letzte Aktualisierung: 20.12.2016
Adamaszek, M., D'Agata, F., Kirkby, K. C., Trenner, M. U., Sehm, B., Steele, C. J., Berneiser, J. & Strecker, K. (2014). Impairment of emotional facial expression and prosody discrimination due to ischemic cerebellar lesions. Cerebellum, 13(3), 338-345.
Minkwitz, J., Trenner, M. U., Sander, C., Olbrich, S., Sheldrick, A. J., Hegerl, U. & Himmerich, H. (2012). Time perception at different EEG-vigilance levels. Behavioral & Brain Functions, 8(50).
Minkwitz, J., Trenner, M. U., Sander, C., Olbrich, S., Sheldrick, A. J., Schönknecht, P., Hegerl, U. & Himmerich, H. (2011). Prestimulus vigilance predicts response speed in an easy visual discrimination task. Behavioral & Brain Functions, 7(31), 1-8.
Olbrich, S., Mulert, C., Karch, S., Trenner, M., Leicht, G., Pogarell, O. & Hegerl, U. (2009). EEG-vigilance and BOLD effect during simultaneous EEG/fMRI measurement. NeuroImage, 45(2), 319-332.
Fasold, O., Heinau, J., Trenner, M. U., Villringer, A. & Wenzel, R. (2008). Proprioceptive head posture-related processing in human polysensory cortical areas. NeuroImage, 40(3), 1232-1242.
Trenner, M. U., Fahle, M., Fasold, O., Heekeren, H. R., Villringer, A. & Wenzel, R. (2008). Human cortical areas involved in sustaining perceptual stability during smooth pursuit eye movements. Human Brain Mapping, 29, 300-311.
Trenner, M. U., Heekeren, H. R., Bauer, M., Roessner, K., Wenzel, R., Villringer, A. & Fahle, M. (2008). What happens in between? Human oscillatory brain activity related to crossmodal spatial cueing. PLoS ONE, 3(1), e1467.
Liepelt, I., Trenner, M.U., Freund, S., Engel, U., Lueschow, A. & Platz, T. (2007). BAXT - Berliner-Apraxie-Test (Berliner Apraxie Test). PSYNDEX Tests Info. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 18(3), 193-206.
Liepelt, I., Trenner, M. U., Freund, S., Engel, U., Lueschow, A. & Platz, T. (2007). Der Berliner-Apraxie-Test für ideomotorische und ideatorische Apraxie. Bestimmung der Itemkennwerte. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 18(3), 193-206.
Trenner, M. U., Schweinberger, S. R., Jentzsch, I. & Sommer, W. (2004). Face repetition effects in direct and indirect tasks: an event-related brain potentials study. Cognitive Brain Research, 21, 388-400.
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