letzte Aktualisierung: 15.08.2024
Schoch, S., Keller, R., Maas, J., Rackow, P., Scholz, U., Schüler, J. & Wegner, M. (2023). Transformationale Führung und positive Emotionen bei Lehrpersonen - Die Rolle der sozialen Unterstützung und der psychologischen Bedürfnisbefriedigung. Empirische Pädagogik, 37(2), 192-210.
Maas, J., Schoch, S., Scholz, U., Rackow, P., Schüler, J., Wegner, M. & Keller, R. (2022). Satisfying the need for relatedness among teachers. Benefits of searching for social support. Frontiers in Education, 7, No. 851819.
Maas, J., Schoch, S., Scholz, U., Rackow, P., Schüler, J., Wegner, M. & Keller, R. (2022). School principals' social support and teachers' basic need satisfaction: The mediating role of job demands and job resources. Social Psychology of Education, 25(6), 1545-1562.
Maas, J., Schoch, S., Scholz, U., Rackow, P., Schüler, J., Wegner, M. & Keller, R. (2021). Teachers' perceived time pressure, emotional exhaustion and the role of social support from the school principal. Social Psychology of Education, 24, 441-464.
Nigg, C., Amrein, M., Rackow, P., Scholz, U. & Inauen, J. (2021). Compensation and transfer effects of eating behavior change in daily life: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Appetite, 162, No. 105170.
Amrein, M. A., Rackow, P., Inauen, J., Radtke, T. & Scholz, U. (2017). The role of compensatory health beliefs in eating behavior change: A mixed method study. Appetite, 1-10.
Rackow, P., Berli, C., Lüscher, J., Luszczynska, A. & Scholz, U. (2017). Emotional or instrumental support? Distinct effects on vigorous exercise and affect. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 66-74.
Scholz, U., Stadler, G., Ochsner, S., Rackow, P., Hornung, R. & Knoll, N. (2016). Examining the relationship between daily changes in support and smoking around a self-set quit date. Health Psychology, 35(5), 514-517.
Rackow, P., Scholz, U. & Hornung, R. (2015). Received social support and exercising: An intervention study to test the enabling hypothesis. British Journal of Health Psychology, 20(4), 763-776.
Rackow, P., Scholz, U. & Hornung, R. (2014). Effects of a new sports companion on received social support and physical exercise: An intervention study. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 6(3), 300-317.
Radtke, T. & Rackow, P. (2014). Autonomous Motivation Is Not Enough: The Role of Compensatory Health Beliefs for the Readiness to Change Stair and Elevator Use. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(12), 12412-12428.
Rackow, P., Scholz, U. & Hornung, R. (2013). PNSEG - Deutsche Skala zur Erfassung der Befriedigung der drei Grundbedürfnisse Autonomie, Kompetenz und soziale Eingebundenheit (nach Deci und Ryan) bei sportlicher Aktivität (German Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale (PNSEG)). (PSYNDEX Tests Info).
Rackow, P., Scholz, U. & Hornung, R. (2013). The German Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale: Validation of a Measure of Need Satisfaction in Exercise. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 72(3), 137-148.
Rackow, P. (2013). A social psychological perspective on health behaviour: Social support, need satisfaction and their impacts on physical exercise and self-regulation. Dissertation, Universität, Philosophische Fakultät, Zürich.
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