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Literaturliste von Dr. Katja Fiehler

letzte Aktualisierung: 26.09.2024

Arikan, B. E., Voudouris, D., Straube, B. & Fiehler, K. (2024). Distinct role of central predictive mechanisms in tactile suppression. iScience, 27(8), No. 110582.

Baltaretu, B. R., Schuetz, I., Võ, M.- L.- H. & Fiehler, K. (2024). Scene semantics affects allocentric spatial coding for action in naturalistic (virtual) environments. Scientific Reports, 14(1), No. 15549.

Karimpur, H., Wolf, C. & Fiehler, K. (2024). The (Un)ideal Physicist: How Humans Rely on Object Interaction for Friction Estimates. Psychological Science, 35(2), 191-201.

Beyvers, M. C., Voudouris, D. & Fiehler, K. (2023). Sensorimotor memories influence movement kinematics but not associated tactile processing. Scientific Reports, 13, No. 17920.

Fiehler, K. & Karimpur, H. (2023). Spatial coding for action across spatial scales. Nature Reviews Psychology, 2(2), 72-84.

Forster, P.-P., Fiehler, K. & Karimpur, H. (2023). Egocentric cues influence the allocentric spatial memory of object configurations for memory-guided actions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(5), 1142-1149.

Klever, L., Beyvers, M. C., Fiehler, K., Mamassian, P. & Billino, J. (2023). Cross-modal metacognition: Visual and tactile confidence share a common scale. Journal of Vision, 23(5), 1-16.

Mcmanus, M., Schütz, I., Voudouris, D. & Fiehler, K. (2023). How visuomotor predictability and task demands affect tactile sensitivity on a moving limb during object interaction in a virtual environment. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12), No. 231259.

Voudouris, D., Schuetz, I., Schinke, T. & Fiehler, K. (2023). Pupil dilation scales with movement distance of real but not of imagined reaching movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(1), 104-116.

Beyvers, M. C., Fraser, L. E. & Fiehler, K. (2022). Linking signal relevancy and intensity in predictive tactile suppression. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16, No. 795886.

Forster, P.-P., Karimpur, H. & Fiehler, K. (2022). Demand characteristics challenge effects in embodiment and presence. Scientific Reports, 12(1), No. 14084.

Fuehrer, E., Voudouris, D., Lezkan, A., Drewing, K. & Fiehler, K. (2022). Tactile suppression stems from specific sensorimotor predictions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(20), No. e2118445119.

Schuetz, I., Karimpur, H. & Fiehler, K. (2022). Vexptoolbox: A software toolbox for human behavior studies using the Vizard virtual reality platform. Behavior Research Methods, 55(2), 570-582.

Voudouris, D. & Fiehler, K. (2022). The role of grasping demands on tactile suppression. Human Movement Science, 83, No. 102957.

Arikan, B. E., van Kemenade, B. M., Fiehler, K., Kircher, T., Drewing, K. & Straube, B. (2021). Different contributions of efferent and reafferent feedback to sensorimotor temporal recalibration. Scientific Reports, 11, No. 22631.

Arikan, B. E., Voudouris, D., Voudouri-Gertz, H., Sommer, J. & Fiehler, K. (2021). Reach-relevant somatosensory signals modulate activity in the tactile suppression network. NeuroImage, 236, No. 118000.

Crowe, E. M., Bossard, M., Karimpur, H., Rushton, S. K., Fiehler, K. & Brenner, E. (2021). Further evidence that people rely on egocentric information to guide a cursor to a visible target. Perception, 50(10), 904-907.

Fiehler, K. (2021). Forschungsorientiertes Vor-Promotionsprogramm PreProPsych: Das Sprungbrett in die Promotion. Psychologische Rundschau, 72(3), 222-223.

Voudouris, D. & Fiehler, K. (2021). Dynamic temporal modulation of somatosensory processing during reaching. Scientific Reports, 11(1), No. 1928.

Broda, M. D., Fiehler, K. & Voudouris, D. (2020). The influence of afferent input on somatosensory suppression during grasping. Scientific Reports, 10, No. 18692.

Goettker, A., Fiehler, K. & Voudouris, D. (2020). Somatosensory target information is used for reaching but not for saccadic eye movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 124(4), 1092-1102.

Karimpur, H., Eftekharifar, S., Troje, N. F. & Fiehler, K. (2020). Spatial coding for memory-guided reaching in visual and pictorial spaces. Journal of Vision, 20(4), 1-12.

Karimpur, H., Kurz, J. & Fiehler, K. (2020). The role of perception and action on the use of allocentric information in a large-scale virtual environment. Experimental Brain Research, 238, 1813-1826.

Khoozani, P. A., Voudouris, D., Blohm, G. & Fiehler, K. (2020). Reaching around obstacles accounts for uncertainty in coordinate transformations. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(5), 1920-1932.

Lu, Z. & Fiehler, K. (2020). Spatial updating of allocentric landmark information in real-time and memory-guided reaching. Cortex, 125, 203-214.

Nissens, T. & Fiehler, K. (2020). The attractiveness of salient distractors to reaching movements is task dependent. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 2502-2515.

Fiehler, K., Brenner, E. & Spering, M. (2019). Prediction in goal-directed action. Journal of Vision, 19(9), No. 10.

Karimpur, H., Morgenstern, Y. & Fiehler, K. (2019). Facilitation of allocentric coding by virtue of object-semantics. Scientific Reports, 9, No. 6263.

Klever, L., Voudouris, D., Fiehler, K. & Billino, J. (2019). Age effects on sensorimotor predictions: What drives increased tactile suppression during reaching? Journal of Vision, 19(9), No. 9.

Mueller, S., de Haas, B., Metzger, A., Drewing, K. & Fiehler, K. (2019). Neural correlates of top?down modulation of haptic shape versus roughness perception. Human Brain Mapping, 2019, 1-13.

Voudouris, D., Broda, M. D. & Fiehler, K. (2019). Anticipatory grasping control modulates somatosensory perception. Journal of Vision, 19(5), No. 4.

Fraser, L. E. & Fiehler, K. (2018). Predicted reach consequences drive time course of tactile suppression. Behavioural Brain Research, 350, 54-64.

Gertz, H., Fiehler, K. & Voudouris, D. (2018). The role of visual processing on tactile suppression. PLoS ONE, 13(4), No. e0195396.

Lu, Z., Klinghammer, M. & Fiehler, K. (2018). The role of gaze and prior knowledge on allocentric coding of reach targets. Journal of Vision, 18(4), No. 22.

Metzger, A., Mueller, S., Fiehler, K. & Drewing, K. (2018). Top-down modulation of shape and roughness discrimination in active touch by covert attention. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81(2), 462-475.

Moehler, T. & Fiehler, K. (2018). Effects of central and peripheral cueing on perceptual and saccade performance. Vision Research, 26-33.

Nissens, T. & Fiehler, K. (2018). Saccades and reaches curve away from the other effector's target in simultaneous eye and hand movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 119(1), 118-123.

Voudouris, D., Smeets, J. B. J., Fiehler, K. & Brenner, E. (2018). Gaze when reaching to grasp a glass. Journal of Vision, 18(8), No. 16.

Gertz, H., Lingnau, A. & Fiehler, K. (2017). Decoding movement goals from the fronto-parietal reach network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, No. 84.

Gertz, H., Voudouris, D. & Fiehler, K. (2017). Reach-relevant somatosensory signals modulate tactile suppression. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(6), 2262-2268.

Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G. & Fiehler, K. (2017). Scene configuration and object reliability affect the use of allocentric information for memory-guided reaching. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, No. 204.

Moehler, T. & Fiehler, K. (2017). Inhibition in movement plan competition: reach trajectories curve away from remembered and task-irrelevant present but not from task-irrelevant past visual stimuli. Experimental Brain Research, 235(11), 3251-3260.

Mueller, S. & Fiehler, K. (2017). Gaze-centered coding of proprioceptive reach targets after effector movement: Testing the impact of online information, time of movement, and target distance. PLoS ONE, 12(7), No. e0180782.

Straube, B., van Kemenade, B. M., Arikan, B. E., Fiehler, K., Leube, D. T., Harris, L. R. & Kircher, T. (2017). Predicting the multisensory consequences of one's own action: BOLD suppression in auditory and visual cortices. PLoS ONE, 12(1), No. e0169131.

Voudouris, D. & Fiehler, K. (2017). Enhancement and suppression of tactile signals during reaching. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 43(6), 1238-1248.

Voudouris, D. & Fiehler, K. (2017). Spatial specificity of tactile enhancement during reaching. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 2424-2434.

Gertz, H., Hilger, M., Hegele, M. & Fiehler, K. (2016). Violating instructed human agency: An fMRI study on ocular tracking of biological and nonbiological motion stimuli. NeuroImage, 138, 109-122.

Hesse, P. N., Fiehler, K. & Bremmer, F. (2016). SNARC effect in cifferent effectors. Perception, 45(1-2), 180-195.

Klinghammer, M., Schüz, I., Blohm, G. & Fiehler, K. (2016). Allocentric information is used for memory-guided reaching in depth: A virtual reality study. Vision Research, 129, 13-24.

Mueller, S. & Fiehler, K. (2016). Mixed body- and gaze-centered coding of proprioceptive reach targets after effector movement. Neuropsychologia, 87, 63-73.

Voudouris, D., Goettker, A., Mueller, S. & Fiehler, K. (2016). Kinesthetic information facilitates saccades towards proprioceptive-tactile targets. Vision Research, 122, 73-80.

Gertz, H. & Fiehler, K. (2015). Human posterior parietal cortex encodes the movement goal in a pro-/anti-reach task. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(1), 170-183.

Klinghammer, M., Blohm, G. & Fiehler, K. (2015). Contextual factors determine the use of allocentric information for reaching in a naturalistic scene. Journal of Vision, 15(13), No. 24.

Moehler, T. & Fiehler, K. (2015). The influence of spatial congruency and movement preparation time on saccade curvature in simultaneous and sequential dual-tasks. Vision Research, 25-35.

Schütz, I., Henriques, D. Y. P. & Fiehler, K. (2015). No effect of delay on the spatial representation of serial reach targets. Experimental Brain Research, 233(4), 1225-1235.

Fiehler, K., Wolf, C., Klinghammer, M. & Blohm, G. (2014). Integration of egocentric and allocentric information during memory-guided reaching to images of a natural environment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Monaco, S., Chen, Y, Medendorp, W.P., Crawford, J.D., Fiehler, K. & Henriques, D.Y.P (2014). Functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation reveals the cortical networks for processing grasp-relevant object properties. Cerebral Cortex.

Mueller, S. & Fiehler, K. (2014). Effector movement triggers gaze-dependent spatial coding of tactile and proprioceptive-tactile reach targets. Neuropsychologia, 62, 184-193.

Mueller, S. & Fiehler, K. (2014). Gaze-dependent spatial updating of tactile targets in a localization task. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 66.

Dolk, T., Liepelt, R., Prinz, W. & Fiehler, K. (2013). Visual experience determines the use of external reference frames in joint action control. PLoS ONE, 8(3), No. e59008.

Schuetz, I., Fiehler, K. & Henriques, D. Y. P. (2013). Gaze-centered spatial updating in delayed reaching even in the presence of landmarks. Vision Research, 46-52.

Jones, S. A. H., Byrne, P. A., Fiehler, K. & Henriques, D. Y. P. (2012). Reach endpoint errors do not vary with movement path of the proprioceptive target. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107(12), 3316-3324.

Jones, S. A. H., Fiehler, K. & Henriques, D. Y. P. (2012). A task-dependent effect of memory and hand-target on proprioceptive localization. Neuropsychologia, 50(7), 1462-1470.

Reuschel, J., Rösler, F., Henriques, D. Y. P. & Fiehler, K. (2012). Spatial updating depends on gaze direction even after loss of vision. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(7), 2422-2429.

Fiehler, K., Bannert, M. M., Bischoff, M., Blecker, C., Stark, R., Vaitl, D., Franz, V. H. & Rösler, F. (2011). Working memory maintenance of grasp-target information in the human posterior parietal cortex. NeuroImage, 54(3), 2401-2411.

Fiehler, K., Schütz, I. & Henriques, D. Y. P. (2011). Gaze-centered spatial updating of reach targets across different memory delays. Vision Research, 51(8), 890-897.

Reuschel, J., Rösler, F., Henriques, D. Y. P. & Fiehler, K. (2011). Testing the limits of optimal integration of visual and proprioceptive information of path trajectory. Experimental Brain Research, 209(4), 619-630.

Seemüller, A., Fiehler, K. & Rösler, F. (2011). Unimodal and crossmodal working memory representations of visual and kinesthetic movement trajectories. Acta Psychologica, 136(1), 52-59.

Beets, I. A. M., Rösler, F. & Fiehler, K. (2010). Nonvisual motor learning improves visual motion perception: Evidence from violating the two-thirds power law. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(3), 1612-1624.

Fiehler, K. & Rösler, F. (2010). Plasticity of multisensory dorsal stream functions: Evidence from congenitally blind and sighted adults. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 28(2), 193-205.

Fiehler, K., Rösler, F. & Henriques, D. Y. P. (2010). Interaction between gaze and visual and proprioceptive position judgements. Experimental Brain Research, 203(3), 485-498.

Reuschel, J., Drewing, K., Henriques, D. Y. P., Rösler, F. & Fiehler, K. (2010). Optimal integration of visual and proprioceptive movement information for the perception of trajectory geometry. Experimental Brain Research, 201(4), 853-862.

Engel, A., Burke, M., Fiehler, K., Bien, S. & Rösler, F. (2008). How moving objects become animated: The human mirror neuron system assimilates non-biological movement patterns. Social Neuroscience, 3(3-4), 368-387.

Engel, A., Burke, M., Fiehler, K., Bien, S. & Rösler, F. (2008). Motor learning affects visual movement perception. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(9), 2294-2302.

Engel, A., Burke, M., Fiehler, K., Bien, S. & Rösler, F. (2008). What activates the human mirror neuron system during observation of artificial movements: Bottom-up visual features or top-down intentions? Neuropsychologia, 46(7), 2033-2042.

Fiehler, K., Burke, M., Bien, S., Röder, B. & Rösler, F. (2008). The human dorsal action control system develops in the absence of vision. Cerebral CORTEX, 19(1), 1-12.

Fiehler, K., Burke, M., Engel, A., Bien, S. & Rösler, F. (2008). Kinesthetic working memory and action control within the dorsal stream. Cerebral Cortex, 18(2), 243-253.

Fiehler, K., Engel, A. & Rösler, F. (2007). Where are somatosensory representations stored and reactivated? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30(2), 206-207.

Debener, S., Ullsperger, M., Siegel, M., Fiehler, K., von Cramon, D. Y. & Engel, A. K. (2005). Trial-by-trial coupling of concurrent electroencephalogram and functional magnetic resonance imaging identifies the dynamics of performance monitoring. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(50), 11730-11737.

Fiehler, K., Ullsperger, M. & von Cramon, D. Y. (2005). Electrophysiological correlates of error correction. Psychophysiology, 42(1), 72-82.

Fiehler, K. (2004). Temporospatial characteristics of error correction. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Biowissenschaften, Pharmazie und Psychologie, Leipzig.

Fiehler, K., Ullsperger, M., Grigutsch, M. & von Cramon, D. Y. (2004). Cardiac responses to error processing and response conflict. In M. Ullsperger & M. Falkenstein (Eds.), Errors, conflict, and the brain. (pp. 135-140). Leipzig: Max-Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences.

Fiehler, K., Ullsperger, M. & von Cramon, D. Y. (2004). Neural correlates of error detection and error correction: Is there a common neuroanatomical substrate? European Journal of Neuroscience, 19(11), 3081-3087.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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