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Literaturliste von Dr. Fritz Ostendorf

letzte Aktualisierung: 31.08.2022

Aluja, A., García, L. F., Rossier, J., Ostendorf, F., Glicksohn, J., Oumar, B., Bellaj, T., Ruch, W., Wang, W., Suranyi, Z., Scigala, D., Cekrlija, D., Stivers, A. W., Di Blas, L., Valdivia, M., Ben Jemaa, S., Atitsogbe, K. A. & Hansenne, M. (2022). Dark Triad traits, social position, and personality: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(3-4), 380-402.

García, L. F., Aluja, A., Rossier, J., Ostendorf, F., Glicksohn, J., Oumar, B., Bellaj, T., Ruch, W., Wang, W., Kövi, Z., Scigala, D., Cekrlija, D., Stivers, A. W., Di Blas, L., Valdivia, M., Ben Jemaa, S., Atitsogbe, K. A. & Hansenne, M. (2022). Exploring the stability of HEXACO-60 structure and the association of gender, age, and social position with personality traits across 18 countries. Journal of Personality, 90(2), 256-276.

Hang, Y., Soto, C. J., Speyer, L. G., Haring, L., Lee, B., Ostendorf, F. & Mõttus, R. (2021). Age differences in the Big Five personality domains, facets and nuances. A replication across the life span.

Hang, Y., Soto, C., Speyer, L. G., Haring, L., Lee, B., Ostendorf, F. & Mõttus, R. (2021). Age differences in the personality hierarchy: A multi-sample replication study across the life span. Journal of Research in Personality, 93, No. 104121.

Aluja, A., Rossier, J., Oumar, B., García, L. F., Bellaj, T., Ostendorf, F., Ruch, W., Wang, W., Kövi, Z., ^D'Sciga^D/la, D., ^D%Cekrlija, ^., Stivers, A. W., Di Blas, L., Valdivia, M., Ben Jemaa, S., Atitsogbe, K. A., Hansenne, M. & Glicksohn, J. (2020). Multicultural validation of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire shortened form (ZKA-PQ/SF) across 18 countries. Assessment, 27(4), 728-748.

Kövi, Z., Aluja, A., Glicksohn, J., Blanch, A., Morizot, J., Wang, W., Barry, O., Hansenne, M., Carvalho, A., Valdivia, M., Desrichard, O., Hyphantis, T., Rossier, J., De Pascalis, V., León-Mayer, E., Piskunov, A., Stivers, A. W., Ostendorf, F., Dorde Cekrlijat, Bellaj, T., Markiewicz, D., Motevalian, A. & Karagonlar, G. (2019). Cross-country analysis of alternative five factor personality trait profiles. Personality and Individual Differences, 143, 7-12.

Olaru, G., Schroeders, U., Wilhelm, O. & Ostendorf, F. (2019). 'Grandpa, do you like roller coasters?': Identifying age-appropriate personality indicators. European Journal of Personality, 33(3), 264-278.

Olaru, G., Schroeders, U., Wilhelm, O. & Ostendorf, F. (2018). A confirmatory examination of age-associated personality differences: Deriving age-related measurement-invariant solutions using ant colony optimization. Journal of Personality, 86, 1037-1049.

Kandler, C. & Ostendorf, F. (2016). Additive and synergetic contributions of neuroticism and life events to depression and anxiety in women. European Journal of Personality, 30(4), 390-405.

Rossier, J., Aluja, A., Blanch, A., Barry, O., Hansenne, M., Carvalho, A. F., Valdivia, M., Wang, W., Desrichard, O., Hyphantis, T., Suranyi, Z., Glicksohn, J., De Pascalis, V., León-Mayer, E., Piskunov, A., Stivers, A., Morizot, J., Ostendorf, F., Cekrlija, Ð., Bellaj, T., Markiewicz, D., Motevalian, A. & Karagonlar, G. (2016). Cross-cultural generalizability of the alternative five-factor model using the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire. European Journal of Personality, 30(2), 139-157.

Wetzel, E., Böhnke, J. R., Carstensen, C. H., Ziegler, M. & Ostendorf, F. (2013). Do individual response styles matter? Assessing differential item functioning for men and women in the NEO-PI-R. Journal of Individual Differences, 34(2), 69-81.

De Raad, B., Barelds, D. P. H., Levert, E., Ostendorf, F., Mlacic, B., Di Blas, L., Hrebickova, M., Szirmak, Z., Szarota, P., Perugini, M., Church, A. T. & Katigbak, M. S. (2010). Only Three Factors of Personality Description Are Fully Replicable Across Languages: A Comparison of 14 Trait Taxonomies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(1), 160-173.

De Raad, B., Barelds, D. P. H., Mlacic, B., Church, A. T., Katigbak, M. S., Ostendorf, F., Hrebickova, M., Di Blas, L. & Szirmak, Z. (2010). Only three personality factors are fully replicable across languages: Reply to Ashton and Lee. Journal of Research in Personality, 44(4), 442-445.

Bleidorn, W. & Ostendorf, F. (2009). Ein Big Five-Inventar für Kinder und Jugendliche. Die deutsche Version des Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC). Diagnostica, 55(3), 160-173.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (2008). NEO-FFI - NEO-Fünf-Faktoren-Inventar nach Costa und McCrae. Handanweisung. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Jang, K. L., Livesley, W. J., Ando, J., Yamagata, S., Suzuki, A., Angleitner, A., Ostendorf, F., Riemann, R. & Spinath, F. (2006). Behavioral genetics of the higher-order factors of the Big Five. Personality and Individual Differences, 41(2), 261-272.

Yamagata, S., Suzuki, A., Ando, J., Ono, Y., Kijima, N., Yoshimura, K., Ostendorf, F., Angleitner, A., Riemann, R., Spinath, F. M., Livesley, W. J. & Jang, K. L. (2006). Is the genetic structure of human personality universal? A cross-cultural twin study from North America, Europe, and Asia. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(6), 987-998.

Costa, P. T., McCrae, R. R., Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (2005). NEO-PI-R. NEO-Persönlichkeits-Inventar - revidierte Form. In W. Sarges & H. Wottawa (Hrsg.), Handbuch wirtschaftspsychologischer Testverfahren (S. 575-582). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

Hrebícková, M. & Ostendorf, F. (2005). Spojení dimenzionálního p?tifaktorového modelu s kruhovým uspo?ádáním rys?: Zkrácený p?tifaktorový kruh (AB5C) [Relating the dimensional five-factor model to the circumplex structure of traits: The Abridged Big-Five Dimensional Circumplex (AB5C)]. Ceskoslovenska Psychologie, 49, 302-322.

McCrae, R.R. & Terracciano, A. &. 7. m. o. t. P. P. o. C. P. (2005). Personality profiles of cultures: Aggregate personality traits. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 407-425.

Mlacic, B. & Ostendorf, F. (2005). Taxonomy and structure of Croatian personality-descriptive adjectives. European Journal of Personality, 19(2), 117-152.

Ostendorf, F. & Riehmann, R. (2005). Personality and personality disorders: Introduction to the special issue. European Journal of Personality, 19(4), 249-256.

Terracciano, A., Abdel-Khalek, A. M., Ádám, N., Adamovová, L., Ahn, C.-K., Ahn, H.-N., Alansari, B. M., Alcalay, L., Allik, J., Angleitner, A., Avia, M. D., Ayearst, L. E., Barbaranelli, C., Beer, A., Borg-Cunen, M. A., Bratko, D., Brunner-Sciarra, M., Budzinski, L., Camart, N., Dahourou, D., De Fruyt, F., de Lima, M. P., del Pilar, G. E. H., Diener, E., Falzon, R., Fernando, K., Ficková, E., Fischer, R., Flores-Mendoza, C., Ghayur, M. A., Gülgöz, S., Hagberg, B., Halberstadt, J., Halim, M. S., Hrebícková, M., Humrichouse, J., Jensen, H.H., Jocic, D.D., J´nsson, F. H., Khoury, B., Klinkosz, W., Knezevic, G., Lauri, M. A., Leibovich, N., Martin, T. A., Marusic, I., Mastor, K. A., Matsumoto, D., McRorie, M., Meshcheriakov, B., Mortensen, E. L., Munyae, M., Nagy, J., Nakazato, K., Nansubuga, F., Oishi, S., Ojedokun, A. O., Ostendorf, F., Paulhus, D. L., Pelevin, S., Petot, J.-M., Podobnik, N., Porrata, J. L., Pramila, V. S., Prentice, G., Realo, A., Reátegui, N., Rolland, J.-P., Rossier, J., Ruch, W., Rus, V. S., Sánchez-Bernardos, M. L., Schmidt, V., Sciculna-Calleja, S., Sekowski, A., Shakespeare-Finch, J., Shimonaka, Y., Simonetti, F., Sineshaw, T., Siuta, J., Smith, P. B., Trapnell, P. D., Trobst, K.K., Wang, L., Yik, M., Zupancic, A. & McCrae, R.R. (2005). National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures. Science, 310(5745), 96-100.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (2004). NEO-PI-R - NEO Persönlichkeitsinventar nach Costa und McCrae - Revidierte Fassung (PSYNDEX Tests Review). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Hendriks, A. A. J., Perugini, M., Angleitner, A., Ostendorf, F., Johnson, J. A., De Fruyt, F., Hrebickova, M., Kreitler, S., Murakami, T., Bratko, D., Conner, M., Nagy, J., Rodríguez-Fornells, A. & Ruisel, I. (2003). The Five-Factor Personality Inventory: Cross-cultural generalizability across 13 countries. European Journal of Personality, 17, 347-373.

Ostendorf, F., Angleitner, A., Wiedemann, S. & Wyschkon, J. (2003). SIFFM - Structured Interview for the Five Factor Model of Personality - deutsche Fassung (PSYNDEX Tests Info). Bielefeld: Universität, Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft - Abteilung für Psychologie.

Schnabel, K., Asendorpf, J. B. & Ostendorf, F. (2002). Replicable types and subtypes of personality: German NEO-PI-R versus NEO-FFI. European Journal of Personality, 16, S7-S24.

Angleitner, A., Ostendorf, F. & Riemann, R. (2001). DAPP-BQ - Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology - Basic Questionnaire - deutsche Fassung (PSYNDEX Tests Info). Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld, Abteilung für Psychologie.

Asendorpf, J. B., Borkenau, P., Ostendorf, F. & van Aken, M. A. G. (2001). Carving personality description at its joints: Confirmation of three replicable personality prototypes for both children and adults. European Journal of Personality, 15(3), 169-198.

Hofstee, W. K. B., Boomsma, A. & Ostendorf, F. (2001). Trait structure: Abridged-circumplex versus hierarchical conceptions. In R. Riemann, F. M. Spinath & F. Ostendorf (Eds.), Personality and temperament: Genetics, evolution, and structure (pp. 207-215). Lengerich: Pabst Scientific Publishers.

Ostendorf, F. (2001). Measuring interpersonal behavior with the German Interpersonal Adjective Scales. In R. Riemann, F. M. Spinath & F. Ostendorf (Eds.), Personality and temperament. Genetics, evolution, and structure (pp. 232-260). Lengerich: Pabst.

Riemann, R., Spinath, F. M. & Ostendorf, F. (Eds.). (2001). Personality and temperament: Genetics, evolution, and structure. Lengerich: Pabst.

Saucier, G., Ostendorf, F. & Peabody, D. (2001). The non-evaluative circumplex of personality adjectives. Journal of Personality, 69(4), 537-582.

McCrae, R. R., Costa, Paul T., Jr., Hrebícková, M., Ostendorf, F., Angleitner, A., Avia, M. D., Sanz, J., Sánchez-Bernardos, M. L., Kusdil, M. E., Woodfield, R., Saunders, P. R. & Smith, P. B. (2000). Nature over nurture: Temperament, personality, and life span development. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78(1), 173-186.

Hrebícková, M., Ostendorf, F., Osecká, L. & Cermák, I. (1999). Taxonomy and structure of Czech personality-relevant verbs. In I. Mervielde, I. Deary, P. de Fruyt & F. Ostendorf (Eds.), Personality Psychology in Europe (pp. 51-65). Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.

McCrae, R. R., Costa, P. T. J., Ostendorf, F., Angleitner, A., Caprara, G. V., Barbaranelli, C., Pedroso de Lima, M., Simões, A., Marusic, I., Bratko, D., Chae, J.-H. & Piedmont, R. L. (1999). Age differences in personality across the adult life span: Parallels in five cultures. Developmental Psychology, 35(2), 466-477.

Mervielde, I., Deary, I., De Fruyt, P. & Ostendorf, F. (Eds.). (1999). Personality Psychology in Europe. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.

Saucier, G. & Ostendorf, F. (1999). Hierarchical subcomponents of the Big Five personality factors: A cross-language replication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(4), 613-627.

Asendorpf, J. B. & Ostendorf, F. (1998). Is self-enhancement healthy? Conceptual, psychometric, and empirical analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74(4), 955-966.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1998). The Big Five as states: How useful is the five-factor model to describe intraindividual variations over time? Journal of Research in Personality, 202-221.

Hofstee, W. K. B., Kiers, H. A. L., de Raad, B., Goldberg, L. R. & Ostendorf, F. (1997). A comparison of Big-Five structures of personality traits in Dutch, English, and German. European Journal of Personality, 11(1), 15-31.

Ostendorf, F. (1997). Das Freiburger Persönlichkeitsinventar - Rev. Fass. (FPI-R). Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 18, 81-85.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (1997). IAS - Interpersonal Adjective Scales (PSYNDEX Tests Info). Bielefeld: Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft - Abteilung für Psychologie.

De Raad, B. & Ostendorf, F. (1996). Quantity and quality of trait-descriptive type nouns. European Journal of Personality, 45-56.

Hrebícková, M. & Ostendorf, F. (1996). dimenze popisu osobnosti v cestine a v nemcine. Ceskoslovenska Psychologie, 40, 392-405.

Deinzer, R., Steyer, R., Eid, M., Notz, P., Schwenkmezger, P., Ostendorf, F. & Neubauer, A. (1995). Situational effects in trait assessment: the FPI, NEOFFI, and EPI questionnaires. European Journal of Personality, 1-23.

Hrebícková, M. & Ostendorf, F. (1995). Lexikální Prístup K Osobnosti V: Klasifikace Pridavných Jmen Do Kategorií Osobnostní Deskripce [The lexical approach to personality V: classification of Czech adjectives into categories of personality description]. Ceskoslovenska Psychologie, 39, 265-276.

Angleitner, A. & Ostendorf, F. (1994). Temperament and the Big Five factors of personality. In Jr. Halverson, Charles F., G. A. Kohnstamm & R. P. Martin (Eds.), The developing structure of temperament and personality from infancy to adulthood (pp. 69-90). Hillsdale: Erlbaum.

Angleitner, A. & Ostendorf, F. (1994). Von aalglatt bis zynisch: Merkmale persönlichkeitsbeschreibender Begriffe. In W. Hager & M. Hasselhorn (Hrsg.), Handbuch deutschsprachiger Wortnormen (S. 340 -381). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Ostendorf, F. (1994). Zur Taxonomie deutscher Dispositionsbegriffe. In W. Hager & M. Hasselhorn (Hrsg.), Handbuch deutschsprachiger Wortnormen (S. 382-441). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (1994). A comparison of different instruments proposed to measure the Big Five. European Review of Applied Psychology, 44(1), 45-53.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (1994). Enthusiasts contra pessimists. Psychological Inquiry, 5(2), 159-162.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (1994). Reflections on different labels for Factor V. European Journal of Personality, 341-349.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (1994). The five-factor taxonomy: Robust dimensions of personality description. Psychologica Belgica, 34(4), 175-194.

Angleitner, A. & Ostendorf, F. (1993). Zur Struktur von Fähigkeits- und Begabungsbegriffen in Selbst- und Bekanntenbeurteilungen. In H. Bauersfeld & R. Bromme (Hrsg.), Bildung und Aufklärung. Studien zur Rationalität des Lehrens und Lernens. Festschrift für Helmut Skowronek (S. 1-32). Münster: Waxmann.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1993). NEO-FFI - NEO-FÜNF-FAKTOREN INVENTAR NACH COSTA UND MCCRAE - DEUTSCHE FASSUNG (PSYNDEX Tests Review) [NEO-Fünf-Faktoren-Inventar]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Johnson, J. A. & Ostendorf, F. (1993). Clarification of the five-factor model with the Abridged Big Five Dimensional Circumplex. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65(3), 563-576.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (1993). ZKPQ-III-R - Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire - deutsche Fassung (PSYNDEX Tests Info) [ZKPQIII]. Bielefeld: Universität.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1992). Social desirability scales as moderator and suppressor variables. European Journal of Personality, 6(3), 199-214.

Ostendorf, F. & Angleitner, A. (1992). On the generality and comprehensiveness of the five-factor model of personality. Evidence for five robust factors in questionnaire data. In G.-V. Caprara & G. L. van Heck (Eds.), Modern personality psychology. Critical reviews and new directions (pp. 73-109). New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1991). Ein Fragebogen zur Erfassung fünf robuster Persönlichkeitsfaktoren. Diagnostica, 37(1), 29-41.

Ostendorf, F. (1991). Das Fünf-Faktoren-Modell als umfassendes Modell der Persönlichkeitsbeurteilung: Konsequenzen für die Eignungsdiagnostik. In H. Schuler & U. Funke (Hrsg.), Eignungsdiagnostik in Forschung und Praxis. Psychologische Information für Auswahl, Beratung und Förderung von Mitarbeitern (S. 234-238). Stuttgart: Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie.

Angleitner, A., Ostendorf, F. & John, O. P. (1990). Towards a taxonomy of personality descriptors in German: A psycho-lexical study. European Journal of Personality, 4(2), 89-118.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1990). Studies on the five-factor model of personality and some instruments for its assessment. The German Journal of Psychology, 14, 230-231.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1990). Comparing exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: A study on the 5-factor model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 11(5), 515-524.

Ostendorf, F. (1990). MRS-Inventar - Inventar minimal redundanter Skalen (PSYNDEX Tests Info). Regensburg: Roderer.

Ostendorf, F. (1990). Sprache und Persönlichkeitsstruktur. Zur Validität des Fünf-Faktoren-Modells der Persönlichkeit. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft, Bielefeld.

Ostendorf, F. (1990). Sprache und Persönlichkeitsstruktur. Zur Validität des Fünf-Faktoren-Modells der Persönlichkeit. Regensburg: Roderer.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1989). On the factor structure of retrospective estimated and on-line coded act frequencies: A comparison of methods. The German Journal of Psychology, 13, 90-92.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1989). Descriptive consistency and social desirability in self- and peer reports. European Journal of Personality, 3(1), 31-45.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1989). Untersuchungen zum Fünf-Faktoren-Modell der Persönlichkeit und seiner diagnostischen Erfassung. Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 10(4), 239-251.

John, O. P., Angleitner, A. & Ostendorf, F. (1988). The lexical approach to personality: a historical review of trait taxonomic research. European Journal of Personality, 2(3), 171-203.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1987). Ein Versuch der Trennung deskriptiver und evaluativer Bedeutungskomponenten in Eigenschafts-beschreibenden Begriffen. Archiv für Psychologie, 139(3), 189-207.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1987). Fact and fiction in implicit personality theory. Journal of Personality, 55(3), 415-443.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1987). Retrospective estimates of act frequencies: How accurately do they reflect reality? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 626-638.

Borkenau, P. & Ostendorf, F. (1987). Untersuchungen zur faktoriellen Struktur retrospektiv geschätzter und on-line kodierter Verhaltensfrequenzen: Eine Vergleichsstudie. Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 8(4), 259-274.

Ostendorf, F., Angleitner, A. & Ruch, W. (1986). Die Multitrait-Multimethod Analyse. Konvergente und diskriminante Validität der Personality Research Form. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Ostendorf, F. (1982). Zur konvergenten und diskriminanten Validierung der deutschsprachigen Übersetzung der Personality Research Form. (Kurzbeschreibung). In H. J. Henning (Hrsg.), Applications of linear structural relationships models in social sciences: Results from LISREL-V Workshop, May 3-7, 1982, University of Bremen, Dep. of Psychology (S. 36-48). Bremen: Universität, Fachbereich 9, Studiengang Psychologie.

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