letzte Aktualisierung: 13.08.2024
Bolte, S., Klackl, J., Hansen, J., Jonas, E. & Uhl-Hädicke, I. (2024). The role of political orientation and value framing in carbon pricing acceptance: Evidence from a representative sample. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 96, No. 102330.
Hoerster, A. & Hansen, J. (2024). Self-consciousness and trait anxiety influence music performance in high-pressure situations. Musicae Scientiae, 1-21.
Hansen, J., Neumeier, N. & Höller, M. (2023). Abstraction allows susceptibility to the perspective of others: The case of decreased public self-awareness due to concrete thinking. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1-10.
Mühlberger, C., Böhm, A. M., Hansen, J., Behrendt, P., Wastian, M. & Jonas, E. (2023). Coaching as a growth- or security-oriented process - How regulatory fit increases coaching success. PLoS ONE, 18(10), No. e0286059.
Jonas, E., Zerle, G., Mühlberger, C. & Hansen, J. (2022). Nichts ist praktischer als eine gute Theorie - Wenn Theorien praktisch werden. OSC Organisationsberatung - Supervision - Coaching, 29(3), 289-311.
Wessler, J., van der Schalk, J., Hansen, J., Klackl, J., Jonas, E., Fons, M., Doosje, B. & Fischer, A. (2022). Existential threat and responses to emotional displays of ingroup and outgroup members. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 1-22.
Wessler, J. & Hansen, J. (2021). Facial mimicry is independent of stimulus format: Evidence for facial mimicry of stick figures and photographs. Acta Psychologica, 213, No. 103249.
Bischoff, C., Reutner, L. & Hansen, J. (2020). The snacking chameleon: Psychological proximity increases imitation of food intake independently of brand choice. foods, 9(2), No. 228.
Hansen, J., Michelbach, J. & Stabenow, M. (2020). Imitation of counter-goal behavior: The role of psychological distance and level of construal. Acta Psychologica, 210, No. 103164.
Garcia-Marques, T., Silva, R. R., Mello, J. & Hansen, J. (2019). Relative to what? Dynamic updating of fluency standards and between-participants illusions of truth. Acta Psychologica, 195, 71-79.
Genschow, O., Hansen, J., Wänke, M. & Trope, Y. (2019). Psychological distance modulates goal-based versus movement-based imitation. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 45(8), 1031-1048.
Hansen, J. (2019). Construal level and cross-sensory influences: High-level construal increases the effect of color on drink perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 148(5), 890-904.
Hansen, J. & Steinmetz, J. (2019). Motivated level of construal: How temperature affects the construal level of state-relevant stimuli. Motivation and Emotion, 43(3), 434-446.
Wessler, J. & Hansen, J. (2017). Temporal closeness promotes imitation of meaningful gestures in face-to-face communication. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 41(4), 415-431.
Bischoff, C. & Hansen, J. (2016). Influencing support of charitable objectives in the near and distant future: delay discounting and the moderating influence of construal level. Social Influence, 11(4), 217-229.
Hansen, J., Alves, H. & Trope, Y. (2016). Psychological Distance Reduces Literal Imitation: Evidence From an Imitation-Learning Paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 42(3), 320-330.
Reutner, L., Hansen, J. & Greifeneder, R. (2015). The cold heart: Reminders of money cause feelings of physical coldness. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 6(5), 490-495.
Wänke, M. & Hansen, J. (2015). Relative processing fluency. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 24(3), 195-199.
Hansen, J. & Melzner, J. (2014). What you hear shapes how you think: Sound patterns change level of construal. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 131-138.
Hansen, J., Kutzner, F. & Wänke, M. (2013). Money and thinking: Reminders of money trigger abstract construal and shape consumer judgments. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(6), 1154-1166.
Hansen, J., Rim, S. & Fiedler, K. (2013). Psychological distance and judgments of causal impact. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(6), 1184-1189.
Hansen, J. & Trope, Y. (2013). When Time Flies: How Abstract and Concrete Mental Construal Affect the Perception of Time. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 142(2), 336-347.
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2013). Fluency in context. Discrepancy makes processing experiences informative. In C. Unkelbach & R. Greifeneder (Eds.), The experience of thinking. How the fluency of mental processes influences cognition and behavior (pp. 70-84). London: Psychology Press.
Rim, S., Hansen, J. & Trope, Y. (2013). What happens why? Psychological distance and focusing on causes versus consequences of events. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(3), 457-472.
Hansen, J. & Topolinski, S. (2011). An exploratory mindset reduces preference for prototypes and increases preference for novel exemplars. Cognition and Emotion, 25(4), 709-716.
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2011). The abstractness of luxury. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(5), 789-796.
Dechêne, A., Stahl, C., Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2010). The truth about the truth: A meta-analytic review of the truth effect. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 14(2), 238-257.
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2010). Truth from language and truth from fit: The impact of linguistic concreteness and level of construal on subjective truth. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36(11), 1576-1588.
Hansen, J., Winzeler, S. & Topolinski, S. (2010). When the death makes you smoke: A terror management perspective on the effectiveness of cigarette on-pack warnings. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(1), 226-228.
Dechene, A., Stahl, C., Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2009). Mix me a list: Context moderates the truth effect and the mere-exposure effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45(5), 1117-1122.
Hansen, J., Strick, M., van Baaren, R. B., Hooghuis, M. & Wigboldus, D. H. J. (2009). Exploring memory for product names advertised with humour. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 8(2-3), 135-148.
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2009). Liking what's familiar: The importance of unconscious familiarity in the mere-exposure effect. Social Cognition, 27(2), 161-182.
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2009). Think of capable others and you can make it! Self-efficacy mediates the effect of stereotype activation on behavior. Social Cognition, 27(1), 76-88.
Hansen, J., Dechêne, A. & Wänke, M. (2008). Discrepant fluency increases subjective truth. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44(3), 687-691.
Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2008). It's the difference that counts: Expectancy/Experience discrepancy moderates the use of ease of retrieval in attitude judgments. Social Cognition, 26(4), 447-468.
Herzog, S. M., Hansen, J. & Wänke, M. (2007). Temporal distance and ease of retrieval. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 43, 483-488.
Hansen, J. (2006). Einflüsse der Erwartung von Abrufleichtigkeit und der zeitlichen Distanz zum Einstellungsobjekt auf den Ease-of-Retrieval-Effekt. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Psychologie, Basel.
Hansen, J., Bankiher, I., Scherz, A. & Wänke, M. (2005). Contrast intervals in radio advertising enhance unconscious memory for product names. In K. Opwis & I.-K. Penner (Eds.), Proceedings of KogWis 05. The German Cognitive Science Conference 2005. September 7th - 9th, Basel, Switzerland. Department of Psychology, University of Basel (pp. 67-70). Basel: Schwabe.
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