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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wagner

letzte Aktualisierung: 23.07.2024

Hübner, N., Jansen, M., Stanat, P., Bohl, T. & Wagner, W. (2024). Alles eine Frage des Bundeslandes? Eine mehrebenenanalytische Betrachtung der eingeschränkten Vergleichbarkeit von Schulnoten. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 27(2), 517-549.

Wagner, W. & Kronberger, N. (2024). Can essences mix? An essentialist theory of genetic hybrids in the human and animal domain. New Ideas in Psychology, 73, No. 101061.

Wagner, W., Zitzmann, S. & Hecht, M. (2024). HBMIRT: A SAS macro for estimating uni- and multidimensional 1- and 2-parameter item response models in small (and large!) samples. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 4130-4161.

Zachrich, L., Wagner, W., Bertram, C. & Trautwein, U. (2024). Really? It depends! How authentic learning material affects involvement with personal stories of the past. Learning and Instruction, 92, No. 101921.

Goldberg, P., Wagner, W., Seidel, T. & Stürmer, K. (2023). Why do students exhibit different attention-related behavior during instruction? Investigating effects of individual and context-dependent determinants. Learning and Instruction, 83, No. 101694.

Hübner, N., Wagner, W., Zitzmann, S. & Nagengast, B. (2023). How strong is the evidence for a causal reciprocal effect? Contrasting traditional and new methods to investigate the reciprocal effects model of self-concept and achievement. Educational Psychology Review, 35(1), No. 6.

Wagner, W., Hecht, M. & Zitzmann, S. (2023). A SAS macro for automated stopping of Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation in Bayesian modeling with PROC MCMC. Psych, 5(3), 966-982.

Hübner, N., Wagner, W., Meyer, J. & Watt, H. M. G. (2022). To those who have, more will be given? Effects of an instructional time reform on gender disparities in STEM subjects, stress, and health. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 816358.

Jaekel, A.-K., Wagner, W., Trautwein, U. & Göllner, R. (2022). "The teacher motivates us - Or me?" - The role of the addressee in student ratings of teacher support? Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71, No. 102120.

Volk, C., Rosenstiel, S., Demetriou, Y., Sudeck, G., Thiel, A., Wagner, W. & Höner, O. (2022). Health-related fitness knowledge in adolescence: Evaluation of a new test considering different psychometric approaches (CTT and IRT). German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 52(1), 11-23.

Zitzmann, S., Wagner, W., Hecht, M., Helm, C., Fischer, C., Bardach, L. & Göllner, R. (2022). How many classes and students should ideally be sampled when assessing the role of classroom climate via student ratings on a limited budget? An optimal design perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 34(2), 511-536.

Berendes, K., Wagner, W. & Böhme, R. (2021). Phonembewusstheit nach schriftsprachlichem Input. Entwicklung eines Instruments für angehende Primarschullehrkräfte. Diagnostica, 67(3), 149-160.

Kramer, J., Thomm, E., Oschatz-Grant, K., Wagner, W. & Bromme, R. (2021). Test zur Einschätzung wissenschaftlicher Widersprüche (TEWI): Messung wissenschaftsbezogenen Reflexionsvermögens in der Sekundarstufe II. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24(6), 1525-1548.

Marder, J., Goellner, R., Wagner, W. & Fauth, B. (2021). Ask me, I (Dis)agree! Acquiescence in student ratings of teaching quality in German vocational schools. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 68, No. 100937.

Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Holtz, P. & Rufaedah, A. (2021). Accounting for a riot: Religious identity, denying one's prejudice, and the tool of blasphemy. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9(1), 69-85.

Putra, I. E., Wagner, W., Holtz, P. & Rufaedah, A. (2021). Accounting for a riot: Religious identity, denying one's prejudice, and the tool of blasphemy. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 9(1), 69-85.

Volk, C., Rosenstiel, S., Demetriou, Y., Krustrup, P., Thiel, A., Trautwein, U., Wagner, W., Höner, O. & Sudeck, G. (2021). Effects of a physical education intervention programme for ninth-graders on physical activity-related health competence: Findings from the GEKOS cluster randomised controlled trial. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 55, No. 101923.

Berendes, K., Wagner, W. & Boehme, R. (2020). TEPP - Testverfahren zur Erfassung der Phonembewusstheit nach schriftsprachlichem Input von angehenden Primarschullehrkräften. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Fauth, B., Göllner, R., Lenske, G., Praetorius, A.-K. & Wagner, W. (2020). Who sees what ? Conceptual considerations on the measurement of teaching quality from different perspectives. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik - Beiheft, 66(Beiheft), 138-155.

Fauth, B., Wagner, W., Bertram, C., Göllner, R., Roloff, J., Lüdtke, O., Polikoff, M. S., Klusmann, U. & Trautwein, U. (2020). Don't blame the teacher? The need to account for classroom characteristics in evaluations of teaching quality. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(6), 1284-1302.

Göllner, R., Fauth, B., Lenske, G., Praetorius, A.-K. & Wagner, W. (2020). Do student ratings of classroom management tell us more about teachers or about classroom composition? Zeitschrift für Pädagogik - Beiheft, 66(Beiheft), 156-172.

Hübner, N., Wagner, W., Hochweber, J., Neumann, M. & Nagengast, B. (2020). Comparing apples and oranges: Curricular intensification reforms can change the meaning of students' grades! Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(1), 204-220.

Goldberg, P., Sümer, Ö., Stürmer, K., Wagner, W., Göllner, R., Gerjets, P., Kasneci, E. & Trautwein, U. (2019). Attentive or not? Toward a machine learning approach to assessing students' visible engagement in classroom instruction. Educational Psychology Review, 1-23.

Hübner, N., Wagner, W., Nagengast, B. & Trautwein, U. (2019). Putting all students in one basket does not produce equality: Gender-specific effects of curricular intensification in upper secondary school. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(3), 261-285.

Wagner, W., Kropf, M., Kramer, J., Schilling, J., Berendes, K., Albrecht, R., Hübner, N., Rieger, S., Bachsleitner, A., Lühe, J., Nagy, G., Lüdtke, O., Jonkmann, K., Gruner, S., Maaz, K. & Trautwein, U. (2019). Upper secondary education in academic school tracks and the transition from school to postsecondary education and the job market. In H.-P. Blossfeld & H.-G. Roßbach (Eds.), Education as a lifelong process. The German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (pp. 253-276). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Zeromskyte, R. & Wagner, W. (2019). If your group is (not) great: Positive vs. negative trait priming motivates majorities and minorities to adapt essentialist attributions. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 7(1), 478-506.

Krys, K., Capaldi, C. A., van Tilburg, W., Lipp, O. V., Bond, M. H., Vauclair, C.-M., Manickam, L. S. S., Domínguez-Espinosa, A., Torres, C., Lun, V.- M.- C., Teyssier, J., Miles, L. K., Hansen, K., Park, J., Wagner, W., Yu, A. A., Xing, C., Wise, R., Sun, C.-R., Siddiqui, R. S., Salem, R., Rizwan, M., Pavlopoulos, V., Nader, M., Maricchiolo, F., Malbran, M., Javangwe, G., Is^D)ik, I., Igbokwe, D. O., Hur, T., Hassan, A., Gonzalez, A., Fülöp, M., Denoux, P., Cenko, E., Chkhaidze, A., Shmeleva, E., Antalíková, R. & Ahmed, R. A. (2018). Catching up with wonderful women: The women-are-wonderful effect is smaller in more gender egalitarian societies. International Journal of Psychology, 53(S1), 21-26.

Stieb, S., Fischbeck, S., Wagner, W., Appels, J. & Wiewrodt, D. (2018). High psychosocial burden in relatives of malignant brain tumor patients. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 170, 1-6.

Hübner, N., Wagner, W., Kramer, J., Nagengast, B. & Trautwein, U. (2017). Die G8-Reform in Baden-Württemberg. Kompetenzen, Wohlbefinden und Freizeitverhalten vor und nach der Reform. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 20(4), 748-771.

Putra, I. E. & Wagner, W. (2017). Prejudice in interreligious context: The role of metaprejudice and majority-minority status. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 27(3), 226-239.

Voss, T., Wagner, W., Klusmann, U., Trautwein, U. & Kunter, M. (2017). Changes in beginning teachers' classroom management knowledge and emotional exhaustion during the induction phase. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 51, 170-184.

Zeromskyte, R. & Wagner, W. (2017). When a majority becomes a minority: Essentialist intergroup stereotyping in an inverted power differential. Culture & Psychology, 23(1), 88-107.

Krys, K., Melanie Vauclair, C., Capaldi, C. A., Lun, V.- M.- C., Bond, M. H., Domínguez-Espinosa, A., Torres, C., Lipp, O. V., Manickam, L. S. S., Xing, C., Antalíková, R., Pavlopoulos, V., Teyssier, J., Hur, T., Hansen, K., Szarota, P., Ahmed, R. A., Burtceva, E., Chkhaidze, A., Cenko, E., Denoux, P., Fülöp, M., Hassan, A., Igbokwe, D. O., Isik, I., Javangwe, G., Malbran, M., Maricchiolo, F., Mikarsa, H., Miles, L. K., Nader, M., Park, J., Rizwan, M., Salem, R., Schwarz, B., Shah, I., Sun, C.-R., van Tilburg, W., Wagner, W., Wise, R. & Yu, A. A. (2016). Be careful where you smile: Culture shapes judgments of intelligence and honesty of smiling individuals. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 40(2), 101-116.

Lenske, G., Wagner, W., Wirth, J., Thillmann, H., Cauet, E., Liepertz, S. & Leutner, D. (2016). Die Bedeutung des pädagogisch-psychologischen Wissens für die Qualität der Klassenführung und den Lernzuwachs der Schüler/innen im Physikunterricht. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 19(1), 211-233.

Hanke, K., Liu, J. H., Sibley, C. G., Paez, D., Gaines, Stanley O., Jr., Moloney, G., Leong, C.-H., Wagner, W., Licata, L., Klein, O., Garber, I., Böhm, G., Hilton, D. J., Valchev, V., Khan, S. S. & Cabecinhas, R. (2015). "Heroes" and "Villains" of world history across cultures. PLoS ONE, 10(2), No. e0115641.

Wagner, W., Kello, K. & Howarth, C. (2015). "Are they crazy?": Social representations, conformism, and behavior. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46(10), 1295-1299.

Howarth, C., Wagner, W., Magnusson, N. & Sammut, G. (2014). "It's Only Other People Who Make Me Feel Black": Acculturation, Identity, and Agency in a Multicultural Community. Political Psychology, 35(1), 81-95.

Kello, K. & Wagner, W. (2014). Intrinsic and extrinsic patriotism in school: Teaching history after Estonia's critical juncture. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 43, 48-59.

Kronberger, N., Wagner, W. & Nagata, M. (2014). How natural is "more natural"? The role of method, type of transfer, and familiarity for public perceptions of cisgenic and transgenic modification. Science Communication, 36(1), 106-130.

Wagner, W., Hansen, K. & Kronberger, N. (2014). Quantitative and qualitative research across cultures and languages: Cultural metrics and their application. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 48(4), 418-434.

Frindte, W., Boehnke, K., Kreikenbom, H. & Wagner, W. (2012). Lebenswelten junger Muslime in Deutschland. Ein sozial- und medienwissenschaftliches System zur Analyse, Bewertung und Prävention islamistischer Radikalisierungsprozesse junger Menschen in Deutschland.

Holtz, P., Kronberger, N. & Wagner, W. (2012). Analyzing internet forums. A practical guide. Journal of Media Psychology, 24(2), 55-66.

Kronberger, N., Holtz, P. & Wagner, W. (2012). Consequences of media information uptake and deliberation: Focus groups' symbolic coping with synthetic biology. Public Understanding of Science, 21(2), 174-187.

Liu, J. H., Paez, D., Hanke, K., Rosa, A., Hilton, D. J., Sibley, C. G., Cabecinhas, R., Zaromb, F., Garber, I. E., Leong, C.-H., Moloney, G., Valchev, V., Gastardo-Conaco, C., Huang, L.L., Quek, A.-H., Techio, E., Sen, R., van Osch, Y., Muluk, H., Wagner, W., Wang, F., Khan, S., Licata, L., Klein, O., Laszlo, J., Fülöp, M., Cheung, J.- C.- k., Yue, X., Youssef, S. B., Kim, U., Park, Y., Puch-Bouwman, J., Hassall, K., Adair, J., Unik, L., Spini, D., Henchoz, K., Böhm, G., Selart, M., Erb, H.-P., Thoben, D. F., Leone, G., Mastrovito, T., Atsumi, T. & Suwa, K.-i. (2012). Cross-cultural dimensions of meaning in the evaluation of events in world history?: Perceptions of historical calamities and progress in cross-cultural data from thirty societies. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(2), 251-272.

Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Nagata, M., Sen, R., Holtz, P. & Flores Palacios, F. (2010). Essentialist theory of 'hybrids': From animal kinds to ethnic categories and race. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 13(4), 232-246.

Holtz, P. & Wagner, W. (2009). Essentialism and attribution of monstrosity in racist discourse: Right-wing Internet postings about Africans and Jews. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 19(6), 411-425.

Wagner, W. (2009). Social representation theory as an approach to societal psychology. In M. de la Torre Gamboa (Ed.), Concepciones y representaciones del cambio educativo. San Nicolás de los Garza, NL México: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.

Wagner, W., Holtz, P. & Kashima, Y. (2009). Construction and deconstruction of essence in representating social groups: Identity projects, stereotyping, and racism. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 39(3), 363 - 383.

Sugiman, T., Gergen, K., Wagner, W. & Yamada, Y. (2008). Meaning in Action Construction, Narratives and Representations. New York: Springer.

Kronberger, N. & Wagner, W. (2007). Inviolable versus alterable identities. Culture, biotechnology and resistance. In G. Moloney & I. Walker (Eds.), Social representations and identity: Content, process and power (pp. 177-196). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wagner, W. (2007). Social representation theory as an approach to societal psychology. In E. Orr & A. Ben Asher (Eds.), The Familiar and the Unfamiliar-Social Representations of Israeli Societies. Ber Sheva: Ben Gurion University of the Negev Press.

Wagner, W. (2007). Vernacular science knowledge: its role in everyday life communication. Public Understanding of Science, 16(1), 7-22.

Ben Asher, S., Wagner, W. & Orr, E. (2006). Thinking groups: Rhetorical enactment of collective identity in three Israeli Kibbutzim. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 9(2), 112-122.

Gaskell, G., Stares, S., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Corchero, C., Fischler, C., Hampel, J., Jackson, J., Kronberger, N., Mejlgaard, N., Revuelta, G., Schreiner, C., Torgersen, H. & Wagner, W. (2006). Europeans and Biotechnology in 2005: Patterns and Trends-Eurobarometer 64.3. A report to the European Commissions Directorate-General for Research.

Gaskell, G., Stares, S., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Corchero, C., Fischler, C., Hampel, J., Jackson, J., Kronberger, N., Mejlgaard, N., Revuelta, G., Schreiner, C., Torgersen, H. & Wagner, W. (2006). Europeans and biotechnology in 2005: Patterns and trends. Final report on Eurobarometer 64.3. A report to the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research. Brussels: European Commision.

Nagata, M., Hibino, A., Sugiman, T. & Wagner, W. (2006). Biotechnology in the Japanese media and public. In G. Gaskell & M. Bauer (Eds.), Genomics and Society: Legal, ethical and social dimensions. London: Earthscan.

Nagata, M., Hibino, A., Sugiman, T. & Wagner, W. (2006). The Japanese experience. In G. Gaskell & M. W. Bauer (Eds.), Genomics and society: Legal, ethical and social dimensions (pp. 212-227). London: Earthscan.

Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Berg, S. F. & Torgersen, H. (2006). The monster in the public imagination. In G. Gaskell & M. W. Bauer (Eds.), Genomics and society: Legal, ethical and social dimensions (pp. 151-168). London: Earthscan.

Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Valencia, J. & Duarte Pereira, M. L. (2006). Quantitative and qualitative cross-cultural comparison: The role of cultural metrics. In J. Straub, D. Weidemann, C. Kölbl & B. Zielke (Eds.), Pursuit of meaning. Advances in cultural and cross-cultural psychology (pp. 293-318). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

Sen, R. & Wagner, W. (2005). History, emotions and hetero-referential representations in inter-group conflict: The example of Hindu-Muslim relations in India. Papers on Social Representations, 14, 2.1-2.23.

Wagner, W. & Hayes, N. (2005). Everyday discourse and common sense. The theory of social representation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Torgersen, H., Hampel, J. & Bardes, J. (2004). GM foods and the misperception of risk perception. Risk Analysis, 24(1), 185-194.

Wagner, W. (2004). Detector-indicator co-evolution and trans-individual modularity - a proposal. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 2, 283-294.

Wagner, W. (2004). Detector-indicator systems, culture and trans-individual modularity - A proposal. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 2(3-4), 283-294.

László, J. & Wagner, W. (Eds.). (2003). Theories and controversies in societal psychology. Budapest: New Mandate.

Wagner, W. (2003). The relationship of phantom limb pain to other phantom limb phenomena in upper extremity amputees. Papers on Social Representations, 12, 8.1-8.7.

Wagner, W. & László, J. (2003). History, identity and social representations as theoretical perspectives in a societal psychology. In J. László & W. Wagner (Eds.), Theories and controversies in societal psychology (pp. 7-12). Budapest: New Mandate.

Wagner, W. & Mecha, A. (2003). On discursive construction, representation and institutions: A meta-empirical study. In J. László & W. Wagner (Eds.), Theories and controversies in societal psychology (pp. 102-116). Budapest: New Mandate.

Wagner, W. & Wagner, G. P. (2003). Examining the modularity concept in evolutionary psychology: The level of genes, mind and culture. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 1(3-4), 135-166.

Einsiedel, E., Allansdottir, A., Allum, N., Bauer, M. W., Berthomier, A., Chatjouli, A., de Cheiveigné, S., Downey, R., Gutteling, J. M., Kohring, M., Leonarz, M., Manzoli, F., Olofsson, A., Przestalski, A., Rusanen, T., Seifert, F., Stathopoulou, A. & Wagner, W. (2002). Brave new sheep - the clone named dolly. In M. W. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Biotechnology. The making of a global controversy (pp. 313-347). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Helmke, A., Jäger, R. S., Balzer, L., Hosenfeld, I., Ridder, A., Schrader, F.-W. & Wagner, W. (Hrsg.). (2002). Das Projekt MARKUS. Mathematik-Gesamterhebung Rheinland-Pfalz: Kompetenzen, Unterrichtsmerkmale, Schulkontext. Landau: Verlag Empirische Pädagogik.

Midden, C., Boy, D., Einsiedel, E., Fjaestad, B., Liakopoulos, M., Miller, J. D., Öhman, S. & Wagner, W. (2002). The structure of public perceptions. In M. W. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Biotechnology. The making of a global controversy (pp. 203-223). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wagner, W. & Kronberger, N. (2002). Cross-cultural comparison with quantitative and qualitative methods. Psicologia da Educação, 14(15), 115-142.

Wagner, W., Kronberger, N. & Seifert, F. (2002). Collective symbolic coping with new technology: Knowledge, images and public discourse. British Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 323-343.

Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Wagner, W., Nielsen, T. H., Jelsø, E., Kohring, M. & Bauer, M. (2001). The public eye: Representations of biotechnology in Europe. In G. Gaskell & M. Bauer (Eds.), Biotechnology 1996-2000: The years of controversy. London: The National Museum of Science and Industry.

Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Wagner, W., Nielsen, T. H., Jelsøe, E., Kohring, M. & Bauer, M. W. (2001). In the public eye: representations of biotechnology in Europe. In G. Gaskell & M. W. Bauer (Eds.), Biotechnology 1996-2000. The years of controversy (pp. 53-79). London: Science Museum.

Gattinger, E., Ardelt-Gattinger, E., Wagner, W. & Wieser, P. (2001). Die Moral von Top-Managern und von sozial und materiell benachteiligten Haftentlassenen. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 1.

Kronberger, N., Dahinden, U., Allansdottir, A., Seger, N., Pfenning, U., Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Rusanen, T., Montali, L., Wagner, W., Cheveigné, S., Diego, C. & Mortensen, A. (2001). The train departed without us Public perceptions of biotechnology in ten European countries. Notizie di Politeia, 17(63), 26-36.

Torgersen, H., Egger, C., Grabner, P., Kronberger, N., Seifert, F., Weger. P. & Wagner, W. (2001). Austria and Europe - a cautious approach. In G. Gaskell & M. Bauer (Eds.), Biotechnology 1996-2000: The years of controversy. London: The National Museum of Science and Industry.

Wagner, W. (2001). The social representations network and its consequences-A personal account. In F. Buschini & N. Kalampalikis (Eds.), Penser la vie, le social, la nature - Mélanges en lhonneur de Serge Moscovici. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.

Wagner, W. & Kronberger, N. (2001). Killer tomatoes! Collective symbolic coping with biotechnology. In K. Deaux & G. Philogène (Eds.), Representations of the social. Bridging theoretical traditions (pp. 147-164). Oxford: Blackwell.

Wagner, W., Kronberger, N., Gaskell, G., Allum, N., Allansdottir, de Cheveigné, S., Dahinden, U., Diego, C., Montali, L., Mortensen, A. T., Pfenning, U., Rusanen, T. & Seger, N. (2001). Nature in disorder: the troubled public of biotechnology. In G. Gaskell & M. W. Bauer (Eds.), Biotechnology 1996-2000. The years of controversy (pp. 80-95). London: Science Museum.

Kronberger, N. & Wagner, W. (2000). Keywords in context: Statistical analysis of text features. In M. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Qualitative researching with text, image and sound. A practical handbook (pp. 299-317). London: Sage.

Wagner, W. & Kronberger, N. (2000). Genetic engineering: The subversion of natural order - Images of life and living beings in the biotechnology debate. In C. Garnier (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Representations. Montreal:

Wagner, W. & Kronberger, N. (2000). Processes of symbolic coping with new technologies. In E. Hölzl (Ed.), Conference Proceedings of the IAREP/ SABE conference "Fairness and Cooperation". Vienna: International Association for Research in Economic Psychology.

Wagner, W., Duveen, G., Verma, J. & Themel, M. (2000). "I have some faith and at the same time I don't believe" - Cognitive polyphasia and cultural change in India. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 10(4), 301-314.

Wagner, W. & Torgersen, H. (2000). Eurobarometer-Umfrage 1999 über Einstellungen der Bevölkerung zu Biotechnologie/Gentechnik: Vergleich 1996/1999 aus österreichischer Sicht. Ernährung, 24(7-8), 294-297.

Wagner, W., Duveen, G., Farr, R., Jovchelovitch, S., Lorenzi-Cioldi, F., Marková, I. & Rose, D. (1999). Theory and method of social representations. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2(1), 95-125.

Wagner, W., Themel, M., Duveen, G. & Verma, J. (1999). The modernization of tradition: Thinking about madness in Patna, India. Culture & Psychology, 5(4), 413-445.

Wagner, W. & Yamori, K. (1999). Can culture be a variable? Dispositional explanation and cultural metrics. In T. Sugiman, M. Karasawa, J. H. Liu & C. Ward (Eds.), Progess in Asian social psychology, Volume II: Theoretical and empirical contributions (pp. 33-55). Seoul: Kyoyook-Kwahak-Sa Publishing Company.

Seifert, F. & Wagner, W. (1998). Medienaktivität zur Gentechnologie in Österreich. Eine Längsschnittanalyse. SWS-Rundschau, 38(2), 249-264.

Wagner, W. (1998). Professional intervention in organisations a representational approach. In V. Rigas (Ed.), Social Representations and Contemporary Social Issues. Athens: Ellinika Grammata.

Wagner, W., Torgersen, H., Grabner, P., Seifert, F. & Lehner, S. (1998). Biotechnology in the Austrian public. In J. Durant, G. Gaskell & M. Bauer (Eds.), Biotechnology in the Public Sphere: a European Sourcebook. London: The National Museum of Science and Industry.

Wagner, W. (1998). From method to critique: A reply to Vonk and van Vliet. European Journal of Social Psychology, 669-673.

Wagner, W. (1998). Professional intervention in organisations towards a representational approach. In A.- V.- D. Rigas (Ed.), Social representations and contemporary social problems (pp. 78-89). Athens: Ellinika Grammata.

Wagner, W. (1998). Social representations and beyond: Brute facts, symbolic coping and domesticated worlds. Culture & Psychology, 4(3), 297-329.

Wagner, W., Torgersen, H., Seifert, F., Grabner, P. & Lehner, S. (1998). Austria. In J. Durant, M. W. Bauer & G. Gaskell (Eds.), Biotechnology in the public sphere: A European sourcebook (pp. 15-28). London: The National Museum of Science and Industry.

Gaskell, G., Wagner, W. & Torgersen, H. (1997). Europe ambivalent on biotechnology. Nature, 387, 845-847.

Wagner, W. (1997). Gentechnik im öffentlichen Bewußtsein- Ein europäischer Vergleich. In Zukunft der Gentechnik. Wien: Österreichischer Rundfunk und Europäische Kommission.

Wagner, W. (1997). Word Associations in Questionnaires-A Practical Guide to Design and Analysis. Series in Social Research Methods #3, London School of Economics and Political Science. London: LSE.

Wagner, W. (1997). Local knowledge, social representations and psychological theory. In K. Leung, U. Kim, S. Yamaguchi & Y. Kashima (Eds.), Progress in Asian social psychology (Volume 1) (pp. 55-75). Singapore: John Wiley & Sons.

Wagner, W. (1996). Queries about social representation and construction. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 26(2), 95-120.

Wagner, W. (1996). The social representation paradigm. Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 35(3), 247-255.

Wagner, W., Valencia, J. & Elejabarrieta, F. (1996). Relevance, discourse and the "hot" stable core of social representations - A structural analysis of word associations. British Journal of Social Psychology, 331-351.

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