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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Dr. Ana-Maria Olteteanu

letzte Aktualisierung: 17.02.2022

Freksa, C., Barkowsky, T., Dylla, F., Falomir, Z., Olteteanu, A.-M. & van de Ven, J. (2018). Spatial problem solving and cognition. In J. M. Zacks & H. A. Taylor (Eds.), Representations in mind and world. Essays inspired by Barbara Tversky (pp. 156-183). New York: Routledge.

Olteteanu, A.- .- M. & Shu, L. H. (2018). Object reorientation and creative performance. Journal of Mechanical Design, 140(3), 1-10.

Olteteanu, A.-M., Falomir, Z. & Freksa, C. (2018). Artificial cognitive systems that can answer human creativity tests: An approach and two case studies. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 10(2), 469-475.

Olteteanu, A.-M., Schöttner, M. & Schuberth, S. (2018). Computationally resurrecting the functional Remote Associates Test using cognitive word associates and principles from a computational solver. Knowledge-Based Systems, 168, 1-9.

Olteteanu, A.-M., Schultheis, H. & Dyer, J. B. (2018). Computationally constructing a repository of compound remote associates test items in American English with comRAT-G. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1971-1980.

Falomir, Z. & Olteteanu, A.-M. (2017). Proceedings of the ProSocrates'17 Symposium: Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems. Delmenhorst, Germany, 20-21 July 2017.

Falomir, Z. & Olteteanu, A.-M. (2017). Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems. Delmenhorst, July 20-21, 2017, ProSocrates 2017.

Freksa, C., Olteteanu, A.-M., Barkowsky, T., van de Ven, J. & Schultheis, H. (2017). Spatial problem solving in spatial structures. In S. Phon-Amnuaisuk, S.-P. Ang & S.-Y. Lee (Eds.), Multi-disciplinary trends in artificial intelligence. 11th International Workshop, MIWAI 2017, Gadong, Brunei, November 20-22, 2017 (pp. 18-29). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Falomir, Z. (2017). Problem-solving, creativity and spatial reasoning: A ProSocrates 2017 discussion. In A.-M. Olteteanu & Z. Falomir Llansola (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on problem-solving, creativity and spatial reasoning in cognitive systems, ProSocrates 2017 (pp. Paper 6).

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Falomir, Z. (2017). Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning: A ProSocrates 2017 Discussion. In A.-. M Olteteanu & Z. Falomir (Hrsg.), Proceedings of ProSocrates 2017: Symposium on Problem-solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems, at Delmenhorst, Germany, July 201

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Schultheis, H. (2017). What determines creative association? Revealing two factors which separately influence the creative process when solving the Remote Associates Test. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 1-7.

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Yoopoo, K. (2017). Towards computationally creating multi-answer queries for the Remote Associates Test. CEUR-WS, 2090, 34-40.

Freksa, C., Olteteanu, A.-M., Ali, A. L., Barkowsky, T., van de Ven, J., Dylla, F. & Falomir, Z. (2016). Towards spatial reasoning with strings and pins (poster).

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). A cognitive systems framework for creative problem solving. Dissertation, Universität, Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik, Bremen.

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). A Cognitive Systems Framework for Creative Problem Solving (doctoral thesis).

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). Associative reactive responses while solving a language creativity task at different levels of linguistic item salience (conferece paper). IEEE ICDL-EPIROB.

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). The Input, Coherence, Generativity (ICG) factors. Towards a model of cognitive informativity measures for productive cognitive systems.

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). The Input, Coherence, Generativity (ICG) Factors. Towards a Model of Cognitive Informativity Measures for Productive Cognitive Systems (conference-paper).

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). Towards an approach for computationally assisted creation of insight problems in the practical object domain (conference-paper).

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). Towards an approach for the computationally assisted creation of insight problems in the practical object domain. In T. R. Besold, O. Kutz & C. Leon (Ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence (C3GI 2016). Co-located with the 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2016). Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, August 20-22, 2016 (pp. 1-13).

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). Towards comparable cognitive creative systems. Cognitum, Workshop on Cognitive Knowledge Acquisition, the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). Towards Re-representation in Cognitive Systems. KogWis 2016 - Space for Cognition, ProSocrates Symposium on Problem Solving, Creativity and Spatial Reasoning in Cognitive Systems, Bremen.

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2016). Towards using cognitive word associates to create functional remote associates test problems. In K. Yetongnon, A. Dipanda, R. Chbeir, G. De Pietro & L. Gallo (Eds.), 12th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS) (pp. 612-617). Naples: IEEE.

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Falomir, Z. (2016). Object replacement and object composition in a creative cognitive system. Towards a computational solver of the Alternative Uses Test. Cognitive Systems Research, 39, 15-32.

Falomir, Z. & Olteteanu, A.-M. (2015). Logics based on qualitative descriptors for scene understanding. Neurocomputing, 161, 3-16.

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2015). Seeing as and Re-representation: Their Relation to Insight, Creative Problem-Solving and Types of Creativity. Proceedings of the Workshop Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence.

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Falomir, Z. (2015). comRAT-C: A computational compound remote associates test solver based on language data and its comparison to human performance. Pattern Recognition Letters, 67, 81-90.

Olteteanu, A.-M., Gautam, B. & Falomir, Z. (2015). Towards a Visual Remote Associates Test and its computational solver. In A. Lieto, C. Battaglino, D. P. Radicioni & M. Sanguinetti (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition. AIC 2015. Torino, Italy, September 28-29, 2015 (pp. 19-28).

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2014). Two general classes in creative problem-solving? An account based on the cognitive processes involved in the problem structure-representation structure relationship. In T. Besold, K.-U. Kühnberger, M. Schorlemmer & A. Smaill (Eds.), Proceedings of the workshop "Computational Creativity, Concept Invention and General Intelligence" (pp. 8). Osnabrück: Institute of Cognitive Science.

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Falomir, Z. (2014). A compound Remote Associate Test solver based on language data. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 269, 249-252.

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Falomir, Z. (2014). Towards a Remote Associate Test Solver based on Language Data. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 269, 249-252.

Olteteanu, A.-M. & Freksa, C. (2014). Towards affordance-based solving of object insight problems. First Workshop on Affordances: Affordances in Vision for Cognitive Robotics, Robotics Science and Systems, Berkeley.

Olteteanu, A.-M. (2010). A Cognitive Model for Reactive Agents based on Colour and Shape Recognition Self Organised Maps and Environmental Feedback (master thesis).

Olteteanu, A.-M. From Simple Machines to Eureka in Four Not-So-Easy Steps. Towards Creative Visuospatial Intelligence. In V. Müller (Hrsg.), Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence. Synthese Library (Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science) (S. 161-182). Cham: Springer.

Olteteanu, A.-M., Falomir, Z. & Freska, C. Artificial Creative Cognitive Systems that can answer Human Creativity Tests. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 10(2), 469-475.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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