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Literaturliste von Dr. Boris Mayer

letzte Aktualisierung: 24.11.2023

Aue, T., Bührer, S., Mayer, B. & Dricu, M. (2021). Empathic responses to social targets: The influence of warmth and competence perceptions, situational valence, and social identification. PLoS ONE, 16(3), No. e0248562.

Albert, I., Schwarz, B., Mayer, B. & Trommsdorff, G. (2020). Familiale Generationsbeziehungen. In J. Ecarius & A. Schierbaum (Hrsg.), Handbuch Familie. Gesellschaft, Familienbeziehungen und differentielle Felder (S. 1-18). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Klatt, W. K., Mayer, B. & Lobmaier, J. S. (2020). Content matters: Cyclic effects on women's voices depend on social context. Hormones and Behavior, 122, No. 104762.

Roebers, C. M., Mayer, B., Steiner, M., Bayard, N. S. & van Loon, M. H. (2019). The role of children's metacognitive experiences for cue utilization and monitoring accuracy: A longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 55(10), 2077-2089.

Martarelli, C. S., Mayer, B. & Mast, F. W. (2016). Daydreams and trait affect: The role of the listener's state of mind in the emotional response to music. Consciousness and Cognition, 46, 27-35.

Mayer, B., Trommsdorff, G., Friedlmeier, M., Lubiewska, K., Barni, D., Kasearu, K. & Albert, I. (2015). The roles of religiosity and affluence for adolescents' family orientation: Multilevel analyses of 18 cultures. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 7(3), 47-88.

Beilmann, M., Mayer, B., Kasearu, K. & Realo, A. (2014). The relationship between adolescents' social capital and individualism-collectivism in Estonia, Germany, and Russia. Child Indicators Research, 7(3), 589-611.

Mayer, B. (2013). Family change theory: A preliminary evaluation on the basis of recent cross-cultural studies. In I. Albert & D. Ferring (Eds.), Intergenerational relations. European perspectives on family and society (pp. 167-187). Policy Press.

Mayer, B., Trommsdorff, G., Kagitcibasi, C. & Mishra, R. (2012). Family models of independence/interdependence and their intergenerational similarity in Germany, Turkey, and India. Family Science, 3(1), 64-74.

Mayer, B. & Trommsdorff, G. (2012). Cross-cultural perspectives on adolescents' religiosity and family orientation. In G. Trommsdorff & X. Chen (Eds.), Values, religion, and culture in adolescent development (pp. 341-369). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schwarz, B., Mayer, B., Trommsdorff, G., Ben-Arieh, A., Friedlmeier, M., Lubiewska, K., Mishra, R. & Peltzer, K. (2012). Does the importance of parent and peer relationships for adolescents' life satisfaction vary across cultures? Journal of Early Adolescence, 32(1), 55-80.

Sabatier, C., Mayer, B., Friedlmeier, M., Lubiewska, K. & Trommsdorff, G. (2011). Religiosity, family orientation, and life satisfaction of adolescents in four countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(8), 1375-1393.

Trommsdorff, G. & Mayer, B. (2011). A cross-cultural study of intergenerational relations: The role of socioeconomic factors, values, and relationship quality in intergenerational support. In H. Bertram & N. Ehlert (Eds.), Family, ties and care. Family transformation in a plural modernity (pp. 315-342). Opladen: Budrich.

Trommsdorff, G. & Mayer, B. (2011). Intergenerationale Beziehungen im Kulturvergleich. Die Rolle von sozio-ökonomischen Faktoren, Werten und Beziehungsqualität für intergenerationale Unterstützung. In H. Bertram & N. Ehlert (Hrsg.), Familie, Bindungen und Fürsorge. Familiärer Wandel in einer vielfältigen Moderne. Freiberger Studie zum familiären Wandel im Weltvergleich (S. 349-379). Opladen: Budrich.

Mayer, B. & Kornadt, H.-J. (2010). Übersicht. In B. Mayer & H.-J. Kornadt (Hrsg.), Psychologie - Kultur - Gesellschaft (S. 9-16). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Mayer, B. & Kornadt, H.-J. (Hrsg.). (2010). Psychologie - Kultur - Gesellschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Mayer, B. & Trommsdorff, G. (2010). Adolescents value of children and their intentions to have children: A cross-cultural and multilevel analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 41(5-6), 671-689.

Albert, I., Mayer, B. & Zheng, G. (2009). Report on the workshop "Value of children and intergenerational relations: European and Asian perspectives" in the framework of the Annual Asia-Europe Workshop Series 2007/2008, taken place May, 30 - June, 1, 2008, at the University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 29(3), 323-331.

Klug, T., Mayer, B., Sudjin, S. & Tromsdorff, G. (2009). Intergenerationale Unterstützung: Ein Vergleich russischer und deutscher erwachsener Töchter. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 29(1), 45-59.

Mayer, B. (2009). Adolescents' family models: A cross-cultural study. Dissertation, Universität, Fachbereich Psychologie, Konstanz.

Mayer, B., Kuramschew, A. & Trommsdorff, G. (2009). Familienbezogene Werte und Zukunftsvorstellungen in der Adoleszenz: Ein deutsch-russischer Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 29(1), 29-44.

Trommsdorff, G., Friedlmeier, W. & Mayer, B. (2007). Sympathy, distress, and prosocial behavior of preschool children in four cultures. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31(3), 284-293.

Albert, I., Trommsdorff, G., Mayer, B. & Schwarz, B. (2005). Value of children in urban and rural Indonesia: Socio-demographic indicators, cultural aspects, and empirical findings. In G. Trommsdorff & B. Nauck (Eds.), The value of children in cross-cultural perspective. Case studies from eight societies (pp. 171-207). Lengerich: Pabst.

Mayer, B., Albert, I., Trommsdorff, G. & Schwarz, B. (2005). Value of children in Germany: Dimensions, comparison of generations, and relevance for parenting. In G. Trommsdorff & B. Nauck (Eds.), The value of children in cross-cultural perspective. Case studies from eight societies (pp. 43-65). Lengerich: Pabst.

Mishra, R. C., Mayer, B., Trommsdorff, G., Albert, I. & Schwarz, B. (2005). The value of children in urban and rural India: Cultural background and empirical results. In G. Trommsdorff & B. Nauck (Eds.), The value of children in cross-cultural perspective. Case studies from eight societies (pp. 143-170). Lengerich: Pabst.

Sam, D. L., Peltzer, K. & Mayer, B. (2005). The changing values of children and preferences regarding family size in South Africa. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 54(3), 355-377.

Schwarz, B., Trommsdorff, G., Albert, I. & Mayer, B. (2005). Adult parent-child relationships: Relationship quality, support, and reciprocity. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 54(3), 396-417.

Trommsdorff, G. & Mayer, B. (2005). Kulturvergleichende Ansätze. In H. Weber & T. Rammsayer (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Differentiellen Psychologie (S. 220-228). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Trommsdorff, G., Mayer, B. & Albert, I. (2004). Dimensions of culture in intra-cultural comparisons. Individualism/collectivism and family-related values in three generations. In H. Vinken, J. Soeters & P. Ester (Eds.), Comparing cultures. Dimensions of culture in a comparative perspective (pp. 157-179). Leiden: Brill.

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Katja Trillitzsch
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