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Literaturliste von Dr. Daniela Kloo

letzte Aktualisierung: 29.11.2024

Christner, N., Di Giunta, L., Kloo, D. & Paulus, M. (2024). Developmental origins of regulatory emotional self-efficacy beliefs in preadolescence: A longitudinal investigation from early childhood till adolescence. Cognitive Development, 72, No. 101512.

Kloo, D., Kaltefleiter, L. J. & Sodian, B. (2024). Early perspective taking predicts later cognitive flexibility: A longitudinal study. Infant and Child Development, No. e2537.

Sodian, B., Kaltefleiter, L. J., Schuwerk, T. & Kloo, D. (2024). Continuity in false belief understanding from 33 to 52 months of age. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 247, No. 106039.

Kloo, D., Osterhaus, C., Kristen-Antonow, S. & Sodian, B. (2022). The impact of theory of mind and executive function on math and reading abilities: A longitudinal study. Infant and Child Development, e2356.

Osterhaus, C., Kristen-Antonow, S., Kloo, D. & Sodian, B. (2022). Advanced scaling and modeling of children's theory of mind competencies: Longitudinal findings in 4-to 6-year-olds. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1-9.

Kloo, D., Sodian, B., Kristen-Antonow, S., Kim, S. & Paulus, M. (2021). Knowing minds: Linking early perspective taking and later metacognitive insight. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39(1), 39-53.

Opitz, T., Schuwerk, T., Paulus, M., Kloo, D., Osterhaus, C., Lesch, K.-P. & Sodian, B. (2021). No links between genetic variation and developing theory of mind: A preregistered replication attempt of candidate gene studies. Developmental Science, No. e13100.

Kloo, D., Kristen-Antonow, S. & Sodian, B. (2020). Progressing from an implicit to an explicit false belief understanding: A matter of executive control? International Journal of Behavioral Development, 44(2), 107-115.

Osterhaus, C., Putnick, D. L., Kristen-Antonow, S., Kloo, D., Bornstein, M. H. & Sodian, B. (2020). Theory of Mind and diverse intelligences in 4-year-olds: Modelling associations of false beliefs with children's numerate-spatial, verbal, and social intelligence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 38(4), 580-593.

Sodian, B., Kristen-Antonow, S. & Kloo, D. (2020). How does children's theory of mind become explicit? A review of longitudinal findings. Child Development Perspectives, 14(3), 171-177.

Kloo, D., Rohwer, M. & Perner, J. (2017). Direct and indirect admission of ignorance by children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 159, 279-295.

Kloo, D. & Sodian, B. (2017). The developmental stability of inhibition from 2 to 5 years. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 35(4), 582-595.

Kloo, D. & Kain, W. (2016). The direct way may not be the best way: Children with ADHD and their understanding of self-presentation in social interactions. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 13(1), 40-51.

Schöfl, M., Kloo, D. & Kaufmann, L. (2015). Planungsleistungen bei Grundschülern mit ADHS und LRS. Ein Vergleich von Fremdbeurteilungsverfahren und psychometrischen Testverfahren. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 4(1), 9-29.

Schöfl, M., Beitel, C., Kloo, D. & Kaufmann, L. (2014). Konstrukt- und Kriteriumsvalidität einer deutschen Version des Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF) zur Identifikation von Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörungen (ADHS). Diagnostica, 60(4), 181-196.

Kloo, D. & Rohwer, M. (2012). The development of earlier and later forms of metacognitive abilities: Reflections on agency and ignorance. In M. J. Beran, J. L. Brandl, J. Perner & J. Proust (Eds.), Foundations of metacognition (pp. 167-180). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Rohwer, M., Kloo, D. & Perner, J. (2012). Escape from metaignorance: How children develop an understanding of their own lack of knowledge. Child Development, 83(6), 1869-1883.

Kloo, D., Perner, J., Aichhorn, M. & Schmidhuber, N. (2010). Perspective taking and cognitive flexibility in the Dimensional Change Card Sorting (DCCS) task. Cognitive Development, 25(3), 208-217.

Kloo, D., Perner, J. & Giritzer, T. (2010). Object-based set-shifting in preschoolers: Relations to theory of mind. In B. W. Sokol, U. Müller, J. I. M. Carpendale, A. R. Young & G. Iarocci (Eds.), Self- and social-regulation. Social interaction and the development of social understanding and executive functions (pp. 193-217). New York: Oxford University Press.

Perner, J., Kloo, D. & Rohwer, M. (2010). Retro- and prospection for mental time travel: Emergence of episodic remembering and mental rotation in 5-to 8-year old children. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(3), 802-815.

Kloo, D. (2008). Theory of mind and executive functions. Developmental processes in the preschool period. Saarbrücken: VDM-Verlag Dr. Müller.

Kloo, D. & Perner, J. (2008). Training theory of mind and executive control: A tool for improving school achievement? Mind, Brain, and Education, 2(3), 122-127.

Kloo, D., Perner, J., Kerschhuber, A., Dabernig, S. & Aichhorn, M. (2008). Sorting between dimensions: Conditions of cognitive flexibility in preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 100(2), 115-134.

Perner, J., Kloo, D. & Gornik, E. (2007). Episodic memory development: Theory of mind is part of re-experiencing experienced events. Infant and Child Development, 16(5), 471-490.

Perner, J., Kloo, D. & Stöttinger, E. (2007). Introspection & remembering. Synthese, 159, 253-270.

Kloo, D. & Perner, J. (2005). Disentangling dimensions in the dimensional change card-sorting task. Developmental Science, 8(1), 44-56.

Kloo, D. (2003). Understanding conflicting descriptions. The developmental relation between false belief understanding and card sorting. Dissertation, Universität, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Salzburg.

Kloo, D. & Perner, J. (2003). Training transfer between card sorting and false belief understanding: Helping children apply conflicting descriptions. Child Development, 74(6), 1823-1839.

Kloo, D. & Perner, J. (2002). Integrating conflicting perspectives. In C. Kanzian, J. Quitterer & E. Runggaldier (Eds.), Persons: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (pp. 112-114). Kirchberg am Wechsel: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.

Perner, J., Lang, B. & Kloo, D. (2002). Theory of mind and self-control: More than a common problem of inhibition. Child Development, 73(3), 752-767.

weitere Schriften:

Kloo, D. (2001). "Theory of Mind" und exekutive Funktionen: Eine empirische Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer "Go - no go"-Aufgabe. University of Salzburg.

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