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Dr. Oliver B. Büttner

letzte Aktualisierung: 20.11.2024

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Informatik, Fachgebiet Wirtschaftspsychologie
47057 Duisburg, Lotharstr. 65



weitere Profile:
akademische Qualifikationen:
  • 2002 Diplom, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • 2008 Promotion, Universität Göttingen
  • 2018 Habilitation, Universität Wien
beruflicher Werdegang:
  • since 2016 Professor (W2) of Economic Psychology, Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • 2014-2015 Visiting Professor, Chair of Marketing and Consumer Behavior, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany
  • 2010-2016 Assistant Professor, Applied Social Psychology and Consumer Research, Department of Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria
  • 2008-2010 Assistant Professor, Strategic Communication, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany
  • 2002-2008 Research and Teaching Associate, Institute of Marketing and Retailing, University of Göttingen, Germany
Forschungsschwerpunkte und -interessen:
  • Allgemeine Psychologie
  • Methodenlehre/Statistik
  • Sozialpsychologie

  • Konsumentenpsychologie
  • Einkaufsverhalten
  • Werbung und Promotions
Lehrschwerpunkte und -interessen:
  • Allgemeine Psychologie
  • Methodenlehre/Statistik
  • Sozialpsychologie

  • Konsumentenpsychologie
  • Werbung
  • European Union, "Impulse Purchases and Overspending: The Role of Shopping Orientations and Consumer Information Processing", Marie Curie Integration Grant (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG 293577; 2011-2014)
Mitgliedschaften in Fachgesellschaften, Editorial Boards etc., Herausgeberschaften (national / international):
  • Since 2023 Member of the Sachverständigenrat für Verbraucherfragen [Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs], German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
  • Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
  • 2011-2015 Member of the coordination committee of the Netzwerk Verbraucherforschung [network consumer research], appointed by the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV)

  • Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
  • European Marketing Academy (EMAC)
  • Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP)
Auszeichnungen (national / international):
  • 2019 Best Teacher Award 2019, Fachschaft Angewandte Kognitions- und
  • Medienwissenschaft (KOMEDIA)
  • 2009 Preis der Deutschen Marktforschung “Nachwuchsforscher 2009” (2. Preis)
  • [German Market Research Award “Young Scientist 2009”] awarded for the
  • dissertation by Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e.V. (BVM)
  • and Verband der Marktforscher Österreich (VMÖ)

  • 2023 Best Retail Paper Award 2023, Retail & Pricing SIG, American Marketing
  • Association (AMA) for the article: Streicher, M. C., Estes, Z., & Büttner, O. B.
  • (2021). Exploratory shopping: Attention affects in-store exploration and unplanned
  • purchasing. Journal of Consumer Research, 48, 51-76.
  • 2007 Bursary for top 10 paper submission based on a doctoral thesis, 36th EMAC Conference, European Marketing Academy, Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 2001 Best student paper presentation
  • Conference "Psychology and the Internet: A European Perspective", British Psychological Society, Farnborough, UK

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