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Literaturliste von Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Willmes

letzte Aktualisierung: 20.06.2024

Bauer, I., Finkel, L., Gölz, M. S., Stoll, S. E. M., Liepert, J., Willmes, K. & Randerath, J. (2024). Trainability of affordance judgments in right and left hemisphere stroke patients. PLoS ONE, 19(5), No. e0299705.

Roth, L., Jordan, V., Schwarz, S., Willmes, K., Nuerk, H.-C., van Dijck, J.-P. & Cipora, K. (2024). Don't SNARC me now! Intraindividual variability of cognitive phenomena - Insights from the Ironman paradigm. Cognition, 248, No. 105781.

Wood, G., Willmes, K., Koten, J. W. & Kober, S. E. (2024). Fat tails and the need to disclose distribution parameters of qEEG databases. PLoS ONE, 19(1), No. e0295411.

Schliephake, A., Bahnmueller, J., Willmes, K., Koch, I. & Moeller, K. (2023). Influences of cognitive control on number processing: New evidence from switching between two numerical tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1-10.

Bruehl, S., Huber, W., Longoni, F, Schlenck, K.-J. & Willmes, K. (2022). SAPS - Sprachsystematisches Aphasiescreening. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Schliephake, A., Bahnmueller, J., Willmes, K., Koch, I. & Moeller, K. (2022). Cognitive control in number processing: New evidence from number compatibility effects in task-switching. Cognitive Processing, 23(2), 191-202.

Ziegler, W., Aichert, I., Staiger, A., Willmes, K., Baumgaertner, A., Grewe, T., Flöel, A., Huber, W., Rocker, R., Korsukewitz, C. & Breitenstein, C. (2022). The prevalence of apraxia of speech in chronic aphasia after stroke: A bayesian hierarchical analysis. Cortex, 151, 15-29.

Bruehl, S., Willmes, K. & Binkofski, F. (2021). Interfered-naming therapy for aphasia (INTA): A neuroscience-based approach to improve linguistic-executive processing. Aphasiology, 1-22.

Bruehl, S., Willmes, K. & Binkofski, F. (2021). Interfered-Naming Therapy for Aphasia (INTA): Behavioural and computational effects of a novel linguistic-executive approach. Aphasiology, 1-22.

Contreras-Saavedra, C. E., Willmes, K., Koch, I., Schuch, S. & Philipp, A. M. (2021). Interplay of morphological configuration and language switching in numerical processing and word processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 47(9), 1527-1545.

Loenneker, H. D., Artemenko, C., Willmes, K., Liepelt-Scarfone, I. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2021). Deficits in or preservation of basic number processing in Parkinson's disease? A registered report. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 1-16.

Schliephake, A., Bahnmueller, J., Willmes, K. & Moeller, K. (2021). Cognitive control in number processing: New evidence from task switching. Psychological Research, 85(7), 2578-2587.

Spitzer, L., Binkofski, F., Willmes, K. & Bruehl, S. (2021). The novel cognitive flexibility in aphasia therapy (CFAT): A combined treatment of aphasia and executive functions to improve communicative success. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23(2), 168-179.

Contreras-Saavedra, C. E., Willmes, K., Koch, I., Schuch, S., Benini, E. & Philipp, A. M. (2020). Multilingual two-digit number naming: The influence of composition rules on language switching. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(9), 1481-1494.

Hohol, M., Willmes, K., Necka, E., Brozek, B., Nuerk, H.-C. & Cipora, K. (2020). Professional mathematicians do not differ from others in the symbolic numerical distance and size effects. Scientific Reports, 10, No. 11531.

Joue, G., Boven, L., Willmes, K., Evola, V., Demenescu, L. R., Hassemer, J., Mittelberg, I., Mathiak, K., Schneider, F. & Habel, U. (2020). Metaphor processing is supramodal semantic processing: The role of the bilateral lateral temporal regions in multimodal communication. Brain and Language, 205, No. 104772.

Sakreida, K., Blume-Schnitzler, J., Frankemölle, G., Drews, V., Heim, S., Willmes, K., Clusmann, H. & Neuloh, G. (2020). Hemispheric dominance for language and side effects in mapping the inferior frontal junction area with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A: Central European Neurosurgery, 81(2), 130-137.

Willmes, K. & Fimm, B. (2020). Einzelfalldiagnostik. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Klein, E., Bieck, S. M., Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Willmes, K. & Moeller, K. (2019). Anticipation of difficult tasks: Neural correlates of negative emotions and emotion regulation. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 15, No. 4.

Klein, E., Willmes, K., Bieck, S. M., Bloechle, J. & Moeller, K. (2019). White matter neuro-plasticity in mental arithmetic: Changes in hippocampal connectivity following arithmetic drill training. Cortex, 115-123.

Sakreida, K., Blume-Schnitzler, J., Heim, S., Willmes, K., Clusmann, H. & Neuloh, G. (2019). Phonological picture-word interference in language mapping with transcranial magnetic stimulation: An objective approach for functional parcellation of Broca's region. Brain Structure and Function, 224(6), 2027-2044.

Schmidt, C. S. M., Nitschke, K., Bormann, T., Römer, P., Kümmerer, D., Martin, M., Umarova, R. M., Leonhart, R., Egger, K., Dressing, A., Musso, M., Willmes, K., Weiller, C. & Kaller, C. P. (2019). Dissociating frontal and temporal correlates of phonological and semantic fluency in a large sample of left hemisphere stroke patients. NeuroImage: Clinical, 23, No. 101840.

Döhla, D., Willmes, K. & Heim, S. (2018). Cognitive profiles of developmental dysgraphia. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 2006.

Dressing, A., Nitschke, K., Kümmerer, D., Bormann, T., Beume, L., Schmidt, C. S. M., Ludwig, V. M., Mader, I., Willmes, K., Rijntjes, M., Kaller, C. P., Weiller, C. & Martin, M. (2018). Distinct contributions of dorsal and ventral streams to imitation of tool-use and communicative gestures. Cerebral Cortex, 28(2), 474-492.

Joue, G., Boven, L., Willmes, K., Evola, V., Demenescu, L. R., Hassemer, J., Mittelberg, I., Mathiak, K., Schneider, F. & Habel, U. (2018). Handling or being the concept: An fMRI study on metonymy representations in coverbal gestures. Neuropsychologia, 109, 232-244.

Klein, E., Moeller, K., Huber, S., Willmes, K., Kiechl-Kohlendorfer, U. & Kaufmann, L. (2018). Gestational age modulates neural correlates of intentional, but not automatic number magnitude processing in children born preterm. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 65, 38-44.

Krzok, F., Rieger, V., Niemann, K., Nobis-Bosch, R., Radermacher, I., Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Abel, S. (2018). The novel language-systematic aphasia screening SAPS: Screening-based therapy in combination with computerised home training. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 53(2), 308-323.

Sakreida, K., Lange, I., Willmes, K., Heim, S., Binkofski, F., Clusmann, H. & Neuloh, G. (2018). High-resolution language mapping of Broca's region with transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain Structure and Function, 223(3), 1297-1312.

Cipora, K., Willmes, K., Szwarc, A. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2017). Norms and validation of the online and paper-and-pencil versions of the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) for Polish adolescents and adults. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 3(3), 667-693.

Hoffmann, V., Westhofen, M., Willmes, K. & Fimm, B. (2017). Einfluss von chronisch subjektivem Tinnitus auf das Arbeitsgedächtnis. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 41(4), 184-190.

Kreutzfeldt, M., Stephan, D. N., Willmes, K. & Koch, I. (2017). Modality-specific preparatory influences on the flexibility of cognitive control in task switching. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29(5), 607-617.

Pohl, A., Meyer, C. M., Deckers, A., Eckmann, T., Barthel, J., Huber, W., Willmes, K., Abel, S. & Habel, U. (2017). Training-related changes of brain activation for speech production in healthy speakers - a longitudinal fMRI study to mimic aphasia therapy. Aphasiology, 31(5), 495-518.

Spitzer, L., Binkofski, F., Willmes, K. & Abel, S. (2017). Exekutivfunktionen bei Aphasie: Entwicklung und Evaluation eines neuen Therapiekonzepts zur Verbesserung der Umstellungsfähigkeit bei Aphasie. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 41(4), 204-211.

Bloechle, J., Huber, S., Bahnmueller, J., Rennig, J., Willmes, K., Cavdaroglu, S., Moeller, K. & Klein, E. (2016). Fact learning in complex arithmetic - The role of the angular gyrus revisited. Human Brain Mapping, 37(9), 3061-3079.

Cipora, K., Hohol, M., Nuerk, H.-C., Willmes, K., Brozek, B., Kucharzyk, B. & Necka, E. (2016). Professional mathematicians differ from controls in their spatial-numerical associations. Psychological Research, 80(4), 710-726.

Dietrich, J. F., Huber, S., Klein, E., Willmes, K., Pixner, S. & Moeller, K. (2016). A systematic investigation of accuracy and response time based measures used to index ANS acuity. PLoS ONE, 11(9), No. e0163076.

Huber, S., Klein, E., Moeller, K. & Willmes, K. (2016). Spatial-numerical and ordinal positional associations coexist in parallel. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 7, No. 438.

Huber, S., Nuerk, H.-C., Willmes, K. & Moeller, K. (2016). A general model framework for multisymbol number comparison. Psychological Review, 123(6), 667-695.

Klein, E., Jung, S., Huber, S., Moeller, K., Willmes, K. & Braga, L. W. (2016). Differing Connectivity of Exner's Area for Numbers and Letters. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Klein, E., Suchan, J., Moeller, K., Karnath, H.-O., Knops, A., Wood, G., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2016). Considering structural connectivity in the triple code model of numerical cognition: Differential connectivity for magnitude processing and arithmetic facts. Brain Structure and Function, 221(2), 979-995.

Kreutzfeldt, M., Stephan, D. N., Koch, I. & Willmes, K. (2016). Shifts in target modality cause attentional reset: Evidence from sequential modulation of crossmodal congruency effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(5), 1466-1473.

Plum, L., Nobis-Bosch, R., Krzok, F., van de Sandt-Koenderman, M., Willmes, K. & Abel, S. (2016). "Möchtest du mit mir ins Schwimmbad gehen?" Erfassung kommunikativ-pragmatischer Kompetenzen bei kindlicher Aphasie mit dem Szenario-Kids. Forum Logopädie, 30(5), 22-25.

Abel, S., Weiller, C., Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Specht, K. (2015). Therapy-induced brain reorganization patterns in aphasia. Brain, 138, 1097-1112.

Birkholz, P., Martin, L., Willmes, K., Kröger, B. J. & Neuschaefer-Rube, C. (2015). The contribution of phonation type to the perception of vocal emotions in German: An articulatory synthesis study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(3), 1503-1512.

Cipora, K., Szczygiel, M., Willmes, K. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2015). Math anxiety assessment with the abbreviated math anxiety scale: Applicability and usefulness: Insights from the Polish adaptation. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 1833.

Gaebler, A. J., Mathiak, K., Koten, Jan Willem, Jr., König, A. A., Koush, Y., Weyer, D., Depner, C., Matentzoglu, S., Edgar, J. C., Willmes, K. & Zvyagintsev, M. (2015). Auditory mismatch impairments are characterized by core neural dysfunctions in schizophrenia. Brain, 138, 1410-1423.

Huber, S., Klein, E., Graf, M., Nuerk, H.-C., Moeller, K. & Willmes, K. (2015). Embodied markedness of parity? Examining handedness effects on parity judgments. Psychological Research, 79(6), 963-977.

Huber, S., Klein, E., Moeller, K. & Willmes, K. (2015). Comparing a single case to a control group - Applying linear mixed effects models to repeated measures data. Cortex, 71, 148-159.

Jung, S., Halm, K., Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Klein, E. (2015). What letters can "learn" from Arabic digits - fMRI-controlled single case therapy study of peripheral agraphia. Brain and Language, 149, 13-26.

Kreutzfeldt, M., Stephan, D. N., Sturm, W., Willmes, K. & Koch, I. (2015). The role of crossmodal competition and dimensional overlap in crossmodal attention switching. Acta Psychologica, 155, 67-76.

Mihulowicz, U., Klein, E., Nuerk, H.-C., Willmes, K. & Karnath, H.-O. (2015). Spatial displacement of numbers on a vertical number line in spatial neglect. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, No. 240.

Mistridis, P., Egli, S. C., Monsch, A. U., Iverson, G. L., Berres, M., Willmes, K. & Welsh-Bohmer, K. A. (2015). Considering the base rates of low performance in cognitively healthy older adults improves the accuracy to identify neurocognitive impairment with the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease-Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (CERAD-NAB). European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 265(5), 407-417.

Moeller, K., Willmes, K. & Klein, E. (2015). A review on functional and structural brain connectivity in numerical cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, No. 227.

Moeller, K., Zuber, J., Olsen, N., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2015). Intransparent German number words complicate transcoding - a translingual comparison with Japanese. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 740.

Pape-Neumann, J., Grande, M., van Ermingen-Marbach, M., Heim, S. & Willmes, K. (2015). The role of phonological awareness in treatments of dyslexic primary school children. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 75(1), 80-106.

Plum, L., Nobis-Bosch, R., Krzok, F., van de Sandt-Koenderman, M., Willmes, K. & Abel, S. (2015). Szenario-Kids. Ein partizipationsorientierter Test für Kinder mit Aphasie zwischen 8 und 15 Jahren. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 39(3), 134-139.

Rath, D., Domahs, F., Dressel, K., Claros-Salinas, D., Klein, E., Willmes, K. & Krinzinger, H. (2015). Patterns of linguistic and numerical performance in aphasia. Behavioral and Brain Functions (Online Journal), 11, No. 2.

Schneider, B., Hansen, H., de Langen-Müller, U., Bauer, A., Plum, L., Nobis-Bosch, R., Krzok, F., van de Sandt-Koenderman, M., Willmes, K., Abel, S., Darkow, R., Martin, S., Meinzer, M., Burchert, F. & Floeel, A. (2015). Themenschwerpunkt: Partizipation bei Aphasie. (Mit 5 Einzelbeiträgen). Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 39(3), 118-145.

Shikhare, S., Klein, E., Willmes, K., Heim, S. & Huber, S. (2015). Processing of Numerical and Proportional Quantifiers. Cognitive Science, 39(7), 1504-1536.

Sturm, W., Willmes, K. & Horn, W. (2015). LPS 50+ (2015) - Leistungsprüfsystem für 50-bis 90-Jährige (2015). Tests Info.

Abel, S., Weiller, C., Huber, W. & Willmes, K. (2014). Neural underpinnings for model-oriented therapy of aphasic word production. Neuropsychologia, 57, 154-165.

Bürkle, D., Willmes, K. & Sandrieser, P. (2014). Kindliches Stottern: Intensivtherapie nach Schul-KIDS. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 38(Supplement 1), e17 -e18.

Clemens, B., Jung, S., Mingoia, G., Weyer, D., Domahs, F. & Willmes, K. (2014). Influence of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the right angular gyrus on brain activity during rest. PLOS One, 9(4), e95984.

Ehl, B., Schrey-Dern, D. & Willmes, K. (2014). Der AWST-R bei sukzessiv mehrsprachigen Kindern. Eignung und Anpassung der Auswertung bei sukzessiven Erwerbsbedingungen. Forum Logopädie, 28(1), 30-34.

Günther, T., Konrad, K., Häusler, J., Saghraoui, H., Willmes, K. & Sturm, W. (2014). Developmental differences in visual and auditory attention: A cross-sectional study. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 25(3), 143-152.

Heisterueber, M., Klein, E., Willmes, K., Heim, S. & Domahs, F. (2014). Processing word prosody - behavioral and neuroimaging evidence for heterogeneous performance in a language with variable stress. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 365.

Huber, S., Klein, E., Nuerk, H.-C., Moeller, K. & Willmes, K. (2014). Decimal fraction representations are not distinct from natural number representations - evidence from a combined eye-tracking and computational modeling approach. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, No. 172.

Knops, A. & Willmes, K. (2014). Numerical ordering and symbolic arithmetic share frontal and parietal circuits in the right hemisphere. NeuroImage, 84, 786-795.

Lukas, S., Krinzinger, H., Koch, I. & Willmes, K. (2014). Number representation: A question of look? The distance effect in comparison of English and Turkish number words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67(2), 260-270.

Mihulowicz, U., Willmes, K., Kamath, H.-O. & Klein, E. (2014). Single-digit arithmetic processing - anatomical evidence from statistical voxel-based lesion analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, No. 286.

Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Wood, G., Knops, A., Krinzinger, H., Lonnemann, J., Starling-Alves, I., Willmes, K. & Haase, V. G. (2014). In how many ways is the approximate number system associated with exact calculation? PLoS ONE, 9(11), No. e111155.

Schulz, S., Heim, S., Willmes, K. & Kröger, B. J. (2014). Analyse sprechapraktischer Fehler im System artikulatorischer Gesten. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 38(Supplement 1), e7-e8.

Willmes, K., Moeller, K. & Klein, E. (2014). Where numbers meet words: A common ventral network for semantic classification. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 55(3), 202-211.

Blömer, F., Pesch, A., Willmes, K., Huber, W., Springer, L. & Abel, S. (2013). Das sprachsystematische Aphasiescreening (SAPS): Konstruktionseigenschaften und erste Evaluierung. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 24(3), 139-148.

Claros-Salinas, D., Dittmer, N., Neumann, M., Sehle, A., Spiteri, S., Willmes, K., Schoenfeld, M. A. & Dettmers, C. (2013). Induction of cognitive fatigue in MS patients through cognitive and physical load. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23(2), 182-201.

Clemens, B., Jung, S., Zvyagintsev, M., Domahs, F. & Willmes, K. (2013). Modulating arithmetic fact retrieval: A single-blind, sham-controlled tDCS study with repeated fMRI measurements. Neuropsychologia, 51, 1279-1286.

Clemens, B., Zvyagintsev, M,. Sack, A. T., Heinecke, A., Willmes, K. & Sturm, W. (2013). Comparison of fMRI activation patterns for test and training procedures of alertness and focused attention. Journal of Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 31, 311-336.

Dinkel, P. J., Willmes, K., Krinzinger, H., Konrad, K. & Koten Jr., J. W. (2013). Diagnosing developmental dyscalculia on the basis of reliable single case FMRI methods: Promises and limitations. PLoS ONE, 8(12), No. e83722.

Ehl, B., Schrey-Dern, D. & Willmes, K. (2013). Einsatz des AWST-R bei sukzessiv mehrsprachigen Kindern. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 27(Supplement 1), e37-e38.

Haake, C., Kob, M., Willmes, K. & Domahs, F. (2013). Word stress processing in specific language impairment: Auditory or representational deficits? Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 27(8), 594-615.

Heisterüber, M., Schäffner, S., Heim, S., Klein, E., Willmes, K. & Domahs, F. (2013). Neuroimaging studies of subclinical deficits in word stress processing. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 27(Suppl. 1), e21-e23.

Huber, S., Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C., Macizo, P., Herrera, A. & Willmes, K. (2013). Cognitive control in number processing - A computational model. In R. West & T. Stewart (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Ottawa: Carleton University.

Huber, S., Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2013). A computational modeling approach on three-digit number processing. Topics in Cognitive Science, 5(2), 317-334.

Klein, E., Mann, A., Huber, S., Bloechle, J., Willmes, K., Karim, A., Nuerk, H.-C. & Moeller, K. (2013). Bilateral bicephalic Tdcs with two active electrodes of the same polarity modulates bilateral cognitive processes differentially. PLOS One, 8(8), e71607.

Klein, E., Moeller, K., Glauche, V., Weiller, C. & Willmes, K. (2013). Processing pathways in mental arithmetic - Evidence from probabilistic fiber tracking. PloS ONE, 8(1), e55455.

Klein, E., Moeller, K. & Willmes, K. F. (2013). A neural disconnection hypothesis on impaired numerical processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Online Journal), 7, No. 663.

Klein, E., Moeller, K., Zinsberger, D., Zauner, H., Wood, G., Willmes, K., Haider, C., Gassner, A. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2013). Object-based neglect in number processing. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 9, No. 5.

Kleine-Katthöfer, M., Jacobs, N., Willmes, K., Huber, W. & Schattka, K. (2013). CIAT mal anders: Kollokationen im Paar- und Quartettformat (CIAT-COLLOC). Eine Evaluation sprachsystematischer und pragmatisch-kommunikativer Aspekte bei aphasischen Patienten in Einzel- und Gruppentherapie. Forum Logopädie, 27(6), 18-22.

Koten, J. W., Langner, R., Wood, G. & Willmes, K. (2013). Are Reaction Times Obtained During fMRI Scanning Reliable and Valid Measures of Behavior? Experimental Brain Research, 227(1), 93-100.

Marré, H., Klann, J., Petrelli, A., Kaesberg, S., Willmes, K. & Kalbe, E. (2013). Der Einfluss von NEUROvitalis auf sprachrelevante kognitive Leistungen von Patienten mit idiopathischem Parkinsonsyndrom (IPS). Sprache Stimme Gehör, 37(Supplement 1), e39-e40.

Moeller, K., Klein, E., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2013). Magnitude representation in sequential comparison of two-digit numbers is not holistic either. Cognitive Processing, 14(1), 51-62.

Moura, R., Wood, G., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Lonnemann, J., Krinzinger, H., Willmes, K. & Haase, V. (2013). Transcoding abilities in typical and atypical mathematics achievers: The role of working memory and procedural and lexical competencies. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116(3), 707-727.

Nuerk, H.-C., Moeller, K. & Willmes, K. (2013). Multi-digit number processing - Overview, conceptual clarifications, and language influences. In R. Cohen Kadosh & A. Dowker (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Ochtrup, M.-T., Rath, D., Klein, E., Krinzinger, H., Willmes, K. & Domahs, F. (2013). Are number words fundamentally different? A qualitative analysis of aphasic errors in word and number word production. International Journal of Speech & Language Pathology and Audiology, 1, 12-28.

Sturm, W., Thimm, M., Binkofski, F., Horoufchin, H., Fink, G. R., Kuest, J., Karbe, H. & Willmes, K. F. (2013). Combined space and alertness related therapy of visual hemineglect: Effect of therapy frequency. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Online Journal), 7, No. 373.

Ziethe, A., Springer, L., Willmes, K. & Kröger, B. J. (2013). Untersuchung zur Kernsymptomatik bei Kindern mit einer kindlichen Sprechapraxie im Alter von 4-7 Jahren. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 37(4), 210-214.

Alpermann, A., Huber, W., Natke, U. & Willmes, K. (2012). Construct validity of modified time-interval analysis in measuring stuttering and trained speaking patterns. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 37, 42-53.

Blömer, F., Pesch, A., Willmes, K., Huber, W., Springer, L. & Abel, S. (2012). SAPS - Sprachsystematisches Aphasiescreening. Tests Info.

Blömer, F., Zilger, A., Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Abel, S. (2012). Neue Wege in der Aphasiediagnostik - Erste Evaluierung des sprachsystematischen Aphasiescreenings (SAPS). Sprache Stimme Gehör, 36(Supplement 1), e34-e35.

Domahs, F., Klein, E., Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C., Yoon, B. C. & Willmes, K. (2012). Multimodal semantic quantity representations: Further evidence from Korean sign language. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 2, No. 389.

Eckers, C., Forge, S., Kob, M., Kröger, B. J. & Willmes, K. (2012). Effekt eines Singseminars auf die Sing- und Sprechstimme. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 36(Supplement 1), e22-e23.

Ferreira, F. O., Wood, G., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Lonnemann, J., Krinzinger, H., Willmes, K. & Haase, V. G. (2012). Explaining school mathematics performance from symbolic and nonsymbolic magnitude processing: similarities and differences between typical and low-achieving children. Psychology & Neuroscience, 5(1), 37-46.

Friede, S., Hußmann, K., Gröne, B., Müller, K., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2012). Langzeitverlauf der Aphasie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 36(Supplement 1), e38-e39.

Hussmann, K., Grande, M., Meffert, E., Christoph, S., Piefke, M., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2012). Computer-assisted analysis of spontaneous speech: quantification of basic parameters in aphasic and unimpaired language. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 26(8), 661-680.

Hütz, D., Costa, A., Willmes, K. & Abel, S. (2012). Störungsspezifische Sprachtherapie bei Alzheimer-Demenz. NeuroGeriatrie, 9(3), 112-118.

Kleine-Katthöfer, M., Jacobs, N., Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Schattka, K. (2012). CIAT-COLLOC: Einzel- vs. Gruppentherapie bei Aphasie. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 36(Supplement 1), e36-e37.

Kraus, T., Gube, M., Lang, J., Esser, A., Sturm, W., Fimm, B., Willmes, K., Neulen, J., Baron, J. M., Merk, H., Schettgen, T., Konrad, K., Deisz, S., Rink, L., Hagmann, M., Fillies, B., Zschiesche, W., Wittsiepe, J. & Wilhelm, M. (2012). Surveillance Program for Former PCB-Exposed Workers of a Transformer and Capacitor Recycling Company, Family Members, Employees of Surrounding Companies, and Area Residents-Executive Summary. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 75(19-20), 1241-1247.

Krinzinger, H., Kaufmann, L., Gregoire, J., Desoete, A., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2012). Gender differences in the development of numerical skills in four European countries. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 4(1), 62-77.

Krinzinger, H., Wood, G. & Willmes, K. (2012). What accounts for individual and gender differences in the multi-digit number processing of primary school children? Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 220(2), 78-89.

Lange, I., Grande, M., Willmes, K., Kastrau, F., Fimm, B., Heim, S. & Huber, W. (2012). Charakteristiken der flüssigen und der nicht-flüssigen primär progressiven Aphasie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 23(1), 7-18.

Langner, R., Kellermann, T., Eickhoff, S. B., Boers, F., Chatterjee, A., Willmes, K. & Sturm, W. (2012). StayingrResponsive to the world: Modality-specific and -nonspecific contributions to speeded auditory, tactile, and visual stimulus detection. Human Brain Mapping, 33(2), 398-418.

Nuerk, H.-C., Klein, E. & Willmes, K. (2012). Zahlenverarbeitung und Rechnen. In F. Schneider & G. Fink (Hrsg.), Funktionelle MRT in Psychiatrie und Neurologie (S. 443-455). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Ruland, A., Willmes, K. & Günther, T. (2012). Zusammenhang zwischen Aufmerksamkeitsdefiziten und Lese-Rechtschreibschwäche. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 21(1), 57-63.

Schmitz, P., Willmes, K., Grande, M. & Rausch, M. (2012). Erfassung von Sprachverstehenskontrollprozessen. Comprehension Monitoring bei Kindern im Alter von 3;6 bis 4;11 Jahren. Forum Logopädie, 26(1), 6-12.

Schumann, B., Büßelberg, N., Stanschus, S., Willmes, K., Andres, F. & Binkofski, F. (2012). Risikofaktoren für Pneumonie bei akuten Schlaganfallpatienten mit Dysphagie. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 36(Supplement 1), e20-e21.

Weisse, K., Willmes, K. & Ablinger, I. (2012). Blickbewegungsbasierte Dyslexietherapie. Welche Leseroute sollte bei erworbenen Dyslexien trainiert werden? Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 36(Supplement 1), e32-e33.

Willmes, K. & Fimm, B. (2012). Visuelles System und Objektverarbeitung. In F. Schneider & G. Fink (Hrsg.), Funktionelle MRT in Psychiatrie und Neurologie (S. 319-343). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Willmes, K., Klein, E. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2012). Akalkulie. In F. Schneider & G. Fink (Hrsg.), Funktionelle MRT in Psychiatrie und Neurologie (S. 577-586). Berlin: Springer.

Wood, G., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Julio-Costa, A., Micheli, L. R., Krinzinger, H., Kaufmann, L., Willmes, K. & Haase, V. G. (2012). Math Anxiety Questionnaire: Similar latent structure in Brazilian and German school children. Child Development Research, Article ID 610192.

Clemens, B., Zvyagintsev, M., Sack, A., Heinecke, A., Willmes, K. & Sturm, W. (2011). Revealing the functional neuroanatomy of intrinsic alertness using fMRI: Methodological peculiarities. PLoS ONE, 6(9), No. e25453.

Costa, A. J., Lopes Silva, J. B., Pinheiro Chagas, P., Krinzinger, H., Lonneman, J., Willmes, K., Wood, G. & Haase, V. G. (2011). A hand full of numbers: A role for offloading in arithmetics learning? Frontiers in Psychology, 2, Article 368.

Klein, E., Moeller, K., Willmes, K., Nuerk, H.-C. & Domahs, F. (2011). The influence of implicit hand-based representations on mental arithmetic. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, Article 197.

Koten, Jan Willem, Jr., Lonnemann, J., Willmes, K. & Knops, A. (2011). Micro and macro pattern analyses of fMRI data support both early and late interaction of numerical and spatial information. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5, No. 115.

Krinzinger, H., Gregoire, J., Desoete, A., Kaufmann, L., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2011). Differential language effects on numerical skills in second grade. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(4), 614-629.

Krinzinger, H., Koten, J. W., Hennemann, J., Schueppen, A., Sahr, K., Arndt, D., Konrad, K. & Willmes, K. (2011). Sensitivity, reproducibility, and reliability of self-paced versus fixed stimulus presentation in an fMRI study on exact, non-symbolic arithmetic in typically developing children aged between 6 and 12 years. Developmental Neuropsychology, 36(6), 721-740.

Krinzinger, H., Koten, J. W., Horoufchin, H., Kohn, N., Arndt, D., Sahr, K., Konrad, K. & Willmes, K. (2011). The role of finger representations and saccades for number processing: An fMRI study in children. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, Article 373.

Langner, R., Kellermann, T., Boers, F., Sturm, W., Willmes, K. & Eickhoff, S. B. (2011). Modality-specific perceptual expectations selectively modulate baseline activity in auditory, somatosensory, and visual cortices. Cerebral Cortex, 21(12), 2850-2862.

Moeller, K., Huber, S., Nuerk, H.- .- C. & Willmes, K. (2011). Two-digit number processing: Holistic, decomposed or hybrid? A computational modelling approach. Psychological Research, 75(4), 290-306.

Moeller, K., Klein, E., Fischer, M. H., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2011). Representation of multiplication facts - Evidence for partial verbal coding. Behavioral and Brain Functions (Online Journal), 7, No. 25.

Nuerk, H.-C., Moeller, K., Klein, E., Willmes, K. & Fischer, M. H. (2011). Extending the mental n line: A review of multi-digit number processing. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/ Journal of Psychology, 219(1), 3-22.

Nuerk, H.-C., Willmes, K. & Fischer, M. H. (2011). Editorial: Multi-digit number processing. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/ Journal of Psychology, 219(1), 1-2.

Nuerk, H.-C., Moeller, K., Klein, E., Willmes, K. & Fischer, M. H. (2011). Extending the mental number line. A review of multi-digit number processing. Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 219(1), 3-22.

Sturm, W., Fimm, B. & Willmes, K. (2011). Neuropsychologische Diagnostik. In L. F. Hornke, M. Amelang & M. Kersting (Hrsg.), Grundfragen und Anwendungsfelder psychologischer Diagnostik (S. 555-581). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Sturm, W., Schnitker, R., Grande, M., Huber, W. & Willmes, K. (2011). Common networks for selective auditory attention for sounds and words? An fMRI study with implications for attention rehabilitation. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 29(2), 73-83.

Wilhelm, C., Marx, I., Konrad, K., Willmes, K., Holtkamp, K., Vloet, T. & Herpertz-Dahlmann, B. (2011). Differential patterns of disordered eating in subjects with ADHD and overweight. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 12(Supplement1), 118-123.

Alpermann, A., Huber, W., Natke, U. & Willmes, K. (2010). Measurement of trained speech patterns in stuttering: Interjudge and intrajudge agreement of experts by means of modified time-interval analysis. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 35(3), 299-313.

Berendes, K., Schnitzler, C. D., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2010). Die Bedeutung von Phonembewusstheit und semantisch-lexikalischen Fähigkeiten für Schriftsprachleistungen in der Grundschule. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 34(3), 165-172.

Code, C., Torney, A., Gildea-Howardine, E. & Willmes, K. (2010). Outcome of a one-month therapy intensive for chronic aphasia: Variable individual responses. Seminars in Speech and Language, 31(1), 21-33.

Domahs, F., Moeller, K., Huber, S., Willmes, K. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2010). Embodied numerosity: Implicit hand-based representations influence symbolic number processing across cultures. Cognition, 116(2), 251-266.

Fehr, T., Weber, J., Willmes, K. & Herrmann, M. (2010). Neural correlates in exceptional mental arithmetic - About the neural architecture of prodigious skills. Neuropsychologia, 48(5), 1407-1416.

Grande, M., Tschierse, J., Meffert, E., Huber, W., Wilms, M., Willmes, K. & Heim, S. (2010). Eine Leseschwäche, viele Ursachen - Kognitive Subtypen der Entwicklungsdyslexie. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 34(3), e34-e41.

Kawohl, W., Bunse, S., Willmes, K., Hoffrogge, A., Buchner, H. & Huber, W. (2010). Semantic event-related potential components reflect severity of comprehension deficits in aphasia. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24(3), 282-289.

Keim, S., Eberhardt, K., Klein, E., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2010). What letters can "learn" from numbers or writing Y with a cocktail glas - A single case fMRI study of peripheral frontal agraphia. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 6, 156-157.

Klein, E., Moeller, K., Dressel, K., Domahs, F., Wood, G., Willmes, K. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2010). To carry or not to carry - Is this the question? Disentangling the carry effect in multi-digit addition. Acta Psychologica, 135(1), 67-76.

Klein, E., Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2010). On the neuro-cognitive foundations of basic auditory number processing: An fMRI study. Behavioral and Brain Functions (Online Journal), 6(42).

Klein, E., Willmes, K., Dressel, K., Domahs, F., Wood, G., Nuerk, H.-C. & Moeller, K. (2010). Categorical and continuous - Disentangling the neural correlates of the carry effect in multi-digit addition. Behavioral and Brain Functions (Online Journal), 6:70.

Krinzinger, H. & Willmes, K. (2010). Berufsbezogene neuropsychologische Diagnostik betreffs Zahlenverarbeitung und Rechnen bei Aphasie - Herr G., 48 Jahre. In K. D. Kubinger & T. M. Ortner (Hrsg.), Psychologische Diagnostik in Fallbeispielen (S. 488-494). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Langner, R., Steinborn, M. B., Chatterjee, A., Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (2010). Mental fatigue and temporal preparation in simple reaction-time performance. Acta Psychologica, 133(1), 64-72.

Langner, R., Willmes, K., Chatterjee, A., Eickhoff, S. B. & Sturm, W. (2010). Energetic effects of stimulus intensity on prolonged simple reaction-time performance. Psychological Research, 74(5), 499-512.

Lauterbach, M., da Costa, R. G., Leal, G., Willmes, K. & Martins, I. P. (2010). Recovering from acquired childhood aphasia (ACA)-20 years later, learning about the neuroplasticity of language. Behavioural Neurology, 23(4), 195-197.

Meffert, E., Grande, M., Hußmann, K., Christoph, S., Willmes, K., Piefke, M. & Huber, W. (2010). Basisparameter ungestörter Spontansprache: Voraussetzung für die Aphasiediagnostik. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 34(3), e16-e24.

Willmes, K. (2010). The methodological and statistical foundations of neuropsychological assessment. In J. M. Gurd, U. Kischka & J. C. Marshall (Eds.), The handbook of clinical neuropsychology (pp. 28-49). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bateman, A., Teasdale, T. W. & Willmes, K. (2009). Assessing construct validity of the self-rating version of the European Brain Injury Questionnaire (EBIQ) using Rasch analysis. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 19(6), 941-954.

Claros-Salinas, D., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2009). Störungen der Zahlenverarbeitung. In W. Sturm, M. Herrmann & T. F. Münte (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie. Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie (S. 619-640). Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Green, A., Straube, B., Weis, S., Jansen, A., Willmes, K., Konrad, K. & Kircher, T. (2009). Neural integration of iconic and unrelated coverbal gestures: A functional MRI study. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 3309-3324.

Heim, S., Amunts, K., Wilms, M., Vossel, S., Bay, E., Tschierse, J., Grande, M., Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Grabowska, A. (2009). Cognitive subtypes of dyslexia. In K. Alter, M. Horne, M. Lindgren, M. Roll & J. von Koss Torkildsen (Eds.), Brain talk: Discourse with and in the brain. Papers from the first Birgit Rausing Language Program Conference in Linguistics, Lund, June 2008 (pp. 289-304). Lund: Lund University Press.

Kaufmann, L., Nuerk, H.-C., Graf, M., Krinzinger, H., Delazer, M. & Willmes, K. (2009). TEDI-MATH - Test zur Erfassung numerisch-rechnerischer Fertigkeiten vom Kindergarten bis zur 3. Klasse (PSYNDEX Tests Info) [Zahlenverarbeitungs- und Rechentest Tedi-Math]. Bern: Huber.

Kircher, T., Straube, B., Leube, D., Weis, S., Sachs, O., Willmes, K., Konrad, K. & Green, A. (2009). Neural interaction of speech and gesture: Differential activations of metaphoric co-verbal gestures. Neuropsychologia, 47(1), 169-179.

Klein, E., Nuerk, H.-C., Wood, G., Knops, A. & Willmes, K. (2009). The exact vs. approximate distinction in numerical cognition may not be exact, but only approximate: How different processes work together in multi-digit addition. Brain and Cognition, 69(2), 369-381.

Koten, Jan Willem, Jr., Wood, G., Hagoort, P., Goebel, R., Propping, P., Willmes, K. & Boomsma, D. I. (2009). Genetic Contribution to Variation in Cognitive Function: An fMRI Study in Twins. Science, 323(5922), 1737-1740.

Krinzinger, H., Kaufmann, L. & Willmes, K. (2009). Math anxiety and math ability in early primary school years. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 27(3), 206-225.

Moeller, K., Fischer, M. H., Nuerk, H.- .- C. & Willmes, K. (2009). Eye fixation behaviour in the number bisection task: Evidence for temporal specificity. Acta Psychologica, 131(3), 209-220.

Moeller, K., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2009). Internal number magnitude representation is not holistic, either. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21(5), 672-685.

Moeller, K., Fischer, M. H., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2009). Sequential or parallel decomposed processing of two-digit numbers? Evidence from eye-tracking. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(2), 323-334.

Poschadel, S., Falkenstein, M., Pappachan, P., Poll, E. & Willmes, K. (Hrsg.). (2009). Testverfahren zur psychometrischen Leistungsprüfung der Fahreignung. Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen: Mensch und Sicherheit, Heft M 203. Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW.

Radermacher, I., Darkow, R., Hußmann, K., Huber, W., Römer, A., Willmes, K., Kröger, B. J., Euler, H. A., Wolff v. Gudenberg, A., Jung, K., Neumann, K. & Hartmann, E. (2009). Themenschwerpunkt: Computereinsatz in der Sprach-, Sprech- und Schriftsprachtherapie. (Mit 6 Einzelbeiträgen). Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 33(4), 166-211.

Römer, A., Willmes, K. & Kröger, B. J. (2009). Erprobung des audiovisuellen Feedbackprogramms CoKo (computergestützter Sprechkorrektor) in der Sigmatismustherapie. Sprache Stimme Gehör, 33(4), 186-192.

Specht, K., Zahn, R., Willmes, K., Weis, S., Holtel, C., Krause, B. J., Herzog, H. & Huber, W. (2009). Joint independent component analysis of structural and functional images reveals complex patterns of functional reorganisation in stroke aphasia. NeuroImage, 47(4), 2057-2063.

Sturm, W., Thimm, M., Fink, G., Küst, J., Karbe, H. & Willmes, K. (2009). Raum- vs. aufmerksamkeitsbezogene Therapie bei Halbseiten-Neglekt: Ein Vergleich mithilfe von Verhaltens- und Bildgebungsdaten. Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie, 10(2), 56-60.

Thimm, M., Fink, G. R., Küst, J., Karbe, H., Willmes, K. & Sturm, W. (2009). Recovery from hemineglect: Differential neurobiological effects of optokinetic stimulation and alertness training. Cortex, 45(7), 850-862.

Willmes, K. (2009). Kognitive Modelle in der Neuropsychologie. In W. Sturm, M. Herrmann & T. F. Münte (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie. Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie (S. 115-130). Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Willmes, K. (2009). Statistische und psychometrische Aspekte in der Neuropsychologie. In W. Sturm, M. Herrmann & T. F. Münte (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie. Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik, Therapie (S. 275-299). Heidelberg: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Zaunmüller, L., Domahs, F., Dressel, K., Lonnemann, J., Klein, E., Ischebeck, A. & Willmes, K. (2009). Rehabilitation of arithmetic fact retrieval via extensive practice: A combined fMRI and behavioural case-study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 19(3), 422-443.

Domahs, F., Krinzinger, H. & Willmes, K. (2008). Mind the gap between both hands: Evidence for internal finger-based number representations in children's mental calculation. Cortex, 44(4), 359-367.

Grande, M., Hussmann, K., Bay, E., Christoph, S., Piefke, M., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2008). Basic parameters of spontaneous speech as a sensitive method for measuring change during the course of aphasia. International Journal of Language & Communication Design, 43(4), 408-426.

Heim, S., Tschierse, J., Amunts, K., Wilms, M., Vossel, S., Willmes, K., Grabowska, A. & Huber, W. (2008). Subtypes of dyslexia. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (Wars.), 68(1), 73-82.

Heim, S., Tschierse, J., Amunts, K., Wilms, M., Vossel, S., Willmes, K., Grabowska, A. & Huber, W. (2008). Cognitive subtypes of dyslexia. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 68(1), 73-82.

Hövels-Gürich, H.H., Bauer, S. B., Schnitker, R., Willmes, K., Messmer, B. J., Seghaye, M.-C. & Huber, W. (2008). Long-term outcome of speech and language in children after corrective surgery for cyanotic or acyanotic cardiac defects in infancy. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 12, 378-386.

Huckauf, A., Knops, A., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2008). Semantic processing of crowded stimuli? Psychological Research, 72(6), 648-656.

Husmann, K., Grande, M., Bay, E., Christoph, S., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2008). Quantitative Analyse anhand linguistischer Basisparameter zur Status- und Verlaufsdiagnostik aphasischer Spontansprache. Bulletin Aphasie und verwandte Gebiete, 23(2), 23-35.

Lonnemann, J., Krinzinger, H., Knops, A. & Willmes, K. (2008). Spatial representations of numbers in children and their connection with calculation abilities. Cortex, 44(4), 420-428.

Neufang, S., Fink, G. R., Herpertz-Dahlmann, B., Willmes, K. & Konrad, K. (2008). Developmental changes in neural activation and psychophysiological interaction patterns of brain regions associated with interference control and time perception. Neuroimage, 43(2), 399-409.

Niemann, H., Sturm, W., Thöne-Otto, A.I.T. & Willmes, K. (2008). CVLT - California Verbal Learning Test - deutschsprachige Adaptation. Tests Review.

Specht, K., Huber, W., Willmes, K., Shah, N. J. & Jäncke, L. (2008). Tracing the ventral stream for auditory speech processing in the temporal lobe by using a combined time series and independent component analysis. Neuroscience Letters, 442(3), 180-185.

Sprödefeld, A., Hussmann, K., Grande, M., Bay, E., Christoph, S., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2008). Der Einfluss der Erhebungsmethode auf die spontansprachliche Leistung bei Aphasie. Bulletin Aphasie und verwandte Gebiete, 23(2), 7-21.

Willmes, K. (2008). Acalculia. In G. Goldenberg & B. L. Miller (Eds.), Neuropsychology and behavioral neurology (pp. 339-358). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Wood, G., Nuerk, H.-C., Moeller, K., Geppert, B., Schnitker, R., Weber, J. & Willmes, K. (2008). All for one but not one for all: How multiple number representations are recruited in one numerical task. Brain Research, 1187, 154-166.

Wood, G., Nuerk, H.-C., Sturm, D. & Willmes, K. (2008). Using parametric regressors to disentangle properties of multi-feature processes. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 4(1), No. 38, 12 Seiten.

Wood, G., Willmes, K., Nuerk, H.-C. & Fischer, M. H. (2008). On the cognitive link between space and number: A meta-analysis of the SNARC effect. Psychology Science Quarterly, 50(4), 489-525.

Abel, S., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2007). Model-oriented naming therapy: Testing predictions of a connectionist model. Aphasiology, 21(5), 411-447.

Domahs, F., Domahs, U., Schlesewsky, M., Ratinckx, E., Verguts, T., Willmes, K. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2007). Neighborhood consistency in mental arithmetic: Behavioral and ERP evidence. Behavioral and Brain Functions (Online Journal), 3.

Herpertz, S. C., Vloet, T., Mueller, B., Domes, G., Willmes, K. & Herpertz-Dahlmann, B. (2007). Similar autonomic responsivity in boys with conduct disorder and their fathers. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(4), 535-544.

Huber, W., Willmes, K., Springer, L. & Sturm, W. (2007). In memoriam: Professor Klaus Poeck. Neuropsychologica, 45(2), 207-208.

Kaufmann, L., Nuerk, H.-C., Konrad, K. & Willmes, K. (Hrsg.). (2007). Kognitive Entwicklungsneuropsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Korvorst, M., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2007). The hands have it: Number representations in adult deaf signers. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 12(3), 362-372.

Krinzinger, H., Kaufmann, L., Dowker, A., Thomas, G., Graf, M., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2007). FRA - Fragebogen für Rechenangst für 6- bis 9-jährige Kinder. Kurznachweis. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 35(5), 341-351.

Krinzinger, H., Kaufmann, L., Dowker, A., Thomas, G., Graf, M., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2007). Deutschsprachige Version des Fragebogens für Rechenangst (FRA) für 6- bis 9-jährige Kinder. Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 35(5), 341-351.

Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2007). Zahlenverarbeitung und Rechnen. In F. Schneider & G. R. Fink (Hrsg.), Funktionelle MRT in Psychiatrie und Neurologie (S. 321-332). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Rupp, S., Rausch, M., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2007). Modellgeleitete Diagnostik bei lexikalischen Spracherwerbsstörungen. Forum Logopädie, 21(5), 22-31.

Sugiura, M., Friston, K. J., Willmes, K., Shah, N. J., Zilles, K. & Fink, G. R. (2007). Analysis of intersubject variability in activation: An application to the incidental episodic retrieval during recognition test. Human Brain Mapping, 28, 49-58.

Vohn, R., Fimm, B., Weber, J., Schnitker, R., Thron, A., Spijkers, W., Willmes, K. & Sturm, W. (2007). Management of attentional resources in within-modal and cross-modal divided attention task: An fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping, 28(12), 1267-1275.

Willmes, K. & Fimm, B. (2007). Visuelles System und Objektverarbeitung. In F. Schneider & G. R. Fink (Hrsg.), Funktionelle MRT in Psychiatrie und Neurologie (S. 235-253). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Willmes, K. & Nuerk, H.-C. (2007). Akalkulie. In F. Schneider & G. Fink (Hrsg.), Funktionelle MRT in Psychiatrie und Neurologie (S. 443-449). Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Ablinger Irene, Weniger, D. & Willmes, K. (2006). Treating number transcoding difficulties in a chronic aphasic patient. Aphasiology, 20(1), 37-58.

Amunts, K. & Willmes, K. (2006). Commentary: From intersubject variability in clinical syndromes to anatomical variability. Brain and Language, 96(2), 147-150.

Benke, T., Köylü, B., Visani, P., Karner, E., Brenneis, C., Bartha, L., Trinka, E., Trieb, T., Felber, S., Bauer, G., Chemelli, A. & Willmes, K. (2006). Language lateralization in temporal lobe epilepsy: A comparison between fMRI and the Wada test. Epilepsia, 47(8), 1308-1319.

Fimm, B., Willmes, K. & Spijkers, W. (2006). The effect of low arousal on visuo-spatial attention. Neuropsychologia, 44(8), 1261-1268.

Hacke, W., Huber, W., Ringelstein, B., Hartje, W., Zeumer, H. & Willmes, K. (2006). Obituary to Prof. Klaus Poeck, MD, FRSM, FRCP. Journal of Neurology, 253(10), 1379-1380.

Iversen, W., Nuerk, H.-C., Jäger, L. & Willmes, K. (2006). The influence of an external symbol system on number parity representation, or What's odd about 6? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13(4), 730-736.

Knops, A., Nuerk, H.-C., Fimm, B., Vohn, R. & Willmes, K. (2006). A special role for numbers in working memory? An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 29(1), 1-14.

Knops, A., Nuerk, H.-C., Sparing, R., Foltys, H. & Willmes, K. (2006). On the functional role of human parietal cortex in number processing: How gender mediates the impact of a "virtual lesion" induced by rTMS. Neuropsychologia, 44(12), 2270-2283.

Krings, T., Willmes, K., Becker, R., Meister, I. G., Hans, F. J., Reinges, M. H. T., Mull, M. & Thron, A. (2006). Silent microemboli related to diagnostic cerebral angiography: A matter of operator's experience and patient's disease. Neuroradiology, 48(6), 387-393.

Krings, T., Noelchen, D., Mull, M., Willmes, K., Meister, I. G., Reinacher, P., Toepper, R. & Thron, A. K. (2006). The hyperdense posterior cerebral artery sign. A computed tomography marker of acute ischemia in the posterior cerebral artery territory. Stroke, 37(2), 399-403.

Mottaghy, F. M., Willmes, K., Horwitz, B., Müller, H.-W., Krause, B. J. & Sturm, W. (2006). Systems level modeling of a neuronal network subserving intrinsic alertness. NeuroImage, 29(1), 225-233.

Nuerk, H.-C., Graf, M. & Willmes, K. (2006). Grundlagen der Zahlenverarbeitung und des Rechnens. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör, 30(4), 147-153.

Ratinckx, E., Nuerk, H.-C., van Dijck, J.-P. & Willmes, K. (2006). Effects of interhemispheric communication on two-digit Arabic number processing. Cortex, 42(8), 1128-1137.

Saur, D., Lange, R., Baumgaertner, A., Schraknepper, V., Willmes, K., Rijntjes, M. & Weiller, C. (2006). Dynamics of language reorganization after stroke. Brain, 129(6), 1371-1384.

Sturm, W., Schmenk, B., Fimm, B., Specht, K., Weis, S., Thron, A. & Willmes, K. (2006). Spatial attention: more than intrinsic alerting? Experimental Brain Research, 171(1), 16-25.

Willmes, K. (2006). Akalkulie. In H.-O. Karnath, W. Hartje & W. Ziegler (Eds.), Kognitive Neurologie (pp. 84-95). Stuttgart: Thieme.

Willmes, K. (2006). Mathematische Leistungen und Akalkulien. In H.-O. Karnath & P. Thier (Hrsg.), Neuropsychologie (S. 400-422). Heidelberg: Springer.

Wood, G., Nuerk, H. C., Freitas, P., Freitas, G. & Willmes, K. (2006). What do semi-illiterate adults know about 2-digit arabic numbers? Cortex, 42(1), 48-56.

Wood, G., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2006). Crossed hands and the SNARC effect: A failure to replicate Dehaene, Bossini and Giraux (1993). Cortex, 42(8), 1069-1079.

Wood, G., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2006). Neural representations of two-digit numbers: A parametric fMRI study. NeuroImage, 29(2), 358-367.

Wood, G., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2006). Variability of the SNARC effect: Systematic interindividual differences or just random error? Cortex, 42(8), 1119-1123.

Christensen, A.-L., Svendsen, H. & Willmes, K. (2005). Subjective experience in brain-injured patients and their close relatives: European Brain Injury Questionnaire studies. Acta Neuropsychologica, 3(1-2), 60-68.

Meister, I. G., Weidemann, J., Foltys, H., Brand, H., Willmes, K., Krings, T., Thron, A., Töpper, R. & Boroojerdi, B. (2005). The neural correlate of very-long-term picture priming. European Journal of Neuroscience, 21(4), 1101-1106.

Nuerk, H. C., Willmes, K. & Fias, W. (2005). Perspectives on number processing: editorial. Psychology Science, 47, 4-9.

Nuerk, H.-C., Bauer, F., Krummenacher, J., Heller, D. & Willmes, K. (2005). The power of the mental number line: how the magnitude of unattended numbers affects performance in an Eriksen task. Psychology Science, 47(1), 34-50.

Nuerk, H.-C., Weger, U. & Willmes, K. (2005). Language effects in magnitude comparison: Small, but not irrelevant. Brain and Language, 92(3), 262-277.

Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2005). On the magnitude representations of two-digit numbers. Psychology Science, 47(1), 52-72.

Nuerk, H.-C., Wood, G. & Willmes, K. (2005). The universal SNARC effect. The association between number magnitude and space is amodal. Experimental Psychology, 52(3), 187-194.

Reinges, M. H. T., Krings, T., Rohde, V., Hans, F.-J., Willmes, K., Thron, A. & Gilsbach, J. M. (2005). Prospective demonstration of short-term motor plasticity following acquired central pareses. NeuroImage, 24(4), 1248-1255.

Valvoda, J. T., Kuhlen, T., Wolter, M., Armbrüster, C., Spijkers, W., Vohn, R., Sturm, W., Fimm, B., Graf, M., Heber, I. A., Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2005). NeuroMan: A comprehensive software system for neuropsychological experiments. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 8(4), 366-367.

Dammert, S., Krings, T., Moller-Hartmann, W., Ueffing, E., Hans, F. J., Willmes, K., Mull, M. & Thron, A. (2004). Detection of intracranial aneurysms with multislice CT: Comparison with conventional angiography. Neuroradiology, 46(6), 427-434.

Kosinski, C. M., Mull, M., Schwarz, M., Koch, B., Biniek, R., Schläfer, J., Milkereit, E., Willmes, K. & Schiefer, J. (2004). Do normal D-dimer levels reliably exclude cerebral sinus thrombosis? Stroke, 35, 2820-2825.

Nuerk, H.-C. & Willmes, K. (2004). Externe und interne Repräsentationen von Zahlen und ihre Beeinflussung durch sprachliche Struktur. In E. Linz & L. Jäger (Hrsg.), Medialität und Mentalität (S. 251-274). München: Fink.

Nuerk, H.-C., Iversen, W. & Willmes, K. (2004). Notational modulation of the SNARC and the MARC (linguistic markedness of response codes) effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology - A, 57(5), 835-863.

Nuerk, H.-C., Weger, U. & Willmes, K. (2004). On the perceptual generality of the unit-decade compatibility effect. Experimental Psychology, 51(1), 72-79.

Nuerk, H.-C., Zoppoth, S., Kaufmann, L. & Willmes, K. (2004). On the development of the mental number line: More, less, or never holistic with increasing age? Developmental Psychology, 40(6), 1199-1211.

Sturm, W., Longoni, F., Fimm, B., Dietrich, T., Weis, S., Kemna, S., Herzog, H. & Willmes, K. (2004). Network for auditory intrinsinc alertness: A PET study. Neuropsychologia, 42(5), 563-568.

Sturm, W., Longoni, F., Weis, S., Specht, K., Herzog, H., Vohn, R., Thimm, M. & Willmes, K. (2004). Functional reorganisation in patients with right hemisphere stroke after training of alertness: a longitudinal PET and fMRI study in eight cases. Neuropsychologia, 42(4), 434-450.

Weis, S., Specht, K., Klaver, P., Tendolkar, I., Willmes, K., Ruhlmann, J., Elger, C. E. & Fernandez, G. (2004). Process dissociation between contextual retrieval and item recognition. NeuroReport, 15(18), 2729-2733.

Willmes, K. (2004). Permutations- und Randomisierungstests. In E. Erdfelder & J. Funke (Hrsg.), Allgemeine Psychologie und deduktivistische Methodologie (S. 167-190). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Zahn, R., Drews, E., Specht, K., Kemeny, S., Reith, W., Willmes, K., Schwarz, M. & Huber, W. (2004). Recovery of semantic word processing in global aphasia: A functional MRI study. Cognitive Brain Research, 18(3), 322-336.

Daumann, J., Fimm, B., Willmes, K., Thron, A. & Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, E. (2003). Cerebral activation in abstinent ecstasy (MDMA) users during a working memory task: A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Cognitive Brain Research, 16(3), 479-487.

Engell, B., Hütter, B.-O., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2003). Quality of life in aphasia: Validation of a pictorial self-rating procedure. Aphasiology, 17(4), 383-396.

Foltys, H., Meister, I. G., Weidemann, J., Sparing, R., Thron, A., Willmes, K., Töpper, R., Hallett, M. & Boroodjerdi, B. (2003). Power grip disinhibits the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex: a TMS and fMRI study. NeuroImage, 19, 332-340.

Grote, K. A. E. & Willmes, K. (2003). Do organizational principles in the mental lexicon influence picture categorization? In A. Baker, B. van den Bogaerde & O. Crasborn (Eds.), Cross-linguistic perspectives in sign language research. Selected papers from TISLR 2000 (pp. 283-305). Hamburg: Signum Press.

Specht, K., Holtel, C., Zahn, R., Herzog, H., Krause, B. J., Mottaghy, F. M., Radermacher, I., Schmidt, D., Tellmann, L., Weis, S., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2003). Lexical decision of nonwords and pseudowords in humans: A positron emission tomography study. Neuroscience Letters, 345(3), 177-181.

Specht, K., Willmes, K., Shah, N. J. & Jäncke, L. (2003). Assessment of reliability in functional imaging studies. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 17(4), 463-471.

Willmes, K. (2003). Methodological and statistical foundations of neuropsychological assessment. In P. Halligan, U. Kischka & J. Marshall (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology (pp. 27-47). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Willmes, K. (2003). Neuropsychologische Diagnostik. In K. D. Kubinger & R. S. Jäger (Hrsg.), Schlüsselbegriffe der Psychologischen Diagnostik (S. 287-297). Weinheim: PVU.

Willmes, K. (2003). Some psychometric issues in aphasia therapy research. In I. Papathanasiou & R. de Bleser (Eds.), The sciences of aphasia: From therapy to theory (pp. 227-244). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Erberich, S. G., Willmes, K., Thron, A., Oberschelp, W. & Huang, H. K. (2002). Knowledge-based approach for functional MRI analysis by SOM neural network using prior labels from Talairach stereotaxic space. In A. V. Clough & C.-T. Chen (Eds.), Medical Imaging 2002: Physiology and function from multidimensional images, 23-28 February 2002 San Diego (pp. 363-373). San Diego CA: Proceedings of the SPIE.

Erkwoh, R., Willmes, K., Eming-Erdmann, A. & Kunert, H. J. (2002). Command hallucinations: Who obeys and who resists when? Psychopathology, 35, 272-279.

Klauer, K. J., Willmes, K. & Phye, G. D. (2002). Inducing inductive reasoning: Does it transfer to fluid intelligence? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 27, 1-25.

Krings, T., Reinges, M. H. T., Willmes, K., Nuerk, H. C., Meister, I. G., Gilsbach, J. M. & Thron, A. (2002). Factors related to the magnitude of T2* MR signal changes during functional imaging. Neuroradiology, 44(6), 459-466.

Krings, T., Töpper, R., Willmes, K., Reinges, M. H. T., Gilsbach, J. M. & Thron, A. (2002). Activation in primary and secondary motor areas in patients with CNS neoplasms and weaknesses. Neurology, 58(3), 381-390.

Nuerk, H.-C., Geppert, B. E., van Herten, M. & Willmes, K. (2002). On the impact of different number representations in the number bisection task. Cortex, 38(5), 691-715.

Nuerk, H.-C., Weger, U. & Willmes, K. (2002). A unit-decade compatibility effect in German number words. Current Psychology Letters: Behavior, Brain & Cognition, 7, 19-38.

Proios, H., Weniger, D. & Willmes, K. (2002). Number representation deficit: a bilingual case of failure to access written verbal numeral representations. Neuropsychologia, 40, 2341-2349.

Willmes, K. (2002). Mathematische Leistungen und Akalkulien. In H.-O. Karnath & P. Thier (Hrsg.), Neuropsychologie (S. 417-435). Heidelberg: Springer.

Willmes, K. (2002). Störungen der Zahlenverarbeitung. In W. Hartje & K. Poeck (Hrsg.), Klinische Neuropsychologie (S. 450-467). Stuttgart: Thieme.

Zahn, R., Huber, W., Drews, E., Specht, K., Kemeny, S., Reith, W., Willmes, K. & Schwarz, M. (2002). Recovery of semantic word processing in transcortical sensory aphasia: A functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging study. Neurocase, 8, 376-386.

Dietrich, T., Krings, T., Neulen, J., Willmes, K., Erberich, S., Thron, A. & Sturm, W. (2001). Effects of blood estrogen level on cortical activation patterns during cognitive activation as measured by functional MRI. NeuroImage, 13, 425-432.

Erberich, S. G., Liebert, M., Willmes, K., Thron, A. & Oberschelp, W. (2001). Analysis of event-related fMRI using non-linear regression self-organizing map neural network. In C.-T. Chen & A. V. Clough (Eds.), Medical Imaging 2001: Physiology and function from multidimensional images, 17-22 February 2001, San Diego (pp. 327-335). San Diego CA: Proceedings of the SPIE.

Erkwoh, R., Eming-Erdmann, A. & Willmes, K. (2001). Imperative akustische Halluzinationen bei Schizophrenie. Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie, 69(5), 203-210.

Herpertz, S. C., Dietrich, T. M., Wenning, B., Krings, T., Erberich, S. G., Willmes, K., Thron, A. & Sass, H. (2001). Evidence of abnormal amygdala functioning in borderline personality disorder: A functional MRI study. Biological Psychiatry, 50(4), 292-298.

Krings, T., Reinges, M. H. T., Erberich, S., Kemeny, S., Rohde, V., Spetzger, U., Korinth, M., Willmes, K., Gilsbach, J. M. & Thron, A. (2001). Functional MRI for presurgical planning: Problems, artefacts, and solution strategies. Journal of Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 70(6), 749-760.

Nuerk, H. C., Weger, U. & Willmes, K. (2001). Decade breaks in the mental n line? Putting the tens and units back in different bins. Cognition, 82, B25-B33.

Nuerk, H.-C., Weger, U. & Willmes, K. (2001). Decade breaks in the mental number line? Putting the tens and units back in different bins. Cognition, 82, B25-B33.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (2001). On the functional neuroanatomy of intrinsic and phasic alertness. NeuroImage, 14(1), S76-S84.

Weis, S., Grande, M., Pollrich, S., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (2001). Processing of homonyms: A functional MRI study on the separation of word forms from concepts. Cortex, 37(5), 745-749.

Buchner, H., Richrath, P., Grünholz, J., Noppeney, U., Waberski, T. D., Gobbelé, R., Willmes, K. & Treede, R.-D. (2000). Differential effects of pain and spatial attention on digit representation in the human primary somatosensory cortex. NeuroReport, 11(6), 1289-1293.

Claros Salinas, D. & Willmes K (2000). Störungen der Zahlenverarbeitung. In W. Sturm, M. Herrmann & C.-W. Wallesch (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie (S. 521-536). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Deloche, G. & Willmes, K. (2000). Cognitive neuropsychological models of adult calculation and number processing: the role of the surface format of numbers. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 9(Suppl. 6), II/27-II/40.

Erberich, S. G., Dietrich, T., Kemeny, S., Krings, T., Willmes, K., Thron, A. & Oberschelp, W. (2000). Analysis of short single rest/activation epoch fMRI by self-organizing map neural network. In C.-T. Chen & A. V. Clough (Eds.), Medical Imaging 2000: Physiology and function from multidimensional images, 12-18 February 2000 San Diego (pp. 258-264). San Diego CA: Proceedings of the SPIE.

Huber, W., Weis, S., Grande, M., Pollrich, S. & Willmes, K. (2000). Processing of homonyms: A functional MRI study on the separation of word forms from concepts. Brain and Language, 74(3), 409-411.

Krings, T., Töpper, R., Foltys, H., Erberich, S., Sparing, R., Willmes, K. & Thron, A. (2000). Cortical activation patterns during complex motor tasks in piano players and control subjects. A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience Letters, 278, 189-193.

Longoni, F., Sturm, W., Weis, S., Holtel, C., Specht, K., Herzog, H. & Willmes, K. (2000). Functional reorganization after training of alertness in two patients with right-hemisphere lesions. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 11(4), 250-261.

Miller, N., Willmes, K. & De Bleser, R. (2000). The psychometric properties of the English language version of the Aachen Aphasia Test (EAAT). Aphasiology, 14(7), 683-722.

Pracharitpukdee, N., Huber, W., Phanthumchinda, K. & Willmes, K. (2000). The Thai version of the German Aachen Aphasia Test (THAI-AAT). Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 83, 601-610.

Willmes, K. (2000). Statistische und psychometrische Aspekte in der Neuropsychologie. In W. Sturm, M. Herrmann & C.-W. Wallesch (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie (S. 229-249). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Willmes, K. (2000). Kognitive Modelle in der Neuropsychologie. In W. Sturm, M. Herrmann & C.-W. Wallesch (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Klinischen Neuropsychologie. Grundlagen, Methoden, Diagnostik Therapie (S. 82-95). Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Zahn, R., Huber, W., Drews, E., Erberich, S., Krings, T., Willmes, K. & Schwarz, M. (2000). Hemispheric lateralization at different levels of human auditory word processing: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience Letters, 287, 195-198.

Erberich, S. G., Fellenberg, M., Kemeny, S., Weis, S., Krings, T. & Willmes, K. (1999). Unüberwachte Zeitreihenanalyse von fMRT-Daten. In H. Evers, G. Glombitza, T. Lehmann & H.-P. Meinzer (Hrsg.), Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 1999. Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen. Proceedings des Workshops am 4. und 5. März 1999 in Heidelberg (S. 422-426). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Erberich, S. G., Fellenberg, M., Krings, T., Kemeny, S., Reith, W., Willmes, K. & Oberschelp, W. (1999). Unsupervised time course analysis of functional magnetic Resonance imaging (fMRI) using self-organizing maps (SOMs). In C.-T. Chen & A. V. Clough (Eds.), Medical Imaging 1999: Physiology and function from multidimensional images (pp. 19-26). San Diego CA: Proceedings of the SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering).

Erkwoh, R., Sabri, O., Willmes, K., Steinmeyer, E.-M., Büll, U. & Saß, H. (1999). Aspekte zerebraler Konnektivität bei Schizophrenie: Eine vergleichende rCBF-Studie von nie behandelten Schizophrenen vor und nach Medikation. Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie, 67, 318-326.

Erkwoh, R., Sabri, O., Willmes, K., Steinmeyer, E. M., Büll, U. & Saß, H. (1999). Active and remitted schizophrenia: psychopathological and regional cerebral blood flow findings. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Section, 90(1), 17-30.

Niemann, H., Köhler, S., Sturm, W., Willmes, K., Gottland, S. & Saß, C. (1999). Der California Verbal learning Test (CVLT): Daten zu einer autorisierten deutschen Version. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 10, 220-221.

Sabri, O., Zimny, M., Schulz, G., Schreckenberger, M., Reinartz, P., Willmes, K. & Buell, U. (1999). Success rate of radioiodine therapy in Graves' disease: The influence of thyrostatic medication. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 84(4), 1229-1233.

Schmidt, P., Krings, T., Willmes, K., Roessler, F., Reul, J. & Thron, A. (1999). Determination of cognitive hemispheric lateralization by "functional" transcranial Doppler cross-validated by functional MRI. Stroke, 30, 939-945.

Sturm, W., de Simone, A., Krause, B. J., Specht, K., Hesselmann, V., Radermacher, I., Herzog, H., Tellmann, L., Müller-Gärtner, H.-W. & Willmes, K. (1999). Functional anatomy of intrinsic alertness: evidence for a fronto-parietal-thalamic-brainstem network in the right hemisphere. Neuropsychologia, 37(7), 797-805.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1999). NVLT - Nonverbaler Lerntest. Tests Review.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1999). VLT - Verbaler Lerntest. Tests Review.

Willmes, K. (1999). Einige psychometrische und methodische Aspekte der Qualitätssicherung in der Neuropsychologie. In K. R. H. Von Wild, V. Hömberg & A. Ritz (Hrsg.), Das schädelhirnverletzte Kind. Motorische Therapie. Qualitätsmanagement (S. 298-302). München: W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag.

Miller, N., De Bleser, R. & Willmes, K. (1998). The English language version of the Aachen Aphasia Test. In W. Ziegler & K. Deger (Eds.), Clinical phonetics and linguistics (pp. 253-261). London: Whurr.

Pracharitpukdee, N., Phanthumchinda, K., Huber, W. & Willmes, K. (1998). The Thai version of the German Aachen Aphasia Test (AAT): Description of the test and performance in normal subjects. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 81(6), 402-412.

Willmes, K. (1998). Methodological and statistical considerations in cognitive neurolinguistics. In B. Stemmer & H. A. Whitaker (Eds.), Handbook of neurolinguistics (pp. 57-70). San Diego: Academic Press.

Bergego, C., Azouvi, P., Deloche, G., Samuel, C., Louis-Dreyfuss, A., Kaschel, R. & Willmes, K. (1997). Rehabilitation of unilateral neglect: A controlled multiple-baseline-across-subjects trial using computerised training procedures. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7(4), 279-294.

Huber, W., Willmes, K., Poeck, K., Van Vleymen, B. & Deberdt, W. (1997). Piracetam as an adjuvant to language therapy for aphasia: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled pilot study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 245-250.

Schmitt, J. J., Hartje, W. & Willmes, K. (1997). Hemispheric asymmetry in the recognition of emotional attitude conveyed by facial expression, prosody and propositional speech. Cortex, 33(1), 65-81.

Sturm, W., Willmes, K., Orgass, B. & Hartje, W. (1997). Do specific attention deficits need specific training? Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7(2), 81-103.

Teasdale, T. W., Christensen, A.-L., Willmes, K., Deloche, G., Braga, L., Stachowiak, F., Vendrell, J. M., Castro-Caldas, A., Laaksonen, R. K. & Leclercq, M. (1997). Subjective experience in brain-injured patients and their close relatives: A European Brain Injury Questionnaire study. Brain Injury, 11(8), 543-563.

Willmes, K. (1997). Testrezension zu: Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) von H. Kratzmeier & R. Horn. Weinheim: Beltz, 1988. Zeitschrift für Differentielle und Diagnostische Psychologie, 18, 117-119.

Willmes, K. & Deloche, G. (1997). Editorial: Methodological issues in neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7, 273-278.

Willmes, K. (1997). Application of polytomous Rasch models to the subtest written language of the Aachen Aphasia Test (AAT). In J. Rost & R. Langeheine (Eds.), Applications of latent trait and latent class models in the social sciences (pp. 127-137). Münster: Waxmann.

Becker, M., Sturm, W., Willmes, K. & Zimmermann, P. (1996). Normierungsstudie zur Aufmerksamkeitstestbatterie (TAP) von Zimmermann und Fimm. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 7(1), 3-15.

Bisiacchi, P. S. & Willmes, K. (1996). Approccio metodologico allo studio del caso singolo in neuropsicologia cognitiva. In P. Boscolo, F. Cristante, A. Dellantonio, A. Dellantonio & S. Soresi (Eds.), Aspetti qualitativi e quantitativi nella ricerca psicologica (pp. 15-18). Padova: Il Polografo.

Willmes, K. (1996). Neyman-Pearson-Theorie statistischen Testens. In E. Erdfelder, R. Mausfeld, T. Meiser & G. Rudinger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Quantitative Methoden (S. 109-122). Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union.

Motomura, N., Hartje, W., Redbrake, A. & Willmes, K. (1995). Sensorimotor learning in ideomotor apraxia. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 81, 1123-1129.

Reul, J., Weis, J., Jung, A., Willmes, K. & Thron, A. (1995). Central nervous system lesions and cervical disc herniations in amateur divers. Lancet, 345, 1403-1405.

Sabri, O., Hellwig, D., Kaiser, H. J., Doherty, C., Schneider, R., Mull, M., Willmes, K., Büll, U., Thron, A. & Ringelstein, E. B. (1995). Einfluss morphologischer Veränderungen auf Durchblutung und Stoffwechsel bei zerebraler Mikroangiopathie: Ein Vergleich von PET-, SPECT- und Kernspintomographie-Befunden [Effect of morphological changes on perfusion and metabolism in cerebral microangiopathy. A comparison of PET, SPECT, and magnetic resonance imaging findings]. Nucl.-Med, 34(2), 50-56.

Wallat, M., Hartje, W. & Willmes, K. (1995). Erprobung eines computergestützten Verfahrens zur Prüfung der geteilten Aufmerksamkeit mit hirngeschädigten Patienten. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 6(2), 128-136.

Willmes, K. (1995). Aphasia therapy research: Some psychometric considerations and statistical methods for the single-case study approach. In C. Code & D. J. Müller (Eds.), Treatment of Aphasia: From Theory to Practice (pp. 286-308). London: Whurr.

Wolschke, P., Willmes, K., Huber, W. & Guthke, J. (1995). Unterschiedliches Lernverhalten von Kindern im ersten Schuljahr beim begriffsanalogen Klassifizieren im Leipziger Lerntest DP-BAK. Heilpädagogische Forschung, 21(2), 97-110.

Hartje, W., Ringelstein, E. B., Kistinger, B., Fabianek, D. & Willmes, K. (1994). Transcranial Doppler ultrasonic assessment of middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity changes during verbal and visuospatial cognitive tasks. Neuropsychologia, 32(12), 1443-1452.

Luzzatti, C., Willmes, K., De Bleser, R., Bianchi, A., Chiesa, G., De Tanti, A., Gonella, M. L., Lorenzi, L. & Pozzoli, C. (1994). Nuovi dati normativi per la versione italiana dellAachener Aphasie Test (AAT. Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria, 55, 1086-1131.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1994). Nonverbaler Lerntest. Mödling: Schuhfried.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1994). Verbaler Lerntest. Mödling: Schuhfried.

Sturm, W., Hartje, W., Orgaß, B. & Willmes, K. (1994). Effektivität eines computergestützten Trainings von vier Aufmerksamkeitsfunktionen. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 5(1), 15-28.

Willmes, K. (1994). Psychometrie in der Neuropsychologie. Kumulative Habilitationsschrift an der Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft der Universität Bielefeld. Bielefeld

Ferbert, A. & Willmes, K. (1993). The relevance of neurological and functional outcome scales for acute stroke trials. In G. J. del Zoppo, E. Mori & W. Hacke (Eds.), Thrombolytic Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke II (pp. 217-223). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Gerwig, M., Willmes, K. & Hartje, W. (1993). Störungen nichtsprachlicher kognitiver Leistungen bei Aphasie. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 4(1), 54-64.

Huber, W., Klingenberg, G., Poeck, K. & Willmes, K. (1993). Die Supplemente zum Aachener Aphasie Test. Aufbau und Resultate der Validierung. Neurolinguistik, 7(1), 43-66.

Huber, W., Springer, L. & Willmes, K. (1993). Approaches to aphasia therapy in Aachen. In M.M. Forbes (Ed.), Aphasia Treatment: World Perspectives (pp. 55-86). San Diego: Singular Publishing Company.

Huber, W., Springer, L. & Willmes, K. (1993). Approaches to aphasia therapy in Aachen. Neurona, 16, 36-49.

Schlenck, K.-J., Bettrich, R. & Willmes, K. (1993). Aspects of disturbed prosody in dysarthria. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 7(2), 119-128.

Springer, L. & Willmes, K. (1993). Efficacy of language systematic learning approaches to treatment. In M. Paradis (Ed.), Foundations of Aphasia Rehabilitation (pp. 77-97). Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Springer, L., Willmes, K. & Haag, E. (1993). Training the use of wh-questions and prepositions in dialogues: A comparison of two different approaches in aphasia therapy. Aphasiology, 7(3), 251-270.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1993). A normative study on the European Attention Test Battery.

Sturm, W., Willmes, K. & Horn, W. (1993). L-P-S 50+. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Sturm, W., Willmes, K. & Horn, W. (1993). LPS 50+ - LEISTUNGSPRÜFSYSTEM FÜR 50-90JÄHRIGE. Tests Review.

Weiller, C., Willmes, K., Reiche, W., Thron, A., Isensee, C., Buell, U. & Ringelstein, E. B. (1993). The case of aphasia or neglect after striatocapsular infarction. Brain, 116(6), 1509-1525.

Willmes, K. (1993). Diagnostic methods in aphasiology. In G. Blanken, J. Dittmann, H. Grimm, J. C. Marshall & C.-W. Wallesch (Eds.), Linguistic Disorders and Pathologies. An International Handbook (pp. 137-153). Berlin: De Gruyter.

Willmes, K. & Poeck, K. (1993). To what extent can aphasic syndromes be localized? Brain, 116(6), 1527-1540.

Biniek, R., Huber, W., Glindemann, R., Willmes, K. & Klumm, H. (1992). Der Aachener Aphasie-Bedside-Test - Testpsychologische Gütekriterien. Der Nervenarzt, 63(8), 473-479.

Buchner, H., Ludwig, I., Veldkamp, R., Willmes, K. & Ferbert, A. (1992). Topographie der frühen kortikalen N. medianus-SEP: Ergebnisse für die Methodik in der Routine. Zeitschrift für Elektroenzephalographie, Elektromyographie und verwandte Gebiete, 23(4), 203-209.

Graetz, P., De Bleser, R. & Willmes, K. (1992). De Akense Afasie Test (AAT). Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger.

Guthke, J., Wolschke, P., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. (1992). Leipziger Lerntest - Diagnostisches Programm zum begriffsanalogen Klassifizieren (DP-BAK). Aufbau und Konstruktionseigenschaften. Heilpädagogische Forschung, 18(4), 153-161.

Jansen, C., Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1992). Geschlechtsspezifische "Aktivierungs"-Dominanz der linken Hemisphäre bei Entscheidungsreaktionen: Eine experimentelle Studie zur Lateralisierung von Aufmerksamkeitsleistungen. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 3(1), 44-51.

Willmes, K. (1992). Psychometric evaluation of neuropsychological test performances. In N. von Steinbüchel, D. Y. von Cramon & E. Pöppel (Eds.), Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (pp. 103-113). Heidelberg: Springer.

Willmes, K., Graetz, P., De Bleser, R., Schulte, B. & Keyser, A. (1992). De Akense Afasie Test - (2): Procedure voor individuele diagnostiek. Tijdschrift voor Logopedie &; Audiologie, 22, 140-157.

Biniek, R., Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Glindemann, R. (1991). Akute Aphasien, Diagnostik und klinischer Verlauf. In W. Firnhaber, K. Dworschak, K. Lauer & M. Nichtweiß (Hrsg.), Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie (S. 456-457). Berlin: Springer.

Biniek, R., Huber, W., Willmes, K., Glindemann, R., Brand, H., Fiedler, M. & Annen, C. (1991). AABT - AACHENER APHASIE-BEDSIDE-TEST (PSYNDEX Tests Review) [Aachener Aphasie Bedside-Test]. Nervenarzt, 62, 108-115.

Biniek, R., Huber, W., Willmes, K., Glindemann, R., Brand, H., Fiedler, M. & Annen, C. (1991). Ein Test zur Erfassung von Sprach- und Sprechstörungen in der Akutphase nach Schlaganfällen. Aufbau und Durchführung. Der Nervenarzt, 62(2), 108-115.

De Bleser, R., Willmes, K., Graetz, P. & Hagoort, P. (1991). De Akense Afasie Test (2): Psychometrische kenmerken van de Nederlandstalige versie. Logopedie en Foniatrie, 63, 207-217.

Glindemann, R., Willmes, K., Huber, W. & Springer, L. (1991). The efficacy of modelling in PACE-therapy. Aphasiology, 5(4-5), 425-429.

Graetz, P., De Bleser, R., Willmes, K. & Heeschen, C. (1991). De Akense Afasie Test: Constructie van de nederlandstalige versie van de AAT. Logopedie en Foniatrie, 63, 58-68.

Hannen, P., Hartje, W., Pach, R., Weber, E. & Willmes, K. (1991). Beurteilung der Fahreignung hirngeschädigter Patienten. In A. S. Cohen & R. Hirsig (Hrsg.), Fortschritte der Verkehrspsychologie '90. 30. bdp-Kongreß für Verkehrspsychologie und Fortbildungsveranstaltung Rorschach, 3.-5. Oktober 1990. Sektion Verkehrspsychologie im Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologen (S. 316-322). Bonn: Deutscher Psychologen-Verlag.

Hartje, W., Pach, R., Willmes, K., Hannen, P. & Weber, E. (1991). Fahreignung hirngeschädigter Patienten. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 2(2), 100-114.

Hartje, W., Willmes, K., Pach, R., Hannen, P. & Weber, E. (1991). Driving ability of aphasic and non-aphasic brain-damaged patients. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1(3), 161-174.

Luzzatti, C., Willmes, K. & De Bleser, R. (1991). Aachener Aphasie Test (AAT): Versione italiana. Firenze: Organizzazioni Speciali.

Posteraro, L., Mazzucchi, A., Luzzatti, C., Taricco, M., Cersosimo, A. & Willmes, K. (1991). Rehabilitation suggestions on post-traumatic language disorders. Giorn. Giornale Italiano di Medicina Riabilitativa, 5, 34-40.

Schneider, R., Kluge, R. & Willmes, K. (1991). Interrater agreement for CT scans of patients with lacunar infarcts and leuko-araiosis. Acta Neurologica Scandinavia, 84(6), 527-530.

Springer, L., Glindemann, R., Huber, W. & Willmes, K. (1991). How efficacious is PACE-therapy when 'language systematic training' is incorporated? Aphasiology, 5, 391-399.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1991). Efficacy of a reaction training on various attentional and cognitive functions in stroke patients. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1(4), 259-280.

Willmes, K. (1991). An approach to analyzing a single subject's scores obtained in a standardized test with application to the Aachen Aphasia Test. In B. P. Rourke, L. Costa, D. V. Cicchetti, K. M. Adams & K. J. Plasterk (Eds.), Methodological and Biostatistical Foundations of Clinical Neuropsychology (pp. 90-111). Amsterdam/ Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Willmes, K., Graetz, P., De Bleser, R., Schulte, B. & Keyser, A. (1991). De Akense Afasie Test (3): Procedure voor individuele diagnostiek. Logopedie en Foniatrie, 63, 375-386.

Gavazzi, P., Luzzatti, C., Spinnler, H. & Willmes, K. (1990). Disturbi di linguaggio e loro evoluzione nella demenza di Alzheimer. In D. Salmaso & P. Caffarra (Eds.), Normalità e patologia delle funzioni cognitive nell'invecchiamento (pp. 148-156). Milano: Franco.

Klingenberg, G., Heizmann, W., Huber, W., Willmes, K., Poeck, K. & Göddenhenrich, S. (1990). Wechselwirkungen zwischen Zuordnen und Benennen bei Aphasie. Neurolinguistik, 4(2), 89-108.

Ley-Pozo, J., Willmes, K. & Ringelstein, E. B. (1990). Relationship between pulsatility indices of Doppler flow signals and CO sub 2 -reactivity within the middle cerebral artery in extracranial occlusive disease. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 16(8), 763-772.

Wein, B., Böckler, R., Huber, W., Klajman, S. & Willmes, K. (1990). Computersonographische Darstellung von Zungenformen bei der Bildung der langen Vokale des Deutschen. Ultraschall in der Medizin, 11(2), 100-103.

Willmes, K. & Guillot, G. (1990). CASE - CASE - PC-Programm für die psychometrische Einzelfalldiagnostik (CASE 123; CASE123). (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Willmes, K. (1990). Statistical methods for a single-case study approach to aphasia therapy research. Aphasiology, 4(4), 415-436.

Goldenberg, G., Podreka, I., Uhl, F., Steiner, M., Willmes, K. & Deecke, L. (1989). Cerebral correlates of imagining colours, faces and a map - I. SPECT of regional cerebral blood flow. Neuropsychologia, 27(11-12), 1315-1328.

Goldenberg, G., Podreka, I., Steiner, M., Willmes, K., Suess, E. & Deecke, L. (1989). Regional cerebral blood flow patterns in visual imagery. Neuropsychologia, 27(5), 641-664.

Luzzatti, C., Willmes, K., Taricco, M., Colombo, C. & Chiesa, G. (1989). Language disturbances after severe head injury: Do neurological or other associated cognitive disorders influence type, severity and evolution of the verbal impairment ? A preliminary report. Aphasiology, 3(7), 643-653.

Poeck, K., Huber, W. & Willmes, K. (1989). Outcome of intensive language treatment in aphasia. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54(3), 471-479.

Sturm, W., Reul, J. & Willmes, K. (1989). Is there a generalized right hemisphere dominance for mediating cerebral activation? Evidence from a choice reaction experiment with lateralized simple warning stimuli. Neuropsychologia, 27(5), 747-751.

Goldenberg, G., Podreka, I., Steiner, M., Suess, E., Deecke, L. & Willmes, K. (1988). Pattern of regional cerebral blood flow related to visual and motor imagery: results of emission computerized tomography. In M. Denis, J. Engelkamp & J. T. E. Richardson (Eds.), Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches to Mental Imagery. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff.

Hartje, W., Reul, J. & Willmes, K. (1988). Left hemispheric interference with nonverbal performance in aphasics: Comparison with data from split-brain studies. Brain and Cognition, 8(2), 137-146.

Huber, W., Willmes, K. & Göddenhenrich, S. (1988). Diagnose von Leistungsdissoziationen beim Lexikalischen Diskriminieren. In K.-B. Günther (Hrsg.), Sprachstörungen. Probleme ihrer Diagnostik bei mentalen Retardierungen, Entwicklungsdysphasien und Aphasien (S. 306-329). Heidelberg: Edition Schindele.

Poeck, K. & Willmes, K. (1988). Reply to paper by D. H. Howes: Ideomotor apraxia: evidence for the preservation of axial movements. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 51, 595-596.

Ringelstein, E. B., Mauckner, A., Schneider, R., Sturm, W., Doering, W., Wolf, S., Maurin, N., Willmes, K., Schlenker, M., Brückmann, H. & Eschfelder, V. (1988). Effect of enzymatic blood defibrination in subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 51(8), 1051-1057.

Ringelstein, E. B., Mauckner, A., Schneider, R., Sturm, W., Doering, W., Wolf, S., Maurin, N., Willmes, K., Schlenker, M., Brückmann, H. & Eschfelder, V. (1988). Failure of enzymatic defibrilation to improve subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy in an acute trial. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 51, 1051-1057.

Schmitz-Gielsdorf, J., Willmes, K., Vondenhoff, C. & Hartje, W. (1988). Effects of spatial arrangement of letter pairs in a name-matching task with unilateral and bilateral hemifield stimulation. Neuropsychologia, 26(4), 591-602.

Willmes, K. (1988). Book review: P. D. Allison. Event history analysis: regression for longitudinal event data. Methodika, 2, 99.

Willmes, K., Luzzatti, C., Mazzucchi, A., De Bleser, R., Colombo, C. & Bisiacchi, P. (1988). L'Aachener Aphasie Test (AAT). III. Procedimento diagnostico per casi singoli. Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria, 49, 510-545.

Goldenberg, G., Podreka, I., Steiner, M. & Willmes, K. (1987). Patterns of regional cerebral blood flow related to memorizing of high and low imagery words - An emission computer tomography study. Neuropsychologia, 25(3), 473-485.

Luzzatti, C., Willmes, K., Bisiacchi, P., De Bleser, R., Faglia, L., Mazzucchi, A., Posteraro, L. & Taricco, M. (1987). L'Aachener Aphasie Test (AAT). II. Proprietá psichometriche della versione italiana. Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria, 48, 480-519.

Ringelstein, E. B., Mauckner, A., Sturm, W., Grosse, W., Matentzoglu, S., Zeumer, H., Doering, W., Wolf, S., Schneider, R., Maurin, N., Willmes, K., Schlenker, M. & Eschfelder, V. (1987). Failure of enzymatic defibrilation to improve subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy in an acute trial. In . J. Cervos-Navarro & R. Ferszt (Eds.), Stroke and Microcirculation (pp. 523-530). New York: Raven.

Schlenck, K.-J., Huber, W. & Willmes, K. (1987). "Prepairs" and repairs: Different monitoring functions in aphasic language production. Brain and Language, 30(2), 226-244.

Sturm, W., Reul, J. & Willmes, K. (1987). Der Einfluss von lateralisierten Warnreizen auf eine visuelle Wahlreaktionsaufgabe. In K. Poeck, W. Hacke & R. Schneider (Hrsg.), Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Nr. 4 (S. 237-239). Berlin: Springer.

Willmes, K. (1987). Book review: H. Jacob. Using published data: errors and remedies. Methodika, 1, 188.

Willmes, K. (1987). Book review: M. S. Aldenderfer & R. K. Blashfield. Cluster analysis. Methodika, 1, 186-188.

Willmes, K., Huber, W., Poeck, K. & Poersch, M. (1987). Die Wirkung von Piracetam bei der logopädischen Intensivtherapie von chronisch aphasischen Patienten. In H. Helmchen (Hrsg.), Wirkungen und Wirksamkeit von Nootropika (S. 177-187). Berlin: Springer.

Willmes, K. & Ratajczak, H. (1987). The design and application of a data- and methodbase system for the Aachen Aphasia Test. Neuropsychologia, 25(4), 725-733.

Willmes, K. (1987). Beiträge zu Theorie und Anwendung von Permutationstests in der uni- und multivariaten Datenanalyse. Dissertation, Universität, Fachbereich I - Psychologie, Trier.

De Bleser, R., Denes, G. F., Luzzatti, C., Mazzucchi, A., Poeck, K., Spinnler, H. & Willmes, K. (1986). L'Aachener Aphasie Test (AAT). I. Problemi e soluzioni per una versione italiana del test e per uno studio crosslinguistico dei disturbi afasici. Archivio di Psicologia, Neurologia e Psichiatria, 47, 209-237.

Hartje, W., Hannen, P. & Willmes, K. (1986). Effect of visual complexity in tachistoscopic recognition of Kanji and Kana symbols by German subjects. Neuropsychologia, 24(2), 297-300.

Ringelstein, E. B., Willmes, K. & Verbeek, M. (1986). Spontanverlauf asymptomatischer Läsionen der hirnversorgenden Halsarterien: Ergebnisse einer mehrjährigen Prospektivstudie. In R. C. Otto & P. Schnaars (Hrsg.), Ultraschalldiagnostik 85 (S. 696-697). Stuttgart: Thieme.

Schneider, R., Wöbker, G., Willmes, K., Jung, F. & Kiesewetter, H. (1986). Do different ischemic brain lesions have different hemorheological profiles? Klinische Wochenschrift, 64, 357-361.

Greitemann, G. & Willmes, K. (1985). Einzelfalldiagnostik und Befundung mit dem Aachener Aphasie Test. In L. Springer & G. Kattenbeck (Hrsg.), Aphasie. München: Tuduv.

Haag, E., Huber, W., Hündgen, R., Stiller, U. & Willmes, K. (1985). Repetitives sprachliches Verhalten bei schwerer Aphasie. Der Nervenarzt, 56(10), 543-552.

Hartje, W., Willmes, K. & Weniger, D. (1985). Is there parallel and independent hemispheric processing of intonational and phonetic components of dichotic speech stimuli? Brain and Language, 24(1), 83-99.

Oepen, G., Mohr, U., Willmes, K. & Thoden, U. (1985). Huntington's disease: Visuomotor disturbance in patients and offspring. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 48(5), 426-433.

Willmes, K. (1985). An approach to analyzing a single subject's scores obtained in a standardized test with application to the Aachen Aphasia Test (AAT). Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 7(4), 331-352.

Huber, W., Poeck, K. & Willmes, K. (1984). The Aachen Aphasia Test. In F. C. Rose (Ed.), Advances in Neurology, Vol.42: Progress in Aphasiology (pp. 291-303). New York: Raven Press.

Willmes, K. & Poeck, K. (1984). Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Untersuchung über die Spontanprognose von Aphasien vaskulärer Ätiologie. Nervenarzt, 55, 62-71.

Willmes, K. & Poeck, K. (1984). Spontanprognose von Aphasien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Antwerpen:

De Bleser, R., Huber, W., Graf von Keyserlingk, D., Poeck, K. & Willmes, K. (1983). Sprachstörungen bei umschriebenen Hirnschädigungen. Alma Mater Aquensis, 20, 130-135.

Gandha, I., Dahmen, W., Hartje, W., Willmes, K. & Weniger, D. (1983). To what extent are the cognitive performances of Wernicke's aphasics disturbed by their own vocalizations? Brain and Cognition, 2(1), 12-24.

Huber, W. Poeck, K., Weniger, D. & Willmes, K. (1983). Der Aachener Aphasie Test (AAT). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Huber, W., Poeck, K., Springer, L. & Willmes, K. (1983). Matters arising: Treatment of acquired aphasia: speech therapists and volunteers compared. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 46, 691-692.

Huber, W., Poeck, K., Weniger, D. & Willmes, K. (1983). AAT - AACHENER APHASIE TEST. Tests Review.

Lehmkuhl, G., Poeck, K. & Willmes, K. (1983). Ideomotor apraxia and aphasia: An examination of types and manifestations of apraxic symptoms. Neuropsychologia, 21(3), 199-212.

Roebruck, P. & Willmes, K. (1983). Nichtnegative Varianzkomponentenschätzungen in ANOVA-Modellen mit gemischten Effekten und ihre Anwendung auf die Generalisierbarkeitstheorie. Diagnostica, 29(1), 1-25.

Sturm, W., Dahmen, W., Hartje, W. & Willmes, K. (1983). Ergebnisse eines Trainingsprogramms zur Verbesserung der visuellen Auffassungsschnelligkeit und Konzentrationsfähigkeit bei Hirngeschädigten. Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, 233(1), 9-22.

Sturm, W. & Willmes, K. (1983). LPS-K - eine LPS-Kurzform für hirngeschädigte Patienten; mit Anleitung zur psychometrischen Einzelfalldiagnostik. Diagnostica, 29(4), 346-358.

Willmes, K., Poeck, K., Weniger, D. & Huber, W. (1983). Facet theory applied to the construction and validation of the Aachen Aphasia Test. Brain and Language, 18(2), 259-276.

Poeck, K., Lehmkuhl, G. & Willmes, K. (1982). Axial movements in ideomotor apraxia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 45(12), 1125-1129.

Willmes, K. (1982). A comparison between the Lehmacher & Wall rank tests and Pyhel's permutation test for the analysis of r independent samples of response curves. Biometrical Journal, 24(7), 717-722.

Blunk, R., De Bleser, R., Willmes, K. & Zeumer, H. (1981). A refined method to relate morphological and functional aspects of aphasia. European Neurology, 20(2), 69-79.

Weniger, D., Willmes, K., Huber, W. & Pöck, K. (1981). Der Aachener Aphasie Test. Reliabilität und Auswertungsobjektivität. Der Nervenarzt, 52(5), 269-277.

Willmes, K. (1981). Permutation tests for MANOVA designs (Abstract). Biometrics, 37, 603.

Willmes, K. (1981). A new look at the Token Test using probabilistic test models. Neuropsychologia, 19(5), 631-645.

Willmes, K. & Pyhel, N. (1981). Permutationstests als Alternative zur Varianzanalyse. Der Split-Plot Versuchsplan. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 12(3), 186-198.

Huber, W., Weniger, D., Poeck, K. & Willmes, K. (1980). Der Aachener Aphasie Test: Aufbau und Überprüfung der Konstruktion. Nervenarzt, 51, 475-482.

Willmes, K., Poeck, K., Weniger, D. & Huber, W. (1980). Der Aachener Aphasie Test: Differentielle Validität. Nervenarzt, 51, 553-560.

Schulz, D. & Willmes, K. (1979). Verhaltenstherapie ohne Verhaltensanalyse? Standard-Verfahren, Verhaltensanalyse-Verfahren und differentielles Verfahren in der Verhaltenstherapie. Diagnostica, 25(2), 103-108.

Specht, K., Herzog, H., Heßelmann, V., Jäncke, L., Krause, B. J., Perk, Y., Radermacher, I., Schmidt, P., De Simone, A., Sliwka, U., Tellmann, L., Willmes, K. & Huber, W. Transaktionale Aphasie als Kompensationssyndrom der rechten Hemisphäre? Untersuchung eines Einzelfalls mittels neurolinguistischer und bildgebender Methoden und Vergleich mit einer Kontrollgruppe. In M. Hielscher, P. Clarenbach, S. Elsner, W. Huber & B. Simons (Hrsg.), Beeinträchtigungen des Mediums Sprache - Aktuelle Untersuchungen in der Neurolinguistik (S. 37-56). Tübingen: Stauffenberg.

weitere Schriften:

Willmes, K. (1976). Untersuchungen zu einer differenzierteren Angstmessung in verschiedenen Situationen. Unveröffentlichte Vordiplomarbeit im Fach Psychologie, RWTH Aachen.

Willmes, K. (1974). Nichtparametrische Varianzanalyse bei festen Effekten für die zweifache Klassifikation mit gleichen Besetzungszahlen - Wechselwirkungen. Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit im Fach Mathematik, RWTH Aachen.

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