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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Stefan Duschek

letzte Aktualisierung: 24.01.2025

Montoro, C. I., Ruiz-Medina, P., Duschek, S., Gutiérrez-Palma, N. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2025). Bilateral tDCS over the DLPFC enhances baroreceptor reflex sensitivity and inhibits blood pressure-related hypoalgesia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 169, 11-22.

Galvez-Sanchez, C. M., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2024). A Comparative Analysis of Cognitive Deficits in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia: Impact of Symptoms Severity and Its Clinical Implications. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17, 1399-1415.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Duschek, S., Contreras-Merino, A. M. & Davydov, D. M. (2024). Long-term stress exposure, cortisol level and cardiovascular activity and reactivity: Observations in patients with fibromyalgia. Psychophysiology, No. e14649.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Montoro, C. I., Daydov, D. M. & Duschek, S. (2024). The cardiac, vasomotor and myocardial branches of the baroreflex in hypotension: indications of reduced venous return to the heart. Clinical Autonomic Research, 1-13.

Kiesswetter, M., Danay, E. & Duschek, S. (2023). Changes in partnership quality after successful in-vitro fertilization and natural conception. Journal of Family Research, 35(1), 453-470.

Kiesswetter, M., Danay, E. & Duschek, S. (2023). Life satisfaction in parents after successful in vitro fertilization and natural pregnancy: A prospective longitudinal study from before pregnancy to 24 months after childbirth. Human Fertility, 26(6), 1584-1596.

Bair, A., Marksteiner, J., Stoecklein, T., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Duschek, S. (2022). Parasympathetic cardiac control during attentional focus and worry in major depressive disorder. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 177, 1-10.

del Paso, G. A. R., Contreras-Merino, A. M. & Duschek, S. (2022). The role of depressive disorders in autonomic cardiovascular dysregulation in fibromyalgia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 84(7), 793-802.

Duschek, S., Muñoz Ladrón de Guevara, C., Fernández Serrano, M. J., Montoro, C. I., Pelegrina López, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2022). Variability of reaction time as a marker of executive function impairments in fibromyalgia. Behavioural Neurology, No. 1821684.

Fischer-Jbali, L. R., Montoro, C. I., Montoya, P., Halder, W. & Duschek, S. (2022). Central nervous activity during a dot probe task with facial expressions in fibromyalgia. Biological Psychology, 172, No. 108361.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., Duschek, S. & del Paso, G. A. R. (2022). Is reduced health-related quality of life a primary manifestation of fibromyalgia? A comparative study with Rheumatoid arthritis. Psychology and Health, 1-19.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., Reyes del Paso, G. A., Duschek, S. & Montoro, C. I. (2022). The link between Fibromyalgia Syndrome and anger: A systematic review revealing research gaps. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11, No. 844.

Bair, A., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Duschek, S. (2021). Parasympathetic cardiac control and attentional focus in trait worry. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 162, 181-189.

Duschek, S., Bair, A., Hoffmann, A., Marksteiner, J., Montoro, C. I. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2021). Cardiovascular variability and reactivity in major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychophysiology, 35(4), 243-256.

Duschek, S., Hoffmann, A., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Montoro, Casandra, I. (2021). Short-term cerebral blood flow variability in major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 282, 1120-1124.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., de la Coba, P., Colmenero, J. M., del Paso, G. A. R. & Duschek, S. (2021). Attentional function in fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. PLoS ONE, 16(1), No. e0246128.

Kiesswetter, M., Danay, E. & Duschek, S. (2021). Changes in life satisfaction in couples after successful in vitro fertilization and natural pregnancy. Family Process, 1-18.

Munoz Ladron de Guevara, C., Reyes del Paso, G. A., Jose Fernandez-Serrano, M. & Duschek, S. (2021). Facial emotion recognition and executive functions in fibromyalgia. Pain Medicine, 22(7), 1619-1629.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Contreras-Merino, A. M., de la Coba, P. & Duschek, S. (2021). The cardiac, vasomotor, and myocardial branches of the baroreflex in fibromyalgia: Associations with pain, affective impairments, sleep problems, and fatigue. Psychophysiology, 58(5), No. e13800.

Bair, A., Marksteiner, J., Falch, R., Ettinger, U., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Duschek, S. (2020). Features of autonomic cardiovascular control during cognition in major depressive disorder. Psychophysiology, 58(1), No. e13628.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., de la Coba, P., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2020). Reliability, factor structure and predictive validity of the Widespread Pain Index and Symptom Severity Scales of the 2010 American College of Rheumatology criteria of fibromyalgia. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(8), No. 2460.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., Montoro, C. I., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2020). Depression and trait-anxiety mediate the influence of clinical pain on health-related quality of life in fibromyalgia. Journal of Affective Disorders, 265, 486-495.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., Montoro, C. I., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2020). Pain catastrophizing mediates the negative influence of pain and trait-anxiety on health-related quality of life in fibromyalgia. Quality of Life Research, 29, 1871-1881.

Garrido, A., Duschek, S., Rodríguez Árbol, J., González Usera, I., Vila, J. & Luis Mata, J. (2020). Sympathetic contributions to habituation and recovery of the cardiac defense response. Biological Psychology, 151, No. 107846.

Kiesswetter, M., Marsoner, H., Luehwink, A., Fistarol, M., Mahlknecht, A. & Duschek, S. (2020). Impairments in life satisfaction in infertility: Associations with perceived stress, affectivity, partnership quality, social support and the desire to have a child. Behavioral Medicine, 46(2), 130-141.

Duschek, S., Hoffmann, A., Montoro, C. I., Bair, A., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Ettinger, U. (2019). Cerebral blood flow modulations during antisaccade preparation in chronic hypotension. Psychophysiology, 56(3), No. e13305.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2019). Psychological impact of fibromyalgia: Current perspectives. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 12, 117-127.

Hoffmann, A., Ettinger, U., Montoro, C., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Duschek, S. (2019). Cerebral blood flow responses during prosaccade and antisaccade preparation in major depression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 269(7), 813-822.

Blank, C., Gatterer, K., Leichtfried, V., Pollhammer, D., Mair-Raggautz, M., Duschek, S., Humpeler, E. & Schobersberger, W. (2018). Short vacation improves stress-level and well-being in German-speaking middle-managers - A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, No. 130.

de la Coba, P., Bruehl, S., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2018). Blood pressure-related pain modulation in fibromyalgia: Differentiating between static versus dynamic pain indicators. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 134, 79-85.

Duschek, S., Hoffmann, A., Bair, A., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Montoro, C. I. (2018). Cerebral blood flow modulations during proactive control in chronic hypotension. Brain and Cognition, 125, 135-141.

Duschek, S., Hoffmann, A., Montoro, C. I., Reyes del Paso, G. A., Schuepbach, D. & Ettinger, U. (2018). Cerebral blood flow modulations during preparatory attention and proactive inhibition. Biological Psychology, 137, 65-72.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., del Paso, G. A. R. & Duschek, S. (2018). Cognitive impairments in fibromyalgia syndrome: Associations with positive and negative affect, alexithymia, pain catastrophizing and self-esteem. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 377.

Galvez-Sánchez, C. M., Muñoz Ladrón de Guevara, C., Montoro, C. I., Fernández-Serrano, M. J., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2018). Cognitive deficits in fibromyalgia syndrome are associated with pain responses to low intensity pressure stimulation. PLoS ONE, 13(8), No. e0201488..

Hoffmann, A., Montoro, C. I., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Duschek, S. (2018). Cerebral blood flow modulations during cognitive control in major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 237, 118-125.

Janka, A. & Duschek, S. (2018). Self-reported stress and psychophysiological reactivity in paramedics. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 31(4), 402-417.

Montoro Aguilar, C. I., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2018). An exploratory analysis of the influence of personality and emotional factors on cerebral blood flow responses during painful stimulation in Fibromyalgia. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(3), 301-310.

Montoro, C. I., Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2018). Variability in cerebral blood flow velocity at rest and during mental stress in healthy individuals: Associations with cardiovascular parameters and cognitive performance. Biological Psychology, 135, 149-158.

Montoro, Casandra, I., Duschek, S., Schuepbach, D., Gandarillas, M. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2018). Cerebral blood flow variability in fibromyalgia syndrome: Relationships with emotional, clinical and functional variables. PLoS ONE, 13(9), No. e0204267.

Sitges, C., González-Roldán, A. M., Duschek, S. & Montoya, P. (2018). Emotional influences on cognitive processing in fibromyalgia patients with different depression levels: An event-related potential study. Clinical Journal of Pain, 34(12), 1106-1113.

Duschek, S., Hoffmann, A. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2017). Affective impairment in chronic low blood pressure. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 93, 33-40.

Duschek, S., Montoro, C. I. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2017). Diminished Interoceptive Awareness in Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Behavioral Medicine, 43(2), 100-107.

Janka, A., Adler, C., Brunner, B., Oppenrieder, S. & Duschek, S. (2017). Biofeedback training in crisis managers: A randomized controlled trial. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 42(2), 117-125.

Duschek, S., Hoffmann, A., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Ettinger, U. (2016). Autonomic cardiovascular control and executive function in chronic hypotension. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 1 - 12.

Montoro, C. I., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Duschek, S. (2016). Alexithymia in fibromyalgia syndrome. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 170-179.

Scheuren, R., Duschek, S., Schulz, A., Sütterlin, S. & Anton, F. (2016). Blood pressure and the perception of illusive pain. Psychophysiology, 53(8), 1282-1291.

Schuepbach, D., Egger, S. T., Boeker, H., Duschek, S., Vetter, S., Seifritz, E. & Herpertz, S. C. (2016). Determinants of cerebral hemodynamics during the trail making test in schizophrenia. Brain and Cognition, 109, 96-104.

Duschek, S., Werner, N. S., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Schandry, R. (2015). The contributions of interoceptive awareness to cognitive and affective facets of body experience. Journal of Individual Differences, 36(2), 110-118.

Duschek, S., Woersching, J. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2015). Autonomic cardiovascular regulation and cortical tone. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 35(5), 383-392.

Janka, A., Adler, C., Fischer, L., Perakakis, P., Guerra, P. & Duschek, S. (2015). Stress in crisis managers: Evidence from self-report and psychophysiological assessments. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 38(6), 970-983.

Montoro, C. I., Duschek, S., Muñoz Ladrón de Guevara, C., José Fernández-Serrano, M. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2015). Aberrant cerebral blood flow responses during cognition: Implications for the understanding of cognitive deficits in fibromyalgia. Neuropsychology, 29(2), 173-182.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Montoro, C. I. & Duschek, S. (2015). Reaction time, cerebral blood flow, and heart rate responses in fibromyalgia: Evidence of alterations in attentional control. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 37(4), 414-428.

Rossello, F., Montoya, P., Munoz, M. A. & Duschek, S. (2015). Affective Modulation of Brain and Autonomic Responses in Patients With Fibromyalgia. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77(7), 721-732.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Montoro, C., Muñóz Ladrón de Guevara, C., Duschek, S. & Jennings, J. R. (2014). The effect of baroreceptor stimulation on pain perception depends on the elicitation of the reflex cardiovascular response: Evidence of the interplay between the two branches of the baroreceptor system. Biological Psychology, 101, 82-90.

Werner, N. S., Mannhart, T., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Duschek, S. (2014). Attention interference for emotional stimuli in cardiac interoceptive awareness. Psychophysiology, 51(6), 573-578.

Weiss, S., Winkelmann, A. & Duschek, S. (2013). Recognition of facially expressed emotions in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Behavioral Medicine, 39(4), 146-154.

Werner, N. S., Kerschreiter, R., Kindermann, N. K. & Duschek, S. (2013). Interoceptive awareness as a moderator of affective responses to social exclusion. Journal of Psychophysiology, 27(1), 39-50.

Werner, N. S., Schweitzer, N., Meindl, T., Duschek, S., Kambeitz, J. & Schandry, R. (2013). Interoceptive awareness moderates neural activity during decision-making. Biological Psychology, 94(3), 498-506.

Duschek, S., Hellmann, N., Merzoug, K., Reyes del Paso, G. A. & Werner, N. S. (2012). Cerebral blood flow dynamics during pain processing investigated by functional transcranial Doppler sonography. Pain Medicine, 13(3), 419-426.

Duschek, S., Mannhart, T., Winkelmann, A., Merzoug, K., Werner, N. S., Schuepbach, D. & Montoya, P. (2012). Cerebral blood flow dynamics during pain processing in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74(8), 802-809.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Pulgar, A., Duschek, S. & Garrido, S. (2012). Cognitive impairment in fibromyalgia syndrome: The impact of cardiovascular regulation, pain, emotional disorders and medication. European Journal of Pain, 16(3), 421-429.

Schuepbach, D., Skotchko, T., Grimm, S., Boeker, H., Seifritz, E., Theodoridou, A. & Duschek, S. (2012). Gender and Rapid Alterations of Hemispheric Dominance during Planning. Neuropsychobiology, 66(3), 149-157.

Duschek, S., Schuepbach, D., Doll, A., Werner, N. S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2011). Self-regulation of cerebral blood flow by means of transcranial Doppler sonography biofeedback. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 41(2), 235-242.

Misteli, M., Duschek, S., Richter, A., Grimm, S., Rezk, M., Boeker, H., Seifritz, E. & Schuepbach, D. (2011). Gender specificity of cerebral hemodynamic modulation during complex functioning, but not during selective attention. Brain and Cognition, 76, 123-30.

Misteli, M., Duschek, S., Richter, A., Grimm, S., Rezk, M., Kraehenmann, R., Boeker, H., Seifritz, E. & Schuepbach, D. (2011). Gender characteristics of cerebral hemodynamics during complex cognitive functioning. Brain and Cognition, 76(1), 123-30.

Pollatos, O., Werner, N. S., Duschek, S., Schandry, R., Matthias, E., Traut-Mattausch, E. & Herbert, B. M. (2011). Differential effects of alexithymia subscales on autonomic reactivity and anxiety during social stress. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 70(6), 525-533.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Garrido, S., Pulgar, A. & Duschek, S. (2011). Autonomic cardiovascular control and responses to experimental pain stimulation in fibromyalgia syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 70(2), 125-134.

Duschek, S., Heiss, H., Schmidt, M. F. H., Werner, N. S. & Schuepbach, D. (2010). Interactions between systemic hemodynamics and cerebral blood flow during attentional processing. Psychophysiology, 47(6), 1159-1166.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Garrido, S., Pulgar, A., Martin-Vazquez, M. & Duschek, S. (2010). Aberrances in autonomic cardiovascular regulation in fibromyalgia syndrome and their relevance for clinical pain reports. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72(5), 462-470.

Werner, N. S., Peres, I., Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2010). Implicit memory for emotional words is modulated by cardiac perception. Biological Psychology, 85(3), 370-376.

Duschek, S., Muckenthaler, M. & Reyes del Paso, G.A. (2009). Relationships between features of cardiovascular control and cognitive performance. Biological Psychology, 81, 110-117.

Duschek, S., Dietel, A., Schandry, R. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2009). Increased sensitivity to heat pain in chronic low blood pressure. European Journal of Pain, 13(1), 28-34.

Duschek, S., Heiss, H., Buechner, B. & Schandry, R. (2009). Reduction in pain sensitivity from pharmacological elevation of blood pressure in persons with chronically low blood pressure. Journal of Psychophysiology, 23(3), 104-112.

Duschek, S., Heiss, H., Buechner, B., Werner, N., Schandry, R. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2009). Hemodynamic determinants of chronic hypotension and their modification through vasopressor application. The Journal of Physiological Sciences, 59(2), 105-112.

Duschek, S., Heiss, H., Werner, N. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2009). Modulations of autonomic cardiovascular control following acute alpha-adrenergic treatment in chronic hypotension. Hypertension Research, 32(11), 938-943.

Duschek, S., Muckenthaler, M., Werner, N. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2009). Relationships between features of autonomic cardiovascular control and cognitive performance. Biological Psychology, 81(2), 110-117.

Matthias, E., Schandry, R., Duschek, S. & Pollatos, O. (2009). On the relationship between interoceptive awareness and the attentional processing of visual stimuli. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 72(2), 154-159.

Reyes del Paso, G. A., Gonzalez, I. M., Hernandez, J. A., Duschek, S. & Gutierrez, N. (2009). Tonic blood pressure modulates the relationship between baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity and cognitive performance. Psychophysiology, 46(5), 932-938.

Schuepbach, D., Huizinga, M., Duschek, S., Grimm, S., Boeker, H. & Hell, D. (2009). Rapid cerebral hemodynamic modulation during set shifting: Evidence of time-locked associations with cognitive control in females. Brain and Cognition, 71(3), 313-319.

Werner, N. S., Duschek, S., Mattern, M. & Schandry, R. (2009). Interoceptive sensitivity modulates anxiety during public speaking. Journal of Psychophysiology, 23(2), 85-94.

Werner, N. S., Duschek, S., Mattern, M. & Schandry, R. (2009). The Relationship Between Pain Perception and Interoception. Journal of Psychophysiology, 23(1), 35-42.

Werner, N. S., Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2009). D-camphor-crataegus berry extract combination increases blood pressure and cognitive functioning in the elderly - A randomized, placebo controlled double blind study. Phytomedicine, 16(12), 1077-1082.

Werner, N. S., Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2009). Relationships between affective states and decision-making. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 74(3), 259-265.

Werner, N. S., Jung, K., Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2009). Enhanced cardiac perception is associated with benefits in decision-making. Psychophysiology, 46(6), 1123-1129.

Duschek, S., Schuepbach, D. & Schandry, R. (2008). Time-locked association between rapid cerebral blood flow modulation and attentional performance. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119(6), 1292-1299.

Duschek, S., Schwarzkopf, W. & Schandry, R. (2008). Increased Pain Sensitivity in Low Blood Pressure. Journal of Psychophysiology, 22(1), 20-27.

Duschek, S., Dietel, A., Schandry, R. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2008). Increased baroreflex sensitivity and reduced cardiovascular reactivity in individuals with chronic low blood pressure. Hypertension Research, 31(10), 1873-1878.

Duschek, S., Werner, N., Kapan, N. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2008). Patterns of Cerebral Blood Flow and Systemic Hemodynamics During Arithmetic Processing. Journal of Psychophysiology, 22(2), 81-90.

Schandry, R. & Duschek, S. (2008). The effect of Camphor-Crataegus berry extract combination on blood pressure and mental functions in chronic hypotension - A randomized placebo controlled double blind design. Phytomedicine, 15(11), 914-922.

Duschek, S., Mück, I. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2007). Relationship between baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity and pain experience in normotensive individuals. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 65(3), 193-200.

Duschek, S., Mück, I. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2007). Relationships between baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity and pain experience in normotensive individuals. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 65, 193-200.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2007). Fragebogen für Asthma-Patienten (FAP-R). In J. Bengel, M. Wirtz & C. Zwingmann (Hrsg.), Diagnostische Verfahren in der Rehabilitation - Verfahren zum krankheitsübergreifenden Einsatz und für ausgewählte Indikationsgebiete (S. 354-357). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Duschek, S., Hadjamu, M. & Schandry, R. (2007). Dissociation between cortical activation and cognitive performance under pharmacological blood pressure elevation in chronic hypotension. Biological Psychology, 75, 277-285.

Duschek, S., Hadjamu, M. & Schandry, R. (2007). Enhancement of cerebral blood flow and cognitive performance following pharmacological blood pressure elevation in chronic hypotension. Psychophysiology, 44(1), 145-153.

Duschek, S. & Reyes del Paso, G. A. (2007). Quantification of cardiac baroreflex function at rest and during autonomic stimulation. Journal of Physiological Sciences, 57(5), 259-268.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2007). Reduced brain perfusion and cognitive performance due to constitutional hypotension. Clinical Autonomic Research, 17(2), 69-76.

Schuepbach, D., Boeker, H., Duschek, S. & Hell, D. (2007). Rapid cerebral hemodynamic modulation during mental planning and movement execution: Evidence of time-locked relationship with complex behavior. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(10), 2254-2262.

Stegagno, L., Patritti, D., Duschek, S., Herbert, B. & Schandry, R. (2007). Cerebral blood flow in essential hypotension during emotional activation. Psychophysiology, 44(2), 226-232.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2006). Antriebsschwäche und beeinträchtigte Hirnleistungen: Neue Perspektiven zum chronisch niedrigen Blutdruck. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 131(6), 272-277.

Duschek, S., Schandry, R. & Werner, B. (2006). Telemedizinische Versorgung bei chronischen Atemwegserkrankungen im Modellprojekt der AOK Bayern: erste Ergebnisse zur Lebensqualität. Prävention und Rehabilitation, 18(2), 57-67.

Duschek, S., Meinhardt, J. & Schandry, R. (2006). Reduced cortical activity due to chronic low blood pressure: An EEG study. Biological Psychology, 72(3), 241-250.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2006). Blood pressure and daily life. German Research, 1, 16-18.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2006). Deficient adjustment of cerebral blood flow to cognitive activity due to chronically low blood pressure. Biological Psychology, 72(3), 311-317.

Duschek, S. (2005). Aufmerksamkeitsleistungen, zerebrale Durchblutung und kortikale Aktivierungsprozesse bei essentieller Hypotonie. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät Psychologie und Pädagogik, München.

Duschek, S., Matthias, E. & Schandry, R. (2005). Essential hypotension is accompanied by deficits in attention and working memory. Behavioral Medicine, 30(4), 149-158.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2005). Der Blutdruck und das Alltagsleben. Forschung, 3, 18-20.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2005). Subjektive Beschwerden und kognitive Minderleistungen bei essentieller Hypotonie. Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin, 26(1), 5-31.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2004). Cognitive performance and cerebral blood flow in essential hypotension. Psychophysiology, 41, 905-913.

Duschek, S., Schandry, R. & Hege, B. (2003). SASS - Soziale Aktivität Selbstbeurteilungs-Skala. Göttingen: Beltz.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2003). Functional transcranial Doppler sonography as a tool in psychophysiological research. Psychophysiology, 40, 436-454.

Duschek, S., Weisz, N. & Schandry, R. (2003). Reduced cognitive performance and prolonged reaction time accompany moderate hypotension. Clinical Autonomic Research, 13(6), 427-432.

Schandry, R. & Duschek, S. (2003). FAP-R - Fragebogen für Asthma-Patienten - Revidierte Fassung. Kurznachweis. Frankfurt am Main: Swets.

Duschek, S. & Schandry, R. (2002). Entwicklung und Validierung einer Kurzform des Fragebogens für Asthma-Patienten (FAP-K). Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, 11(2), 53-62.

Schandry, R. & Duschek, S. (2002). Fragebogen für Asthmapatienten - revidierte Fassung (FAP-R). Handanweisung und Fragebogen. Frankfurt a. M.: Swets Test Services.

Weisz, N., Schandry, R., Jacobs, A. M., Mialet, J.-P. & Duschek, S. (2002). Early contingent negative variation of the EEG and attentional flexibility are reduced in hypotension. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 45, 253-260.

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