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Literaturliste von Dipl.-Psych. Peter Schmutz

letzte Aktualisierung: 23.10.2012

Leuthold, S., Schmutz, P., Bargas-Avila, J. A., Tuch, A. N. & Opwis, K. (2011). Vertical versus dynamic menus on the world wide web: Eye tracking study measuring the influence of menu design and task complexity on user performance and subjective preference. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 459-472.

Roth, S. P., Schmutz, P., Pauwels, S. L., Bargas-Avila, J. A. & Opwis, K. (2010). Mental models for web objects: Where do users expect to find the most frequent objects in online shops, news portals, and company web pages? Interacting with Computers, 22(2), 140-152.

Schmutz, P., Roth, S. P., Seckler, M. & Opwis, K. (2010). Designing product listing pages-Effects on sales and users' cognitive workload. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(7), 423-431.

Schmutz, P. (2010). Cognitive load in eCommerce applications. Measurement and effects. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Psychologie, Basel.

Schmutz, P., Heinz, S., Metrailler, Y. & Opwis, K. (2009). Cognitive load in eCommerce applications - Measurement and effects on user satisfaction. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2009(2009), 121494.

Schmutz, P., Hah, E.-J., Tuch, A. N., Agotai, D., Wiedmer, M. & Opwis, K. (2008). Cinematographic techniques in architectural animations and their effects on viewers' judgment. International Journal of Design, 2(3), 29-41.

Bargas-Avila, J. A., Oberholzer, G., Schmutz, P., de Vito, M. & Opwis, K. (2007). Usable error message presentation in the World Wide Web: Do not show errors right away. Interacting with Computers, 19(3), 330-341.

Schmutz, P. (2007). Mensch-Maschine Interaktion. Spezifische User mit spezifischen Wünschen in spezifischem Kontext. punktum, 3, 13-14.

Métrailler, Y., Bargas, J., Schmutz, P. & Opwis, K. (2005). Search or browse: How do people behave while navigating on e-commerce websites? In K. Opwis & I.-K. Penner (Eds.), Proceedings of KogWis 05. The German Cognitive Science Conference 2005. September 7th - 9th, Basel, Switzerland. Department of Psychology, University of Basel (pp. 137-140). Basel: Schwabe.

Schmutz, P. (2004). Der Foot-in-the-Door Effekt. Ein Mittel zur Reduktion von Drop-Out in Online-Untersuchungen? (Unveröffentlichte Masterarbeit, Universität Basel, online als PDF).

Schmutz, P. (2004). eRes (Web Application/webbasiertes Tool zur Erstellung und Durchführung von Online-Befragungen und Experimenten []).

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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54296 Trier

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