sensitivity. European Journal of Personality, 26(2), 99-110.

Kurth, S. & Otto, K. (2012). Zufriedenheit mit und Aufrechterhaltung von freiwilligem Engagement: Organisationale Gerechtigkeit als Ressource in Abhängigkeit der Motivlage. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 14(1), 20-29.

Otto, K. & Beck, J. (2012). Beanspruchung als Mediator zwischen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung und Arbeitseinstellungen bei geringer vs. hoher Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit. Psychologie des Alltagshandelns, 5(2), 40-51.

Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2012). Individual differences in job-related relocation readiness: The impact of personality dispositions and social orientations. Career Development International, 17(2), 168 - 186.

Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2012). Willingness to accept occupational change when offered incentives: Comparing full-time and part-time employees. European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, 21(2), 222-243.

Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2012). Demografische Entwicklung, Arbeit und Alter. In E. Bamberg, G. Mohr & C. Busch (Hrsg.), Arbeitspsychologie (S. 243-287). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Otto, K. & Rigotti, T. (2012). Prävalenz von Restrukturierung in Deutschland und deren Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigte. In G. Athanassiou, S. Schreiber-Costa & O. Sträter (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit. Sichere und gute Arbeit erfolgreich gestalten - Forschung und Umsetzung in die Praxis. 17. Workshop 2012 (S. 227-230). Kröning: Asanger.

Rigotti, T. & Otto, K. (2012). Organisationaler Wandel und die Gesundheit von Beschäftigten. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 66(4), 253-267.

Scheel, T. & Otto, K. (2012). Freiwillig arbeiten! Freiwillig aufhören? Ehrenamt, Gerechtigkeit und Psychologische Verträge. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 14(1), 30-39.

Mohr, G. & Otto, K. (2011). Health effects of unemployment and job insecurity. In A. S. Antoniou & C. Cooper (Eds.), New directions in organizational psychology and behavioral medicine (pp. 289-311). Surrey: Gower Publishing.

Otto, K., Baumert, A. & Bobocel, D. R. (2011). Cross-cultural preferences for distributive justice principles: resource type and uncertainty management. Social Justice Research, 24(3), 255-277.

Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2011). Job insecurity, centrality of work and relations to work-related attitudes. In T. Kieselbach & S. Mannila (Eds.), Unemployment, precarious work and health. Research and policy issues (pp. 321-336). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Otto, K., Hoffmann-Biencourt, A. & Mohr, G. (2011). Is there a buffering effect of flexibility for job attitudes and work-related strain under conditions of high job insecurity and regional unemployment rate? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 32(4), 609-630.

Mohr, G. & Otto, K. (2010). Health effects of unemployment and job insecurity. In A.-S. Antoniou & C. Cooper (Eds.), New directions in organizational psychology and behavioral medicine (pp. 289-311). Burlington: Gower.

Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2010). New challenges for human resource management: readiness to perform a mobile job and its antecedents. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(4), 600-614.

Otto, K., Dette-Hagenmeyer, D. E. & Dalbert, C. (2010). Occupational Mobility in Members of the Labor Force: Explaining the Willingness to Change Occupations. Journal of Career Development, 36(3), 262-288.

Otto, K., Korek, S. & Baethge, A. (2010). Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt. Gestaltungsansätze und Interventionsmöglichkeiten aus Sicht der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Verhaltenstherapie und psychosoziale Praxis, 42(4), 975-986.

Otto, K. & Merkel, D. (2010). Individualismus und Selbstwirksamkeit als Ressourcen des Wohlbefindens Erwerbsloser in Abhängigkeit von Geschlecht und Dauer der Erwerbslosigkeit. In T. Rigotti, S. Korek & K. Otto (Hrsg.), Gesund mit und ohne Arbeit (S. 369-381). Lengerich: Pabst.

Rigotti, T., Korek, S. & Otto, K. (Hrsg.). (2010). Gesund mit und ohne Arbeit. Lengerich: Pabst.

Otto, K. (2009). Mobilitätsbereitschaft: Definition, Operationalisierung und aktuelle Forschungslage. In M. Dick (Hrsg.), Mobilität als Tätigkeit: Individuelle Expansion - alltägliche Logistik - kulturelle Kapazität (S. 226-235). Lengerich: Pabst.

Otto, K., Glaser, D. & Dalbert, C. (2009). Mental health, occupational trust, and quality of working life: Does belief in a just world matter? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(6), 1288-1315.

Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2009). Programme zur Förderung der psychosozialen Gesundheit von Langzeiterwerbslosen. In A. Hollederer (Hrsg.), Gesundheit von Arbeitslosen fördern!. Ein Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Band 22 (S. 135-154). Frankfurt a. M.: Fachhochschulverlag.

Stoeber, J., Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2009). Perfectionism and the Big Five: Conscientiousness predicts longitudinal increases in self-oriented perfectionism. Personality and Individual Differences, 47(4), 363-368.

Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2008). Die Bedeutung von organisationaler Gerechtigkeit für das Beanspruchungserleben in Abhängigkeit von Kontextbedingungen: ein Mehrebenenansatz. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 10(2), 24-33.

Stoeber, J., Stoll, O., Pescheck, E. & Otto, K. (2008). Perfectionism and achievement goals in athletes: Relations with approach and avoidance orientations in mastery and performance goals. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9(2), 102-121.

Baumert, A., Otto, K., Bobocel, R. & Schmitt, M. (2007). Memory for justice-related information: The joint impact of justice sensitivity and the framing of the learning situation. Trier: Universität, Fachbereich I - Psychologie.

Mohr, G. & Otto, K. (2007). Erwerbslosigkeit und Wiedereingliederung. In H. Schuler & K. Sonntag (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (S. 655-661). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Otto, K. & Schmidt, S. (2007). Dealing with stress in the workplace. Compensatory effects of belief in a just world. European Psychologist, 12(4), 272-282.

Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2007). East-West differences in employment relations, organizational justice and trust: Possible reasons and consequences. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28(2), 212-238.

Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2007). Psychologische Verträge und ihr Zusammenhang mit psychosozialem Befinden von Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern. In P. G. Richter, R. Rau & S. Mühlpfordt (Hrsg.), Arbeit und Gesundheit. Zum aktuellen Stand in einem Forschungs- und Praxisfeld. Festschrift aus Anlass der Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. Peter Richter (S. 227-246). Lengerich: Pabst.

Stoeber, J., Otto, K., Pescheck, E., Becker, C. & Stoll, O. (2007). Perfectionism and competitive anxiety in athletes: Differentiating striving for perfection and negative reactions to imperfection. Personality and Individual Differences, 42(6), 959-969.

Otto, K., Boos, A., Dalbert, C., Schöps, D. & Hoyer, J. (2006). Posttraumatic symptoms, depression, and anxiety of flood victims: The impact of the belief in a just world. Personality and Individual Differences, 40(5), 1075-1084.

Paul, T. & Otto, K. (2006). Mit emotionaler Kompetenz führen und Vertrauen aufbauen. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 13(2-3), 37-40.

Stoeber, J. & Otto, K. (2006). Positive conceptions of perfectionism: Approaches, evidence, challenges. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 10(4), 295-319.

Mohr, G. & Otto, K. (2005). Langzeiterwerbslosigkeit: Welche Interventionen machen aus psychologischer Sicht Sinn? Zeitschrift für Psychotraumatologie und Psychologische Medizin, 3(4), 45-63.

Mohr, G. & Otto, K. (2005). Schöne neue Arbeitswelt: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen. Report Psychologie, 30(6), 260-267.

Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2005). Belief in a just world and its functions for young prisoners. Journal of Research in Personality, 39(6), 559-573.

Otto, K., Glaser, D. & Dalbert, C. (2004). SD:GubMB - Skalendokumentation: Geografische und Berufliche Mobilitätsbereitschaft. Kurznachweis. Halle: Martin-Luther-Universität.

Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2004). Belief in a just world as a resource for different types of young prisoners. In C. Dalbert & H. Sallay (Eds.), The justice motive in adolescence and young adulthood. Origins and consequences (pp. 153-171). London: Routledge.

Otto, K., Glaser, D. & Dalbert, C. (2004). Skalendokumentation "Geografische und berufliche Mobilitätsbereitschaft". In W. Bungard (Hrsg.), Mannheimer Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologie, Heft 2001/3 (S. 27). Halle: Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Pädagogik, Arbeitsbereich Pädagogische Psychologie.

Stöber, J., Otto, K., Pescheck, E. & Stoll, O. (2004). SD-PIS - Skalendokumentation "Perfektionismus im Sport". Kurznachweis. Halle: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

Stöber, J., Otto, K., Pescheck, E. & Stoll, O. (2004). Skalendokumentation "Perfektionismus im Sport". Halle: Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Pädagogik, Arbeitsbereich Pädagogische Psychologie.

Friedel, A., Otto, K. & Dalbert, C. (2003). Geografische und berufliche Mobilitätsbereitschaft Jugendlicher: Eine Sekundäranalyse der 13. Shell-Jugendstudie 2000. Halle: Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Pädagogik, Arbeitsbereich Pädagogische Psychologie.

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