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Literaturliste von lic. Phil. Fabian Gander

letzte Aktualisierung: 15.05.2024

Gander, F., Uhlich, M., Traut, A. C., Saameli, M. A., Bühler, J. L., Weidmann, R. & Grob, A. (2024). The role of relationship beliefs in predicting levels and changes of relationship satisfaction. European Journal of Personality, 1-17.

Gander, F. (2023). Monitoring well-being changes in positive psychology interventions. In W. Ruch, A. B. Bakker, L. Tay & F. Gander (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology assessment (pp. 368-381). Göttingen: Hogrefe Publishing.

Gander, F. & Wagner, L. (2023). Which positive personality traits do people want to change? European Journal of Personality, 1-20.

Gander, F., Wagner, L., Vylobkova, V., Kretzschmar, A. & Ruch, W. (2023). Paragons of character - Character strengths and well-being of moral, creative, and religious exemplars. Journal of Personality, 1-38.

Ruch, W., Bakker, A. B., Tay, L. & Gander, F. (Eds.). (2023). Handbook of positive psychology assessment. Göttingen: Hogrefe Publishing.

Arbenz, G. C., Gander, F. & Ruch, W. (2022). Breadth, polarity, and emergence of character strengths and their relevance for assessment. Journal of Positive Psychology, 0-00.

Brauer, K., Sendatzki, R., Gander, F., Ruch, W. & Proyer, R. T. (2022). Profile similarities among romantic partners' character strengths and their associations with relationship- and life satisfaction. Journal of Research in Personality, 99, No. 104248.

Gander, F., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2022). Do beliefs in the malleability of well-being affect the efficacy of positive psychology interventions? Results of a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 1-15.

Gander, F., Wagner, L., Amann, L. & Ruch, W. (2022). What are character strengths good for? A daily diary study on character strengths enactment. Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(5), 718-728.

Kretzschmar, A., Wagner, L., Gander, F., Hofmann, J., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2022). Character strengths and fluid intelligence. Journal of Personality, No. 12715.

Vylobkova, V., Heintz, S., Gander, F., Wagner, L. & Ruch, W. (2022). Convergence and psychometric properties of character strengths measures: The VIA-IS and the VIA-IS-R. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1-8.

Gander, F., Hofmann, J. & Ruch, W. (2021). From unemployment to employment and back: Professional trajectories and well-being. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 16(2), 739-751.

Gander, F. & Wagner, L. (2021). Character growth following collective life events: A study on perceived and measured changes in character strengths during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Personality, 1-16.

Proyer, R. T., Brauer, K., Gander, F. & Chick, G. (2021). Can playfulness be stimulated? A randomised placebo-controlled online playfulness intervention study on effects on trait playfulness, well-being, and depression. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 13(1), 129-151.

Ruch, W., Gander, F., Wagner, L. & Giuliani, F. (2021). The structure of character: On the relationships between character strengths and virtues. Journal of Positive Psychology, 16(1), 116-128.

Ruch, W., Heintz, S., Gander, F., Hofmann, J., Platt, T. & Proyer, R. T. (2021). The long and winding road: A comprehensive analysis of 50 years of Eysenck instruments for the assessment of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 169, No. 110070.

Baumann, D., Ruch, W., Margelisch, K., Gander, F. & Wagner, L. (2020). Character strengths and life satisfaction in later life: An analysis of different living conditions. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 15, 329-347.

Gander, F., Gaitzsch, I. & Ruch, W. (2020). The relationships of team role- and character strengths-balance with individual and team-level satisfaction and performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 566222.

Gander, F., Hofmann, J., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2020). Character strengths - Stability, change, and relationships with well-being changes. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 15, 349-367.

Gander, F., Hofmann, J. & Ruch, W. (2020). Character strengths: Person-environment fit and relationships with job and life satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 1582.

Gander, F., Proyer, R. T., Hentz, E. & Ruch, W. (2020). Working mechanisms in positive interventions: A study using daily assessment of positive emotions. Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(5), 633-638.

Giuliani, F., Ruch, W. & Gander, F. (2020). Does the excellent enactment of highest strengths reveal virtues? Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 1545.

Ruch, W., Niemiec, R. M., McGrath, R. E., Gander, F. & Proyer, R. T. (2020). Character strengths-based interventions: Open questions and ideas for future research. Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(5), 680-684.

Wagner, L., Gander, F., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2020). Character strengths and PERMA: Investigating the relationships of character strengths with a multidimensional framework of well-being. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 15, 307-328.

Platt, T., Gander, F. & Giuliani, F. (2019). Relationships of retrospectively assessed class clown behavior with current humor and well-being. Current Psychology, 1-10.

Vylobkova, V., Heintz, S. & Gander, F. (2019). Stärkenbasierte Interventionen in der Positiven Psychologie. Report Psychologie, 44(11-12), 14-21.

Gander, F., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2018). A placebo-controlled online study on potential mediators of a pleasure-based positive psychology intervention: The role of emotional and cognitive components. Journal of Happiness Studies, 19, 2035-2048.

Gander, F., Ruch, W., Platt, T., Hofmann, J. & Elmer, T. (2018). Current and ideal team roles: Relationships to job satisfaction and calling. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 4(3), 277-289.

Hofmann, J., Gander, F. & Ruch, W. (2018). Exploring differences in well-being across occupation type and skill. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 4(3), 290-303.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Bertenshaw, E. J. & Brauer, K. (2018). The positive relationships of playfulness with indicators of health, activity, and physical fitness. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 1440.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Tschirpke, V. & Brauer, K. (2018). Prävention psychischer Störungen im Kontext der Positiven Psychologie. In H. Christiansen, D. Ebert & B. Röhrle (Hrsg.), Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung Bd. VI. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven (S. 75-101). Tübingen: DGVT Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie.

Ruch, W. & Gander, F. (2018). Positive Psychologie. In C.-W. Kohlmann, C. Salewski & M. A. Wirtz (Hrsg.), Psychologie in der Gesundheitsförderung (S. 227-239). Bern: Hogrefe.

Ruch, W., Gander, F., Platt, T. & Hofmann, J. (2018). Team roles: Their relationships to character strengths and job satisfaction. Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(2), 190-199.

Gander, F., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2017). The subjective assessment of accomplishment and positive relationships: Initial validation and correlative and experimental evidence for their association with well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(3), 743-764.

Hofmann, J., Ruch, W., Proyer, R. T., Platt, T. & Gander, F. (2017). Assessing dispositions toward ridicule and laughter in the workplace: Adapting and validating the PhoPhiKat-9 questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 8, No. 714.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S. & Ruch, W. (2017). AHI - Authentic Happiness Inventory - deutsche Fassung (Authentic Happiness Index; Steen Happiness Index (SHI)). (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Gander, F., Proyer, R. T. & Ruch, W. (2016). Positive psychology interventions addressing pleasure, engagement, meaning, positive relationships, and accomplishment increase well-being and ameliorate depressive symptoms: A randomized, placebo-controlled online study. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 7, No. 686.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S. & Ruch, W. (2016). Addressing the role of personality, ability, and positive and negative affect in positive psychology interventions: Findings from a randomized intervention based on the authentic happiness theory and extensions. Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(6), 609-621.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S. & Ruch, W. (2016). Nine beautiful things: A self-administered online positive psychology intervention on the beauty in nature, arts, and behaviors increases happiness and ameliorates depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 189-193.

Ruch, W. & Gander, F. (2016). Charakterstärken und Wohlbefinden bei der Arbeit: Wann der Job zur Berufung wird. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 23(3), 45-48.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S. & Ruch, W. (2015). Strengths-based positive psychology interventions: A randomized placebo-controlled online trial on long-term effects for a signature strengths- vs. a lesser strengths-intervention. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 456.

Proyer, R. T., Wellenzohn, S., Gander, F. & Ruch, W. (2015). Toward a better understanding of what makes positive psychology interventions work: Predicting happiness and depression from the person X intervention fit in a follow-up after 3.5 years. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 7(1), 108-128.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S. & Ruch, W. (2014). The European Football Championship as a positive festivity: Changes in strengths of character before, during, and after the EURO 2008 in Switzerland. In H. Águeda Marujo & L. M. Neto (Eds.), Positive nations and communities (Vol. 6; Cross-cultural advancements in positive psychology) (pp. 119-134). Dordrecht, NL: Springer.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S. & Ruch, W. (2014). Positive psychology interventions in people aged 50-79 years: long-term effects of placebo-controlled online interventions on well-being and depression. Aging & Mental Health, 18(8), 997-1005.

Gander, F., Proyer, R. T., Ruch, W. & Wyss, T. (2013). Strength-based positive interventions: Further evidence for their potential in enhancing well-being and alleviating depression. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(4), 1241-1259.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, F., Wellenzohn, S. & Ruch, W. (2013). What good are character strengths beyond subjective well-being? The contribution of the good character on self-reported health-oriented behavior, physical fitness, and the subjective health status. Journal of Positive Psychology, 8(3), 222-232.

Gander, F., Proyer, R. T., Ruch, W. & Wyss, T. (2012). The good character at work: An initial study on the contribution of character strengths in identifying healthy and unhealthy work-related behavior and experience patterns. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 85(8), 895-904.

Proyer, R. T., Gander, W., Wyss, T. & Ruch, W. (2011). The relation of character strengths to past, present, and future life satisfaction among German-speaking women. Applied Psychology: Health and Well Being, 3, 370-384.

Beermann, U., Gander, F., Hiltebrand, D., Wyss, T. & Ruch, W. (2009). Laughing at oneself: Trait or state? In E. Bänninger-Huber & D. Peham (Eds.), Current and future perspectives in facial expression research: Topics and methodological questions. Proceedings of the International Meeting at the Institute of Psychology, University of Innsbruck/Austria, September 28-29, 2007 (pp. 31-35). Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.

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