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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Jennifer Inauen

letzte Aktualisierung: 29.11.2024

Baretta, D., Gillmann, N., Edgren, R. & Inauen, J. (2024). HabitWalk: A micro-randomized trial to understand and promote habit formation in physical activity. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 1-22.

Edgren, R., Baretta, D. & Inauen, J. (2024). The temporal trajectories of habit decay in daily life: An intensive longitudinal study on four health-risk behaviors. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 1-19.

Jonitz, V. M. J., Shrestha, A., Luginbuehl, H., Kasaju, A., Scarnato, C., Meierhofer, R. & Inauen, J. (2024). Self-efficacy and social support enable women to protect their pelvic floor health: A nonrandomized controlled trial in rural Nepal. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-17.

Wyss, C., Inauen, J., Cignacco, E., Raio, L. & Aubry, E. M. (2024). Mediating processes underlying the associations between maternal obesity and the likelihood of cesarean birth. Birth, 51(1), 52-62.

Baretta, D., Amrein, M. A., Bäder, C., Ruschetti, G. G., Rüttimann, C., Del Rio Carral, M., Fabian, C. & Inauen, J. (2023). Promoting hand hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic: Parallel randomized trial for the optimization of the Soapp App. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 11, No. e43241.

Baretta, D. & Inauen, J. (2023). Implications of the COVID-19 trajectory for the evaluation of hand hygiene interventions: Secondary analysis of the Soapp trial. Translational Behavioral Medicine: Practice, Policy, Research (TBM), 14(1), 66-71.

Baretta, D., Koch, S., Cobo, I., Castano-Vinyals, G., de Cid, R., Carreras, A., Buekers, J., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Inauen, J. & Chevance, G. (2023). Resilience characterized and quantified from physical activity data: A tutorial in R. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 65, No. 102361.

Bösch, V. D. & Inauen, J. (2023). Older adults' physical activity after lockdown: Testing the health action process approach and the moderating role of fear of Covid-19. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 15(1), 369-389.

Herzog, P. J., Herzog-Zibi, R. D. L., Mattmann, M., Möri, C., Mooser, B., Inauen, J. & Aubert, C. E. (2023). Perspectives of patients and clinicians on older patient mobility on acute medical wards: a qualitative study. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1), No. 558.

Tomberge, V. M. J., Shrestha, A., Meierhofer, R. & Inauen, J. (2023). Interrelatedness of women's health-behaviour cognitions: A dyadic study of female family members on carrying heavy loads during pregnancy in Nepal. British Journal of Health Psychology, 1-20.

Wiedemann, R. & Inauen, J. (2023). Identifying determinants of pesticide use behaviors for effective agri-environmental policies: A systematic review. Environmental Research Letters, 18(4), No. 043001.

Ambuehl, B. & Inauen, J. (2022). Contextualized measurement scale adaptation: A 4-step tutorial for health psychology research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), No. 12775.

Ambuehl, B., Kunwar, B. M., Schertenleib, A., Marks, S. J. & Inauen, J. (2022). Can participation promote psychological ownership of a shared resource? An intervention study of community-based safe water infrastructure. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 81, No. 101818.

Amrein, M. A., Ruschetti, G. G., Baeder, C., Bamert, M. & Inauen, J. (2022). Mobile intervention to promote correct hand hygiene at key times to prevent COVID-19 in the Swiss adult general population: Study protocol of a multiphase optimisation strategy. BMJ Open, 12, No. e055971.

Bamert, M. & Inauen, J. (2022). Physiological stress reactivity and recovery: Some laboratory results transfer to daily life. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 943065.

Bösch, V. D., Warner, L. M., Nyman, S. R., Haftenberger, J., Clarke, K. & Inauen, J. (2022). What do older adults think about when formulating implementation intentions for physical activity? Evidence from a qualitative study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 1-16.

Koller, J. E., Villinger, K., Lages, N. C., Absetz, P., Bamert, M., Branquinho, C., Chaves-Avilés, L., Dimitropoulou, P., Fernández-Fernández, A. L., Gaspar de Matos, M., Griskevica, I., Gutiérrez-Dona, B., Hankonen, N., Inauen, J., Peshevska, D. J., Kassianos, A. P., Kolsenikova, J., Lavric, M., Mitanovska, T., Neter, E., Postuvan, V., Trups-Kalne, I., Vargas-Carmiol, J., Schupp, H. T. & Renner, B. (2022). Individual and collective protective responses during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in 10 different countries: Results from the EUCLID online survey. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 122, 356-364.

Mani, H., Möri, C., Mattmann, M., Liechti, F., Inauen, J., Aujesky, D., Donzé, J. & Aubert, C. E. (2022). Barriers and facilitators to mobility of patients hospitalised on an acute medical ward: A systematic review. Age and Ageing, 51(7), No. afac159.

Meierhofer, R., Tomberge, V. M. J., Inauen, J. & Shrestha, A. (2022). Water carrying in hills of Nepal-associations with women's musculoskeletal disorders, uterine prolapse and spontaneous abortions. PLoS ONE, 17(6), No. e0269926.

Ambuehl, B., Tomberge, V. M. J., Kunwar, B. M., Schertenleib, A., Marks, S. J. & Inauen, J. (2021). The role of psychological ownership in safe water management: A mixed-methods study in Nepal. Water, 13(5), No. 589.

Amrein, M. A., Scholz, U. & Inauen, J. (2021). Compensatory health beliefs and unhealthy snack consumption in daily life. Appetite, 157, No. 104996.

Berli, C., Inauen, J., Stadler, G., Scholz, U. & Shrout, P. E. (2021). Understanding between-person interventions with time-intensive longitudinal outcome data: Longitudinal mediation analyses. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 55(5), 476-488.

Gardner, B., Arden, M. A., Brown, D., Eves, F. F., Green, J., Hamilton, K., Hankonen, N., Inauen, J., Keller, J., Kwasnicka, D., Labudek, S., Marien, H., Masaryk, R., McCleary, N., Mullan, B. A., Neter, E., Orbell, S., Potthoff, S. & Lally, P. (2021). Developing habit-based health behaviour change interventions: Twenty-one questions to guide future research. Psychology and Health, 1-23.

Inauen, J., Contzen, N., Frick, V., Kadel, P., Keller, J., Kollmann, J., Mata, J. & van Valkengoed, A. M. (2021). Environmental issues are health issues. Making a case and setting an agenda for environmental health psychology. European Psychologist, 26(3), 219-229.

Nigg, C., Amrein, M., Rackow, P., Scholz, U. & Inauen, J. (2021). Compensation and transfer effects of eating behavior change in daily life: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Appetite, 162, No. 105170.

Tomberge, V. M. J., Bischof, J. S., Meierhofer, R., Shrestha, A. & Inauen, J. (2021). The physical burden of water carrying and women's psychosocial well-being: Evidence from rural Nepal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), No. 7908.

Tomberge, V. M. J., Harter, M. & Inauen, J. (2021). The importance of collective and individual psychological ownership for safe sanitation: A multilevel analysis in rural Ghana. Global Public Health, 1-35.

Tomberge, V. M. J., Shrestha, A., Meierhofer, R. & Inauen, J. (2021). Understanding safe water-carrying practices during pregnancy and postpartum: A mixed-methods study in Nepal. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 1-21.

Diemer, N., Staudacher, P., Atuhaire, A., Fuhrimann, S. & Inauen, J. (2020). Smallholder farmers' information behavior differs for organic versus conventional pest management strategies: A qualitative study in Uganda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 257, No. 120465.

Harter, M., Inauen, J. & Mosler, H.-J. (2020). How does Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) promote latrine construction, and can it be improved? A cluster-randomized controlled trial in Ghana. Social Science & Medicine, 245, No. 112705.

Inauen, J. (2020). Der Klimawandel ist ein Gesundheitsproblem. Welchen Beitrag zur Lösung kann die Psychologie leisten? Psychoscope, 41(4), 14-17.

Inauen, J., Lilje, J. & Mosler, H.-J. (2020). Refining hand washing interventions by identifying active ingredients: A cluster-randomized controlled trial in rural Zimbabwe. Social Science & Medicine, 245, No. 112712.

Inauen, J. & Zhou, G. (2020). Health and well-being in the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic: Insights from applied psychology. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 12(4), 937-945.

Wirth, M., Inauen, J. & Steinke, H. (2020). Neue Strategien der HIV-Prävention für "Men who have sex with men" (MSM): Die Präexpositionsprophylaxe (PrEP) und eine ethische Evaluierung ihrer Potentiale und Probleme. Ethik in der Medizin, 1-18.

Harter, M., Contzen, N. & Inauen, J. (2019). The role of social identification for achieving an open-defecation free environment: A cluster-randomized, controlled trial of Community-Led Total Sanitation in Ghana. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66, No. 101360.

Kwasnicka, D., Inauen, J., Nieuwenboom, W., Nurmi, J., Schneider, A., Short, C. E., Dekkers, T., Williams, A. J., Bierbauer, W., Haukkala, A., Picariello, F. & Naughton, F. (2019). Challenges and solutions for N-of-1 design studies in health psychology. Health Psychology Review, 13(2), 163-178.

Landes, F. C., Inauen, J., Ponce-Canchihuamán, J., Markowski, K., Ellis, T. K. & Geen, A. (2019). Does involving parents in soil sampling identify causes of child exposure to lead? A case study of community engagement in mining-impacted towns in Peru. GeoHealth, 3(8), 218-236.

Inauen, J., Radtke, T., Rennie, L., Scholz, U. & Orbell, S. (2018). Transfer or compensation? An experiment testing the effects of actual and imagined exercise on eating behavior. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 77(2), 59-67.

Inauen, J., Stocker, A. & Scholz, U. (2018). Why and for whom may coping planning have adverse effects? A moderated mediation analysis. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 10(2), 272-289.

Amrein, M. A., Rackow, P., Inauen, J., Radtke, T. & Scholz, U. (2017). The role of compensatory health beliefs in eating behavior change: A mixed method study. Appetite, 1-10.

Ihle, A., Inauen, J., Scholz, U., König, C., Holzer, B., Zimmerli, L., Battegay, E., Tobias, R. & Kliegel, M. (2017). Prospective and retrospective memory are differentially related to self-rated omission and commission errors in medication adherence in multimorbidity. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 24(6), 505-511.

Inauen, J., Bierbauer, W., Lüscher, J., König, C., Tobias, R., Ihle, A., Zimmerli, L., Holzer, B. M., Battegay, E., Siebenhüner, K., Kliegel, M. & Scholz, U. (2017). Assessing adherence to multiple medications and in daily life among patients with multimorbidity. Psychology and Health, 32(10), 1233-1248.

Berli, C., Stadler, G., Inauen, J. & Scholz, U. (2016). Action control in dyads: A randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity in everyday life. Social Science & Medicine, 163, 89-97.

Inauen, J. & Mosler, H.-J. (2016). Mechanisms of behavioural maintenance: Long-term effects of theory-based interventions to promote safe water consumption. Psychology and Health, 31(2), 166-183.

Inauen, J., Shrout, P. E., Bolger, N., Stadler, G. & Scholz, U. (2016). Mind the gap? An intensive longitudinal study of between-person and within-person intention-behavior relations. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(4), 516-522.

Contzen, N. & Inauen, J. (2015). Social-cognitive factors mediating intervention effects on handwashing: A longitudinal study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 38(6), 956-969.

Hossain, M.M. & Inauen, J. (2014). Differences in stakeholders and end users preferences of arsenic mitigation options in Bangladesh. Journal of Public Health, 22, 335-350.

Inauen, J. & Mosler, H.-J. (2014). Developing and testing theory-based and evidence-based interventions to promote switching to arsenic-safe wells in Bangladesh. Journal of Health Psychology, 19(12), 1483-1498.

Inauen, J., Tobias, R. & Mosler, H.-J. (2014). The role of commitment strength in enhancing safe water consumption: Mediation analysis of a cluster-randomized trial. British Journal of Health Psychology, 19(4), 701-719.

Johnston, R., Hug, S. J., Inauen, J., Khan, N. I., Mosler, H.-J. & Yang, H. (2014). Enhancing arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh: Findings from institutional, psychological, and technical investigations. Science of the Total Environment, 488, 477-483.

Radtke, T., Inauen, J., Rennie, L., Orbell, S. & Scholz, U. (2014). Trait versus state. Effects of dispositional and situational compensatory health beliefs on high-calorie snack consumption. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 22(4), 156-164.

George, C. M., Inauen, J., Rahman, M. S. & Zheng, Y. (2013). The effectiveness of educational interventions to enhance the adoption of fee-based arsenic testing in Bangladesh: A cluster randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Tropical Medicine &; Hygiene, 89(1), 138-144.; ajtmh.12-0664.

Inauen, J., Hossain, M.M., Johnston, R. B. & Mosler, H.-J. (2013). Acceptance and use of eight arsenic-safe drinking water options in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE, 8(1), e53640.

Inauen, J., Tobias, R. & Mosler, H.-J. (2013). Predicting water consumption habits for seven arsenic-safe water options in Bangladesh. BMC Public Health, 13, No. 417.

Mosler, H.-J., Huber, A., Inauen, J. & Tobias, R. (2012). How to achieve evidence-based behavioural change. Sandec News, 13, 14-15.

Huber, A., Inauen, J. & Mosler, H.-J. (2011). Increasing safe water consumption in Bangladesh and Ethiopia. Sandec News, 12, 6-7.

Mosler, H.-J., Blöchliger, O. R. & Inauen, J. (2010). Personal, social, and situational factors influencing the consumption of drinking water from arsenic-safe deep tubewells in Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(6), 1316-1323.

Tobias, R. & Inauen, J. (2010). Gathering time-series data for evaluating behavior-change campaigns in developing countries: Reactivity of diaries and interviews. Evaluation Review, 34, 367-390.

Inauen, J. & Gonzalez, A. (2009). "In den Köpfen der Menschen muss etwas verändert werden, damit Umweltprobleme gelöst werden können!". Ein Interview mit einem Umweltpsychologen. Forum der Geoökologie, 20(2), 26-28.

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