letzte Aktualisierung: 26.06.2024
Schneider, G., Grebe, A., Bruland, P., Heuft, G. & Ständer, S. (2019). Which patients with chronic pruritus are presented for psychological assessment by their dermatologists? Results from a consecutive sample. British Journal of Dermatology, 186(6), 1329-1330.
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Stumpf, A., Ständer, S., Warlich, B., Fritz, F., Bruland, P., Pfleiderer, B., Heuft, G. & Schneider, G. (2015). Relations between the characteristics and psychological comorbidities of chronic pruritus differ between men and women: Women are more anxious than men. British Journal of Dermatology, 172(5), 1323-1328.
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Bernedo Schneider, G., Boeck, M., Elbers, M., Scherbaum, M., Widdra, T., Wissmann, J., Althaus N., Beck, K. & Bennöhr, J. (2004). MAPA - A Mapping Architecture for People's Association. PICS- Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science, 6.
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Bernedo Schneider, G. & Elbers, M. (2003). MAPA: A Platform for Collaborative, Cognitively Adequate Knowledge Mapping. In F. Schmalhofer et al (Ed.), Proceedings of EuroCogSci 03. The European Cognitive Science Conference.
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