letzte Aktualisierung: 28.10.2024
Grünberger, T., Höhn, C., Schabus, M. & Laireiter, A.-R. (2024). Efficacy study comparing a CBT-I developed for shift workers (CBT-I-S) to standard CBT-I (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia) on sleep onset latency, total sleep time, subjective sleep quality, and daytime sleepiness: study protocol for a parallel group randomised controlled trial with online therapy groups of seven sessions each. Trials, 25, No. 562.
Kurapov, A., Schabus, M., Kahveci, S., Wilhelm, F. H. & Blechert, J. (2024). Explaining post-traumatic stress symptoms and sleep disturbance in Ukrainian civilians: perceived threat versus objective war exposure. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1), No. 2381371 .
Eigl, E.-S., Hauser, T., Topalidis, P. I. & Schabus, M. (2023). On the efficacy of a CBT-I-based online program for sleep problems: A randomized controlled trial. Clocks & Sleep, 5(4), 590-603.
Eigl, E.-S., Urban-Ferreira, L. K. & Schabus, M. (2023). A low-threshold sleep intervention for improving sleep quality and well-being. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, No. 1117645.
Florea, C., Preiß, J., Gruber, W. R., Angerer, M. & Schabus, M. (2023). Birth and early parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in the Austrian and German population. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 126, No. 152405.
Németh, D., Gerbier, E., Born, J., Rickard, T., Diekelmann, S., Fogel, S., Genzel, L., Prehn-Kristensen, A., Payne, J., Dresler, M., Simor, P., Mazza, S., Hoedlmoser, K., Ruby, P., Spencer, R. M. C., Albouy, G., Vékony, T., Schabus, M. & Janacsek, K. (2023). Optimizing the methodology of human sleep and memory research. Nature Reviews Psychology, 3(2), 123-137.
Predko, V., Schabus, M. & Danyliuk, I. (2023). Psychological characteristics of the relationship between mental health and hardiness of Ukrainians during the war. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, No. 1282326.
Riemann, D., Espie, C. A., Altena, E., Arnardottir, E. S., Baglioni, C., Bassetti, C. L. A., Bastien, C., Berzina, N., Bjorvatn, B., Dikeos, D., Groselj, L. D., Ellis, J. G., Garcia-Borreguero, D., Geoffroy, P. A., Gjerstad, M., Goncalves, M., Hertenstein, E., Hoedlmoser, K., Hion, T., Holzinger, B., Janku, K., Jansson-Fröjmark, M., Järnefelt, H., Jernelöv, S., Jennum, P. J., Khachatryan, S., Krone, L., Kyle, S. D., Lancee, J., Leger, D., Lupusor, A., Marques, D. R., Nissen, C., Palagini, L., Paunio, T., Perogamvros, L., Pevernagie, D., Schabus, M., Shochat, T., Szentkiralyi, A., Van Someren, E., van Straten, A., Wichniak, A., Verbraecken, J. & Spiegelhalder, K. (2023). The European Insomnia Guideline: An update on the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia 2023. Journal of Sleep Research, 32(6), No. e14035.
Topalidis, P. I., Baron, S., Heib, D. P. J., Eigl, E.-S., Hinterberger, A. & Schabus, M. (2023). From pulses to sleep stages: Towards optimized sleep classification using heart-rate variability. Sensors, 23(22), No. 9077.
Topalidis, P., Heib, D. P. J., Baron, S., Eigl, E.-S., Hinterberger, A. & Schabus, M. (2023). The virtual sleep lab - A novel method for accurate four-class sleep staging using heart-rate variability from low-cost wearables. Sensors, 23(5), No. 2390.
Ameen, M. S., Heib, D. P. J., Blume, C. & Schabus, M. (2022). The brain selectively tunes to unfamiliar voices during sleep. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(9), 1791-1803.
Angerer, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Schabus, M. & Blume, C. (2022). From dawn to dusk - Mimicking natural daylight exposure improves circadian rhythm entrainment in patients with severe brain injury. Sleep, 45(7), No. zsac065.
Angerer, M., Wilhelm, F. H., Liedlgruber, M., Pichler, G., Angerer, B., Scarpatetti, M., Blume, C. & Schabus, M. (2022). Does the heart fall asleep? - Diurnal variations in heart rate variability in patients with disorders of consciousness. Brain Sciences, 12(3), No. 375.
Bothe, K., Schabus, M., Eigl, E.-S., Kerbl, R. & Hoedlmoser, K. (2022). Self-reported changes in sleep patterns and behavior in children and adolescents during COVID-19. Scientific Reports, 12(1), No. 24509.
Eigl, E.-S., Widauer, S. S. & Schabus, M. (2022). Burdens and psychosocial consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for Austrian children and adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 971241.
Mota, N. B., Soares, E., Altszyler, E., Sánchez-Gendriz, I., Muto, V., Heib, D., Slezak, D. F., Sigman, M., Copelli, M., Schabus, M. & Ribeiro, S. (2022). Imagetic and affective measures of memory reverberation diverge at sleep onset in association with theta rhythm. NeuroImage, 264, No. 119690.
Schabus, M., Eigl, E.-S. & Widauer, S. S. (2022). Psychosoziale Belastungen und Auswirkungen während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Psychologie in Österreich, 42(4-5), 332-340.
Schabus, M., Eigl, E.-S. & Widauer, S. S. (2022). The coronavirus pandemic: Psychosocial burden, risk-perception, and attitudes in the Austrian population and its relation to media consumption. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, No. 921196.
Wislowska, M., Klimesch, W., Jensen, O., Blume, C. & Schabus, M. (2022). Sleep-specific processing of auditory stimuli is reflected by alpha and sigma oscillations. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(23), 4711-4724.
Topalidis, P., Florea, C., Eigl, E.-S., Kurapov, A., Leon, C. A. B. & Schabus, M. (2021). Evaluation of a low-cost commercial actigraph and its potential use in detecting cultural variations in physical activity and sleep. Sensors, 21(11), No. 3774.
Wielek, T., Blume, C., Wislowska, M., del Giudice, R. & Schabus, M. (2021). Decoding brain responses to names and voices across different vigilance states. Sensors, 21(10), No. 3393.
Angerer, M., Schabus, M., Raml, M., Pichler, G., Kunz, A. B., Scarpatetti, M., Trinka, E. & Blume, C. (2020). Actigraphy in brain-injured patients - A valid measurement for assessing circadian rhythms? BMC Medicine, 18, No. 106.
Blume, C., Hauser, T., Gruber, W. R., Heib, D. P. J., Winkler, T. & Schabus, M. (2020). "How does Austria sleep?" self-reported sleep habits and complaints in an online survey. Sleep and Breathing, 24(2), 735-741.
Lang, A., del Giudice, R. & Schabus, M. (2020). Sleep, little baby: The calming effects of prenatal speech exposure on newborns' sleep and heartrate. Brain Sciences, 10(8), No. 511.
Lang, A., Ott, P., del Giudice, R. & Schabus, M. (2020). Memory traces formed in utero - Newborns autonomic and neuronal responses to prenatal stimuli and the maternal voice. Brain Sciences, 10(11), No. 837.
Ros, T., Enriquez-Geppert, S., Zotev, V., Young, K. D., Wood, G., Whitfield-Gabrieli, S., Wan, F., Vuilleumier, P., Vialatte, F., Van de Ville, D., Todder, D., Surmeli, T., Sulzer, J. S., Strehl, U., Sterman, M. B., Steiner, N. J., Sorger, B., Soekadar, S. R., Sitaram, R., Sherlin, L. H., Schönenberg, M., Scharnowski, F., Schabus, M., Rubia, K. & Rosa, A. (2020). Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies (CRED-nf checklist). Brain, 143(6), 1674-1685.
van Schalkwijk, F. J., Hauser, T., Hoedlmoser, K., Ameen, M. S., Wilhelm, F. H., Sauter, C., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Saletu, B., Parapatics, S., Zeitlhofer, J. & Schabus, M. (2020). Procedural memory consolidation is associated with heart rate variability and sleep spindles. Journal of Sleep Research, 29(3), No. e12910.
Werner, G. G., Schabus, M., Blechert, J. & Wilhelm, F. H. (2020). Differential effects of REM sleep on emotional processing: Initial evidence for increased short-term emotional responses and reduced long-term intrusive memories. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 19(1), 83-98.
Abel, M., Haller, V., Köck, H., Pötschke, S., Heib, D., Schabus, M. & Bäuml, K.- H.- T. (2019). Sleep reduces the testing effect - But not after corrective feedback and prolonged retention interval. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(2), 272-287.
Ameen, M. S., Cheung, L. M., Hauser, T., Hahn, M. A. & Schabus, M. (2019). About the accuracy and problems of consumer devices in the assessment of sleep. SENSORS, 19(19), No. 4160.
Blume, C., Hauser, T., Hahn, M. A., Winkler, T., Heib, D. P., Gruber, W. R. & Schabus, M. (2019). Wie schläft Österreich? Ergebnisse aus einer Umfrage zu Schlafgewohnheiten und Schlafproblemen. Psychologie in Österreich, 39(5), 355-362.
Hahn, M., Joechner, A.-K., Roell, J., Schabus, M., Heib, D. P., Gruber, G., Peigneux, P. & Hoedlmoser, K. (2019). Developmental changes of sleep spindles and their impact on sleep-dependent memory consolidation and general cognitive abilities: A longitudinal approach. Developmental Science, 22(1), No. e12706.
Himmer, L., Schönauer, M., Heib, D. P. J., Schabus, M. & Gais, S. (2019). Rehearsal initiates systems memory consolidation, sleep makes it last. Science Advances, 5(4), No. eaav1695.
Jegou, A., Schabus, M., Gosseries, O., Dahmen, B., Albouy, G., Desseilles, M., Sterpenich, V., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Grova, C. & Thanh Dang-Vu, T. (2019). Cortical reactivations during sleep spindles following declarative learning. NeuroImage, 195, 104-112.
van Schalkwijk, F. J., Sauter, C., Hoedlmoser, K., Heib, D. P. J., Klösch, G., Moser, D., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Zeitlhofer, J. & Schabus, M. (2019). The effect of daytime napping and full-night sleep on the consolidation of declarative and procedural information. Journal of Sleep Research, 28(1), 1-9.
Wielek, T., Del Giudice, R., Lang, A., Wislowska, M., Ott, P. & Schabus, M. (2019). On the development of sleep states in the first weeks of life. PLoS ONE, 14(10), No. e0224521.
Blume, C., del Giudice, R., Wislowska, M., Heib, D. P. J. & Schabus, M. (2018). Standing sentinel during human sleep: Continued evaluation of environmental stimuli in the absence of consciousness. NeuroImage, 178, 638-648.
Blume, C., del Guidice, R., Lechinger, J., Wislowska, M., Heib, D. P., Hoedlmoser, K. & Schabus, M. (2017). Preferential processing of emotionally and self-relevant stimuli persists in unconscious N2 sleep. Brain and Language, 167, 72-82.
Blume, C., Lechinger, J., Santhi, N., del Giudice, R., Gnjezda, M.-T., Pichler, G., Scarpatetti, M., Donis, J., Michitsch, G. & Schabus, M. (2017). Significance of circadian rhythms in severely brain-injured patients. A clue to consciousness? Neurology, 88(20), 1933-1941.
Schabus, M., Griessenberger, H., Gnjezda, M.-T., Heib, D. P. J., Wislowska, M. & Hoedlmoser, K. (2017). Better than sham? A double-blind placebo-controlled neurofeedback study in primary insomnia. Brain, 140, 1041-1052.
Werner, G. G., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., Wilhelm, F. H., Ford, B. Q. & Mauss, I. B. (2017). Cardiac Vagal Control and Depressive Symptoms: The Moderating Role of Sleep Quality. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 15(6), 451-465.
Wislowska, M., del Giudice, R., Lechinger, J., Wielek, T., Heib, D. P. J., Pitiot, A., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., Donis, J. & Schabus, M. (2017). Night and day variations of sleep in patients with disorders of consciousness. Scientific Reports (Online Journal), No. 266.
del Giudice, R., Blume, C., Wislowska, M., Lechinger, J., Heib, D. P. J., Pichler, G., Donis, J., Michitsch, G., Gnjezda, M.-T., Chinchilla, M., Machado, C. & Schabus, M. (2016). Can self-relevant stimuli help assessing patients with disorders of consciousness? Consciousness and Cognition, 44, 51-60.
del Giudice, R., Blume, C., Wislowska, M., Wielek, T., Heib, D. P. J. & Schabus, M. (2016). The voice of anger: Oscillatory EEG responses to emotional prosody. PLoS ONE, 11(7), No. e0159429.
Lechinger, J., Wielek, T., Blume, C., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., Donis, J., Gruber, W. & Schabus, M. (2016). Event-related EEG power modulations and phase connectivity indicate the focus of attention in an auditory own name paradigm. Journal of Neurology, 263(8), 1530-1543.
Thul, A., Lechinger, J., Donis, J., Michitsch, G., Pichler, G., Kochs, E. F., Jordan, D., Ilg, R. & Schabus, M. (2016). EEG entropy measures indicate decrease of cortical information processing in Disorders of Consciousness. Clinical Neurophysiology, 127(2), 1419-1427.
Blume, C., del Giudice, R., Wislowska, M., Lechinger, J. & Schabus, M. (2015). Across the consciousness continuum - From unresponsive wakefulness to sleep. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, No. 105.
Blume, C., Lechinger, J., del Giudice, R., Wislowska, M., Heib, D. P. J. & Schabus, M. (2015). EEG oscillations reflect the complexity of social interactions in a non-verbal social cognition task using animated triangles. Neuropsychologia, 75, 330-340.
Heib, D. P. J., Hoedlmoser, K., Schabus, M., Anderer, P., Gruber, G. & Zeitlhofer, J. (2015). Oscillatory Theta Activity during Memory Formation and Its Impact on Overnight Consolidation: A Missing Link? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(8), 1648-1658.
Hoedlmoser, K., Schabus, M., Rigler, S., Birklbauer, J., Eibenberger, P. & Mueller, E. (2015). The impact of diurnal sleep on the consolidation of a complex gross motor adaptation task. Journal of Sleep Research, 24(1), 100-109.
Lechinger, J., Heib, D. P. J., Gruber, W., Schabus, M. & Klimesch, W. (2015). Heartbeat-related EEG amplitude and phase modulations from wakefulness to deep sleep: Interactions with sleep spindles and slow oscillations. Psychophysiology, 52(11), 1441-1450.
Sterzer, L., Schabus, M., Bäuml, K.- H.- T. & Kerschbaum, H. H. (2015). Intentional updating in episodic memory: Low testosterone associates with enhanced memory updating. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 36(3), 196-200.
Werner, G. G., Ford, B. Q., Mauss, I. B., Schabus, M., Blechert, J. & Wilhelm, F. H. (2015). High cardiac vagal control is related to better subjective and objective sleep quality. Biological Psychology, 106, 79-85.
Werner, G. G., Schabus, M., Blechert, J., Kolodyazhniy, V. & Wilhelm, F. H. (2015). Pre- to postsleep change in psychophysiological reactivity to emotional films: Late-night REM sleep is associated with attenuated emotional processing. Psychophysiology, 52(6), 813-825.
del Giudice, R., Lechinger, J., Wislowska, M., Heib, D. P. J., Hoedlmoser, K. & Schabus, M. (2014). Oscillatory brain responses to own names uttered by unfamiliar and familiar voices. Brain Research, 1591, 63-73.
File, N., Keil, W. W., Schabus, M. & Sauer, J. (2014). Ansätze zur empirischen Forschung in der Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapie in Österreich. Person, 18(1), 18-30.
Gruber, W. R., Zauner, A., Lechinger, J., Schabus, M., Kutil, R. & Klimesch, W. (2014). Alpha phase, temporal attention, and the generation of early event related potentials. NeuroImage, 103, 119-129.
Hoedlmoser, K., Heib, D. P. J., Roell, J., Schabus, M., Peigneux, P., Sadeh, A. & Gruber, G. (2014). Slow Sleep Spindle Activity, Declarative Memory, and General Cognitive Abilities in Children. Sleep, 37(9), 1501-1512.
Schabus, M., Heib, D. P. J., Lechinger, J., Griessenberger, H., Klimesch, W., Pawlizki, A., Kunz, A. B., Sterman, B. M. & Hoedlmoser, K. (2014). Enhancing sleep quality and memory in insomnia using instrumental sensorimotor rhythm conditioning. Biological Psychology, 95, 126-134.
Vogel, F., von Rauchhaupt, N., Oberender, S., Moser, M., Schernhardt, P. & Schabus, M. (2014). Kleine Babys, große Probleme. Therapeutische Interaktionsanalyse und videobasierte Intervention bei Kleinkindern mit Regulationsstörungen. Psychologie in Österreich, 34(5), 358-371.
Voinescu, B. I., Wislowska, M. & Schabus, M. (2014). Assessment of SOMNOwatch plus EEG for sleep monitoring in healthy individuals. Physiology & Behavior, 132, 73-78.
Griessenberger, H., Heib, D. P. J., Kunz, A. B., Hoedlmoser, K. & Schabus, M. (2013). Assessment of a wireless headband for automatic sleep scoring. Sleep and Breathing, 17(2), 747-752.
Griessenberger, H., Heib, D. P. J., Lechinger, J., Luketina, N., Petzka, M., Moeckel, T., Hoedlmoser, K. & Schabus, M. (2013). Susceptibility to Declarative Memory Interference Is Pronounced in Primary Insomnia. PLoS ONE, 8(2).
Heib, D. P. J., Hoedlmoser, K., Anderer, P., Zeitlhofer, J., Gruber, G., Klimesch, W. & Schabus, M. (2013). Slow oOscillation amplitudes and up-state lengths relate to memory improvement. PLoS ONE, 8(12), No. e82049.
Lechinger, J., Bothe, K., Pichler, G., Michitsch, G., Donis, J., Klimesch, W. & Schabus, M. (2013). CRS-R score in disorders of consciousness is strongly related to spectral EEG at rest. Journal of Neurology, 260(9), 2348-2356.
Lechinger, J., Chwala-Schlegel, N., Fellinger, R., Donis, J., Michitsch, G., Pichler, G. & Schabus, M. (2013). Mirroring of a simple motor behavior in Disorders of Consciousness. Clinical Neurophysiology, 124(1), 27-34.
Wislowska, M., Werner, G. G., Möckel, T., Heib, D. P. J., Hoedlmoser, K. & Schabus, M. (2013). Sleep, memory and emotions. In C. Mohiyeddini, M. Eysenck & S. Bauer (Eds.), Handbook of psychology of emotions. Recent theoretical perspectives and novel empirical findings. Volume 1 (pp. 505-515). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Chwala-Schlegel, N. & Schabus, M. (2012). Neuroscientific progress using EEG in disorders of consciousness research. In R. Jox, K. Kühlmeyer, G. Marckmann & E. Racine (Eds.), Vegetative state: A paradigmatic problem of modern societies. Medical, ethical, legal and social perspectives on chronic disorders of consciousness (pp. 41-55). Wien: Lit.
Cologan, V. & Schabus, M. (2012). Sleep in disorders of consciousness. In C. Schnakers & S. Laureys (Eds.), Coma and disorders of consciousness (pp. 85-95). Dordrecht: Springer.
Griessenberger, H., Hoedlmoser, K., Heib, D. P. J., Lechinger, J., Klimesch, W. & Schabus, M. (2012). Consolidation of temporal order in episodic memories. Biological Psychology, 91(1), 150-155.
Darsaud, A., Dehon, H., Lahl, O., Sterpenich, V., Boly, M., Dang-Vu, T., Desseilles, M., Gais, S., Matarazzo, L., Peters, F., Schabus, M., Schmidt, C., Tinguely, G., Vandewalle, G., Luxen, A., Maquet, P. & Collette, F. (2011). Does Sleep Promote False Memories? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(1), 26-40.
Fellinger, R., Klimesch, W., Schnakers, C., Perrin, F., Freunberger, R., Gruber, W., Laureys, S. & Schabus, M. (2011). Cognitive processes in disorders of consciousness as revealed by EEG time-frequency analyses. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(11), 2177-2184.
Hoedlmoser, K., Griessenberger, H., Fellinger, R., Freunberger, R., Klimesch, W., Gruber, W. & Schabus, M. (2011). Event-related activity and phase locking during a psychomotor vigilance task over the course of sleep deprivation. Journal of Sleep Research, 20(3), 377-385.
Schabus, M., Pelikan, C., Chwala-Schlegel, N., Weilhart, K., Roehm, D., Donis, J., Michitsch, G., Pichler, G. & Klimesch, W. (2011). Oscillatory brain activity in vegetative and minimally conscious state during a sentence comprehension task. Functional Neurology, 26(1), 31-36.
Thien Thanh Dang-Vu, Bonjean, M., Schabus, M., Boly, M., Darsaud, A., Desseilles, M., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Sejnowski, T. J. & Maquet, P. (2011). Interplay between spontaneous and induced brain activity during human non-rapid eye movement sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(37), 15438-15443.
Cologan, V., Schabus, M., LeDoux, D., Moonen, G., Maquet, P. & Laureys, S. (2010). Sleep in disorders of consciousness. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 14, 97-105.
Hoedlmoser, K., Kloesch, G., Wiater, A. & Schabus, M. (2010). Self-reported sleep patterns, sleep problems, and behavioral problems among school children aged 8-11 years. Somnologie, 14(1), 23-31.
Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Demertzi, A., Schabus, M., Noirhomme, Q., Bredart, S., Boly, M., Phillips, C., Soddu, A., Luxen, A., Moonen, G. & Laureys, S. (2010). Two distinct neuronal networks mediate the awareness of environment and of self. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(3), 570-578.
Dang-Vu, T.T., Schabus, M., Cologan, V. & Maquet, P. (2009). Sleep: Implications for Theories of Dreaming and Consciousness. In W. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Consciousness (pp. 357-373). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
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Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P. & Schwartz, S. (2009). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant visual information in depression. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(5), 1395-1403.
Hoedlmoser, K., Dang-Vu, T.T., Desseilles, M. & Schabus, M. (2009). Non-pharmacological alternatives for the treatment of insomnia Instrumental EEG conditioning, a new alternative? In Y. E. Soriento (Ed.), Melatonin, Sleep and Insomnia. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Leclercq, Y., Balteau, E., Dang-Vu, T., Schabus, M., Luxen, A., Maquet, P. & Phillips, C. (2009). Rejection of pulse related artefact (PRA) from continuous electroencephalographic (EEG) time series recorded during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using constraint independent component analysis (cICA). NeuroImage, 44(3), 679-691.
Schabus, M. (2009). Still missing some significant ingredients. Commentary on Genzel et al. Slow wave sleep and REM sleep awakenings do not affect sleep dependent memory consolidation. Sleep, 32(3), 291-293.
Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Philipps, C., Tinguely, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T. T., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Cajochen, C. & Peigneux, P. (2009). Homeostatic sleep pressure and responses to sustained attention in the suprachiasmatic area. Science, 324(5926), 516-519.
Schmitz, R., Schabus, M., Perrin, F., Luxen, A., Maquet, P. & Peigneux, P. (2009). Recurrent boosting effects of short inactivity delays on performance: An ERPs study. BMC Research Notes, 2(170), 8.
Schnakers, C., Perrin, F., Schabus, M., Hustinx, R., Majerus, S., Moonen, G., Boly, M., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A. & Laureys, S. (2009). Detecting consciousness in a total locked-in syndrome: An active event-related paradigm. Neurocase, 15(4), 271-277.
Boly, M., Phillips, C., Tshibanda, L., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Schabus, M., Dang-Vu, T.T., Moonen, G., Hustinx, R., Maquet, P. & Laureys, S. (2008). Intrinsic brain activity in altered stated of consciousness: How conscious is the default mode of brain function? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1129, 119-129.
Dang-Vu, T.T., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Albouy, G., Boly, M., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Rauchs, G., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Carrier, J., Moonen, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C. & Maquet, P. (2008). The human brain is active during deep non-rapid eye movement sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 105(39), 15160-15165.
Dang-Vu, T. T., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Albouy, G., Boly, M., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Rauchs, G., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Carrier, J., Moonen, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C. & Maquet, P. (2008). Spontaneous neural activity during human slow wave sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 105(39), 15160-15165.
Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T., Schabus, M., Sterpenich, V., Maquet, P. & Schwartz, S. (2008). Neuroimaging insights into the pathophysiology of sleep disorders. Sleep, 31(6), 777-794.
Hoedlmoser, K., Pecherstorfer, T., Gruber, G., Anderer, P., Doppelmayr, M., Klimesch, W. & Schabus, M. (2008). Instrumental conditioning of human sensorimotor rhythm (12-15Hz) and its impact on sleep as well as declarative learning. Sleep, 31(10), 1401-1408.
Rauchs, G., Schabus, M., Parapatics, S., Bertran, F., Clochon, P., Hot, P., Denise, P., Desgranges, B., Eustache, F., Gruber, G. & Anderer, P. (2008). Is there a link between sleep changes and memory in Alzheimer's disease? NeuroReport, 19(11), 1159-1162.
Schabus, M., Hoedlmoser, K., Pecherstorfer, T., Anderer, P., Gruber, G., Parapatics, S., Sauter, C., Kloesch, G., Klimesch, W., Saletu, B. & Zeitlhofer, J. (2008). Interindividual sleep spindle differences and their relation to learning-related enhancements. Brain Research, 1191, 127-135.
Schnakers, C., Perrin, F., Schabus, M., Majerus, S., Ledoux, D., Damas, P., Boly, M., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bruno, M.-A., Moonen, G. & Laureys, S. (2008). Voluntary brain processing in disorders of consciousness. Neurology, 71(20), 1614-1620.
Dang-Vu, T. T., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Schwartz, S. & Maquet, P. (2007). Neuroimaging of REM sleep and dreaming. In D. Barrett & P. McNamara (Eds.), The new science of dreaming (pp. 95-113). Westport: Praeger.
Gais, S., Albouy, G., Boly, M., Dang-Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Desseilles, M., Rauchs, G., Schabus, M., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P. & Peigneux, P. (2007). Sleep transforms the cerebral trace of declarative memories. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 104(47), 18778-18783.
Schabus, M., Dang-Vu, T.T., Albouy, G., Balteau, E., Boly, M., Carrier, J., Darsaud, A., Degueldre, C., Desseilles, M., Gais, S., Phillips, C., Rauchs, G., Schnakers, C., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Luxen, A. & Maquet, P. (2007). Hemodynamic cerebral correlates of sleep spindles during human non-rapid eye movement sleep. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(32), 13164-13169.
Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Boly, M., Vandewalle, G., Darsaud, A., Balteau, E., Dang-Vu, T. T., Desseilles, M., D'Argembeau, A., Gais, S., Rauchs, G., Schabus, M., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Collette, F. & Maquet, P. (2007). Sleep-related hippocampo-cortical interplay during emotional memory recollection. PLoS Biology, 5.
Vandewalle, G., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Balteau, E., Carrier, J., Darsaud, A., Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Dijk, D. J. & Maquet, P. (2007). Wavelength-dependet modulation of brain responses to a working memory task by daytime light exposure. Cerebral Cortex, 17(12), 2788-2795.
Berner, I., Schabus, M., Wienerroither, T. & Klimesch, W. (2006). The significance of sigma neurofeedback training on sleep spindles and aspects of declarative memory. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 31(2), 97-114.
Laureys, S., Giacino, J. T., Schiff, N. D., Schabus, M. & Owen, A. M. (2006). How should functional imaging of patients with disorders of consciousness contribute to their clinical rehabilitation needs? Current Opinion in Neurology, 19(6), 520-527.
Perrin, F., Schnakers, C., Schabus, M., Degueldre, C., Goldman, S., Brédart, S., Faymonville, M.-E., Lamy, M., Moonen, G., Luxen, A., Maquet, P. & Laureys, S. (2006). Brain response to ones own name in vegetative state, minimally conscious state and locked-in syndrome. Archives of Neurology, 63(4), 562-569.
Schabus, M., Hödlmoser, K., Gruber, G., Sauter, C., Anderer, P., Klösch, G., Parapatics, S., Saletu, B., Klimesch, W. & Zeitlhofer, J. (2006). Sleep spindle-related activity in the human EEG and its relation to general cognitive and learning abilities. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23(7), 1738-1746.
Bassetti, C. L., Bischof, M., Valko, P., Dang-Vu, T. T., Desseilles, M., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Rauchs, G., Schabus, M., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Schwartz, S., Maquet, P., Ponz, A., Duhoux, S., Eiser, A. S., Schenck, C. H., Mancia, M., Abraham, G., Schredl, M. & Wittmann, L. (2005). Thematic issue: Dreaming: A neurological and psychiatric perspective. (With 7 contributions). Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 156(8), 399-492.
Dang-Vu, T.T., Desseilles, M., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Rauchs, G., Schabus, M., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Schwartz, S. & Maquet, P. (2005). Dreaming: A neuroimaging view. Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 156(8), 415-425.
Hanslmayr, S., Sauseng, P., Doppelmayr, M., Schabus, M. & Klimesch, W. (2005). Increasing individual upper alpha power by neurofeedback improves cognitive performance in human subjects. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 30(1), 1-10.
Sauseng, P., Klimesch, W., Stadler, W., Schabus, M., Doppelmayr, M., Hanslmayr, S., Gruber, W. R. & Birbaumer, N. (2005). A shift of visual spatial attention is selectively associated with human EEG alpha activity. European Journal of Neuroscience, 22(11), 2917-2926.
Sauseng, P., Klimesch, W., Schabus, M. & Doppelmayr, M. (2005). Fronto-parietal EEG coherence in theta and upper alpha reflect central executive functions of working memory. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 57(2), 97-103.
Schabus, M., Hödlmoser, K., Pecherstorfer, T. & Klösch, G. (2005). Influence of midday naps on declarative memory performance and motivation. Somnologie, 9(3), 148-153.
Klimesch, W., Schabus, M., Doppelmayr, M., Gruber, W. & Sauseng, P. (2004). Evoked oscillations and early components of event-related potentials: An analysis. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 14(2), 705-718.
Klimesch, W., Schack, B., Schabus, M., Doppelmayr, M., Gruber, W. & Sauseng, P. (2004). Phase-locked alpha and theta oscillations generate the P1-N1 complex and are related to memory performance. Cognitive Brain Research, 19(3), 302-316.
Sauseng, P., Klimesch, W., Doppelmayr, M., Hanslmayr, S., Schabus, M. & Gruber, W. R. (2004). Theta coupling in the human electroencephalogram during a working memory task. Neuroscience Letters, 354, 123-126.
Schabus, M. (2004). The significance of sleep spindles for declarative memory consolidation. Dissertation, Universität, Fachbereich Psychologie, Salzburg.
Schabus, M., Gruber, G., Parapatics, S., Sauter, C., Klösch, G., Anderer, P., Klimesch, W., Saletu, B. & Zeitlhofer, J. (2004). Sleep spindles and their significance for declarative memory consolidation. Sleep, 27(8), 1479-1485.
Sauseng, P., Klimesch, W., Gruber, W., Doppelmayr, M., Stadler, W. & Schabus, M. (2002). The interplay between theta and alpha oscillations in the human electroencephalogram reflects the transfer of information between memory systems. Neuroscience Letters, 324, 121-124.
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