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Literaturliste von Dr. Alexander Schmidt

letzte Aktualisierung: 09.12.2024

Blokland, A., Daser, A., de Boer, M., Gannon, C., Gnielka, F., Huikuri, S., Reichel, R., Shäfer, T., Schmidt, A. F., Staciwa, K. & Lehmann, R. (2024). Why do users continue to contribute to darknet Child Sexual Abuse Material forums? Examining social exchange, social capital, and social learning explanations using digital forensic artifacts. Child Abuse & Neglect, 153, No. 106815.

Landwehr, I., Mundloch, K. & Schmidt, A. F. (2024). A Dress Is Not a Yes: Towards an Indirect Mouse-Tracking Measure of Men's Overreliance on Global Cues in the Context of Sexual Flirting. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 53, 2063-2082.

Lehmann, R. J. B., Obermeier, F., Schmidt, A. F. & Enge, S. (2024). The Propensity for Deviant Sexual Behavior in the General Population: An Empirical Examination of the Motivation-Facilitation Model. Sexual Abuse, 1-35.

Müller, C. L., Jelinek, L., Schmidt, A. F., Mannsfeld, A. K., Miegel, F. & Cludius, B. (2024). Mediation analyses of longitudinal data investigating temporal associations between inflated sense of responsibility, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and anger suppression. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1-22.

Reichel, R., Daser, A., Gnielka, F. M., Schmidt, A. F., Blokland, A. & Lehmann, R. J. B. (2024). A review of risk factors for online and mixed child sexual abuse material offending: what is being researched? Journal of Sexual Aggression, No. 2418100.

Sischka, P. E., Grübbel, L., Reisinger, C. V., Neufang, K. M. & Schmidt, A. F. (2024). On the Dimensionality, Suitability of Sum/Mean Scores, and Cross-Country Measurement Invariance of the Perceived Stress Scale 10 (PSS-10)-Evidence From 41 Countries. International Journal of Stress Management, 1-17.

Sischka, P. E., Schmidt, A. F. & Steffgen, G. (2024). COVID-19 countermeasures at the workplace, psychological well-being, and mental health - A nationally representative latent class analysis of Luxembourgish employees. Current Psychology, 43(14), 13202-13218.

Banse, R., Schmidt, A. F. & Mokros, A. (2023). Vorschläge zur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit von Komponenten komplexer Behandlungsmaßnahmen für Straftäter. In J. Endres & S. Suhling (Hrsg.), Behandlung im Strafvollzug. Ein Handbuch für Praxis und Wissenschaft (S. 709-729). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Bittner, N., Funk, C. S. M., Schmidt, A., Bermpohl, F., Brandl, E. J., Algharably, E. E. A., Kreutz, R. & Riemer, T. G. (2023). Psychiatric adverse events of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's dementia: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Drugs & Aging, 40, 953-964.

Iffland, J. A. & Schmidt, A. F. (2023). "Stigmatization and perceived dangerousness for intrafamilial child sexual abuse of fathers with a history of sexual offenses and paraphilic interests: Results from a survey of legal psychological experts". Child Abuse & Neglect, 144, No. 106348.

Lehmann, R. J. B., Babchishin, K. & Schmidt, A. F. (2023). Konsum von Missbrauchsabbildungen: Prävalenz, Ätiologie, Fallpriorisierung und Prognose. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 17(1), 73-82.

Lehmann, R. J. B., Jahnke, S., Bartels, R., Butzek, J., Molitor, A. & Schmidt, A. F. (2023). Public stigmatizing reactions toward nonoffending pedophilic individuals seeking to relieve sexual arousal. Journal of Sex Research, 1-39.

Lehmann, R. J. B., Schäfer, T., Fleischhauer, M., Schmidt, A. F. & Amelung, T. (2023). Physical and psychological child and adult sex cues and their association with sexual age preferences. Journal of Sex Research, 1-34.

Oberlader, V. A., Banse, R., Beier, S. & Schmidt, A. F. (2023). Law-abiding versus criminal identity and self-efficacy: A quantitative approach to unravel psychological factors supporting desistance from crime. Psychology, Crime & Law, No. 2210734.

Okulicz-Kozaryna, M., Kill, L., Schmidt, A. F. & Banse, R. (2023). Eine Integrative Typologie von Online-Sexualstraftätern mit kindlichen Opfern. In R. Steffes-enn, N. Saimeh & P. Briken (Hrsg.), Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch und Missbrauchsabbildungen in digitalen Medien (S. 104-114). Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

Wagner, F., Rogenz, J., Opitz, L., Maas, J., Schmidt, A., Brodoehl, S., Ullsperger, M. & Klingner, C. M. (2023). Reward network dysfunction is associated with cognitive impairment after stroke. NeuroImage: Clinical, 39, No. 103446.

Eberhaut, S., Schmidt, A. F., Banse, R. & Eher, R. (2022). Child abuse myths are pedophilic myths: Cognitive distortions are stronger in individuals convicted of sexual offenses diagnosed with pedophilia compared to those without such diagnosis. Deviant Behavior, 1-13.

Hoffmann, M., Schmidt, A. & Ploner, C. J. (2022). Musical expertise shapes visual-melodic memory integration. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 973164.

Jahnke, S., Schmidt, A. F. & Hoyer, J. (2022). Pedohebephilia and perceived non-coercive childhood sexual experiences: Two non-matched case-control studies. Sexual Abuse, 1-35.

Jahnke, S., Schmidt, A. F., Klöckner, A. & Hoyer, J. (2022). Neurodevelopmental differences, pedohebephilia, and sexual offending: Findings from two online surveys. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, 849-866.

Kaczmarek, C., Schmidt, A., Emperle, A. S. & Schaefer, S. (2022). The influence of social contexts on motor and cognitive performance: Performing alone, in front of others, or coacting with others. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 44(2), 77-85.

Schmidt, A. F. & Banse, R. (2022). Using indirect measures of sexual interest in forensic contexts: Past, present, and future. In K. Uzieblo, W. J. Smid & K. McCartan (Eds.), Challenges in the Management of People Convicted of a Sexual Offence (pp. 67-83). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Schmidt, A. F. & Niehaus, S. (2022). Outpatient therapists' perspectives on working with persons who are sexually interested in minors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(8), 4157-4178.

Lehmann, R. J. B., Schmidt, A. F. & Jahnke, S. (2021). Stigmatization of paraphilias and psychological conditions linked to sexual offending. Journal of Sex Research, 58(4), 438-447.

Michnevich, T., Schmidt, A. F., Scheunemann, J., Moritz, S., Miegel, F. & Jelinek, L. (2021). Aggressiveness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 176-186.

Oberlader, V. A., Quinten, L., Banse, R., Volbert, R., Schmidt, A. F. & Schönbrodt, F. D. (2021). Validity of content-based techniques for credibility assessment - How telling is an extended meta-analysis taking research bias into account? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(2), 393-410.

Schmidt, A., Fernholz, I., Mumm, J., Ströhle, A. & Plag, J. (2021). Angst und Musik. In P. M. Zwanzger (Hrsg.), Angst und Gesellschaft mit Fokusbeitrag zur Corona-Pandemie (S. 57-65). Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

Schmidt, A. & Glatz, A. (2021). Coaching durch Vorgesetzte in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche: Eignung, Ethik, Quantität und Effektivität. Beratung Aktuell, 22(4), 25-42.

Sischka, P. E., Melzer, A., Schmidt, A. F. & Steffgen, G. (2021). Psychological contract violation or basic need frustration? psychological mechanisms behind the effects of workplace bullying. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 627968.

Spitzer, C., Jelinek, L., Baumann, E., Benecke, C. & Schmidt, A. F. (2021). Negative self-conscious emotions in women with borderline personality disorder as assessed by an implicit association test. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12(5), 456-465.

Welsch, R., Schmidt, A. F., Turner, D. & Rettenberger, M. (2021). Test-retest reliability and temporal agreement of direct and indirect sexual interest measures. Sexual Abuse, 33(3), 339-360.

Borngräber, F. & Schmidt, A. (2020). Neuropsychological aspects of focal dystonia in musicians. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 31(2), 69-75.

Cludius, B., Mannsfeld, A. K., Schmidt, A. F. & Jelinek, L. (2020). Anger and aggressiveness in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the mediating role of responsibility, non-acceptance of emotions, and social desirability. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 1-12.

Gubi-Kelm, S., Grolig, T., Strobel, B., Ohlig, S. & Schmidt, A. F. (2020). When do false accusations lead to false confessions? Preliminary evidence for a potentially overlooked alternative explanation. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 20(2), 114-133.

Hoffmann, M., Ploner, C. J. & Schmidt, A. (2020). How musical activity shapes memory. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 31(2), 55-61.

Holm, S. E., Schmidt, A. & Ploner, C. J. (2020). Musical Anhedonia. The selective absence of emotions toward music. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 31(2), 62-68.

Imhoff, R., Barker, P. & Schmidt, A. F. (2020). To what extent do erotic images elicit visuospatial versus cognitive attentional processes? Consistent support for a (non-spatial) sexual content-induced delay. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 531-550.

Mumm, J., Fernholz, I., Ströhle, A., Plag, J. & Schmidt, A. (2020). Performance anxiety among musicians. Current state of research on causes, treatment options, and prevention. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 31(2), 76-80.

Mumm, J., Plag, J., Fehm, L., von Witzleben, I., Fernholz, I., Schmidt, A. & Ströhle, A. (2020). Auftrittsängste bei Musikerinnen und Musikern. Ein kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischer Behandlungsleitfaden. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Schäfer, L., Sorokowska, A., Sauter, J., Schmidt, A. H. & Croy, I. (2020). Body odours as a chemosignal in the mother-child relationship: New insights based on an human leucocyte antigen-genotyped family cohort. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Series B, 375(1800), No. 20190266.

Sischka, P. E., Décieux, J. P., Mergener, A., Neufang, K. M. & Schmidt, A. F. (2020). The impact of forced answering and reactance on answering behavior in online surveys. Social Science Computer Review, o.A..

Sischka, P. E., Schmidt, A. F. & Steffgen, G. (2020). Further evidence for criterion validity and measurement invariance of the Luxembourg Workplace Mobbing Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36(1), 32-43.

Baumann, E., Schmidt, A. F., Jelinek, L., Benecke, C. & Spitzer, C. (2019). Implicitly measured aggressiveness self-concepts in women with borderline personality disorder as assessed by an Implicit Association Test. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 66, No. 101513.

Fernholz, I., Mumm, J. L. M., Plag, J., Noeres, K., Rotter, G., Willich, S. N., Ströhle, A., Berghöfer, A. & Schmidt, A. (2019). Performance anxiety in professional musicians: A systematic review on prevalence, risk factors and clinical treatment effects. Psychological Medicine, 49(14), 2287-2306.

Gubi-Kelm, S. & Schmidt, A. F. (2019). Interrogator intonation and memory encoding performance. PLoS ONE, 14(6), No. e0218331.

Okulicz-Kozaryn, M., Schmidt, A. F., Banse, R., Posten, A.-C., Bliesener, T., Dahle, K.-P., Orth, C., Eder, A. B., Giesen, C., Michalkiewicz, M., Wentura, D., Ziegler, M., Leising, D., Renner, K.-H., Spengler, M., Warschburger, P., Sproesser, G., Lin, J., Zahn, D., Christiansen, H., Schneider, S., Stürmer, S., Corcoran, K., Häfner, M. & Kauff, M. (2019). Worin besteht die Expertise von forensischen Sachverständigen, und ist die Approbation gemäß Psychotherapeutengesetz dafür erforderlich? Psychologische Rundschau, 70(4), 250-278.

Schmidt, A. F. (2019). Ein kritischer Vergleich des Risk-Need-Responsivity Ansatzes und des Good Lives Modells zur Straftäterrehabilitation. Bewährungshilfe, 66(3), 211-223.

Steffgen, G., Sischka, P., Schmidt, A. F., Kohl, D. & Happ, C. (2019). LWMS - Luxembourg Workplace Mobbing Scale - deutsche Fassung. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Steffgen, G., Sischka, P., Schmidt, A. F., Kohl, D. & Happ, C. (2019). The Luxembourg Workplace Mobbing Scale. Psychometric properties of a short instrument in three different languages. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 35(2), 164-171.

Gubi-Kelm, S. & Schmidt, A. F. (2018). The role of intonation for interrogative suggestibility. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32(1), 117-128.

Lehmann, R. J. B., Dahle, K.-P. & Schmidt, A. F. (2018). Primer on the contribution of crime scene behavior to the forensic assessment of sexual offenders. European Psychologist, 23(2), 154-166.

Sorokowska, A., Pietrowski, D., Schäfer, L., Kromer, J., Schmidt, A. H., Sauter, J., Hummel, T. & Croy, I. (2018). Human leukocyte antigen similarity decreases partners' and strangers' body odor attractiveness for women not using hormonal contraception. Hormones and Behavior, 106, 144-149.

Steinlechner, S., Jabusch, H.-C., Altenmüller, E., Borngräber, F., Hagenah, J., Klein, C., Lencer, R. & Schmidt, A. (2018). Personality profiles are different in musician's dystonia and other isolated focal dystonias. Psychiatry Research, 266, 26-29.

Alanko, K., Schmidt, A. F., Neutze, J., Bergen, E., Santtila, P. & Osterheider, M. (2017). Male sexual interest in and offending against children: The abused-abuser hypothesis. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 17(2), 128-144.

Banse, R., Schmidt, A. F. & Imhoff, R. (2017). Aggression from the perspective of the reflective-impulsive model: Testing predictions using indirect measures. In R. Deutsch, B. Gawronski & W. Hofmann (Eds.), Reflective and impulsive determinants of human behavior (pp. 239-256). Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge.

Cludius, B., Schmidt, A. F., Moritz, S., Banse, R. & Jelinek, L. (2017). Implicit aggressiveness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder as assessed by an implicit association test. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 55, 106-112.

Hoffmann, A., de Puiseau, B. W., Schmidt, A. F. & Musch, J. (2017). On the comprehensibility and perceived privacy protection of indirect questioning techniques. Behavior Research Methods, 49(4), 1470-1483.

Schmidt, A. F., Babchishin, K. M. & Lehmann, R. J. B. (2017). A meta-analysis of viewing time measures of sexual interest in children. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(1), 287-300.

Banse, R., Kannegießer, A. & Schmidt, A. F. (2016). Rechtspsychologie. Report Psychologie, 41(6), 258-259.

Dombert, B., Schmidt, A. F., Banse, R., Briken, P., Hoyer, J., Neutze, J. & Osterheider, M. (2016). How common is men's self-reported sexual interest in prepubescent children? Journal of Sex Research, 53(2), 214-223.

Oberlader, V. A., Ettinger, U., Banse, R. & Schmidt, A. F. (2016). Development of a cued pro-and antisaccade paradigm: An indirect measure to explore automatic components of sexual interest. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-12.

Oberlader, V. A., Naefgen, C., Koppehele-Gossel, J., Quinten, L., Banse, R. & Schmidt, A. F. (2016). Validity of content-based techniques to distinguish true and fabricated statements: A meta-analysis. Law and Human Behavior, 40(4), 440-457.

Turner, D., Hoyer, J., Schmidt, A. F., Klein, V. & Briken, P. (2016). Risk factors for sexual offending in men working with children: A community-based survey. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(7), 1851-1861.

Jahnke, S., Schmidt, A. F., Geradt, M. & Hoyer, J. (2015). Stigma-related stress and its correlates among men with pedophilic sexual interests. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(8), 2173-2187.

Rönspies, J., Schmidt, A. F., Melnikova, A., Krumova, R., Zolfagari, A. & Banse, R. (2015). Indirect measurement of sexual orientation: Comparison of the implicit relational assessment procedure, viewing time, and choice reaction time tasks. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44(5), 1483-1492.

Schmidt, A. F., Banse, R. & Imhoff, R. (2015). Indirect measures in forensic contexts. In T. M. Ortner & F. J. R. van de Vijver (Eds.), Behavior-based assessment in psychology. Going beyond self-report in the personality, affective, motivation, and social domains (pp. 173-194). Boston: Hogrefe.

Schmidt, A. F. & Kistemaker, L. M. (2015). The sexualized-body-inversion hypothesis revisited: Valid indicator of sexual objectification or methodological artifact? Cognition, 134, 77-84.

Schmidt, A. F., Zimmermann, P., Banse, R. & Imhoff, R. (2015). Ego depletion moderates the influence of automatic and controlled precursors of reactive aggression. A double dissociation. Social Psychology, 46(3), 132-141.

Hoyer, D., Kowalski, E.-M., Schmidt, A., Tetschke, F., Nowack, S., Rudolph, A., Wallwitz, U., Kynass, I., Bode, F., Tegtmeyer, J., Kumm, K., Moraru, L., Götz, T., Haueisen, J., Witte, O. W., Schleußner, E. & Schneider, U. (2014). Fetal autonomic brain age scores, segmented heart rate variability analysis, and traditional short term variability. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, No. 948.

Imhoff, R. & Schmidt, A. F. (2014). Sexual Disinhibition Under Sexual Arousal: Evidence for Domain Specificity in Men and Women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(6), 1123-1136.

Imhoff, R., Schmidt, A. F. & Gerstenberg, F. (2014). Exploring the interplay of trait self-control and ego depletion: Empirical evidence for ironic effects. European Journal of Personality, 28(5), 413-424.

Larue, D., Schmidt, A. F., Imhoff, R., Eggers, K., Schönbrodt, F. D. & Banse, R. (2014). Validation of direct and indirect measures of preference for sexualized violence. Psychological Assessment, 26(4), 1173-1183.

Schmidt, A. F. (2014). Indirekte Messverfahren pädophiler sexueller Interessen - ein Überblick über empirische Ergebnisse und methodische Implikationen. In P. Briken, J. L. Müller, M. Rösler, M. Rettenberger, V. Klein & D. Yoon (Hrsg.), EFPPP Jahrbuch 2013. Empirische Forschung in der forensischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie (S. 66-76). Berlin: MWV Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

Schmidt, A. F., Gykiere, K., Vanhoeck, K., Mann, R. E. & Banse, R. (2014). Direct and indirect measures of sexual maturity preferences differentiate subtypes of child sexual abusers. Sexual Abuse, 26(2), 107-128.

Banse, R., Koppehele-Gossel, J., Kistemaker, L. M., Werner, V. A. & Schmidt, A. F. (2013). Pro-criminal attitudes, intervention, and recidivism. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(6), 673-685.

Imhoff, R., Bergmann, X., Banse, R. & Schmidt, A. F. (2013). Exploring the automatic undercurrents of sexual narcissism: Individual differences in the sex-aggression link. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(6), 1033-1041.

Schmidt, A. F., Eulenbruch, T., Langer, C. & Banger, M. (2013). Interoceptive awareness, tension reduction expectancies and self-reported drinking behavior. Alcohol & Alcoholism, 48(4), 472-477.

Schmidt, A. F., Mokros, A. & Banse, R. (2013). Is pedophilic sexual preference continuous? A taxometric analysis based on direct and indirect measures. Psychological Assessment, 25(4), 1146-1153.

Grieger, L., Hosser, D. & Schmidt, A. F. (2012). Predictive Validity of Self-Control for Different Forms of Recidivism. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 2(2), 80-95.

Grieger, L., Hosser, D. & Schmidt, A. F. (2012). Predictive validity of self-reported self-control for different forms of recidivism. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 2, 80-95.

Imhoff, R., Schmidt, A. F., Weiss, S., Banse, R. & Young, A. W. (2012). Vicarious Viewing Time: Prolonged Response Latencies for Sexually Attractive Targets as a Function of Task- or Stimulus-Specific Processing. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41(6), 1389-1401.

Schmidt, A. F. (2012). Therapeutische Interventionen bei dissozialem und aggressivem Verhalten. ZVS - Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 58(3), 124-128.

Dau, W., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, A. F., Krug, T., Läpple, S. E. & Banger, M. (2011). Fünf Minuten täglich: Kompass - eine stationäre Kurzintervention für junge Cannabis-/Partydrogenpatienten nach dem "Bonner Modell - Junge Sucht". Sucht, 57(3), 203-214.

Imhoff, R., Schmidt, A. F., Bernhardt, J., Dierksmeier, A. & Banse, R. (2011). An inkblot for sexual preference: A semantic variant of the Affect Misattribution Procedure. Cognition and Emotion, 25(4), 676-690.

Banse, R., Schmidt, A. F. & Clarbour, J. (2010). INDIRECT MEASURES OF SEXUAL INTEREST IN CHILD SEX OFFENDERS A Multimethod Approach. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(3), 319-335.

Imhoff, R., Schmidt, A. F., Nordsiek, U., Luzar, C., Young, A. W. & Banse, R. (2010). Viewing Time Effects Revisited: Prolonged Response Latencies for Sexually Attractive Targets Under Restricted Task Conditions. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(6), 1275-1288.

Banse, R., Schmidt, A. F. & Clarbour, J. (2009). EISIP - Explizites und Implizites Sexuelles Interessenprofil (Explicit Sexual Interest Questionnaire (ESIQ)). (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Dau, W., Schmidt, A., Schmidt, A. F. & Banger, M. (2009). Sind gemeinsame Therapieangebote für Partydrogen- und Cannabiskonsumenten sinnvoll? Ergebnisse zum stationären Behandlungsangebot des "Bonner Modells - Junge Sucht". Sucht, 55(6), 339-346.

Niedtfeld, I., Schmidt, A. F. & Scholz, O. B. (2008). Wie wirkt Expressives Schreiben? Differenzielle Wirkfaktoren des Schreibens über belastende Lebensereignisse. Verhaltenstherapie, 18(2), 91-99.

Schmidt, A. F. (2007). Begutachtung der Schuldfähigkeit bei sogenannter schwerer anderer seelischer Abartigkeit. Eine Begutachtungsheuristik auf empirischer Grundlage. Dissertation, Universität, Philosophische Fakultät, Bonn.

Scholz, O. B. & Schmidt, A. F. (2008). Schuldfähigkeit. In R. Volbert & M. Steller (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Rechtspsychologie (S. 401-411). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Schwarze, C. & Schmidt, A. F. (2008). Zwangskontexte. In M. Hermer & B. Röhrle (Hrsg.), Handbuch der therapeutischen Beziehung (S. 1477-1507). Tübingen: DGVT Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie.

Schmidt, A. F., Scholz, B. O. & Nedopil, N. (2004). Schuldfähigkeit, Dissozialität und Psychopathy - eine Gutachtenanalyse. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 87(2), 103-116.

Scholz, O. B. & Schmidt, A. F. (2003). SASA - Beurteilungsbogen - SASA-Kennzeichen [Beurteilungsbogen - Kennzeichen für Schwere Andere Seelische Abartigkeit]. Kurznachweis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Scholz, O. B. & Schmidt, A. F. (2003). Schuldfähigkeit bei schwererer anderer seelischer Abartigkeit. Psychopathologie - gutachterliche Entscheidungshilfen. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

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