letzte Aktualisierung: 06.03.2025
Doering, B. K., Künemund, A., Zwick, S., Hansmeier, J., Exner, C. & Lubbe, D. (2025). Posttraumatic Growth After Stroke: A Longitudinal Observational Study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 1-11.
Fink-Lamotte, J. & Exner, C. (2025). Ekelbezogene Störungen. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Exner, C. (2024). Wie gelingt die Umsetzung der neuen Studiengänge zur Approbation in Psychotherapie? . Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen. Psychotherapeutenjournal, 23(2), 128-134.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Bieber, H., Jordan, H. & Exner, C. (2024). Once in Contact, Forever Contaminated! Introducing a Clinically Validated Imagery- and Video-Based Chain of Contagion Task for the Measurement of Disgust and Contamination Change in Experimental Research and Clinical Practice. Behavior Therapy, 55(5), 1043-1058.
Lincoln, T. M., Schlier, B., Müller, R., Hayward, M., Fladung, A.-K., Bergmann, N., Böge, K., Gallinat, J., Mahlke, C., Gonther, U., Lang, T., Exner, C., Buchholz, A., Stahlmann, K., Zapf, A., Rauch, G. & Pillny, M. (2024). Reducing distress from auditory verbal hallucinations: A multicenter, parallel, single-blind, randomized controlled feasibility trial of relating therapy. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 93(4), 1-12.
Svensson, F., Zwick, S., Exner, C. & Doering, B. K. (2024). Dyadic Coping and Illness Adjustment After Stroke: A Longitudinal Prospective Study. Rehabilitation Psychology, 1-11.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Hoyer, J., Platter, P., Stierle, C. & Exner, C. (2023). Shame on me? Love me tender! Inducing and reducing shame and fear in social anxiety in an analogous sample. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 5(3), No. e7895.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Kursim, A. & Exner, C. (2023). Changing OCD-related feelings of disgust and contamination by cognitive restructuring and imagery modification (CRIM): Test and discussion of an online-application. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (JOCRD), 37, No. 100804.
Hansmeier, J., Exner, C., Porrmann, R., Schumacher, K. & Fink-Lamotte, J. (2023). Exploring the link between thought-action fusion and symptom-based shame in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders (JOCRD), 39, No. 100848.
Plötner, M., Rudolph, A., Exner, C. & Marwitz, M. (2023). Selbstreflexion als neues Element der Lehre in den Masterstudiengängen zur Approbation in Psychotherapie. Psychologische Rundschau, 74(2), 125-127.
Salazar Kämpf, M., Adam, L., Rohr, M. K., Exner, C. & Wieck, C. (2023). A meta-analysis of the relationship between emotion regulation and social affect and cognition. Clinical Psychological Science, 1-31.
Billino, J., Hennig-Fast, K. & Exner, C. (2022). Neuropsychologische Psychotherapie an Universitäten. Chancen für Forschung und Praxis. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 33(1), 5-10.
Billino, J., Hennig-Fast, K. & Exner, C. (2022). Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven in der zukünftigen Weiterbildung. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 33(1), 3-4.
Fink-Lamotte, J. & Exner, C. (2022). Kognitive Ansätze in der Behandlung der Zwangsstörung. In C. Benoy & M. Walter (Hrsg.), Zwangsstörung. Grundlagen - Formen - Interventionen (S. 202-211). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Exner, C., Doering, B. K., Conrad, N., Künemund, A., Zwick, S., Kühl, K., Nestler, S. & Rief, W. (2021). Integrated neuropsychological and cognitive behavioural therapy after acquired brain injury: A pragmatic randomized clinical trial. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1-36.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Jahn, I., Stierle, C., Kühne, F., Lincoln, T., Stengler, K. & Exner, C. (2021). DOCS - Dimensionale Skala für Zwangsstörungen. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).
Fink-Lamotte, J., Jahn, I., Stierle, C., Kühne, F., Lincoln, T., Stengler, K. & Exner, C. (2021). Die Validierung der Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DOCS) an einer deutschsprachigen Stichprobe. Verhaltenstherapie, 31(2), 119-131.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Platter, P., Stierle, C. & Exner, C. (2021). Mechanisms and effectiveness of imagery strategies in reducing disgust in contamination-related obsessive-compulsive disorder: Comparing imagery rescripting, imagery self-compassion and mood-focused imagery. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 46(4), 747-763.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Svensson, F., Schmitz, J. & Exner, C. (2021). Are you looking or looking away? Visual exploration and avoidance of disgust- and fear-stimuli: An eye-tracking study. Emotion, 1-11.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Widmann, A., Sering, K., Schröger, E. & Exner, C. (2021). Attentional processing of disgust and fear and its relationship with contamination-based obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Stronger response urgency to disgusting stimuli in disgust-prone individuals. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, No. 596557.
Glombiewski, J. A., Hansmeier, J., Haberkamp, A., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2021). Metacognitive therapy versus exposure and response prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder - A pilot randomized trial. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 30, No. 100650.
Hansmeier, J., Haberkamp, A., Glombiewski, J. A. & Exner, C. (2021). Metacognitive change during exposure and metacognitive therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, No. 722782.
Hansmeier, J., Haberkamp, A., Glombiewski, J. A. & Exner, C. (2021). The Behavior Avoidance Test: Association with symptom severity and treatment outcome in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 781972.
Heine, S. & Exner, C. (2021). Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Erwachsenenalter . Eine Übersicht mit Schwerpunkt auf leitliniengerechter Diagnostik und Behandlung. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 32(3), 141-157.
Kallweit, C., Paucke, M., Strauss, M. & Exner, C. (2021). Adult ADHD: Influence of physical activation, stimulation, and reward on cognitive performance and symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders, 25(6), 809-819.
Salazar Kämpf, M., Kanske, P., Kleiman, A., Haberkamp, A., Glombiewski, J. & Exner, C. (2021). Empathy, compassion, and theory of mind in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1-17.
Svensson, F. L. & Exner, C. (2021). Komorbide psychische Störungen bei Personen mit erworbenen Hirnschädigungen. PiD - Psychotherapie im Dialog, 22(4), 56-59.
Svensson, F., Much, A. & Exner, C. (2021). Personality changes after acquired brain injury and their effects on rehabilitation outcomes. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 31, 1-20.
Exner, C. & Hansmeier, J. (2020). Metakognitive Therapie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Lüders, J. & Exner, C. (2020). Enhancing motivation for exposure to disgust. A feasibility study with a non-clinical sample. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 25, No. 100524.
Fink-Lamotte, J., Widmann, A., Fader, J. & Exner, C. (2020). Interpretation bias and contamination-based obsessive-compulsive symptoms influence emotional intensity related to disgust and fear. PLoS ONE, 15(4), No. e0232362.
Hansmeier, J. & Exner, C. (2020). Störungs- und Behandlungskonzepte sowie empirische Evidenz der metakognitiven Therapie nach Wells. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 68(3), 171-179.
Kallweit, C., Paucke, M., Strauß, M. & Exner, C. (2020). Cognitive deficits and psychosocial functioning in adult ADHD: Bridging the gap between objective test measures and subjective reports. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 42(6), 569-583.
Salazar Kämpf, M., Nestler, S., Hansmeier, J., Glombiewski, J. & Exner, C. (2020). Mimicry in psychotherapy - An actor partner model of therapists' and patients' non-verbal behavior and its effects on the working alliance. Psychotherapy Research, 1-10.
Fink, J. & Exner, C. (2019). Does transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) improve disgust regulation through imagery rescripting? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, No. 192.
Fink, J. & Exner, C. (2019). Does transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) improve disgust regulation through imagery rescripting? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, No. 192.
Fink, J. & Exner, C. (2019). Reduktion von Zwangssymptomen durch "nichtinvasive" Hirnstimulation. Kritische Einordnung der Evidenz. Psychotherapeut, 64(3), 225-231.
Fink, J., Buchta, F. & Exner, C. (2018). Differential response patterns to disgust-related pictures. Cognition and Emotion, 32(8), 1678-1690.
Fink, J., Pflugradt, E., Stierle, C. & Exner, C. (2018). Changing disgust through imagery rescripting and cognitive reappraisal in contamination-based obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 54, 36-48.
Hansmeier, J., Exner, C., Zetsche, U. & Jansen, A. (2018). The neural correlates of probabilistic classification learning in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, No. 58.
Paucke, M., Stark, T., Exner, C., Kallweit, C., Hegerl, U. & Strauß, M. (2018). Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit?/Hyperaktivitätssyndrom (ADHS) und komorbide psychische Erkrankungen. ADHS-spezifische Selbstbeurteilungsskalen bei der Differenzialdiagnostik. Der Nervenarzt, 89(11), 1287-1293.
Fink, J., Hendrikx, F., Stierle, C., Stengler, K., Jahn, I. & Exner, C. (2017). The impact of attentional and emotional demands on memory performance in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 50, 60-68.
Bonhage, C., Weber, F., Exner, C. & Kanske, P. (2016). Thinking about thinking: Neural mechanisms and effects on memory. NeuroImage, 127, 203-214.
Hansmeier, J., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Glombiewski, J. A. (2016). A test of the metacognitive model of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 10, 42-48.
Kallweit, C. & Exner, C. (2016). Evaluation of an executive functioning test battery in two versions with material close to daily life. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 27(4), 245-256.
Kuenemund, A., Zwick, S., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2016). (Re-)defining the self - Enhanced posttraumatic growth and event centrality in stroke survivors: A mixed-method approach and control comparison study. Journal of Health Psychology, 21(5), 679-689.
Leonhardt, A., Schmukle, S. C. & Exner, C. (2016). Evidence of Big-Five personality changes following acquired brain injury from a prospective longitudinal investigation. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 82, 17-23.
Bertsche, T., Lindner, S., Damm, M., Frontini, R., Exner, C. & Himmerich, H. (2015). Ein interdisziplinäres Konzept zur Optimierung der Patientensicherheit - Eine Pilotstudie. Psychiatrische Praxis, 42(4), 216-220.
Hansmeier, J., Glombiewski, J. A., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2015). Differential memory effects for encoding and retrieving disorder-relevant contents in relation to checking. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 46, 99-106.
Koch, J. & Exner, C. (2015). Selective attention deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder: The role of metacognitive processes. Psychiatry Research, 225(3), 550-555.
Zetsche, U., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2015). Individuals with OCD lack unrealistic optimism bias in threat estimation. Behavior Therapy, 46(4), 510-520.
Zetsche, U., Rief, W., Westermann, S. & Exner, C. (2015). Cognitive deficits are a matter of emotional context: Inflexible strategy use mediates context-specific learning impairments in OCD. Cognition and Emotion, 29(2), 360-371.
Exner, C., Zetsche, U., Lincoln, T. M. & Rief, W. (2014). Imminent danger? Probabilistic classification learning of threat-related information in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior Therapy, 45(2), 157-167.
Hansmeier, J., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Glombiewski, J. (2014). TAF-Skala - Thought Action Fusion-Skala. Tests Info.
Hansmeier, J., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Glombiewski, J. (2014). Gedanken-Handlungs-Fusion und Zwangssymptome - eine Validierungsstudie der Thought Action Fusion-Skala (TAF-Skala) für den deutschen Sprachraum. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 43(3), 204-214.
Timpano, K. R., Rasmussen, J. L., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Wilhelm, S. (2014). The association between metacognitions, the obsessive compulsive symptom dimensions and hoarding: A focus on specificity. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 3(2), 188-194.
von Blanckenburg, P., Seifart, U., Conrad, N., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Nestoriuc, Y. (2014). Quality of life in cancer rehabilitation: The role of life goal adjustment. Psycho-Oncology, 23(10), 1149-1156.
Weber, F., Hauke, W., Jahn, I., Stengler, K., Himmerich, H., Zaudig, M. & Exner, C. (2014). Does "thinking about thinking" interfere with memory? An experimental memory study in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28(7), 679-686.
Kuenemund, A., Zwick, S., Doering, B. K., Conrad, N., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2013). Decline in attainability of communion and agency life goals over 2 years following acquired brain injury and the impact on subjective well-being. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23(5), 678-697.
Timpano, K. R., Broman-Fulks, J. J., Glaesmer, H., Braehler, E., Exner, C., Rief, W., Olatunji, B. O., Keough, M. E., Riccardi, C. J., Wilhelm, S. & Schmidt, N. B. (2013). A Taxometric Exploration of the Latent Structure of Hoarding. Psychological Assessment, 25(1), 194-203.
Timpano, K. R., Rasmussen, J., Wilhelm, S., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Schmidt, N. B. (2013). Hoarding and the multi-faceted construct of impulsivity: A cross-cultural investigation. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(3), 363-370.
Weber, F. & Exner, C. (2013). Die metakognitive Therapie nach Wells - theoretischer Hintergrund, Behandlungskomponenten und Evidenz. Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 61(4), 217-230.
Weber, F. & Exner, C. (2013). Metacognitive beliefs and rumination: A longitudinal study. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37(6), 1257-1261.
Doering, B. K. & Exner, C. (2012). Psychische Folgen erworbener Hirnschädigungen. In M. Berking & W. Rief (Hrsg.), Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie für Bachelor. Band I: Grundlagen und Störungswissen. Lesen, Hören, Lernen im Web (S. 185-191). Berlin: Springer.
Exner, C., Zetsche, U., Martin, V., Rief, W. & Jansen, A. (2012). Regional gray matter changes in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Relationship to clinical characteristics. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 202(1), 74-76.
Kikul, J., Van Allen, T. S. & Exner, C. (2012). Underlying mechanisms of verbal memory deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder and major depression - The role of cognitive self-consciousness. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43(3), 863-870.
Zetsche, U. & Exner, C. (2012). Zwangsstörungen. In M. Berking & W. Rief (Hrsg.), Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie für Bachelor. Band I: Grundlagen und Störungswissen. Lesen, Hören, Lernen im Web (S. 112-121). Berlin: Springer.
Doering, B. K., Conrad, N., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2011). Life goals after brain injury in the light of the dual process approach: Empirical evidence and implications for neuropsychological rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21(4), 515-538.
Doering, B. K., Conrad, N., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2011). Living with acquired brain injury: Self-concept as mediating variable in the adjustment process. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21(1), 42-63.
Doering, B. & Exner, C. (2011). Combining neuropsychological and cognitive-behavioral approaches for treating psychological sequelae of acquired brain injury. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 24(2), 156-161.
Exner, C. & Lincoln, T. (2011). Neuropsychologie schizophrener Störungen. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Irle, E., Lange, C., Ruhleder, M., Exner, C., Siemerkus, J. & Weniger, G. (2011). Hippocampal size in women but not men with schizophrenia relates to disorder duration. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 192(3), 133-139.
Kikul, J., Vetter, J., Lincoln, T. M. & Exner, C. (2011). Effects of cognitive self-consciousness on visual memory in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25(4), 490-497.
Timpano, K. R., Exner, C., Glaesmer, H., Rief, W., Keshaviah, A., Brähler, E. & Wilhelm, S. (2011). The epidemiology of the proposed DSM-5 hoarding disorder: Exploration of the acquisition specifier, associated features, and distress. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 72(6), 780-786.
Conrad, N., Doering, B. K., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2010). Lebenszielinterventionen in der Neurorehabilitation. Eine Metatechnik zur Individualisierung klassischer neuropsychologischer Therapieansätze. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 21(4), 259-269.
Conrad, N., Doering, B. K., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2010). Looking beyond the importance of life goals. The personal goal model of subjective well-being in neuropsychological rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 24(5), 431-443.
Doering, B. K., Conrad, N., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2010). Selbstkonzept nach erworbenen Hirnschädigungen: Veränderungen der Selbstwahrnehmung und Subjektives Wohlbefinden. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 21(1), 39-50.
Exner, C., Doering, B. K., Conrad, N. & Rief, W. (2010). Integration von Verhaltenstherapie und Neuropsychologie. Ein ambulanter Behandlungsansatz für kognitive und emotional-motivationale Störungen nach erworbenen Hirnschädigungen. Verhaltenstherapie, 20(2), 119-126.
Lincoln, T. M., Lange, J., Burau, J., Exner, C. & Moritz, S. (2010). The Effect of State Anxiety on Paranoid Ideation and Jumping to Conclusions. An Experimental Investigation. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36(6), 1140-1148.
Lincoln, T. M., Mehl, S., Exner, C., Lindenmeyer, J. & Rief, W. (2010). Attributional Style and Persecutory Delusions. Evidence for an Event Independent and State Specific External-Personal Attribution Bias for Social Situations. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34(3), 297-302.
Lincoln, T. M., Mehl, S., Ziegler, M., Kesting, M.-L., Exner, C. & Rief, W. (2010). Is Fear of Others Linked to an Uncertain Sense of Self? The Relevance of Self-Worth, Interpersonal Self-Concepts, and Dysfunctional Beliefs to Paranoia. Behavior Therapy, 41(2), 187-197.
Mueller, A., Mitchell, J. E., Crosby, R. D., Gefeller, O., Faber, R. J., Martin, A., Bleich, S., Glaesmer, H., Exner, C. & de Zwaan, M. (2010). Estimated prevalence of compulsive buying in Germany and its association with sociodemographic characteristics and depressive symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 180(2-3), 137-142.
Exner, C., Kohl, A., Zaudig, M., Langs, G., Lincoln, T. M. & Rief, W. (2009). Metacognition and episodic memory in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23(5), 624-631.
Exner, C., Lange, C. & Irle, E. (2009). Impaired implicit learning and reduced pre-supplementary motor cortex size in early-onset major depression with melancholic features. Journal of Affective Disorders, 119(1-3), 156-162.
Exner, C. (2008). Gedächtnis - Psychologie. In T. Kircher & S. Gauggel (Hrsg.), Neuropsychologie der Schizophrenie. Symptome, Kognition, Gehirn (S. 252-269). Berlin: Springer.
Exner, C., Nehrkorn, B., Martin, V., Huber, M., Shiratori, K. & Rief, W. (2008). Sex-dependent hippocampal volume reductions in schizophrenia relate to episodic memory deficits. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 20(2), 227-230.
Martin, V., Huber, M., Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2008). Comparative cognitive profiles of obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23(5), 487-500.
Exner, C. (2007). Implizites Lernen bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 18(2), 75-89.
Exner, C. (2007). Implizites Lernen bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie. Eine Übersicht. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 18(2), 75-89.
Exner, C., Boucsein, K., Degner, D. & Irle, E. (2006). State-dependent implicit learning deficit in schizophrenia: Evidence from 20-month follow-up. Psychiatry Research, 142(1), 39-52.
Exner, C., Weniger, G., Schmidt-Samoa, C. & Irle, E. (2006). Reduced size of the pre-supplementary motor cortex and impaired motor sequence learning in first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 84(2-3), 386-396.
Rief, W., Exner, C., Martin, A., Hilbert, A. & Nestoriuc, A. Y. (2006). Psychotherapie. Ein Lehrbuch. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Dinkel, A., Berth, H., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Balck, F. (2005). RS - Restraint Scale - deutsche Fassung. Kurznachweis. Diagnostica, 51(2), 67-74.
Dinkel, A., Berth, H., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Balck, F. (2005). Deutsche Adaptation der Restraint Scale zur Erfassung gezügelten Essverhaltens. Diagnostica, 51(2), 67-74.
Exner, C., Boucsein, K., Degner, D., Irle, E. & Weniger, G. (2004). Impaired emotional learning and reduced amygdala size in schizophrenia: a 3-month follow-up. Schizophrenia Research, 71(2-3), 493-503.
Exner, C., Weniger, G. & Irle, E. (2004). Cerebellar lesions in the PICA but not SCA territory impair cognition. Neurology, 63(11), 2132-2135.
Dinkel, A., Berth, H., Exner, C., Rief, W. & Balck, F. (2003). Psychische Symptome bei Studentinnen in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Eine Replikation nach 10 Jahren. Verhaltenstherapie, 13(3), 184-190.
Nitsche, M. A., Schauenburg, A., Lang, N., Liebetanz, D., Exner, C., Paulus, W. & Tergau, F. (2003). Facilitation of implicit motor learning by weak transcranial direct current stimulation of the primary motor cortex in the human. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(4), 619-626.
Exner, C., Boucsein, K., Lange, C., Winter, H., Weniger, G., Steinhoff, B. J. & Irle, E. (2002). Neuropsychological performance in frontal lobe epilepsy. Seizure, 11(1), 20-32.
Exner, C., Koschack, J. & Irle, E. (2002). The differential role of premotor frontal cortex and basal ganglia in motor sequence learning: Evidence from focal basal ganglia lesions. Learning & Memory, 9(6), 376-386.
Rief, W. & Exner, C. (2002). Psychobiology of somatoform disorders. In H. Dhaenen, J. A. den Boer & P. Willner (Eds.), Biological psychiatry. Volume II (pp. 1063-1077). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Exner, C., Weniger, G. & Irle, E. (2001). Implicit and explicit memory after focal thalamic lesions. Neurology, 57, 2054-2063.
Exner, C. (2000). Implizite Lern- und Gedächtnisleistungen bei Patienten mit Basalganglieninfarkten. Dissertation, Universität, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fachbereiche, Göttingen.
Irle, E., Exner, C., Thielen, C., Weniger, G. & Rüther, E. (1998). Obsessive-compulsive disorder and ventromedial frontal lesions: Clinical and neuropsychological findings. American Journal of Psychiatry, 155(2), 255-263.
Weniger, G., Irle, E., Exner, C. & Rüther, E. (1997). Defective conceptualization of emotional facial expressions during T2 signal enhancement of the right amygdala. Neurocase, 3, 259-266.
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