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Literaturliste von Dr. Tom Rosman

letzte Aktualisierung: 06.11.2024

Jonas, M. & Rosman, T. (2024). All Research Summaries Are Scientific, but Some Are More Scientific Than Others? - Indications for a Mediation of the Relationship Between Author and Text Scientificness Through Perceived Scientificness. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1), No. 123196.

Jonas, M., Kerwer, M., Chasiotis, A. & Rosman, T. (2023). Indicators of trustworthiness in lay-friendly research summaries: Scientificness surpasses easiness. Public Understanding of Science, 1-21.

Rosman, T. & Grösser, S. (2023). Belief updating when confronted with scientific evidence: Examining the role of trust in science. Public Understanding of Science, 1-17.

Schmidt, K., Edelsbrunner, P. A., Rosman, T., Cramer, C. & Merk, S. (2023). When perceived informativity is not enough. How teachers perceive and interpret statistical results of educational research. Teaching and Teacher Education, 130, No. 104134.

Bohndick, C., Breetzke, J. & Rosman, T. (2022). A comparison between different ways to assess demands-abilities fit in higher education: Empirical results and recommendations for research practice. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 896710.

Bohndick, C., Breetzke, J. & Rosman, T. (2022). Asking students about their fit with the university: A response surface analysis of demands-abilities fit. Active Learning in Higher Education, 1-14.

Jonas, M., Bittermann, A., Chasiotis, A. & Rosman, T. (2022). To have the best interest at heart: Analyzing the match between laypersons' interests and publication activity in psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 899430.

Rosman, T., Bosnjak, M., Silber, H., Koßmann, J. & Heycke, T. (2022). Open science and public trust in science: Results from two studies. Public Understanding of Science, 1-17.

Rosman, T., Burgard, T. & Bosnjak, M. (2022). Die Open Science-Infrastruktur in der deutschsprachigen Psychologie. Ergebnisse der ZPID-Nutzerstudie 2021. Trier: Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID).

Rosman, T. & Kerwer, M. (2022). Mechanisms of epistemic change: The roles of reflection and social interaction. Psychology Learning & Teaching, o.A..

Schmidt, K., Rosman, T., Cramer, C., Besa, K.-S. & Merk, S. (2022). Teachers trust educational science - Especially if it confirms their beliefs. Frontiers in Education, 7, No. 976556.

Kerwer, M., Chasiotis, A., Stricker, J., Günther, A. & Rosman, T. (2021). Straight from the scientist's mouth - Plain language summaries promote laypeople's comprehension and knowledge acquisition when reading about individual research findings in psychology. Collabra: Psychology, 7(1), No. 18898.

Rosman, T., Adler, K., Barbian, L., Blume, V., Burczeck, B., Cordes, V., Derman, D., Dertli, S., Glas, H., Heinen, V., Kenst, S., Khosroschahli, M., Kittel, L., Kraus, C., Linden, A., Mironova, A., Olinger, L., Rastelica, F., Sauter, T., Schnurr, V., Schwab, E., Vieyra, Y., Zidak, A. & Zidarova, I. (2021). Protect ya Grandma! The effects of students' epistemic beliefs and prosocial values on COVID-19 vaccination intentions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 683987.

Rosman, T., Kerwer, M., Chasiotis, A. & Wedderhoff, O. (2021). Person- and situation-specific factors in discounting science via impotence excuses. Europe's Journal of Psychology, 17(4), 288-305.

Rosman, T., Kerwer, M., Steinmetz, H., Chasiotis, A., Wedderhoff, O., Betsch, C. & Bosnjak, M. (2021). Will COVID-19-related economic worries superimpose health worries, reducing nonpharmaceutical intervention acceptance in Germany? A prospective pre-registered study. International Journal of Psychology, 1-15.

Rosman, T. & Merk, S. (2021). Teacher's reasons for trust and distrust in scientific evidence: Reflecting a "smart but evil" stereotype? AERA Open, 7(1), 1-15.

Schneider, J., Rosman, T., Kelava, A. & Merk, S. (2021). Do open science badges increase trust in scientists among undergraduates, scientists, and the public?

Zimmermann, S., Clef, L., Azúa, C., Bosnjak, M., Jäckel, M., Kopp, J., Lutz, W., Neuenkirch, E., Rosman, T., Scherhag, J., Schreiber, M. & Spitzer, L. (2021). Studieren in der Pandemie: Eine Befragung zur Situation der Studierenden während der COVID-19-Pandemie an der Universität Trier. Kurzbericht. Trier: Universität Trier.

Kerwer, M. & Rosman, T. (2020). Epistemic change and diverging information: How do prior epistemic beliefs affect the efficacy of short-term interventions? Learning and Individual Differences, 80, No. 101886, 1-13.

Kerwer, M. & Rosman, T. (2020). Vom Großen ins Kleine. Übertragbarkeit eines Modells der epistemischen Lebensspannenentwicklung auf den epistemischen Wandel in Kurzzeitinterventionen. Psychologische Rundschau, 71(2), 127-133.

Kerwer, M., Rosman, T., Wedderhoff, O. & Chasiotis, A. (2020). Disentangling the process of epistemic change: The role of epistemic volition. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1-26.

Rosman, T., Schlag, M. & Merk, S. (2020). Das Zusammenspiel epistemischer Überzeugungen und der Bedeutsamkeitseinschätzung pädagogisch- psychologischen Wissens im Lehramtsstudium . Längsschnittliche und querschnittliche Analysen. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 67(3), 164-177.

Rosman, T., Seifried, E. & Merk, S. (2020). Combining intra- and interindividual approaches in epistemic beliefs research. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 570.

Wedderhoff, O., Chasiotis, A. & Rosman, T. (2020). Erkenne dich selbst! Die Bedeutung adäquater vs. inadäquater Selbsteinschätzung relevanter Fähigkeiten bei der Präferenz von Gesundheitsinformationen. Psychologische Rundschau, 71(2), 134-142.

Chasiotis, A., Wedderhoff, O., Rosman, T. & Mayer, A.-K. (2019). The role of approach and avoidance motivation and emotion regulation in coping via health information seeking. Current Psychology, 1-10.

Chasiotis, A., Wedderhoff, O., Rosman, T. & Mayer, A.-K. (2019). Why do we want health information? The goals associated with health information seeking (GAINS) questionnaire. Psychology and Health, 1-20.

Merk, S. & Rosman, T. (2019). Smart but evil? Student-teachers' perception of educational researchers' epistemic trustworthiness. AERA Open, 5(3), 1-18.

Rosman, T., Mueller, S. & Karadere, G. (2019). Usability-Studie zur Weiterentwicklung des ZPID-Testarchivs. Vergleich von drei neuen Webseite-Mockups mit den aktuellen Webseiten. Trier: Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (ZPID).

Chasiotis, A., Wedderhoff, O., Rosman, T. & Mayer, A.-K. (2018). GAINS - Goals Associated with Health Information Seeking (PSYNDEX Tests Review). In Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (ZPID) (Hrsg.), PSYNDEX (Datenbanksegment PSYNDEX Tests Dok.-Nr. 9007528). Trier: ZPID. In Z. D (Hrsg.), Trier

Flaig, M., Simonsmeier, B. A., Gorges, J., Schneider, M., Mayer, A.-K. & Rosman, T. (2018). Conceptual change and knowledge integration as learning processes in higher education: A latent transition analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 62, 49-61.

Kerwer, M. & Rosman, T. (2018). Mechanisms of epistemic change - Under which circumstances does diverging information support epistemic development? Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 2278.

Merk, S., Rosman, T., Muis, K. R., Kelava, A. & Bohl, T. (2018). Topic specific epistemic beliefs: Extending the theory of integrated domains in personal epistemology. Learning and Instruction, 56, 84-97.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K., Leichner, N. & Krampen, G. (2018). Putting big fish into a bigger pond: Self-concept changes in psychology undergraduate entrants (advanced online publication). Journal of Further and Higher Education, 1-16.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K., Merk, S. & Kerwer, M. (2018). On the benefits of 'doing science': Does integrative writing about scientificcontroversies foster epistemic beliefs? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, 85-101.

Wedderhoff, O., Chasiotis, A., Rosman, T. & Mayer, A.-K. (2018). Unveiling the subjective perception of health information sources: A three-dimensional source taxonomy based on similarity judgements. Frontiers in Communication, 3, No. 57.

Bohndick, C., Rosman, T., Kohlmeyer, S. & Buhl, H. M. (2017). The interplay between subjective abilities and subjective demands and its relationship with academic success. An application of the person-environment fit theory. Higher Education, 1-16.

Rosman, T. & Mayer, A.-K. (2017). Epistemic beliefs as predictors of epistemic emotions: Extending a theoretical model. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 87(online), 18 Seiten.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K., Kerwer, M. & Krampen, G. (2017). The differential development of epistemic beliefs in psychology and computer science students: A four-wave longitudinal study. Learning and Instruction, 49, 166-177.

Birke, P., Rosman, T. & Mayer, A.-K. (2016). Entwicklung fachspezifischer epistemologischer Überzeugungen bei Studienanfängern der Psychologie und Informatik. In A.-K. Mayer & T. Rosman (Hrsg.), Denken über Wissen und Wissenschaft - Epistemologische Überzeugungen (S. 101-119). Lengerich: Pabst.

Mayer, A.-K. & Rosman, T. (Hrsg.). (2016). Denken über Wissen und Wissenschaft - Epistemologische Überzeugungen. Lengerich: Pabst.

Mayer, A.-K. & Rosman, T. (2016). Epistemologische Überzeugungen und Wissenserwerb in akademischen Kontexten. In A.-K. Mayer & T. Rosman (Hrsg.), Denken über Wissen und Wissenschaft - Epistemologische Überzeugungen (S. 7-23). Lengerich: Pabst.

Peter, J., Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K., Leichner, N. & Krampen, G. (2016). EBI-AM - Fragebogen zur Wahrnehmung der Psychologie als Wissenschaft. (PSYNDEX Tests Abstract).

Peter, J., Mayer, A.-K. & Rosman, T. (2016). Zur Bedeutung epistemologischer Überzeugungen für den Erwerb fachlicher Informationskompetenz in einem Blended Learning-Training. In A.-K. Mayer & T. Rosman (Hrsg.), Denken über Wissen und Wissenschaft - Epistemologische Überzeugungen (S. 137-156). Lengerich: Pabst.

Peter, J., Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K., Leichner, N. & Krampen, G. (2016). Assessing epistemic sophistication by considering domain-specific absolute and multiplicistic beliefs separately. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1-18.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2016). On the pitfalls of bibliographic database searching: Comparing successful and less successful users. Behaviour and Information Technology, 35(2), 106-117.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2016). PIKE-P - Prozeduraler Informationsrecherchetest für Psychologiestudierende (Fragebogen zur Suche und Beschaffung von Fachliteratur; PIKE; PIKE-P Test; PIKE-P-Verfahren). (PSYNDEX Tests Abstract).

Rosman, T. (2016). Beeinflussung epistemologischer Überzeugungen von Psychologiestudierenden: Eine feldexperimentelle Evaluationsstudie. In A.-K. Mayer & T. Rosman (Hrsg.), Denken über Wissen und Wissenschaft - Epistemologische Überzeugungen (S. 173-190). Lengerich: Pabst.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2016). A longitudinal study on information-seeking knowledge in psychology undergraduates: Exploring the role of information literacy instruction and working memory capacity. Computers & Education, 96, 94-108.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2016). Die Förderung diffenzierter epistemologischer Überzeugungen bei Studienanfängern der Psychologie: Empirische Befunde und fachdidaktische Implikationen. In M. Krämer, S. Preiser & K. Brusdeylins (Hrsg.), Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XI (S. 185-192). Aachen: Shaker.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K., Peter, J. & Krampen, G. (2016). Need for cognitive closure may impede the effectiveness of epistemic belief instruction. Learning and Individual Differences, 2016, 8 Seiten.

Rosman, T., Peter, J., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2016). Conceptions of scientific knowledge influence learning of academic skills: Epistemic beliefs and the efficacy of information literacy instruction. Studies in Higher Education, 41, 18 pages.

Rosman, T. (2015). Die Erfassung von Informationskompetenz mit Wissenstests. Dissertation, Universität, Fachbereich I - Psychologie, Trier.

Rosman, T. & Birke, P. (2015). Fachspezifische Erfassung von Recherchekompetenz durch prozedurale Wissenstests: Psychologie vs. Informatik. In A.-K. Mayer (Hrsg.), Informationskompetenz im Hochschulkontext. Interdisziplinäre Forschungsperspektiven (S. 103-120). Lengerich: Pabst.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2015). Intelligence, academic self-concept, and information literacy: The role of adequate perceptions of academic ability in the acquisition of knowledge about information searching. Information Research, 20(1), Paper isic34.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2015). Measuring psychology students' information-seeking skills in a situational judgment test format. Construction and validation of the PIKE-P test. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 31(2), 1-10.

Birke, P., Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Walter, B. (2014). A domain-specific test of procedural knowledge about information searching for students of computer science. In S. Kurbanoglu, S. Spiranec, E. Grassian, D. Mizrachi & R. Catts (Eds.), Information literacy: Lifelong learning and digital citizenship in the 21st century. Second European conference, ECIL 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 20-23, 2014. Proceedings (pp. 683-692). Cham: Springer.

Rosman, T., Mayer, A.-K. & Krampen, G. (2014). Combining self-assessments and achievement tests in information literacy assessment: Empirical results and recommendations for practice. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39, (1-15).

Merk, S., Rosman, T., Rueß, J., Syring, M. & Schneider, J. Pre-service teachers' perceived value of general pedagogical knowledge for practice: Relations with epistemic beliefs and source beliefs. PLoS ONE, 12(9), e0184971 (25 Seiten).

Wedderhoff, O., Chasiotis, A. & Rosman, T. When freedom of choice leads to bias: How threat fosters selective exposure to health information. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 937699.

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