letzte Aktualisierung: 19.02.2024
Löffler, A., Beier, F., Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Hausner, L., Desch, S., Silvoni, S., Kleinböhl, D., Löffler, M., Nees, F., Frölich, L. & Flor, H. (2024). Reduced tactile sensitivity is associated with mild cognitive impairment. EBioMedicine, 99, No. 104896.
Finnern, M. M., Kleinböhl, D., Flor, H., Benrath, J. & Hölzl, R. (2021). Differential sensory and clinical phenotypes of patients with chronic widespread and regional musculoskeletal pain. Pain, 162(1), 56-70.
Kammler-Sücker, Kornelius, I., Löffler, A., Kleinböhl, D. & Flor, H. (2021). Exploring virtual doppelgangers as movement models to enhance voluntary imitation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 29, 2173-2182.
Bekrater-Bodmann, R., Löffler, A., Silvoni, S., Frölich, L., Hausner, L., Desch, S., Kleinböhl, D. & Flor, H. (2019). Tablet-based sensorimotor home-training system for amnestic mild cognitive impairments in the elderly: Design of a randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open, 9(8), No. 028632.
Trojan, J., Speck, V., Kleinböhl, D., Benrath, J., Flor, H. & Maihöfner, C. (2019). Altered tactile localization and spatiotemporal integration in complex regional pain syndrome patients. European Journal of Pain, 23(3), 472-482.
Andoh, J., Diers, M., Milde, C., Frobel, C., Kleinböhl, D. & Flor, H. (2017). Neural correlates of evoked phantom limb sensations. Biological Psychology, 89-97.
Bräscher, A.-K., Kleinböhl, D., Hölzl, R. & Becker, S. (2017). Differential classical conditioning of the nocebo effect: Increasing heat-pain perception without verbal suggestions. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, No. 2163.
White, A. J., Kleinböhl, D., Lang, T., Hamm, A. O., Gerlach, A. L. & Alpers, G. W. (2017). Identifying patterns in complex field data. Clustering heart rate responses of agoraphobic patients undertaking situational exposure. Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 225(3), 268-284.
Riemer, M., Hoelzl, R. & Kleinboehl, D. (2014). Interrelations between the perception of time and space in large-scale environments. Experimental Brain Research, 232(4), 1317-1325.
Riemer, M., Kleinboehl, D., Hoelzl, R., Fuchs, X., Trojan, J. & Bublatzky, F. (2014). The rubber hand illusion depends on a congruent mapping between real and artificial fingers. Acta Psychologica, 34-41.
Trojan, J., Hoelzl, R., Flor, H., Heil, M., Kleinboehl, D., Maihoefner, C. & Benrath, J. (2014). Spatiotemporal integration of tactile patterns along and across fingers. Neuropsychologia, 12-24.
Riemer, M., Kleinböhl, D., Hölzl, R. & Trojan, J. (2013). Action and perception in the rubber hand illusion. Experimental Brain Research, 229(3), 383-393.
Becker, S., Kleinböhl, D. & Hölzl, R. (2012). Awareness is awareness is awareness? Decomposing different aspects of awareness and their role in operant learning of pain sensitivity. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(3), 1073-1084.
Kleinböhl, D., Hölzl, R. & Trojan, J. (2012). Nociception and pain in thermal skin activity. In B. Berglund, G. B. Rossi, J. T. Townsend & L. R. Pendrill (Eds.), Measurement with persons. Theory, methods, and implementation areas (pp. 255-280). New York: Psychology Press.
Kleinböhl, D., Hölzl, R. & Trojan, J. (2012). Nocioception and pain in thermal skin sensitivity. In B. Berglund, G. B. Rossi, J. T. Townsend & L. R. Pendrill (Eds.), Measurement with persons. Theory, methods, and implementation areas (pp. 255-280). New York: Psychology Press.
Riemer, M., Trojan, J., Kleinböhl, D. & Hölzl, R. (2012). A "view from nowhen" on time perception experiments. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 38(5), 1118-1124.
Bach, P., Becker, S., Kleinböhl, D. & Hölzl, R. (2011). The thermal grill illusion and what is painful about it. Neuroscience Letters, 505(1), 31-35.
Becker, S., Kleinböhl, D., Baus, D. & Hölzl, R. (2011). Operant learning of perceptual sensitization and habituation is impaired in fibromyalgia patients with and without irritable bowel syndrome. Pain, 152(6), 1408-1417.
Keller, J., Bless, H., Blomann, F. & Kleinböhl, D. (2011). Physiological aspects of flow experiences: Skills-demand-compatibility effects on heart rate variability and salivary cortisol. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(4), 849-852.
Reales Aviles, J. M., Munoz Munoz, F., Kleinböhl, D., Sebastian, M. & Ballesteros Jimenes, S. (2010). A new device to present textured stimuli to touch with simultaneous EEG recording. Behavior Research Methods, 42(2), 547-555.
Riemer, M., Trojan, J., Kleinböhl, D. & Hölzl, R. (2010). Body posture affects tactile discrimination and identification of fingers and hands. Experimental Brain Research, 206(1), 47-57.
Trojan, J., Stolle, A. M., Mrsic Carl, A., Kleinböhl, D., Tan, H. Z. & Hölzl, R. (2010). Spatiotemporal integration in somatosensory perception: Effects of sensory saltation on pointing at perceived positions on the body surface. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 1.
Trojan, J., Getzmann, S., Möller, J., Kleinböhl, D. & Hölzl, R. (2009). Tactile-auditory saltation: Spatiotemporal integration across sensory modalities. Neuroscience Letters, 460(2), 156-160.
Trojan, J., Kleinböhl, D., Stolle, A. M., Andersen, O. K., Hölzl, R. & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2009). Independent psychophysical measurement of experimental modulations in the somatotopy of cutaneous heat-pain stimuli. Somatosensory & Motor Research, 26(1), 11-17.
Becker, S., Kleinböhl, D., Brunner, M. F. J., Ahlheim, J.-F. & Hölzl, R. (2008). Implizites operantes Lernen wirkt unterschiedlich auf die Schmerzwahrnehmung von Fibromyalgiepatienten und gesunden Probanden. Der Schmerz, 22(Suppl.2), 135-136.
Becker, S., Kleinböhl, D., Klossika, I. & Hölzl, R. (2008). Operant conditioning of enhanced pain sensitivity by heat-pain titration. Pain, 140(1), 104-114.
Kleinböhl, D., Becker, S., Baus, D., Bernhardt, A., Klossika, I., Bärenz, P. & Hölzl, R. (2006). The role of operant learning and affective comorbidity in pain becoming chronic. In R. Grieshaber, M. Stadeler & H.-C. Scholle (Eds.), Prävention von Arbeitsbedingten Gesundheitsgefahren und Erkrankungen. 12. Erfurter Tage (pp. 553-563). Jena: Verlag Dr. Bussert & Stadeler.
Kleinböhl, D., Görtelmeyer, R., Bender, H.-J. & Hölzl, R. (2006). Amantadine sulfate reduces experimental sensitization and pain in chronic back pain patients. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 102(3), 840-847.
Kleinböhl, D., Trojan, J., Konrad, C. & Hölzl, R. (2006). Sensitization and habituation of AMH and C-fiber related percepts of repetitive radiant heat stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117(1), 118-130.
Trojan, J., Kleinböhl, D., Stolle, A. M., Andersen, O. K., Hölzl, R. & Arendt-Nielsen, L. (2006). Psychophysical perceptual maps of heat and pain sensations by direct localization of CO2 laser stimuli on the skin. Brain Research, 1120(1), 106-113.
Trojan, J., Stolle, A. M., Kleinböhl, D., Mørch, C. D., Arendt-Nielsen, L. & Hölzl, R. (2006). The saltation illusion demonstrates integrative processing of spatiotemporal information in thermoceptive and nociceptive networks. Experimental Brain Research, 170(1), 88-96.
Becker, S., Kleinböhl, D., Klossika, I., Bender, H.-J. & Hölzl, R. (2005). Modifikation der Schmerzwahrnehmung gesunder Probanden durch intrinsisches operantes Lernen. Der Schmerz, 19(Suppl.1), 108.
Hölzl, R., Kleinböhl, D. & Huse, E. (2005). Implicit operant learning of pain sensitization. Pain, 115(1-2), 12-20.
Kleinböhl, D., Baus, D., Hornberger, U. & Hölzl, R. (2005). Schmerzgedächtnis und Sensibilisierung. Psychoneuro, 31(2), 84-91.
Meyer, H., Kleinböhl, D., Baudendistel, K., Bock, M., Trojan, J., Rabuffetti-Lehle, M., Hölzl, R. & Schad, L. R. (2001). Ereigniskorrelierte funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie zur Erforschung der zerebralen Schmerzverarbeitung [event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral pain processing]. Zeitschrift Für Medizinische Physik, 11(1), 5-13.
Kleinböhl, D. (1995). Psychophysikalische Korrelate von Anpassungsprozessen bei lang andauernden Schmerzreizen bei Gesunden und chronischen Schmerzpatienten. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Philosophie, Psychologie und Erziehungswissenschaft, Mannheim.
von Ackern, K., Albrecht, D.-M., Haas, S., Hölzl, R., Kleinböhl, D., Möltner, A., Osswald, P.-M. & Rommel, C. (1994). Psychophysikalische Korrelate veränderter Schmerzwahrnehmung bei chronischen Schmerzpatienten. Mannheim: Universität, Otto-Selz-Institut für Psychologie und Erziehungswissenschaft.
Schlote, B., Nowotny, B., Schaaf, L., Kleinböhl, D., Schmidt, R., Teuber, J., Paschke, R., Vardarli, I., Kaumeier, S. & Usadel, K. H. (1992). Subclinical hyperthyroidism: Physical and mental state of patients. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 241(6), 357-364.
Nowotny, B., Teuber, J., an der Heiden, W., Schlote, B., Kleinböhl, D., Schmidt, R., Kaumeier, S. & Usadel, K. (1990). Die Rolle des TSH für psychische Veränderungen und Befindlichkeitsveränderungen bei Schilddrüsenfunktionsstörungen. Klinische Wochenschrift, 68, 964-970.
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