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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulze

letzte Aktualisierung: 06.06.2024

Jansen, M. T. & Schulze, R. (2023). Linear factor analytic Thurstonian forced-choice models: Current status and issues. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1-31.

Hellwig, S. & Schulze, R. (2022). Differential relations between facets of agreeableness and ability-based measures of strategic emotional intelligence. Journal of Individual Differences, 1-8.

Hellwig, S. & Schulze, R. (2021). TBEU - Theory Based Test of Emotional Understanding (TBEU 1). (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Hellwig, S. & Schulze, R. (2021). Emotion theories as a scoring rationale for tests of emotional understanding. Personality and Individual Differences, 181, No. 111034.

Michels, M. & Schulze, R. (2021). Emotional intelligence and the dark triad: A meta-analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 180, No. 110961.

Hellwig, S., Roberts, R. D. & Schulze, R. (2020). A new approach to assessing emotional understanding. Psychological Assessment, 32(7), 649-662.

Sartory, G., Cwik, J., Knuppertz, H., Schuerholt, B., Lebens, M., Seitz, R. J. & Schulze, R. (2013). In Search of the Trauma Memory: A Meta-Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Symptom Provocation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PLoS ONE, 8(3).

Molz, G., Schulze, R., Schroeders, U. & Wilhelm, O. (2011). Wechsler Intelligenztest für Erwachsene WIE. Deutschsprachige Bearbeitung und Adaptation des WAIS-III von David Wechsler. Report Psychologie, 36(9), 369-371.

Schulze, R. (2010). Tests auf Anpassung und Assoziation. In H. Holling & B. Schmitz (Hrsg.), Handbuch Statistik, Methoden und Evaluation. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R. & MacCann, C. (2008). The measurement of emotional intelligence: A decade of progress? In G. J. Boyle, G. Matthews & D. H. Saklofske (Eds.), The Sage handbook of personality theory and assessment. Vol. 2: Personality measurement and testing (pp. 461-482). Los Angeles: Sage.

Schulze, R. (2007). Guest eial: The state and the art of meta-analysis. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/ Journal of Psychologie, 215, 87-89.

Schulze, R. (2007). Current methods for meta-analysis: Approaches, issues, and developments. Zeitschrift für Psychologie - Journal of Psychology, 215(2), 90-103.

Schulze, R., Wilhelm, O. & Kyllonen, P. C. (2007). Approaches to the assessment of emotional intelligence. In G. Matthews, M. Zeidner & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), The science of emotional intelligence. Knowns and unknowns (pp. 199-229). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Jäger, A.O., Holling, H., Preckel, F., Schulze, R., Vock, M., Süß, H.-M. & Beauducel, A. (2006). BIS-HB - Berliner Intelligenzstruktur-Test für Jugendliche: Begabungs- und Hochbegabungsdiagnostik. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Matthews, G., Emo, A. K., Funke, G., Zeidner, M., Roberts, R. D., Costa, P. T. & Schulze, R. (2006). Emotional intelligence, personality, and task-induced stress. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 12(2), 96-107.

Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R., O'Brien, K., MacCann, C., Reid, J. & Maul, A. (2006). Exploring the validity of the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) with established emotions measures. Emotion, 6(4), 663-669.

Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R., Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Freund, P. A. & Kuhn, J.-T. (2006). Emotionale Intelligenz: Verstehen, Messen und Anwenden - Ein Resümee. In R. Schulze, A. Freund & R. D. Roberts (Hrsg.), Emotionale Intelligenz. Ein internationales Handbuch (S. 313-341). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Schulze, R., Freund, A. & Roberts, R. D. (Hrsg.). (2006). Emotionale Intelligenz. Ein internationales Handbuch. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Schulze, R. & Roberts, R. D. (2006). Assessing the Big Five. Development and validation of the Oppenness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Index Condensed (OCEANIC). Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 214(3), 133-149.

Schulze, R., Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Kuhn, J.-T. & Freund, P. A. (2006). Theorie, Messung und Anwendungsfelder emotionaler Intelligenz: Rahmenkonzepte. In R. Schulze, A. Freund & R. D. Roberts (Hrsg.), Emotionale Intelligenz. Ein internationales Handbuch (S. 11-35). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Danthiir, V., Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R. & Wilhelm, O. (2005). Mental speed. On frameworks, paradigms, and a platform for the future. In O. Wilhelm & R. W. Engle (Eds.), Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence (pp. 27-46). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Danthiir, V., Wilhelm, O., Schulze, R. & Roberts, R. D. (2005). Factor structure and validity of paper-and-pencil measures of mental speed: Evidence for a higher-order model? Intelligence, 33(5), 491-514.

Oberauer, K., Wilhelm, O., Schulze, R. & Süß, H.-M. (2005). Working memory and intelligence - their correlation and their relation: Comment on Ackerman, Beier, and Boyle (2005). Psychological Bulletin, 131(1), 61-65.

Roberts, R. D., Schulze, R., Zeidner, M. & Matthews, G. (2005). Understanding, measuring, and applying emotional intelligence: What have we learned? What have we missed? In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotional intelligence. An international handbook (pp. 311-341). Toronto: Hogrefe.

Schulze, R. (2005). Modeling structures of intelligence. In O. Wilhelm & R. W. Engle (Eds.), Handbook of understanding and measuring intelligence (pp. 241-263). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Schulze, R. & Roberts, R. D. (Eds.). (2005). Emotional intelligence. An international handbook. Toronto: Hogrefe.

Schulze, R. & Holling, H. (2005). Assessing the monetary benefits of selection procedures with utility analysis. In A. Beauducel, B. Biehl, M. Bosnjak, W. Conrad, G. Schönberger & D. Wagener (Eds.), Multivariate research strategies. Festschrift in honor of Werner W. Wittmann (pp. 303-327). Aachen: Shaker.

Schulze, R., Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M. & Matthews, G. (2005). Theory, measurement, and applications of emotional intelligence: Frames of reference. In R. Schulze & R. D. Roberts (Eds.), Emotional intelligence. An international handbook (pp. 3-29). Toronto: Hogrefe.

Holling, H. & Schulze, R. (2004). Statistische Modelle und Auswertungsverfahren in der Organisationspsychologie. In H. Schuler (Hrsg.), Organisationspsychologie - Grundlagen und Personalpsychologie (S. 73-129). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Schulze, R. (2001). Meta-analysis: A comparison of approaches. Dissertation, Universität, Philosophische Fakultät, Münster.

Schulze, R. & Holling, H. (2004). Strategien und Methoden der Versuchsplanung und Datenerhebung in der Organisationspsychologie. In H. Schuler (Hrsg.), Organisationspsychologie - Grundlagen und Personalpsychologie (S. 131-179). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Böhning, D., Malzahn, U., Schlattmann, P., Dammann, U.-P., Mehnert, W., Holling, H. & Schulze, R. (2003). The application of statistical methods of meta-analysis for heterogeneity modelling in medicine and pharmacy, psychology, quality control and assurance. In W. Jäger & H.-J. Krebs (Eds.), Mathematics - Key technology for the future. Joint projects between universities and industry (pp. 533-553). Berlin: Springer.

Schulze, R., Holling, H. & Böhning, D. (Eds.). (2003). Meta-analysis. New developments and applications in medical and social sciences. Göttingen: Hogrefe & Huber.

Schulze, R., Holling, H., Großmann, H., Jütting, A. & Brocke, M. (2003). Differences in the results of two meta-analytical approaches. In R. Schulze, H. Holling & D. Böhning (Eds.), Meta-analysis. New developments and applications in medical and social sciences (pp. 21-39). Göttingen: Hogrefe & Huber.

Schulze, R. & Wittmann, W. W. (2003). A meta-analysis of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior: The principle of compatibility and multidimensionality of beliefs as moderators. In R. Schulze, H. Holling & D. Böhning (Eds.), Meta-analysis. New developments and applications in medical and social sciences (pp. 219-250). Göttingen: Hogrefe & Huber.

Wilhelm, O., Schulze, R., Schmiedek, F. & Süß, H.-M. (2003). Interindividuelle Unterschiede im typischen intellektuellen Engagement. Diagnostica, 49(2), 49-60.

Holling, H., Schulze, R., Jütting, A. & Großmann, H. (2002). Enhancing ProMES contingency development with conjoint measurement. In R. D. Pritchard, H. Holling, F. Lammers & B. D. Clark (Eds.), Improving organizational performance with the Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System: An international collaboration (pp. 225-240). New York: Nova Science.

Süß, H.-M., Oberauer, K., Wittmann, W. W., Wilhelm, O. & Schulze, R. (2002). Working-memory capacity explains reasoning ability - and a little bit more. Intelligence, 30, 261-288.

Wilhelm, O. & Schulze, R. (2002). The relation of speeded and unspeeded reasoning with mental speed. Intelligence, 30, 537-554.

Oberauer, K., Süß, H.-M., Schulze, R., Wilhelm, O. & Wittmann, W.W. (2000). Working memory capacity - facets of a cognitive ability construct. Personality and Individual Differences, 29(6), 1017-1045.

Gammel, G. & Schulze, R. (1994). Homogenitätstests. In G. Gammel, R. Görtelmeyer & G. Meng (Hrsg.), Auswertung psychiatrischer Skalen (S. 63-69). Weinheim: Beltz Test.

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