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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sauer

letzte Aktualisierung: 06.11.2024

Baumgartner, J., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2024). To Animate or Not to Animate Usability Scales: The Effect of Animation on Questionnaire Experience and Psychometric Properties. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 1-12.

Latscha, M., Schwaninger, A., Sauer, J. & Sterchi, Y. (2024). Performance of X-ray baggage screeners in different work environments: Comparing remote and local cabin baggage screening. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 102, No. 103598.

Riza à Porta, R., Michel, S., Sterchi, Y., Sauer, J. & Schwaninger, A. (2024). Night work, circadian rhythm, and cognitive performance: A field study with airport security screeners. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 104, No. 103638.

Sauer, J., Sonderegger, A. & Semmer, N. K. (2024). The role of social support in human-automation interaction. Ergonomics, No. 2314580.

Baumgartner, J., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2023). Questionnaire experience of the Pictorial Usability Inventory (PUI) - A comparison of pictorial and hybrid usability scales. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 179, No. 103116.

Buser, D., Schwaninger, A., Sauer, J. & Sterchi, Y. (2023). Time on task and task load in visual inspection: A four-month field study with X-ray baggage screeners. Applied Ergonomics, 111, No. 103995.

Pannasch, S., Baumann, M., Chuang, L. L. & Sauer, J. (2023). Teaching engineering psychology. In J. Zumbach, D. A. Bernstein, S. Narciss & G. Marsico (Eds.), International handbook of psychology learning and teaching (pp. 567-587). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Ochs, C. & Sauer, J. (2022). Disturbing aspects of smartphone usage: A qualitative analysis. Behaviour and Information Technology, 1-16.

Sauer, J., Centner, C., Longhi, S., Siggen, C. & Tettamanti, L. (2022). Social stress, performance after-effects and extra-role behaviour. Ergonomics, 1-13.

Sauer, J. & Sonderegger, A. (2022). Visual aesthetics and user experience: A multiple-session experiment. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 165, No. 102837.

Thuillard, S., Adams, M., Jelmini, G., Schmutz, S., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2022). When humans and computers induce social stress through negative feedback: Effects on performance and subjective state. Computers in Human Behavior, 133, No. 107270.

Melchers, K. G., Petrig, A., Basch, J. M. & Sauer, J. (2021). A comparison of conventional and technology-mediated selection interviews with regard to interviewees' performance, perceptions, strain, and anxiety. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 603632.

Sauer, J., Baumgartner, J., Frei, N. & Sonderegger, A. (2021). Pictorial scales in research and practice. A review. European Psychologist, 26(2), 112-130.

Baumann, M., Chuang, L., Pannasch, S., Sauer, J., Vogt, J. & Attig, C. (2020). Aktuelle Entwicklungen der deutschsprachigen Ingenieurpsychologie. Psychologie des Alltagshandelns, 13(1), 5-11.

Chavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S. & Sauer, J. (2020). Some cues are more equal than others: Cue plausibility for false alarms in baggage screening. Applied Ergonomics, 82, No. 102916.

Peifer, C., Sauer, J. & Antoni, C. H. (2020). Effects of social stress on performance and strain in complex multiple task environments. Ergonomics, 63(9), 1088-1100.

Sauer, J., Jeanneret, A., Smargiassi, O. & Thuillard, S. (2020). Human and machine-induced social stress and cognitive performance. Ergonomics, 1-26.

Sauer, J., Sonderegger, A. & Schmutz, S. (2020). Usability, user experience and accessibility: Towards an integrative model. Ergonomics, 63(10), 1-23.

Baumgartner, J., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2019). No need to read: Developing a pictorial single-item scale for measuring perceived usability. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 122, 78-89.

Chavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S. & Sauer, J. (2019). Expertise, automation and trust in X-ray screening of cabin baggage. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, No. 256.

Chavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S. & Sauer, J. (2019). Work design for airport security officers: Effects of rest break schedules and adaptable automation. Applied Ergonomics, 79, 66-75.

Sauer, J., Schmutz, S., Sonderegger, A. & Messerli, N. (2019). Social stress and performance in human-machine interaction: A neglected research field. Ergonomics, 62(11), 1377-1391.

Sauer, J., Sonderegger, A., Heyden, K., Biller, J., Klotz, J. & Uebelbacher, A. (2019). Extra-laboratorial usability tests: An empirical comparison of remote and classical field testing with lab testing. Applied Ergonomics, 74, 85-96.

Schmutz, S., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2019). Easy-to-read language in disability-friendly web sites: Effects on nondisabled users. Applied Ergonomics, 74, 97-106.

Chavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S. & Sauer, J. (2018). Automation in visual inspection tasks: X-ray luggage screening supported by a system of direct, indirect or adaptable cueing with low and high system reliability. Ergonomics, 61(10), 1395-1408.

Sauer, J., Sonderegger, A. & Álvarez, M. A. H. (2018). The influence of cultural background of test participants and test facilitators in online product evaluation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 111, 92-100.

Schmutz, S., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2018). Effects of accessible website design on nondisabled users: Age and device as moderating factors. Ergonomics, 61(5), 697-709.

Chavaillaz, A. & Sauer, J. (2017). Operator adaptation to changes in system reliability under adaptable automation. Ergonomics, 60(9), 1261-1272.

Sallmaier, E., Prieler, T. H. & Sauer, J. (2017). Im Wandel der Zeiten. Drei Jahrzehnte Supervision aus der Perspektive von Supervisand innen und Auftraggeber innen. Supervision, 35(2), 37-42.

Sauer, J. & Chavaillaz, A. (2017). The use of adaptable automation: Effects of extended skill lay-off and changes in system reliability. Applied Ergonomics, 58, 471-481.

Schmutz, S., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2017). Implementing recommendations from web accessibility guidelines: A comparative study of nondisabled users and users with visual impairments. Human Factors, 59(6), 956-972.

Chavaillaz, A., Wastell, D. & Sauer, J. (2016). Effects of extended lay-off periods on performance and operator trust under adaptable automation. Applied Ergonomics, 53, 241-251.

Chavaillaz, A., Wastell, D. & Sauer, J. (2016). System reliability, performance and trust in adaptable automation. Applied Ergonomics, 52, 333-342.

Sauer, J., Chavaillaz, A. & Wastell, D. (2016). Experience of automation failures in training: Effects on trust, automation bias, complacency and performance. Ergonomics, 59(6), 767-780.

Schmutz, S., Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2016). Implementing recommendations from web accessibility guidelines: Would they also provide benefits to nondisabled users. Human Factors, 58(4), 611-629.

Sonderegger, A., Schmutz, S. & Sauer, J. (2016). The influence of age in usability testing. Applied Ergonomics, 52, 291-300.

Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2015). The role of non-visual aesthetics in consumer product evaluation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 84, 19-32.

Sonderegger, A., Sauer, J. & Eichenberger, J. (2014). Expressive and classical aesthetics: Two distinct concepts with highly similar effect patterns in user-artefact interaction. Behaviour and Information Technology, 33(11), 1180-1191.

Sauer, J., Nickel, P. & Wastell, D. (2013). Designing automation for complex work environments under different levels of stress. Applied Ergonomics, 44(1), 119-127.

Sauer, J., Kao, C.-S. & Wastell, D. (2012). A comparison of adaptive and adaptable automation under different levels of environmental stress. Ergonomics, 55(8), 840-853.

Sonderegger, A., Zbinden, G., Uebelbacher, A. & Sauer, J. (2012). The influence of product aesthetics and usability over the course of time: A longitudinal field experiment. Ergonomics, 55(7), 713-730.

Kluge, A., Ritzmann, S., Burkolter, D. & Sauer, J. (2011). The interaction of drill and practice and error training with individual differences. Cognition, Technology & Work, 13(2), 103-120.

Sauer, J. & Sonderegger, A. (2011). Methodological issues in product evaluation: The influence of testing environment and task scenario. Applied Ergonomics, 42(3), 487-494.

Sauer, J., Kao, C.-S., Wastell, D. & Nickel, P. (2011). Explicit control of adaptive automation under different levels of environmental stress. Ergonomics, 54(8), 755-766.

Sauer, J. & Sonderegger, A. (2011). The influence of product aesthetics and user state in usability testing. Behaviour and Information Technology, 30(6), 787-796.

Burkolter, D., Kluge, A., Sauer, J. & Ritzmann, S. (2010). Comparative study of three training methods for enhancing process control performance: Emphasis shift training, situation awareness training, and drill and practice. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(5), 976-986.

Burkolter, D., Meyer, B., Kluge, A. & Sauer, J. (2010). Assessment of structural knowledge as a training outcome in process control environments. Human Factors, 52(1), 119-138.

Kluge, A., Sauer, J., Burkolter, D. & Ritzmann, S. (2010). Designing training for temporal and adaptive transfer: A comparative evaluation of three training methods for process control tasks. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 43(3), 327-353.

Sauer, J., Darioly, A., Mast, M. S., Schmid, P. C. & Bischof, N. (2010). A multi-level approach of evaluating crew resource management training: A laboratory-based study examining communication skills as a function of team congruence. Ergonomics, 53(11), 1311-1324.

Sauer, J., Seibel, K. & Rüttinger, B. (2010). The influence of user expertise and prototype fidelity in usability tests. Applied Ergonomics, 41(1), 130-140.

Sonderegger, A. & Sauer, J. (2010). The influence of design aesthetics in usability testing: Effects on user performance and perceived usability. Applied Ergonomics, 41(3), 403-410.

Burkolter, D., Kluge, A., Sauer, J. & Ritzmann, S. (2009). The predictive qualities of operator characteristics for process control performance: The influence of personality and cognitive variables. Ergonomics, 52(3), 302-311.

Sauer, J. & Sonderegger, A. (2009). The influence of prototype fidelity and aesthetics of design in usability tests: Effects on user behaviour, subjective evaluation and emotion. Applied Ergonomics, 40(4), 670-677.

Wastell, D., Sauer, J. & Schmeink, C. (2009). Time for a "design turn" in IS innovation research? A practice report from the home front. , 22(4), 335-350.

Sauer J. & Rüttinger, B. (2008). Designing technology for work and home applications. In N. Chmiel (Ed.), Work and organizational psychology: a European perspective (pp. 471-476). Oxford: Blackwell.

Sauer, J., Burkolter, D., Kluge, A., Ritzmann, S. & Schüler, K. (2008). The effects of heuristic rule training on operator performance in a simulated process control environment. Ergonomics, 51(7), 953-967.

Sauer, J., Franke, H. & Ruettinger, B. (2008). Designing interactive consumer products: Utility of paper prototypes and effectiveness of enhanced control labelling. Applied Ergonomics, 39(1), 71-85.

Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2008). Designing technology for work and home applications. In N. Chmiel (Ed.), An introduction to work and organizational psychology: A European perspective (pp. 471-476). Oxford: Blackwell.

Burkolter, D., Kluge, A., Schüler, K., Sauer, J. & Ritzmann, S. (2007). Cognitive requirement analysis to derive training models for controlling complex systems. In D. de Waard, B. Hockey, P. Nickel & K. Brookhuis (Eds.), Human factors issues in complex system performance (pp. 475-484). Maastricht: Shaker Verlag.

Hockey, G. R. J., Sauer, J. & Wastell, D. G. (2007). Adaptability of training in simulated process control: Knowledge- versus rule-based guidance under task changes and environmental stress. Human Factors, 49(1), 158-174.

Rüttinger, B., Wiese, B. S. & Sauer, J. (2007). Psychologie des Anbieters. In L. von Rosenstiel & D. Frey (Hrsg.), Marktpsychologie (S. 605-642). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2007). Automation and decision support in interactive consumer products. Ergonomics, 50(6), 902-919.

Sauer, J., Schmeink, C. & Wastell, D. G. (2007). Feedback quality and environmentally friendly use of domestic central heating systems. Ergonomics, 50(6), 795-813.

Sauer, J., Felsing, T., Franke, H. & Rüttinger, B. (2006). Cognitive diversity and team performance in a complex multiple task environment. Ergonomics, 49(10), 934-954.

Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2006). Design of consumer products: A user-centered approach. In W. Karwowski (Ed.), International encyclopedia of ergonomics and human factors. Volume 2 (pp. 1574-1578). New York: Taylor & Francis.

Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2006). Nutzerorientierte Gestaltung von Gebrauchsgütern. In B. Zimolong & U. Konradt (Hrsg.), Ingenieurpsychologie (S. 709-736). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Nickel, P., Nachreiner, F., Meyer, I., Felsing, T., Franke, H., Sauer, J., Rüttinger, B. & Vollrath, M. (2004). Themenschwerpunkt: Performanz und mentale Beanspruchung in hochautomatisierten Mensch-Maschine-Systemen. (Mit 3 Einzelbeiträgen). In W. Bungard, B. Koop & C. Liebig (Hrsg.), Psychologie und Wirtschaft leben. Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspsychologie in Forschung und Praxis (S. 137-156). München: Hampp.

Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2004). Environmental conservation in the domestic domain: the influence of technical design features and person-based factors. Ergonomics, 47(10), 1053-1072.

Sauer, J., Wiese, B. S. & Rüttinger, B. (2004). Ecological performance of electrical consumer products: the influence of automation and information-based measures. Applied Ergonomics, 35, 37-47.

Schmeink, C., Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2004). Entwicklung umweltgerechter Produkte - Der Sonderforschungsbereich 392 an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt. Umweltpsychologie, 8(1), 198-202.

Wiese, B. S., Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2004). Consumers' use of written product information. Ergonomics, 47(11), 1180-1194.

Wiese, B. S., Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2004). Umweltrelevante Kaufkriterien aus KonsumentInnensicht: Methoden-, personen- und produktspezifische Einflüsse. Umweltpsychologie, 8(2), 20-40.

Felsing, T., Rüttinger, B. & Sauer, J. (2003). Kulturelle Divergenzen bei Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen. Anmerkungen aus psychologischer Perspektive. In H.-J. Wurl (Hrsg.), Industrielles Beteiligungscontrolling (S. 497-521). Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel.

Hockey, G. R. J., Healey, A., Crawshaw, M., Wastell, D. G. & Sauer, J. (2003). Cognitive demands of collision avoidance in simulated ship control. Human Factors, 45(2), 252-265.

Sauer, J. (2003). CAMS as a tool for human factors research in spaceflight. Acta Astronautica, 54, 127-132.

Sauer, J., Wastell, D. G., Hockey, G. R. J., Crawshaw, C. M. & Downing, J. (2003). Designing micro-worlds of tansportation systems: the computer-aided bridge operation task. Computers in Human Behavior, 19, 169-183.

Sauer, J., Wastell, D. G., Hockey, G. R. J. & Earle, F. (2003). Performance in a complex multiple-task environment during a laboratory-based simulation of occasional night work. Human Factors, 45(4), 657-669.

Sauer, J., Wiese, B. S. & Rüttinger, B. (2003). Designing low-complexity electrical consumer products for ecological use. Applied Ergonomics, 34, 521-531.

Sauer, J., Wastell, D. G., Hockey, G. R. J., Crawshaw, C. M., Ishak, M. & Downing, J. C. (2002). Effects of display design on performance in a simulated ship navigation environment. Ergonomics, 45(5), 329-347.

Sauer, J., Wiese, B. S. & Rüttinger, B. (2002). Improving ecological performance of electrical consumer products: the role of design-based measures and user variables. Applied Ergonomics, 33, 297-307.

Sauer, J., Wiese, B. S. & Rüttinger, B. (2002). Utilization phase as a critical element in ecological design. In M. S. Hundal (Ed.), Mechanical life cycle handbook. Good environmental design and manufacturing (pp. 257-283). Dekker: New York.

Wiese, B. S., Sauer, J. & Rüttinger, B. (2001). Umweltgerechte Produktentwicklung: Konzepte, Befunde und Perspektiven eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes. Umweltpsychologie, 5(1), 52-68.

Rüttinger, B. & Sauer, J. (2000). Konflikt und Konfliktlösen. Kritische Situationen erkennen und bewältigen (3., überarb. u. erg. Aufl.). Leonberg: Rosenberger Fachverlag.

Sauer, J., Hockey, G. R. J. & Wastell, D. G. (2000). Effects of training on short- and long-term skill retention in a complex multiple-task environment. Ergonomics, 43(12), 2043-2064.

Sauer, J., Wastell, D. G. & Hockey, G. R. J. (2000). A conceptual framework for designing microworlds for complex work domains: a case study of the Cabin Air Management System. Computers in Human Behavior, 16, 45-58.

Sauer, J. (2000). Prospective memory: a secondary task with promise. Applied Ergonomics, 31, 131-137.

Sauer, J. (2000). The use of micro-worlds for human factors research in extended spaceflight. Acta Astronautica, 46(1), 37-45.

Sauer, J., Schramme, S. & Rüttinger, B. (2000). Knowledge acquisition in ecological product design: the effects of computer-mediated communication and elicitation method. Behaviour and Information Technology, 19(5), 315-327.

Sauer, J., Zimolong, B. & Ingendoh, S. (2000). Maintaining production quality in advanced mechanical engineering organizations: The compensatory function of the CNC-machine operator. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 10(4), 465-480.

Sauer, J., Hockey, G. R. J. & Wastell, D. G. (1999). Maintenance of complex performance during a 135-day spaceflight simulation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 70(3), 236-244.

Sauer, J., Hockey, G. R. J. & Wastell, D. G. (1999). Performance evaluation in analogue space environments: Adaptation during an 8-month antarctic wintering-over expedition. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 70(3), 230-235.

Hockey, G. R. J., Wastell, D. G. & Sauer, J. (1998). Effects of sleep deprivation and user interface on complex performance: A multilevel analysis of compensatory control. Human Factors, 40(2), 233-253.

Shryane, N. M., Westerman, S. J., Crawshaw, C. M., Hockey, G. R. J. & Sauer, J. (1998). Task analysis for the investigation of human error in safety-critical software design: A convergent methods approach. Ergonomics, 41(11), 1719-1736.

Sauer, J., Wastell, D. G. & Hockey, G. R. J. (1997). Skill maintenance in extended spaceflight: A human factors analysis of space and analogue work environments. Acta Astronautica, 39(8), 579-587.

Sauer, J. & Anderson, N. (1992). Have we misread the psychology of innovation? A case study from two NHS hospitals. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 13(2), 17-21.

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