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Literaturliste von Dr. Pia Ingold

letzte Aktualisierung: 08.05.2024

Ingold, P. V., Heimann, A. L. & Breil, S. M. (2024). Any slice is predictive? On the consistency of impressions from the beginning, middle, and end of assessment center exercises and their relation to performance. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1-14.

Reznik, N., Krumm, S., Freudenstein, J.-P., Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P., Schäpers, P. & Kleinmann, M. (2023). Does understanding what a test measures make a difference? On the relevance of the ability to identify criteria for situational judgment test performance. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 1-15.

Gross, C., Debus, M. E., Ingold, P. V. & Kleinmann, M. (2021). Too much self-promotion! How self-promotion climate relates to employees' supervisor-focused self-promotion effectiveness and their work group's performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(8), 1042-1059.

Heimann, A. L., Ingold, Pia, V., Lievens, F., Melchers, K. G., Keen, G. & Kleinmann, M. (2021). Actions define a character: Assessment centers as behavior-focused personality measures. Personnel Psychology, 1-31.

Ingold, P. V. & Langer, M. (2021). Resume = resume? The effects of blockchain, social media, and classical resumes on resume fraud and applicant reactions to resumes. Computers in Human Behavior, 114, No. 106573.

Schröder, V. S., Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V. & Kleinmann, M. (2021). Enhancing personality assessment in the selection context: A study protocol on alternative measures and an extended bandwidth of criteria. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 643690.

Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V., Debus, M. E. & Kleinmann, M. (2020). Who will go the extra mile? Selecting organizational citizens with a personality-based structured job interview. Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-23.

Heimann, A. L., Ingold, P. V. & Kleinmann, M. (2020). Tell us about your leadership style: A structured interview approach for assessing leadership behavior constructs. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(4), No. 101364.

Wirz, A., Melchers, K. G., Kleinmann, M., Lievens, F., Annen, H., Blum, U. & Ingold, P. V. (2020). Do overall dimension ratings from assessment centres show external construct-related validity? European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(3), 405-420.

Kleinmann, M. & Ingold, P. V. (2019). Toward a better understanding of assessment centers: A conceptual review. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology & Organizational Behavior, 6, 349-372.

Ingold, P. V., Dönni, M. & Lievens, F. (2018). A dual-process theory perspective to better understand judgments in assessment centers: The role of initial impressions for dimension ratings and validity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(12), 1367-1378.

Ingold, P. V. & Kleinmann, M. (2016). Leistungs- und Potenzialbeurteilung: Personenbezogene Merkmale. In K. Sonntag (Hrsg.), Personalentwicklung in Organisationen. Psychologische Grundlagen, Methoden und Strategien (S. 337-366). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Ingold, P. V., Kleinmann, M., König, C. J. & Melchers, K. G. (2016). Transparency of assessment centers: Lower criterion-related validity but greater opportunity to perform? Personnel Psychology, 69(2), 467-497.

Oostrom, J. K., Melchers, K. G., Ingold, P. V. & Kleinmann, M. (2016). Why do situational interviews predict performance? Is it saying how you would behave or knowing how you should behave? Journal of Business and Psychology, 31(2), 279-291.

Ingold, P. V., Kleinmann, M., König, C. J. & Melchers, K. G. (2015). Shall we continue or stop disapproving of self-presentation? Evidence on impression management and faking in a selection context and their relation to job performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24(3), 420-432.

Ingold, P. V., Kleinmann, M., König, C. J., Melchers, K. G. & Van Iddekinge, C. H. (2015). Why do situational interviews predict job performance? The role of interviewees' ability to identify criteria. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30, 387-398.

Melchers, K. G., Ingold, P. V., Wilhelmy, A. & Kleinmann, M. (2015). Beyond validity. Shedding light on the social situation in employment interviews. In I. Nikolaou & J. K. Oostrom (Eds.), Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment. Contemporary issues for theory and practice (pp. 154-171). New York: Psychology Press.

Kleinmann, M., Ingold, P. V., Lievens, F., Melchers, K. G. & König, C. J. (2011). A different look at why selection procedures work: The role of candidates' ability to identify criteria. Organizational Psychology Review, 1(2), 128-146.

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