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Literaturliste von Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Röttger

letzte Aktualisierung: 02.06.2022

Abendroth, J., Heiss, A., Jacobsen, T., Röttger, S. & Kowalski, J. (2022). Job mobility and job performance: Beliefs about social and occupational (dis)advantages as mediators. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 28(1), 199 -212.

Röttger, S., Theobald, D. A., Abendroth, J. & Jacobsen, T. (2021). The effectiveness of combat tactical breathing as compared with prolonged exhalation. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 46, 19-28.

Sauter, C., Kowalski, J. T., Stein, M., Röttger, S. & Danker-Hopfe, H. (2019). Effects of a workplace-based sleep health program on sleep in members of the German Armed Forces. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 15(3), 417-429.

Röttger, S., Vetter, S. & Kowalski, J. T. (2016). Effects of a classroom-based bridge resource management training on knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and performance of junior naval officers. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 15(1), 143-162.

Roettger, S., Vetter, S. & Kowalski, J. T. (2013). Ship Management Attitudes and Their Relation to Behavior and Performance. Human Factors, 55(3), 659-671.

Kowalski, J. T., Seidack, S., Klein, F., Varn, A., Röttger, S., Kähler, W., Gerber, W. D. & Koch, A. (2012). Does inert gas narcosis has an influence on perception of pain? Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, 39(1), 569-576.

Kowalski, J. T., Varn, A., Röttger, S., Seidack, S., Kähler, W., Gerber, W.-D., Andrasik, F. & Koch, A. (2011). Neuropsychological deficits in scuba divers: An exploratory investigation. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, 38(3), 197-204.

Manzey, D., Röttger, S., Strauss, G., Bahner-Heyne, J.E., Trantakis, C., Dietz, A., Lueth, T. & Meixensberger, J. (2009). Automation in surgery: A systematic approach. , 37-45.

Manzey, D., Röttger, S., Bahner-Heyne, J. E., Schulze-Kissing, D., Dietz, A., Meixensberger, J. & Strauss, G. (2009). Image-guided navigation: The surgeon's perspective on performance consequences and human factors issues. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 5(3), 297-308.

Röttger, S., Bali, K. & Manzey, D. (2009). Impact of automated decision aids on performance, operator behaviour and workload in a simulated supervisory control task. Ergonomics, 52(5), 512-523.

Röttger, S., Bali, K. & Manzey, D. (2007). Do cognitive assistance systems reduce operator workload? In D. de Waard, B. Hockey, P. Nickel & K. Brookhuis (Eds.), Human factors issues in complex system performance (pp. 351-360). Maastricht: Shaker Publishing.

Röttger, S., Klostermann, A. & Manzey, D. (2007). An information theory-based approach to measure orderliness of control behaviour. In M. Rötting, G. Wozny, A. Klostermann & J. Huss (Eds.), Prospektive Gestaltung von Mensch-Technik-Interaktion. 7. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme. 10. bis 1. Oktober 2007. ZMMS Spektrum, Band 21 (pp. 131-136). Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag.

Röttger, S., Schröger, E., Grube, M., Grimm, S. & Rübsamen, R. (2007). Mismatch negativity on the cone of confusion. Neuroscience Letters, 414(2), 178-182.

Strauß, G., Koulechov, K., Röttger, S., Bahner, J., Trantakis, C., Hofer, M., Korb, W., Burgert, O., Meixensberger, J., Manzey, D., Dietz, A. & Lüth, T. (2006). Ist der Vorteil eines Navigationssystems in der HNO-Chirurgie messbar? Ein Konzept zur Evaluation ergonomischer und chirurgischer Erfolgsparameter. HNO, 54(12), 947-957.

Strauß, G., Koulechov, K., Röttger, S., Bahner, J., Trantakis, C., Hofer, M., Korb, W., Burgert, O., Meixensberger, J., Manzey, D., Dietz, A. & Lüth, T. (2006). Evaluation of a navigation system for ENT with surgical efficiency criteria. The Laryngoscope, 116(4), 564-572.

Tervaniemi, M., Jacobsen, T., Röttger, S., Kujala, T., Widmann, A., Vainio, M., Näätänen, R. & Schröger, E. (2006). Selective tuning of cortical sound-feature processing by language experience. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23(9), 2538-2541.

Senkowski, D., Röttger, S., Grimm, S., Foxe, J. J. & Herrmann, C. S. (2005). Kanizsa subjective figures capture visual spatial attention: evidence from electrophysiological and behavioral data. Neuropsychologia, 43(6), 872-886.

Strauß, G., Trantakis, C., Mehnert, S., Winkler, D., Röttger, S. & Zimmer, C. e. a. (2005). Chirurgisches Vertrauen in die Navigation bei dem transphenoidalen Zugang zur Hypophyse: Prinzipienvergleich, Indikation und Versuch einer Quantifizierung. Norddeutsche Gesellschaft für Otorhinolaryngologie und zervikofaziale Chirurgie. Mitteilungen, 62-69.

Herrmann, C. S., Senkowski, D. & Röttger, S. (2004). Phase-locking and amplitude modulations of EEG alpha: Two measures reflect different cognitive processes in a working memory task. Experimental Psychology, 51(4), 311-318.

Strauß, G., Trantakis, C., Winkler, D., Röttger, S., Weber, A., Zimmer, C. & Meixenberger, J. (2004). Die Wertigkeit der CT-basierten Navigation für den transsphenoidalen Zugang zur Hypophyse. In D.-K. Böker & W. Deinsberger (Hrsg.), Schädelbasischirurgie. Robotik, Neuronavigation, vordere Schädelgrube (S. 7-15). Wien: Springer.

Lorenz, B., Di Nocera, F., Röttger, S. & Parasuraman, R. (2002). Automated fault-management in a simulated spaceflight micro-world. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 73(9), 886-897.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
Universitätsring 15,
54296 Trier

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