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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Martin Diers

letzte Aktualisierung: 13.11.2023

Berg, F., Moser, D. A., Hagena, V., Streit, F., Mosch, B., Kumsta, R., Herpertz, S. & Diers, M. (2023). MicroRNA-related polymorphism and their association with fibromyalgia. Genes, 14(7), No. 1312.

Diers, M., Müller, S. M., Mallon, L., Schmid, A. M., Thomas, T. A., Klein, L., Krikova, K., Stark, R., Wegmann, E., Steins-Loeber, S., Brand, M. & Antons, S. (2023). Cue-reactivity to distal cues in individuals at risk for gaming disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 125, No. 152399.

Mosch, B., Hagena, V., Herpertz, S., Ruttorf, M. & Diers, M. (2023). Neural correlates of control over pain in fibromyalgia patients. NeuroImage: Clinical, 37, No. 103355.

Baumann, P., Beckmann, N., Herpertz, S., Trojan, J. & Diers, M. (2022). Influencing the body schema through the feeling of satiety. Scientific Reports, 12, No. 2350.

Diers, M., Krumm, B., Fuchs, X., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Milde, C., Trojan, J., Foell, J., Becker, S., Rümenapf, G. & Flor, H. (2022). The prevalence and characteristics of phantom limb pain and non-painful phantom phenomena in a nationwide survey of 3,374 unilateral limb amputees. Journal of Pain, 23(3), 411-423.

Erlenwein, J., Diers, M., Ernst, J., Schulz, F. & Petzke, F. (2022). Klinisches Update zu Phantomschmerz. Der Schmerz, 6, No. e888.

Beinert, K., Deutsch, K., Löscher, S. & Diers, M. (2021). Watching your neck: The influence of real-time visual feedback on cervical joint position sense in chronic neck pain. Motor Control, 25(4), 631-643.

Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Reinhard, I., Diers, M., Fuchs, X. & Flor, H. (2021). Relationship of prosthesis ownership and phantom limb pain: results of a survey in 2383 limb amputees. Pain, 162(2), 630-640.

Brand, M., Müller, A., Stark, R., Steins-Loeber, S., Klucken, T., Montag, C., Diers, M., Wolf, O. T., Rumpf, H.-J., Wölfling, K. & Wegmann, E. (2021). Addiction research unit: Affective and cognitive mechanisms of specific Internet-use disorders. Addiction Biology, 26(6), No. e13087.

Cordier, L., Ullrich, E. M., Herpertz, S., Zieglgänsberger, W., Trojan, J. & Diers, M. (2021). Differential effects of visually induced analgesia and attention depending on the pain stimulation site. European Journal of Pain, 25(2), 375-384.

Erlenwein, J., Diers, M., Ernst, J., Schulz, F. & Petzke, F. (2021). Clinical updates on phantom limb pain. PAIN Reports, 6(1), No. e888.

Fuchs, X., Diers, M., Trojan, J., Kirsch, P., Milde, C., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Rance, M., Foell, J., Andoh, J., Becker, S. & Flor, H. (2021). Phantom limb pain after unilateral arm amputation is associated with decreased heat pain thresholds in the face. European Journal of Pain, 1-19.

Kogel, A.-K., Herpertz, S., Steins-Loeber, S. & Diers, M. (2021). Disorder specific rewarding stimuli in anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 1-9.

Leins, J., Waldorf, M., Suchan, B., Diers, M., Herpertz, S., Paslakis, G. & Steins-Loeber, S. (2021). Exposure to the thin beauty ideal: Are there subliminal priming effects? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(4), 506-515.

Andoh, J., Milde, C., Diers, M., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Trojan, J., Fuchs, X., Becker, S., Desch, S. & Flor, H. (2020). Assessment of cortical reorganization and preserved function in phantom limb pain: A methodological perspective. Scientific Reports, 10, No. 11504.

Beckmann, N., Baumann, P., Herpertz, S., Trojan, J. & Diers, M. (2020). How the unconscious mind controls body movements: Body schema distortion in anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 1-9.

Cordier, L., Fuchs, X., Herpertz, S., Trojan, J. & Diers, M. (2020). Synchronous stimulation with light and heat induces body ownership and reduces pain perception. Journal of Pain, 21(5-6), 700-707.

Diers, M., de Vos, C. C., Gandhi, W., Hoeppli, M. E., Becker, S., Bock, E., Baillet, S. & Schweinhardt, P. (2020). Induced oscillatory signaling in the beta frequency of top-down pain modulation. PAIN Reports, 5(1), No. e806.

Mosch, B., Hagena, V. & Diers, M. (2020). Bildgebende Untersuchungen des neuronalen Schmerznetzwerks. Aktuelle Rheumatologie, 45(5), 413-421.

Steinbüchel, T. A., Herpertz, S., Dieris-Hirche, J., Kehyayan, A., Külpmann, I., Diers, M. & te Wildt, B. T. (2020). Internetabhängigkeit und Suizidalität - ein Vergleich Internetabhängiger und nicht abhängiger Patienten mit einer gesunden Population. PPmP - Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 70(11), 457-466.

Beinert, K., Lutz, B., Zieglgänsberger, W. & Diers, M. (2019). Seeing the site of treatment improves habitual pain but not cervical joint position sense immediately after manual therapy in chronic neck pain patients. European Journal of Pain, 23(1), 117-123.

Brumagne, S., Diers, M., Danneels, L., Moseley, G. L. & Hodges, P. W. (2019). Neuroplasticity of sensorimotor control in low back pain. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®, 49(6), 402-414.

Diers, M. (2019). Neuroimaging the pain network - Implications for treatment. Best Practice & Research: Clinical Rheumatology, 33(3), No. 101418.

Kessler, H., Axmacher, N., Diers, M. & Herpertz, S. (2019). On the purported dichotomy between fake and real symptoms: The case of conversion disorders. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, No. 2114.

Cordier, L. & Diers, M. (2018). Learning and unlearning of pain. Biomedicines, 6(2), No. 67.

Trojan, J., Fuchs, X., Speth, S.-L. & Diers, M. (2018). The rubber hand illusion induced by visual-thermal stimulation. Scientific Reports, 8, No. 12417.

Wakolbinger, R., Diers, M., Hruby, L. A., Sturma, A. & Aszmann, O. C. (2018). Home-based tactile discrimination training reduces phantom limb pain. Pain Practice, 18(6), 709-715.

Andoh, J., Diers, M., Milde, C., Frobel, C., Kleinböhl, D. & Flor, H. (2017). Neural correlates of evoked phantom limb sensations. Biological Psychology, 89-97.

Löffler, A., Trojan, J., Zieglgänsberger, W. & Diers, M. (2017). Visually induced analgesia during massage treatment in chronic back pain patients. European Journal of Pain, 21(10), 1623-1631.

Schmidt-Wilcke, T. & Diers, M. (2017). New insights into the pathophysiology and treatment of fibromyalgia. Biomedicines, 5(2), No. 22.

Becker, S. & Diers, M. (2016). Chronischer Schmerz. Wahrnehmung, Belohnung und neurale Verarbeitung. Der Schmerz, 30(5), 395-406.

Diers, M., Loeffler, A., Zieglgaensberger, W. & Trojan, J. (2016). Watching your pain site reduces pain intensity in chronic back pain patients. European Journal of Pain, 20(4), 581-585.

Fuchs, X., Riemer, M., Diers, M., Flor, H. & Trojan, J. (2016). Perceptual drifts of real and artificial limbs in the rubber hand illusion. Scientific Reports (Online Journal), 6, No. 24362.

Kamping, S., Andoh, J., Bomba, I. C., Diers, M., Diesch, E. & Flor, H. (2016). Contextual modulation of pain in masochists: Involvement of the parietal operculum and insula. Pain, 157(2), 445-455.

Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Schredl, M., Diers, M., Reinhard, I., Foell, J., Trojan, J., Fuchs, X. & Flor, H. (2015). Post-amputation pain is associated with the recall of an impaired body representation in dreams-results from a nation-wide survey on limb amputees. PLoS ONE, 10(3), No. e0119552.

Diers, M., Kamping, S., Kirsch, P., Rance, M., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Foell, J., Trojan, J., Fuchs, X., Bach, F., Maaß, H., Çakmak, H. & Flor, H. (2015). Illusion-related brain activations: A new virtual reality mirror box system for use during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Brain Research, 1594, 173-182.

Laux, P., Diers, M., Flor, H. & Krumm, B. (2015). Recovery-stress balance and injury risk in professional football players: a prospective study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(20), 2140-2148.

Milde, C., Rance, M., Kirsch, P., Trojan, J., Fuchs, X., Foell, J., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Flor, H. & Diers, M. (2015). Do mirror glasses have the same effect on brain activity as a mirror box? Evidence from a functional magnetic resonance imaging study with healthy subjects. PLoS ONE, 10(5), No. e0127694.

Streit, F., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Diers, M., Reinhard, I., Frank, J., Wüst, S., Seltzer, Z., Flor, H. & Rietschel, M. (2015). Concordance of phantom and residual limb pain phenotypes in double amputees: Evidence for the contribution of distinct and common individual factors. Journal of Pain, 16(12), 1377-1385.

Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Foell, J., Diers, M., Kamping, S., Rance, M., Kirsch, P., Trojan, J., Fuchs, X., Flor, H., Bach, F., Cakmak, H. K. & Maass, H. (2014). The Importance of Synchrony and Temporal Order of Visual and Tactile Input for Illusory Limb Ownership Experiences - An fMRI Study Applying Virtual Reality. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e87013.

Foell, J., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2014). Mirror therapy for phantom limb pain: Brain changes and the role of body representation. European Journal of Pain, 18(5), 729-739.

Trojan, J., Diers, M., Fuchs, X., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Kamping, S., Rance, M., Flor, H., Bach, F., Maass, H. & Foell, J. (2014). An augmented reality home-training system based on the mirror training and imagery approach. Behavior Research Methods, 46(3), 634-640.

Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2013). Phantomschmerz. Psychologische Behandlungsstrategien. Der Schmerz, 27(2), 205-213.

Bach, F., Cakmak, H., Maass, H., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Foell, J., Diers, M., Trojan, J., Fuchs, X. & Flor, H. (2012). Illusory hand ownership induced by an MRI compatible immersive virtual reality device. Biomed Tech, Supplement 1, 57(1), 719-720.

Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Foell, J., Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2012). The perceptual and neuronal stability of the rubber hand illusion across contexts and over time. Brain Res, 1452, 130-139.

Diener, S. J., Wessa, M., Ridder, S., Lang, S., Diers, M., Flor, H. & Steil, R. (2012). Enhanced stress analgesia to a cognitively demanding task in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 136(3), 1247-1251.

Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2012). Neuroimaging and Pain: Implications for Prevention and Treatment. Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy, 29(1), 17-29.

Diers, M., Yilmaz, P., Rance, M., Thieme, K., Rolko, C., Flor, H., Gracely, R. H., Schley, M. T., Kiessling, U. & Wang, H. (2012). Treatment-related changes in brain activation in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Experimental Brain Research, 218(4), 619-628.

Diers, M. (2011). Operante und kognitive Verhaltenstherapie bei chronischem Schmerz. Therapeutische Umschau, 68(9), 507-511.

Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2011). Sensorimotor training and its implication for cortical reorganization. Journal of Pain Management, 4(3), 279-286.

Diers, M., Schley, M. T., Rance, M., Yilmaz, P., Lauer, L., Rukwied, R., Schmelz, M. & Flor, H. (2011). Differential central pain processing following repetitive intramuscular proton/prostaglandin E sub 2 injections in female fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls. European Journal of Pain, 15(7), 716-723.

Flor, H. & Diers, M. (2011). Wie verlernt das Gehirn den Schmerz? In G. Schiepek (Hrsg.), Neurobiologie der Psychotherapie (S. 523-531). Stuttgart: Schattauer.

Diers, M., Christmann, C., Koeppe, C., Ruf, M. & Flor, H. (2010). Mirrored, imagined and executed movements differentially activate sensorimotor cortex in amputees with and without phantom limb pain. Pain, 149(2), 296-304.

Yilmaz, P., Diers, M., Diener, S., Rance, M., Wessa, M. & Flor, H. (2010). Brain correlates of stress-induced analgesia. Pain, 151(2), 522-529.

Diers, M. (2009). Funktionelle Bildgebung bei chronischen Schmerzerkrankungen: Implikationen für die Therapie. Verhaltenstherapie, 19(2), 86-93.

Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2009). Neue Therapien bei chronischen Schmerzerkrankungen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie, 3, 28-30.

Flor, H. & Diers, M. (2009). Sensorimotor training and cortical reorganization. NeuroRehabilitation, 25, 19-27.

Diers, M., Koeppe, C., Yilmaz, P., Thieme, K., Markela-Lerenc, J., Schiltenwolf, M., van Ackern, K. & Flor, H. (2008). Pain ratings and somatosensory evoked responses to repetitive intramuscular and intracutaneous stimulation in fibromyalgia syndrome. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 25(3), 153-160.

Diers, M., Koeppe, C., Diesch, E., Stolle, A. M., Hölzl, R., Schiltenwolf, M., van Ackern, K. & Flor, H. (2007). Central processing of acute muscle pain in chronic low back pain patients: An EEG mapping study. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 24(1), 76-83.

Flor, H. & Diers, M. (2007). Limitations of pharmacotherapy: Behavioral approaches to chronic pain. In C. Stein (Ed.), Analgesia (pp. 415-427). Berlin: Springer.

Flor, H., Diers, M., Knotkova, H. & Cruciani, R. (2007). Brain changes related to chronic pain: Implications for pain extinction training. Advances in Pain Management, 1(3), 91-95.

Flor, H., Diers, M. & Birbaumer, N. (2004). Peripheral and electrocortical responses to painful and non-painful stimulation in chronic pain patients, tension headache patients and healthy controls. Neuroscience Letters, 361, 147-150.

Karl, A., Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2004). P300-amplitudes in upper limb amputees with and without phantom limb pain in a visual oddball paradigm. Pain, 110, 40-48.

Grüsser, S. M., Diers, M. & Flor, H. (2003). Phantomschmerz: Aspekte der Neuroplastizität und Intervention. Anästhesiologie Intensivmedizin Notfallmedizin Schmerztherapie, 38, 762-766.

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